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Everything posted by JanMary

  1. 1. a. Although we can't "lose" our salvation (It's a gift freely given and for which we did nothing to earn it....) we abide and continue in order to bear fruit and to grow in grace as He develops His character in us. (We have an enemy whose sole purpose is to kill, steal and destroy God's work, if possible.) To remain a "baby" Christian, who is apathetic about being discipled or resists renewing the mind with Scripture is to deny our Lord access to bring the Gospel to the unbelievers around us who desperately need to hear through our words and actions, and sets us up to be vulnerable to deception, lies, and confusion. b. Paul Admonished the "foolish" Galatians, (ch 1:6 on) for so quickly deserting Jesus' Gospel of Salvation by Grace, to embrace an "opposition" gospel of going back to live under the law. (Trying to put the old wine of legalism into the new wineskin of salvation by grace, alone). Since Paul's letter to them, there have been dozens (hundreds?) of attempts to pervert the true Gospel, which result in sects, ism's, cults, which embrace some truth but all deny that Jesus is God and faith in Him alone can save us. There is that fallen nature in all of us which wants to take credit for or to earn salvation! (I chuckle when I remember serving in the door to door "I found it" campaign years ago. Bill Bright had a great idea, and it did bear fruit...we led many people to the Lord. One lady asked "Where have you been? The cults have been here frequently at my door but never has a Christian knocked! But it gave the idea that we can take credit for salvation....when in fact He has been hunting us down and chasing after us by His Spirit in hot pursuit of our souls since the day we were born. (I didn't find Him...He found me) Thank you, Jesus. 2. We sow regardless of the soil the "seed" (Gospel) falls on. (Only He knows the condition of the soil) Some sow, some water, some reap the harvest, but our responsibility is to be faithful to sow "in season and out of season" as we have opportunity. I'm grateful that we don't have the responsibility "to save others" That is Holy Spirit's work who empowers our testimony and words to His honor and glory. 3. At first we are like baby birds....until we learn to "feed ourselves" on His Word. We are easily discouraged and easily tempted and distracted needing more mature believers to teach, instruct and encourage us to stand fast, for trials and tribulations surely follow salvation. ( I shared Christ with a lady at our gym who was depressed and needing encouragement, who said "I tried that, and the Baker's corruption on T.V. disillusioned me...I gave money and watched them every day. I'm going to look for something else now" and walked away. She had received Christ, but was turned aside by others failure to live with integrity because she did not know the scriptures. I'm so thankful that an older woman in the church took me under her wing, taught me how to pray, took me to a morning Bible Study group with loving older women in the faith and loved on our children in proxy for our parents who lived out of state. When we planted a young sapling in our yard we hammered a strong stake in the ground next to it, and hooked them together to support it until it could stand on it's own. I saw Hazel as my steadying "stake" until I was well grounded in the word and no longer needed steady encouragement, and could search out answers on my own. I know she continued to pray for us and for our children until she went to Heaven. I have always thanked the Lord for the gift of her life and for her faithfulness to disciple me!
  2. 3a: Rather than relying on Scripture which is meaningless for non-Jews, Paul keys into God's goodness to the Lystran's in permitting them to walk in their own ways since they didn't have a revelation of God. Paul also reminds them of God sending them rains from Heaven, fruitful seasons, satisfying their hearts with nourishment and happiness, then tells them about their need for the Savior, Jesus. b. In Athens, Paul uses the demonstration of power in dealing with the demon possessed slave girl who claimed to have the ability to tell the future and after many days of her annoying Paul He stopped and commanded the demonic spirit to come out of her! This caused a furor with her "handlers" who lost their income, and Paul and Silas were dragged before the authorities, which caused them to be attacked by the crowd and they were put in prison as trouble makers. As they sang and worshipped God, an earthquake shook the prisons foundations and the doors were opened. The distraught jailer drew his sword to kill himself thinking they had escaped...but they stayed his hand, shared Christ with him and he and his entire household were saved. He then bathed them, dressed their wounds and allowed them to be baptized...fed them food and told them they were free to go....then the magistrates came to tell them officially they were released, but Paul seized on his Roman citizenship and the unauthorized beating with no trial, and demanded the authorities come and personally accompany them out....then went to the house of Lydia, where they consoled and encouraged their believing brethren . c. Paul seized on the common ground of them believing in gods....then showed them in scripture and with power that Jesus is God and Savior. d. Common ground in my area, which is not only pagan, but anti-Christ (California), is to simply prayerfully present the Gospel, by first sharing how He has miraculously delivered me from premature death in a serious rollover car accident, and from the spirit of death and suicide from growing up in violence and death threats from parents. (2 of my brothers have committed suicide). I share about the transforming love, power and grace of Jesus who is my Lord and Savior, and that my life is now His and one of Joy and freedom. I often ask if I may pray with them about whatever is going on in their lives. I've never been told no. (If there is time, I share how my back injury from the car wreck was miraculously healed, through a word of Knowledge over T.V. while watching the 700 club. Ben Kinchlow was interviewing Demos Shakarian, Pres. of Full Gospel Businessmen, who suddenly turned to the camera and said "There is a lady watching who is being healed right now...you have a back injury....actually it's your low back/pelvic area, injured in a car accident. Stand up and do what you have been unable to do!" I had been lying on the couch crying from pain...when he spoke about the healing, I heard clicking noises in my back and the pain left. I stood up and touched the floor and twisted...no pain. I ran to the phone and called the number on the screen and told them I was the lady who was just healed....Our God is so amazing!
  3. 1a. When Paul encounters the sorcerer named Bar-Jesus (Elymas: Wise man, the name given himself) who sought to keep the proconsul Sergius Paulus, from receiving Christ, Paul faced him, called him out for his sorcery and being the son of the devil, then in the power of the Holy Spirit pronounced him blind for a time. Then Sergius Paulus believed when he observed what had happened. (Acts 13:6-12) 1b. In Iconium, Paul and Barnabus stayed a long time speaking freely and fearlessly and boldly in the Lord who continued to bear testimony to the Word of His grace, granting signs and wonders to be performed by their hands. 2. I don't believe so, as the miracle could be accredited to some other source apart from the Word of God. (In Revelation, the anti-Christ, empowered by the false prophet will do signs and wonders, even enabling a statue to speak words.) A miracle of God needs to be accompanied by His Word preached in the power of the Holy Spirit. 3. Yes, I have. The most notable was seeing Marion Burgio (whom I didn't know until later when I ministered with her), emaciated and crippled from a disease, and near death, carried in on a stretcher at a Kathryn Kuhlman crusade in Oakland, California. When the Word was preached, healings began all over the arena floor. I was seated in the balcony and saw the lady (Marion) transformed from near death and paralysis to life. Her mousy gray hair color was even restored to a beautiful brown color. No one touched her. She told me later that her family brought her, near death, in hope that something could be done for her. She told me later "I thought when I heard the beautiful singing, that I'd died and was in Heaven". She had a young son and was restored to her family as wife and mother...and then evangelist. Ironically, the Lord had spoken to me a number of times to invite my neighbor to go with me. I was a very new believer and kept arguing that she wouldn't want to go because she is Catholic. I stalled until the day before when He finally said "Ask Gloria!" I did and nearly fainted when she said she would love to go. When we walked in and were seated in the balcony we noticed the entire choir was Catholic Nuns!!!! Gloria accepted the Lord that day! Praise God for His faithfulness and patience with us...later her husband came to talk to me about Jesus and to get some answers to his questions, (God graciously helped me to answer them) and he too became a believer! 3b. If miracles are not happening, the Word is not being preached in the power of the Holy Spirit. I can't think of any other reason.
  4. 1. The Gospel of Jesus is the fulfillment of Jewish prophecy, fore telling His virgin birth, sacrificial death on the Cross and Resurrection from the dead, from Genesis through Malachi! 2. Paul approaches the Jewish believers by using the scriptures familiar to them, to show them that Jesus is the Messiah they've been looking for, and that adherence to Mosaic law was a temporary "band aid" until the coming of the perfect blood Sacrifice, God's Sacrificial Lamb, Who was crucified and raised from death to life. (He was punished for our sins to give us His Righteousness.) 3. The essence is this: All mankind is sinful due to Adam's sin in the garden, and each of us needs a Savior in order to be in right relationship with our Holy God... Jesus is the Savior whose blood was shed to forgive every sin, past, present and future for those who believe and receive Him as their personal Savior and Lord. (There was a Savior before there was a sinner...God's foreknowledge and preparation allowing for free will and the inevitable attraction to choose sin) A nugget: God spoke to Adam to not eat from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil....BEFORE Eve was created! So Eve only heard Adam's recount of the Word from God...which probably lacked the authority and power of the Words spoken to Adam. (Helped me to understand why Words spoken to me sound like just ordinary conversation when repeated to my husband!!! ?
  5. 1. Paul felt compelled of necessity to preach the Gospel....the glad tidings of the Lord! 2. Paul preached of his own free will, entrusted with a sacred trusteeship and commission. 3. It is his honor to be used in ministry but desired no glory for doing so. 4. God graces us with gifts....we are free to use them or not....but if we desire to be found faithful, we too will choose, as Paul did, to allow Holy Spirit to work through us and to make our calling sure through ministry. 5. The opposite would be "slothfulness" or apathy, or rebellion.
  6. 1. For one thing they were different races, Manaen was a member of the court of Herod, and Saul/Paul still had a lingering reputation as an outsider and persecutor of Christians. They needed to be in one accord as they were worshipping and meeting together. Holy Spirit is a unifier! Barnabas and Saul had just returned from a completed mission, and they were seeking God regarding sharing the Gospel of Jesus. 2. Holy Spirit spoke and said to separate Barnabas and Saul for the work to which He had called them. 3. Arrogance? Divisiveness between denominations? Not really serious about knowing God's will? Lack of urgency to spread the Gospel? Passivity (someone else will do it).? Cold hearts? 4. It was critical in spreading the Gospel to the Gentile nations. 5. It was confirmation to them of their call to Gentiles, that they should work as a team, and were being sent out by their brothers in Christ, who would provide a prayer covering, interceding for them, and they may have financed the journey as well.
  7. 1: Peter was "people pleasing" rather than walking in truth...because Jewish believers (of the circumcision) had arrived, he distanced himself from the Gentile believers he had eaten with prior to this day. He was modeling hypocrisy, insincerity and pretense (v. 13b Amp) or walking in deception. 2: Peter was afraid of offending the Jewish believers..."fear of man"... He feared the loss of his reputation or position in the church. 3. Paul saw that Peter was not living up to the truth of the Gospel, and others were being led astray by this double mindedness. (trying to walk in the law, forgetting that grace replaced adherence to the law.) 4. Gal 3:28: "There is no longer Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female...for we are all one in Christ Jesus."
  8. 1: We learn in culture to be humans "doing" rather than human beings. We learn that there are rewards in Heaven for what we accomplish on earth for the kingdom of God. We read about the "movers and shakers" both in the Bible and in history who accomplished great feats and success in their accomplishments. We hear in motivational sermons to get out there and get going! When in fact "the race is not to the swift" in the kingdom of God, but to the deeply devoted, surrendered, spirit led, followers of Christ who live in obedience, daily accomplishing what He leads each individual to do. We are now in an upside down Kingdom from the kingdoms on earth. The greatest is the servant, the rewards are for only those things the Holy Spirit accomplishes through our lives. We have to relearn from the words of Jesus what He considers important. (Mary listening to Jesus' teaching at His feet, while miffed Martha is sweating in the kitchen doing what is "really important", and so on.) I love that one in a hospital bed praying for others, another, giving a cup of cold water to the thirsty, or spending a few moments encouraging the downhearted neighbor or clerk at the store, or a mother changing diapers and loving her child, may be accomplishing all that He had in mind for them to "do" today...what was important to Him...caring for others. We can get caught up in "comparing ourselves or measuring ourselves by one another, and become fools" 2 Cor 10:12 2. Patience is a fruit of the Spirit....and only develops through trials and testing and long periods of waiting. Spiritual growth is a work of God within us...not something we "accomplish". We don't send a 6 year old to the store with a 100 dollar bill to buy groceries. We know how that would turn out. He is patient in developing our character (His Character...the Fruit of the Spirit) in us, and He is NEVER in a hurry. His plan is to prepare us, giving us small "tasks" as we grow, and as we are more equipped, He entrust us with more responsibility. I've learned that I don't know the plan! He reveals it to me day by day....he is the flashlight and the road map for my next steps, often in the dark. It seems it's on a "need to know" basis....He knows and I don't need to...If I follow His lead each day, we'll get to where ever He is taking me, and He'll accomplish through me what is most important to Him. 3. An untested leader is certain to fail...and will lead others over the cliff in "self confident" folly. One may have "leadership" gifts, but before one leads well, one must learn to follow well. He develops Servant Leaders, who live as examples in serving. 4. Jesus laid aside His Deity when He came to earth, and depended every moment on listening to Holy Spirit to "do only what I see My Father doing, or "say only what I hear My Father saying." He demonstrated to us how to live and to walk following His footsteps...in the same way that He walked here on earth, listening and then following His Fathers instruction.
  9. A. After the Lord came to him and gave him a Word of promise, Abraham believed in (trusted in, relied on, remained steadfast to the Lord and He counted it to Him as righteousness). I loved learning some years ago, that Abraham lived in grace.. 400 years (I believe) before the Law was given to Moses at Mount Sinai! He and God had a friendship, a personal relationship...God called Abraham His friend. As the years went by with the promises delayed, Abraham believed God was faithful and would fulfill His word of promise and obeyed God even to be willing to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac when he was tested in that, believing God would provide a lamb for the sacrifice...would raise Isaac from the dead. B. In the same way that Abraham did....We respond with a heartfelt "YES" when introduced to Jesus, accepting with gratitude His sacrifice on the cross for "whosoever will" come. (John 3:16) (The same Holy Spirit drew Abraham to God, as He does with us to Jesus God) C. For me, trusting means surrender to His Lordship and control, every morning. It means remembering that He is my creator and the lover of my soul, and knows what is best for me...Including trials and testing to grow my faith and trust in Him. It means He is first in my life above all others and all else. It means when we conflict, I die to myself, my will, my wishes, because He is my Lord and Savior. It means that because I am His and He is mine, my response is to worship Him alone. It means the promises He has made to me will be fulfilled in His time...one in 1979 and another in 1990....I trust Him, even through tears and anguish at times as we wait. He cannot lie! He is faithful and I trust Him.
  10. A. Oh, been there done that, as a new believer. I studied to "catch up" with other believers, and studied "to know what to do, and how to act." Memorized some verses to impress. My damaged childhood caused such feelings of inferiority that I tried to "be as good" as others by obeying the law. The church we were attending at that time taught the Law, and grace was just a misunderstood word. It wasn't until I was baptized in the Holy Spirit and He began to teach me that the law "kills" and grace "gives life" and that when "I compared myself with others and measured myself by them, I was without understanding or a fool". 2 Corinthians 10:12) What freedom it is to live in Christ and to be growing in Grace and knowing Him and trusting Him alone! B. When I was "trusting myself and what I knew (very little) and was trying to "grow" myself to "meausure up"...an impossibility which produced guilt and shame and a sense of failure. I was focused on me and my "Performance." What joy I experience every day, knowing He is always right here in me, around me, loving me, speaking words of love and encouragement to me, growing me in grace and deeds, and that I can at last be me, flawed, imperfect, childlike, curious, but with a new heart and mind, loved as if I'm His only daughter, ...all to His honor and glory.
  11. A. I think it was to demonstrate to Saul/Paul that even though the vision/blindness was right from God's own hand, he was going to need brothers in Christ in order to accomplish what was to be his life work. (Humility, training, submission to one another, total dependence upon the Lord) His mission was no longer to kill and imprison Christians, but to serve and teach them about being set free from the law, by walking and living in GRACE! B. Ananias had heard about Saul's vendetta toward Christians and the suffering he had caused for saints in Jerusalem. It didn't make sense to him to confront an enemy of God, so he argued/questioned God's wisdom. C. When we are asked/directed to do what the Lord shows us/asks us to do and is out of our comfort zone, difficult and perhaps involving risk, obedience takes courage. Courage isn't fearlessness, it's obeying and doing what we're asked to do, even while afraid. D. He reminded God that Saul had authority from the high priests to put Christians in chains. After He heard again from the Lord that the man was a chosen instrument to bear before Kings, and Gentiles and descendants of Israel, the Name of the Lord, and would suffer much for the Name of the Lord, Ananias went immediately into the house and laid hands on Saul, and prayed for his sight to re restored. E. Yes, a number of times! Yes, I have obeyed, by His Grace, and I've been afraid while obeying. On one occasion it was to speak to a homeless man and to pray for him. (I wondered if he might be angry and attack me, as I'm a woman and was alone) I could see he was ill and asked If I could pray for him. He showed me his badly infected hand oozing green pus and I was even more afraid. But I laid hands on him feeling the Lord's love and compassion for him. I told him how much the Lord loves him and cares about his well being, then left. I came home crying and called the police to see if they could do something about getting him to some medical care and they said they could not..."those people want to be where they are." I continued to pray for him. When I saw him again a week later, he held up his hand and smiled...completely healed! Thank you, Jesus!!!! Another time I that I was very afraid, the Lord spoke a word to me that I was to share with the pastor of the church we had just started to attend, and I was more afraid to do this than talking to the homeless man. I argued with the Lord and said "I can't...I don't know him...I've never done this before"etc. Then I said "If he's standing all alone after the service I will do this, thinking that would never happen, as he was always surrounded by people. After the service there he was...all by himself! I was clumsy and didn't ask permission to give him a word, as I would do now, I just told him what the Lord had given me to say, and left, feeling like a total idiot and embarrassed! Several weeks later, when what I spoke came to pass, and continues even now, he looked at me out in the congregation, our eyes met, and I saw gratitude and a nod. He had obeyed what was spoken to him and he and the church were blessed and continues to be even now. Again, Thank you, Jesus!
  12. A. Believers are indwelt by God the Holy Spirit, and.we are IN Christ, so persecuting a believer is actually persecuting Christ Himself. He warns us that the servant is not above the Master, and as He was persecuted, so will we be also. By the same token Mt 25:40 says when we've cared for others, Jesus said "as far as you've done it for the least of these, My brethren, you've done it for me".....His words, His hands, His feet, His love and grace extended through us. B. I was "trained to be obedient" through violent, abusive parenting with fists and leather razor strap, so I don't need goads or prods to get me moving. On the contrary, I fell in love with Jesus, my Gentle Shepherd who leads rather than in the style of Oriental shepherds of old, who drove the sheep from behind with whips. Not that I haven't strayed badly a time or two in rebellion, but He left the 99 and came after me, loved me into repentance, put me on His shoulders and carried me back to His "flock" and His green pasture, where I belong and where I never want to stray again. C. Part of my repentance involved seeing that I was breaking His heart....it was painful for both of us! But those incidents retrained me to no longer want to stray or to pursue my own way, as He healed the brokenness and dysfunction which led to disobedience. How I praise and thank Him for mercy and grace!
  13. Q3a: He envisioned the vineyard to be very fruitful. b. He dug, trenched the ground to hold water, removed the stones and planted with choicest vines, built a tower and hewed our a wine press, then looked for it to yield grapes. (Prepared in advance providing everything necessary for His vision to be fulfilled) c. It provided "wild" uncultivated grapes...a worthless crop. d. He said He would remove its' hedge of protection, break down its' wall, lay it waste, no longer prune or cultivate it, and command the clouds to stop raining upon it. (He left it to deteriorate and wither and to fall into ruin.) e. The parable is what He envisioned and desired for His people Israel, that they grow and thrive in His love and care and become "fruitful" in their lives and in their faith and walk with Him. He provided everything for them to enable them to fulfill His desire for them....but they "would not." There is no accommodation possible for "free will"....which is left to the choice of each individual. So He removed His blessing and favor and they would go into captivity and mourning as a consequence for their rebellion and disobedience....and hopefully would repent and return to Him.
  14. Q2a. The Latter Days....refers to the Millennial Reign, where Gentiles from all nations will come to Jerusalem where Jesus will reign from the Throne of David. His Word and instruction will go forth from Jerusalem to the nations. He will judge disputes, and bring order. b. The Jews will walk in the light of the Lord! (Finally! What a great day that will be, when they recognize their Messiah at last and He is in His rightful place after thousands of years of darkness, and spiritual blindness.) c. The spiritual hunger will draw the generations of peoples born during His reign to Jerusalem to be instructed in Truth, and to walk in His ways. d. It will be a time of peace in the world (swords beaten into plowshares, spears into pruning hooks....farming and growing food, rather than fighting and killing. War will be over!
  15. 1. Judah has forgotten who their God and Father is.....preferring to forsake the One Who loves them, to live in sin, contempt, rebellion and hypocrisy, estranged from Him. (Praying vain prayers for help....while continuing in their corrupt practices.) 2. We can't serve two masters....so if a child of God forgets Who his Father is, that one will stray and live in and as the world lives, estranged from Him. (though God will never leave nor forsake His children, longing for and calling each one back home to Him.) The consequences are: removing oneself from His Blessing....a guilty conscience, making bad choices which have their own unique consequences, being a poor example to others who may be confused by this behavior and turn away from God. I liked this example I heard: Straying into a sinful lifestyle is like pounding nails into a board. Repentance and forgiveness will remove the nails, but the holes/scars are still there. (Hopefully painful enough to prevent another excursion into "the mud") 3. "Your hands are full of blood!" They chose to worship idols and participate in heathen practices, celebrating created things instead of their loving Creator. They forgot His admonition to seek justice, relieve the oppressed and to correct the oppressor, defend the fatherless and to plead for the widow. Their rebellion against the One Who chose and loves them is totally unreasonable...foolishness! He said the result would be that they will be devoured by the sword! (His protection removed) 5. He urges them to reconsider....and though their sins are as scarlet, He will forgive and wash them as white as wool. To come back under His "Wings" of protection, restoration, blessing, fellowship, forgiveness, help and guidance.
  16. Q4a: Rom 8:26,27: Holy Spirit comes and bears us up in our weakness for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to pray and goes to meet our supplications and pleads in our behalf with yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance. Jude 20: We build ourselves up in our most Holy faith, making progress and rising like an edifice higher and higher. Eph 6:18: Pray at all times on every occasion and season in the Spirit, to the end keeping alert and persevering, interceding in behalf of all the saints. All of that to say: Holy Spirit is our PRAY-ER. He inspires our prayers, corrects our prayers in taking them to our Father, aids others via our prayers, and builds up our inner woman/man, in faith, in the process of our praying! b. In order for our prayers to be effective, we need to know when and how and what to pray! (One of my early mentors had painful arthritis. I often told her I will be praying for you. I would be in a meeting, or asleep at night and awakened, or driving in the car to the store and would hear in my spirit: Pray for Ruth and I would pray. She quite often asked "Were you praying for me at (such and such) a time? The pain stopped!" And I was able to answer "Yes, Holy Spirit let me know you were suffering." c. Recently, I was praying for someone's daughter for healing, and Holy Spirit let me know that she was being tormented emotionally by an unclean spirit which was the cause of the illness. So I prayed and took authority over that spirit (Luke 10:19). On Sunday a woman was praying with me, and Holy Spirit showed her the confirmation of what He has been showing me about a very painful family situation ( but I hadn't shared it with anyone) I did after she prayed, then we came into agreement and prayed for the answer! (Mt: 18:19) So many other examples of His intervention in prayer which is so encouraging and for which I am so very thankful! It's wonderful to be reminded that He knows all there is to know about all there is to know....and hears our thoughts and intentions every moment, and intervenes when we pray in order that our prayers are productive and in line with His purposes!
  17. Q3a: Worship may involve our whole being....We use our arms raised in worship, our hands clapping in worship, our feet and body in worship and dance, and our voice speaking praise and worship as well as singing, as the Psalms and Paul admonish us to practice. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, worship becomes a natural outflow of our love and gratitude to our Lord, for choosing, calling, saving us and dwelling inside us in personal relationship and intimacy with Him. b. Singing in worship is an outflow of our joy of being His own beloved daughter or son. I saw the sweetest example of this when we purchased a cute bird feeder, much like a house, with 6 open sides and a pointed roof. A few days after the birds discovered there was a variety of seeds in it, one we named Chirpy flew to the little knob at the peak of the roof, pushed out his chest, looked all around then up to the sky and sang the most joyful and beautiful song!!!! I said, There is a perfect example of rejoicing in song and praise to the Lord! (I want to remember that "picture" when I'm struggling to praise in the midst of pain and hardship! Praise is not only commanded in Scripture, but it's medicine for our sin damaged souls! It not only pleases Him, it lifts us up as well, and changes our perspective on our circumstances!) Hebrews 2:12 was a life changing verse for me when I received revelation about it's meaning pertaining to corporate worship and praise: For He (Jesus) says, "I will declare Your (the Father's) Name to My brethren in the midst of the worshipping congregation. I (Jesus) will sing hymns of praise to You (the Father). Ps 22:22 When I understood that Jesus in me praises His (and my Father) through my voice in corporate worship, all hesitancy vanished regarding my weak or scratchy voice! That matters not! But that I allow Him to worship the Father through my mind, spirit and body, gave singing in church a whole new wonderful meaning!
  18. Q2a: A truism: " We become like the people we hang around with.". This is silly but I remember reading that baby ducklings bond with whatever they "see" first when a hatchling. If a turkey walks by at that moment they will follow the turkey as their mother. I've seen ducklings who bonded with a kitten! In the same way, the more time we spend in God's Word, our minds begin to be renewed and aligned with His thoughts. The more time we spend in His Presence, the more we come to understand His great love for us and His total acceptance of us as His sons and daughters. Like a baby duckling, we see "in the mirror" of His Word, Who God is, and we desire to become like Him, and to follow Him....and so we do, gradually. One day He said "We will be like Him, when we see Him face to face." The transformation will be complete. Our flesh will have been left behind and our personality, character and spirit will be with Him, ready for our new perfect eternal body. b. Yes, I have noticed that transformation has been taking place. I had not thought of it, but now that the question has been asked, I do. What an amazing thing to be able to see. How encouraging! c. Why? I would say it's due to the amount of time I have spent with Him every morning for 46 years......always at least several hours as I soak in His Word, talk to Him about everything under the sun, have learned to listen and ask His opinion about things...and He answers, quite often with a Bible verse which is the perfect answer. An odd thing started happening some years ago. I'd be at the store or someplace in public, and not knowing a soul, but having spent time with our Father, people would look at me and smile...at times someone walking by would stop and turn suddenly and look back at me and smile. One day a young woman was walking by, suddenly stopped and said "Oh my!" so I stopped to see what was the matter. She said nothing is the matter, but as I passed you I could see a bright light shining around you! Amazing! Very beautiful!" Then I remembered that I'd prayed that people would see Him in me! He must be shining through this 76 year old face!
  19. Q 1a: Jesus was connected and fully surrendered to, as well as totally dependent upon His Father (and ours), and said "I only do what I see My Father doing. In the same way, in order for us to bear fruit which lasts and has eternal value, we must be connected to (totally dependent) upon the Vine, Jesus. John 15:5 Apart from Me (cut off from vital union with Me) you can do nothing. b. The "fruit" is anything done which glorifies God, (John 14:8) which is done in obedience to Him and His Word, and which He produces through our lives, which includes the Fruit of the Spirit in (Gal 5:22,23) Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, perseverance, faithfulness, gentleness (meekness, humility) and self control. c. No, It's not accurate. Jesus alone saves souls. We may be used as we walk with Him to tell others about Him, share the way to Salvation, and pray for and with individuals to receive Jesus and His gift of Salvation....but we do not "save souls." d. The danger is first of all pride, if we lead someone to salvation, taking credit for it. Second, there is danger in feeling totally responsible for others salvation. We are not, although we pray, encourage, share our own faith walk and experience with Him, Salvation is His gift and is offered to everyone (John 3:16) to either freely choose or reject. (I heard a young man say one time in a prayer the result of this incorrect belief: I know Brent's blood will be on my hands if he dies without accepting Jesus.)What a hideous (and false) burden to carry! I love that we have been "re-gifted!" The Father chose us and called us before the foundation of the world was formed (Eph 1:4) and gave us to Jesus as His love gift.(John 17:6, 8,9)...in the fullness of time, Holy Spirit came alongside and softened our hearts, encouraged us through what we've heard or read or seen or experienced. (John 15:26)....and when we said "Yes" to Him, Jesus redeemed us, washed us clean in His blood, forgave all of our sins, past present and future, and gave us back to His Father (and now ours) as His love gift. (John 17:9)
  20. Q4a. A servant attitude acknowledges the appropriateness, willingness and commitment to listen then to obey...what may not be what we want to hear! b. A surrendered heart is a trusting heart...one who recognizes the voice of a loving master. (Just as Jesus is surrendered to His Father's will). I've had to grieve the abuse of childhood, but have thanked God that I learned to obey without questioning (although that was out of fear, it was still training to be obedient now out of love for my Father in Heaven). I've had to chuckle about my first time of hearing His voice! Which was to be an assistant Bible Study leader many years ago. Scared to death and feeling totally inadequate I felt like He was asking me to take this baby step. The night before training was to start, I "heard" you're going to be a leader. I'd never "heard" HIS voice so decided that was Satan, and rebuked him and told him to get behind me! The next morning at training, feeling sure I would only be responsible for assistant duties (taking roll, handing out papers, etc), the Pastor's wife and coordinator told me that they needed me to be a leader! I gulped and knew that since it was HIM speaking the night before, He would equip and carry me all the way through! (He did! Sometimes I was so frightened that I had to pull over to the roadside going there thinking I was going to throw up! But like I've heard Joyce Meyer say, Courage is doing it afraid! It was a great blessing and prepared me for the next leadership position, then for the next then for writing Bible Studies!!! He truly knows what He's doing!
  21. Q3a. I've found His promptings to be more subtle, more like an impression. When I was driving and was lost (I have a terrible sense of direction!) and I asked Him for help, there was just a nudge to turn right at the next corner and then the next left when I was approaching a cross street and after driving in circles He led me home. Recently, one day after seeing a homeless man I'd noticed before and had been praying for him as I'd seen him pushing his grocery cart of belongings, I felt a nudge to stop and chat with him. He was very ill with a large wound on his hand oozing green pus. We chatted and introduced ourselves and he allowed me to pray with him for healing and to affirm God's love for him. Several weeks later when I saw him again he stuck out his hand and it was 99% healed. Another fun example was in Carmel walking on the beach after a lovely weekend and was looking for a special shell or little rock to remind me of the blessing of being there. But there was not a shell or rock to be found as the tide was in. I felt a nudge to look up and noticed two men walking toward me and as we passed each other, one man reached out and without a word, put something in my hand. I smiled and said "Thank you!" as he kept walking away and I continued on my way. It was a 1 1/2" rough red heart shaped rock with a small hole worn in it and when I turned it over there was a small hole in the other side. I immediately thought of Jesus and the spear plunged into his heart on the cross after He died. With tears I said Thank You, Papa, for this beautiful token and reminder that I'm in Your heart and that You live in mine....always listening for my voice! And thank you for that man who felt nudged to give me the treasure he'd found! I've only heard His audible voice one time...when I'd told Him I'd love to hear Him say my name..(I'm almost never called by my name....usually nicknames. My name means "God is gracious") Much later having forgotten I'd asked, one morning as I was opening my eyes from sleep I heard His voice say my name! The most beautiful Sound!!!! Gentle and beautiful! I've "heard" His command voice in my spirit one time when I was in grave danger and had no idea! I was alone in a wilderness area several miles away from any population, in my car in the winter reading my Bible, praying and writing about my troubled thoughts in my journal. There was no one around for miles and I felt perfectly safe in my car! In my spirit I "heard" GO NOW! it was urgent but not scary! I dropped my pen and journal, started the car and circled the large parking area toward the only entrance/exit which was a narrow short driveway. As I was in that short confined space I passed a man in a black car coming in. I looked over and was looking into the eyes of sheer evil....2 feet away! The hair on the back of my neck literally stood on end! Shaking then, I drove quickly away realizing If I hadn't obeyed that very moment, I would have been trapped and no one would have heard my cries for help. I said "Lord! What evil did you just save me from????" Only He knows! How I thank Him for speaking, warning and protecting us. Most often I "hear" His quiet voice in my mind teaching me, reassuring me, correcting me, giving me direction or scripture I need to hear or as I listen to someone speaking, He may give me the sense that what I'm hearing is meant for me from His heart. I think the key to being sensitive to His voice it to understand and know that He is always speaking, always trying to make Himself known to our world, and to practice His Presence in our daily walk so that we're always listening for Him. Where have I seen Him lately? Just this week after praying for the means to go to a pilates class, knowing it's expensive and was impossible! One of my brothers who has always sent $50.00 for my birthday (it's on Christmas and he thinks I get cheated!)….I opened my card and there was a check for $1,000.00! He lives across the country and I hadn't mentioned my prayer or desire to anyone! Only God could have nudged him to do that! I'm filled with gratitude, wonder and praise!
  22. Q2a. Holy Spirit is that go between or link. His prayer language when I pray in tongues is carried to our Father without needing an interpretation! And when I pray in English, Romans 8:26, 27 tells me that even if I don't know how to pray, He takes my prayer and perfects it to the Father's ear, pleading with yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance. 2b. I do. It's the best time of my day! I have a comfy love seat in the den where I go every morning before anyone is awake, usually around 6:00 a.m. I can close the door and spend several hours without interruption, and I'm free to read my Bible and other devotions, to pray, to listen, to cry or whatever! The phone never rings that early and my mind is fresh and open and longing to be with Him and to hear Him reaffirm His love and constant care for me and for my loved ones both who know Him and those who don't yet know Him. 3b. I can't think of anything. I have my journal and pen to write what I hear and to open myself and my thoughts and prayers to Him. I have a cup of coffee, and it's cozy and comfortable. I have a Bible dictionary if needed and a Who's Who in the Bible to look up obscure names or places. When I enter the room I sense that He's been waiting for me and looking forward to our time as much as I am. I spend more time talking than in praise and worship! But I'm always open to hearing His voice.
  23. Q1a. I see Him going out early in the morning alone before daylight to a deserted place to pray. V.35. 1b. My experience has been that is the best time to be alone, to be quiet, to listen without distractions. A fresh start to a new day before all of the needs and noise press in. He is our example and I'm so grateful to Him for teaching me to do the same. This is the time I usually hear Him speaking to my heart when I'm the most teachable! I ask for His agenda for the day and to lead me to where He wants me to go. 1c. He opened His heart and mind to His Father to seek His will and plan for that day, rather than relying on his own wisdom. He was/is always in submission to His Father. I love the verse in Psalm 37:23 "The steps of a good man are directed and established by the Lord when He delights in his way (and He busies Himself with his every step." George Mueller wrote beside that verse in his Bible..."and his stops"....I've written the same in mine, because the stops are also His way of leading and caring for us. 1d. Jesus was/is an obedient Son...and knew that His purpose on earth was to accomplish the complete will of His Father while here. Surrender to His Father empowered Him to do all that He accomplished, from His first steps until His last breath was breathed out on the Cross.
  24. Q4a. I believe it shows they are dysfunctional and immature in their emotional and spiritual development, emotionally wounded and have low self esteem. Pride seems most often to be an over compensation for insecurity. We are called the "walking wounded" and have been "called out" for shooting our wounded rather than helping to heal one another. My hope is that we pray for those who boast or glorify themselves in their gifting. (I've been healing for years from wounding and abuse....so I recognize my own wounds in others who haven't yet been set free, and thank the Lord for wiser, more kind, mature believers who came along side me rather than to judge or ostracize me....love healed me from the fear and insecurity of using my gifts, rather than pride, but both are hindrance from the flesh and make the gifts "null and void". b. The gift which is most prevalent is evangelism....but I also have been gifted with encouragement-exhortation. Those often work together. The gift of mercy has come "late to the party" after years of nearly constant trials and tribulation. That gift often functions first now, then leads into the others. I'm a writer and the motivation is to be to encourage others in their faith, and to "make Him known." When I took a "test" for the gifts early on, the only obvious one was evangelism, the others have come along in stages. The main question in helping me determine my gifts was "What is your motivation or passion?" My answer just flew out! "To encourage others to know Christ and to empower them to become all they have been created to be."
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