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Everything posted by Delivered

  1. Q5. (Isaiah 26:19) Does this passage actually teach a bodily resurrection? What this passage teaches me when it says "the the dead will live and their bodies will rise" is that the Nation Israel which was banished, judged dead, will one day "RISE" to be restored, is also to me a metaphor to the bodily “RESURRECTION" of the remnant of those who died to their sins and are anxiously waiting for the return of the Deliverer to come out of Zion, who are rejoicing that the days of God's mighty judgment will be over and that peace on earth has been ordained by God in that day.
  2. Q4. (Isaiah 26:3-4) According to this verse, what is the key to perfect peace? The key to perfect peace is as described in these verses as prophesied to Israel, the key to perfect peace comes from "TRUSTING" in the God of Israel to do what he says he will do, faith that God who banished Israel and driven them out because of their former sins and times will restore them as a nation to the favor of God - this is the perfect peace that we Gentiles may also have as we put our "TRUST" in the saving grace and mercy of God's Son, because we are saved by "FAITH" - not just any faith, but a "TRUSTING" faith seen in Abraham as he in "PERFECT PEACE" brought his son to the altar of his God, the LORD JEHOVAH. Why the Lord is called the "Rock eternal"? The "LORD JEHOVAH" - the God of Israel is called the "Rock" because He is unchangeable, true, and strong, and because he keeps his promises is why I am able to find, and be in perfect peace, for the "LORD JEHOVAH" is what my faith stands on, it is because of Him that I have placed my hope on "GOD'S ROCK" His Son -- Faith believing - what the "FATHER" said the "SON" will do in my life, is true, He will bring to me "ETERNAL LIFE"
  3. Q3. (Isaiah 25:7) Why does the promise that "he will swallow up death forever" provide such comfort to us when we grieve the death of loved ones, and when we contemplate our own death? To those who lost loved ones who "HEARD" and "RESPONDED" to the knock and chose to walk through the door Christ opened to them "GREAT COMFORT" will follow - for in the grieving period they will still be able to rejoice, for they know that death has been swallowed up, and one day their loved one will be resurrected unto life of joy and peace where we will live together forever. Death to a believer is no terror but is gain. This is a difficult question to answer but “TRUTH” must be faced - However, for those who are grieving at the loss of loved ones who chose "NOT TO" hear and respond to Christ knocking at their door - "NO COMFORT" is felt in their period of grieving, they know one day their loved one will be resurrected, but to that of great mourning and pain, for they chose not to go through the door that swallowed up death and destruction. What will we experience instead of death when Christ comes? All of us will die, and all of us will be resurrected, but not all of us will be changed from death to life everlasting with the Lord, for the "REMNANT" of faithful believers are the one's death has swallowed up, and in its place "VICTORY" was found.
  4. Q2. (Isaiah 25:6-8) Obviously this "feast of rich food for all peoples" is a symbol of something more than just good food, what does this theme represent in Isaiah and the New Testament and promises about the Last Days? To me it is a symbol that represents a remnant of believers that come from all nations, a people who rejoice in the Messiah, King of the Jews, the only One who offers great joy to all that will hear the knocking at their door of salvation, the knock that prompts belief and trust, the knock that can remove those intellectual and emotional barriers that hold back faith and trust, and instead will allow the heart to hear, and in repentance cries out for the door to be opened to where they may sit and eat food prepared for them, where they will have the opportunity to feast on RICH FOOD, (spiritual nourishment) that will strengthen them. The metaphor of meal-sharing implies to me a time of fellowship and affection, a time of sharing and intimacy, Yeshua, (Jesus) promises to be present with anyone who genuinely desires to eat and drink with him, Jew or Gentile alike. This is real “JOY” to me.
  5. Q1. (Isaiah 24) What is the reason that Yahweh will devastate the earth (24:5-6)? The will of mankind transgressed, turned away from God and corrupted His commandments, therefore the inhabitants of the earth who corrupted his laws, had better be certain, that the LORD God who keeps His promises of blessings, will also bring upon those who "WILLFULLY" transgress against the covenant of the LORD their God to go and serve other gods, will arouse the anger of the LORD, and they will perish from off the good land which was given to them. Why do we feel so threatened by this kind of prophecy? Those who are LUKEWARM to the things of God are those who ought to feel threatened by this prophecy, for it is a warning call that judgment will follow those who "WILLFULLY" transgress the commandments that the Son of God has written on the heart of those who believe. Why is this kind of prophecy important to forming faithful disciples who "fear the Lord"? This kind of prophecy is an eye awaking to the awesome God that sits upon the throne and His calling to his remnant to remain "FAITHFUL" and "TRUE" - Which are the positive results of their "FAITH" In what way does the glitter and glory of man (1 John 2:15-17) contradict this kind of prophecy? Those who find fulfillment in the glitter and glory of man are the negative results of those whose fruits are still rooted from their old nature, fruits that reveal an unrealistically high self-image which are contradictory to those who have experienced the positive results of faith, those who understand the call - “Do not love the world or the things of the world" We are not to love the Philosophy of this world, for it is contradictory to the things of God.
  6. Q3. (Isaiah 22) Why is Judah faulted for making necessary military preparations in the face of the Assyrian armies? Judah was faulted due to the fact they did not have respect, did not FEAR the Lord GOD of hosts, instead, they put their faith in mans ability, putting to the test the judgment of Jehovah. What should they have done at the same time (verses 11-12)? It is clear to me the longer Judah continued to laugh in the face of judgment, the harder it became for Judah to see more clearly the path they were heading, when we allow hardness of the heart to set in, we allow it to become a blinding force to the leading of the Spirit, the Spirit that softens the heart in order for one, in this case Judah, to see more clearly their shame of disobedience, the calling of the heart to put on the sackcloth of mourning of "REPENTANCE" - a sweet aroma up to God. What seems to be the sin of Shebna, steward of the palace (verses 15-19)? His sin could very well have been the sin of "PRIDE" - pride that fulfills one with great satisfaction in one’s “OWN” abilities and achievements - pride that brings fulfillment to one's own wishes and expectations, therefore Shebna expected the right to be buried in respect and in splendor as that of holy man, an enabling force that blinded Shebna to see his own sin of unrighteousness, a great sin indeed, a great sin that God will deal with Himself.
  7. Q2. (Isaiah 20) Why did God command Isaiah to go naked for three years, and what was its meaning? By removing this garment, an emblem of mourning, a sign and prophesy to the Egyptians, that some time in these three years, judgment, a time of mourning would be coming to them. What effect did this acted prophecy have on Judah's foreign policy? It was an eye opener that brought great shame to them for putting their faith and trust in godless nations instead of in their LORD. If you were Isaiah, would you have obeyed God? I pray that I would have had the same heart of obedience to the calling of God as Isaiah did for his country, and today I pray for strength and courage to walk in obedience to the calling of God, as I see the direction our country is going the same way, America is not putting their trust in the LORD, and I fear that judgment is coming.
  8. Q1. (Isaiah 14) What was the attitude of heart in the ruler described in Isaiah 14:12-17? Pride is at the heart of the ruler, and it is in this pride that he exalts himself, believing his accomplishments are far above all others, even other gods as he speaks of his marvelous works, not understanding that when a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, superiority becomes rooted in the heart is the force that will bring him down, not understanding it is a humble man who brings honor. What is the scriptural evidence that this indeed refers to Satan? 12 How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! 13 You said in your heart, 'I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. 14 I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.' 15 But you are brought down to the grave (Hebrew, Sheol) to the depths of the pit. 16 Those who see you stare at you, they ponder your fate: Have you ever exalted your opinion and will over God's will and God's word? God forbid I should ever exalt my opinion, or lord my will over that of the God I love and adore, in those times I have stumbled it is in my awkwardness that I cry for forgiveness.
  9. Q6. (Isaiah 11:6-9) The passage speaks in figurative language. What kind of peace does it describe? The peace described speaks of the strong who by nature (sin) will no longer oppress the defenseless, they will instead live in harmony, caring one for anther, for the nature of "RIGHTEOUSNESS" is "PEACE" How far will this peace extend? It will extend as far as the waters cover the sea, throughout the earth. According to Isaiah 11:9b, why will there be peace? The knowledge of the LORD will be known, it will be understood throughout the land, that God's Son is the Messiah giving glory to God the Father, the Holy One of Israel. What does "the knowledge of the Lord" mean? The knowledge of the Lord is knowledge that touches the heart and is acquired by a person through experience and association and not just through acquaintance, knowledge that allows one to live and breath the same air of truth, knowledge that goes far beyond that of what the mind alone can experience.
  10. 5. (Isaiah 11:1-5) Who was Jesse? Jesse was the descendant of Rahab, the grandson of Boaz and Ruth, is of the tribe of JUDAH, his youngest son was David who became the first king of a "united Israel," whose dynasty was centered in Jerusalem. How does his name indicate that this passage speaks of the Messiah? The Messiah is referred to as being "the root of Jesse" What attributes will he have due to the Spirit of God upon him? The Spirit will REST, will reside upon Him, giving to him all power to execute all WISDOM, UNDERSTANDING, COUNSEL, MIGHT, KNOWLEDGE, and the FEAR of the LORD that is enduring forever, for the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous. Who seem to be the victims of injustice and oppression here? The victims are those in a weaker position being oppressed by those in power, instead of bringing justice they bring oppression. When the Messiah comes, what will happen to all who involve themselves in injustice? The judgment of the Lord will be impartial, upright, perfect and just, and it will come! Woe to the wicked.
  11. Q4. (Isaiah 10:1-2) Why do we humans tend to pass laws that oppress the weak and poor? Because the heart of man is continually wicked, humans that do not seek after God and His righteousness are the humans that could easily bring oppression to others, and not even be aware of doing wrong. What can we as Christians do to prevent this? Christians must be careful that they remain "FAITHFUL" to God and not rebel against God's laws, one of them being not to oppress the poor. What can we do to help the poor and weak in our communities? This question borders on a thin line for me, for I believe our government has placed laws in place that oppress the poor by not helping them, to help themselves, God teaches us - if one wants to eat, let them work - God knows that idleness leads to destruction, if for no other reason than to be self demeaning, humans are oppressed when they are offered no other way to get out of their situation, but to rely on the government. If Christians really want to help the poor and the weak, then we must help them to help themselves, we can be there to offer advice, be a shoulder to rely on, and at times help them out in ways that the Holy Spirit leads us in, being aware there are charlatans out there, that look at the church as another easy hand.
  12. Q3. (Isaiah 9:6-7) What in the text convinces us that the Child/Son is the Messiah himself? His "NAME" is what convinces me, his name distinguishes him from all others, his name is his fingerprint, a sign from God that reveals characteristics that are above all excellence, merit, and virtue, qualities that only the humble, those who have hears that hear would understand, could only be that of the Messiah. What do you learn about the Messiah from the four word pairs describing him? Wonderful - which means "miracle" a marvelous thing. Counselor - The "Spirit of counsel" will rest upon the Messiah, this cometh forth from the LORD of hosts, which is wonderful in counsel, excellent in working, beyond human capabilities, a marvelous thing! Mighty God - There is only one who has the characteristics of the Almighty God and that is the Child/Son, the promised Messiah who one day will "PREVAIL" over all powers and bring "PEACE". Everlasting Father - Almighty God's throne is forever and ever: The role a father displays is that of "HEADSHIP" - the Child/Son is under the "headship" of His Father and as prophesied he will sit on the throne of David, for the scepter of his kingdom is a right scepter, just as The Father is, the Child/Son excels in all excellencies, perfect in character, beauty, and love, therefore He will shepherd his people unto a kingdom of righteousness. Prince of Peace - A Prince represents the head person in charge, and it is the Prince who will bring to fulfillment the state of wholeness and unity, restoring "PEACE" that results in prosperity, wellness, health, and safety, for "PEACE" and "RIGHTOUSNES" is the master of this realm. Which of these saving attributes do you need most in your life right now? I need all of these saving attributes, for it is in them that I will find counseling that leads to true "PEACE" - peace is where my heart longs to be.
  13. Q2. (Isaiah 8:14-15) In what sense is Yahweh (and his Messiah Jesus) a "stumbling stone" and "a trap and a snare"? When Ahaz, Judah, and Israel rejected their God by choosing to be "DISOBEDIENT" to Him and his laws, it was then that God became a stumbling block to them, the same is true for his Messiah Jesus, if we who put our trust in the Messiah and choose "NOT TO" be obedient to His Father and his laws, the Messiah will be a stumbling stone and we will fall into the same "TRAP" of unbelief and the "SNARE" of sin as Judah did. Why do you think people stumble over a God who is almighty and righteous and must be obeyed? People stumble over God because they do not "FEAR GOD" - for the calling of God is for a holy people, a chosen generation that would show forth praises of Him. God Almighty calls his people to come out of sin so they would give glory to his Son and praises to Him; therefore, it is sad to say, but for many, they would rather go down the wide road that requires only an outward appearance of being religious, without the commitment of "OBEDIENCE" to God and his laws, a stumbling stone for sure.
  14. Q1. (Isaiah 7-8) What was the gist of Isaiah's prophetic instruction to Ahaz? The gist of this prophecy reveals God's mercy is there if one would only put their "TRUST" in Him. Ahaz was terrified when he heard of impending attack on Jerusalem, and he remained terrified even after hearing the word of the LORD telling him not to lose heart, it will not take place. The gist to me is "DISOBEDIENCE" is a step backwards in "FAITH" - instead of believing God's Word and having the house of David stand in "FAITH" which is the "KEY" and gist to this prophecy, Ahaz blasphemed God by placing his "FAITH" in the king of Assyria, and in their gods. Why do you think Ahaz chose to disregard it? He chose to disregard it because he was following the plans of mankind which are futile when they oppose the will of God, replacing "FAITH" with the arrogance of man. What did Ahaz do instead? Ahaz continued to turn his back on God as he refused to put his "FAITH" in God, therefore, he would not ask God for a sign; Ahaz chose to put his "TRUST" in the cruel and evil king of Assyria and in their gods, turning his back on the "MERCY" that was offered up to him. What was the consequence of this disobedience? Destruction will come to all those who choose to turn their back on God. The consequence of Ahaz disobedience was, God left Ahaz (and Judah) to the god's they served. Samaria and the northern kingdom of Israel were both destroyed within fourteen years, in God's mercy, Judah was temporarily spared - God offered them a time to "REPENT", a time was given in order for them to turn from serving other god's, and to come back and worship the God of Israel. The consequences of turning your back on God's "MERCY" is tragic, not only did the Assyrians attack Judah, they were also invaded by the Egyptians, bringing unbearable shame and great mourning, as well as despicable slavery, but for the REMNANT that will return. Why do we sometimes seem to think that we're smarter than God? A true believer will never think they are smarter than God, instead they would truly understand- we are nothing without God and His wisdom. Why is it sometimes so hard to do what God tells us to do? We are in a constant battle between doing good when we want to do badly, and doing bad when we want to do well - The longer we win this battle, the easier it becomes to do what God tells us to do.
  15. Q6. (Isaiah 6:9-10) How do you make sense out of these verses? Isaiah is well aware that judgment is coming to Israel; however, he is also aware of God's promise that they will one day return, so these verses must have made sense to him, as he asked, "How long it will take". Is Isaiah called to an impossible mission? In the flesh it appears to be an impossible mission, for Isaiah will be preaching to a religious and arrogant people, who kept on hearing, but did not listen, they are not a people of "HUMILITY" for only the humble can understand the word of God. We must not forget, with judgment coming to Judah, God in His mercy and love for His people, will send the prophet Isaiah to proclaim the word of God to them, for there is always hope for those who choose to repent, there will be a remnant as God has promised. Why will Isaiah's prophecy make the task worse? It is sad to say, but the longer people turn a death ear to the things of God, the harder it is to hear, for the calling of God is a calling of "FAITHFULNESS" to Him and his word. In which parable did Jesus quote this passage (Matthew 13:1-23)? Verse 9, "Those who have ears to hear, let them hear"! It is an invitation to seek the Messiah's deeper meaning and to respond with one's whole being, and not everyone is ready to do so, just as in the land of Judah. In Jesus' parable, is there any frustration in preaching the gospel? Up until now Jesus addressed the people in plain speech, and now he speaks in parables: because they seeing, see not; and they hearing, hear not, therefore they do not understand, fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah who said, By hearing you shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing you shall see, and will not perceive what you see. Is there any hope? Yes there is still hope for a wicked nation that has turned its back on God, just as there was for wicked Judah who turned their back on God, and yet God still sent out his prophet Isaiah to preach God's word, lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, it is called "MERCY"
  16. Q5. (Isaiah 6:5-8) What is Isaiah's reaction to the vision? I am reminded of (Gen. 18:26-27) Abraham who in his humility, a man who understood his own unrighteousness was that of dust and ashes, asked God to spare Sodom, and Moses when he asked the LORD, how will Pharaoh hearken to me, a man of uncircumcised lips, and now we hear Isaiah, who after seeing the exalted King, the LORD of host say, "Woe is me, I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean - There is no hiding from God, God sees our hearts, He knows who we are, it is important that we also see who we are. How does God deal with Isaiah's fear? God sent one of the seraphim’s having a live coal taken from of the altar in heaven and laid it upon Isaiah's mouth, touching his lips, giving to Isaiah his own personal Day of Atonement, being touched by the King of host calmed the soul of Isaiah, building up his FAITH. What question follows Isaiah's cleansing? Isaiah heard the voice of the LORD asking, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us"? What is Isaiah's response to God's question? Isaiah's response was prompt as he said, "I am here, send me". What is your response when you sense God calling you? My hearts calling is to "Fear God" and to follow after His commandments, a light before my path; it is the least I can do after having the coal from heaven, God's Son, touching my lips, bringing "ATONEMENT" to my soul.
  17. Q4. (Isaiah 6:1-4) Why do you think Yahweh revealed himself in this way to Isaiah? King Uzziah was a great and wise king and yet he had a tragic end to his life, and now Israel will be facing great tragedies, with woes and judgment coming to God's inheritance, to Israel; The King who sits on the throne of judgment has spoken, He will not send rain to His people whose hearts are filled with the plague of disobedience, who deliberately sin against Him. I believe Yahweh revealed himself in this way, and at this time, in order to strengthen Isaiah's "FAITH", not only did Isaiah's eyes see, but his heart understood, The LORD God of Israel, there is no God like you, in heaven above, or on earth beneath, who keeps covenant and mercy with your servants that walk before thee with all their heart. Isaiah knows the promises of God and His covenant of mercy, that when heaven is shut up, and there is no rain because they have sinned against Him; if they would pray toward this place, and will "TURN FROM THEIR SIN" when God afflicts them, and confess God’s name, saying, We have sinned, and have done perversely, we have committed wickedness, but with all our HEARTS and SOUL we return to you God of Israel, it is then in the mercy of the King who sits on the throne in heaven, that He will forgive the sin of his servants, and of the people of Israel, and will teach them the good way wherein they should walk, and will give rain upon their land, which God has given to Israel, to His people for an inheritance. In what ways does this vision reveal God's majesty? God is sitting upon a throne that is occupied only by an exalted King, one holding that of royal rank, dignity, authority, and power, a throne that is high and lifted up, exceeding all other thrones that his train so filled the temple displaying, it is He who is all "POWERFUL". What do we learn about Yahweh from the serphaim's chant? The seraphim are worshipping as they cry Holy, Holy, Holy, to the LORD of hosts; to say the word holy twice in Hebrew is to describe someone as "most holy" but they crying holy three times, intensifying their worship to the One who is high and lifted up, giving worship only to the One at the "HIGHEST LEVEL" - to the One whose glory fills the whole earth.
  18. Q3. (Isaiah 5:1-6) What was the vintner's vision for the vineyard? God's vision and preparation for Israel was for their good, so that Israel would produce good fruit and would flourish. What did he do to accomplish his vision? God did everything possible to make the soil ready; He cleared out the stones, put a wall of protection around them and planted it with the best vine, so that Israel would bring forth the best fruit. What happened when the crop came in? The "FRUIT" produced was not a fruit that would send a "SWEET" aroma up to God, instead it produced fruit that was like poison to the bones, sending up to God a "STINK" that God did not expect to receive. I am reminded of another time when God did all He could possibly do in order for mankind to produce good fruit, He prepared a vineyard for God's people, God cleared the stones away and He sent His Son, a sweet fertilizer that would bring good fruit, and a sweet breath of the Holy Spirit blew over the land, so that His people would have no excuse but to produce good "FRUIT" sending a sweet aroma up to God. What did the vintner say he would do with the vineyard? God warned the people that His protection would be removed and He would send no rain leaving them to their own doings, reaping what they sowed. What does this parable mean? What I glean from the parable is "To Fear God" remembering, He did all he could do and is expecting his vineyard, me, to produce good "FRUIT" a sweet aroma of the Spirit working in my life, but woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil, that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter, for God will deny His grace, His rain to those who received it in vain.
  19. Q2. (Isaiah 2:1-5) What does this prophecy of the future Jerusalem tell us about God's plan for the Gentiles? Many people with REGENERATED hearts will come from all nations and will say, 'come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the God of Jacob, to learn to walk in His paths'. God will send His Son to redeem the world. About God's plan for the Jews? God's prophecy for the Jews is that they one day, in the latter days, the final period of history, is when we will see the ideal Messianic future and Zion will be established as the chief mountain. Daniel 2:44 which tells us about a kingdom which God will set up that never shall be destroyed and will break in pieces and consume the world kingdoms of the prophecy and shall stand forever. It also harmonizes with the depiction of Jesus as King of kings and Lord of lords (Revelation 19:16). About spiritual hunger? If you seek me with all your HEART, you will find me. About peace? This will be possible only when the Prince of Peace, the Messiah of Israel comes and sets up His Kingdom of Peace.
  20. Q1. (Isaiah 1:2-20) In what way is Judah confused about its identity, according to verses 2-4? It takes commitment, patience, and consistency, in order for an ox and a donkey to be trained, and it is in that period of training that they learn to put their trust in the authority of the owner, the one who nourishes and takes care of them, how sad it is to hear Isaiah summon heaven and earth as witness against Israel, a nation God established, through patience and consistency He nourished and brought them up as His children, training them, setting down standards for them to follow and to live by, disciplining them when their lives DID NOT display their identity is to The Holy One of Israel, even with the disciplining hand of God, they continued to go the way of the Gentile's, instead of being an obedient and loving family, they were once again "INDENTIFIED" with that of sin, "SIN" that is looked upon by God as incomprehensible and inexcusable, as Judah was found quilt of "REBELLING" against the authority of the Father, the Exalted God in heaven. What are the consequences when Christians today suffer from such identity confusion? The consequences are the same for all those who come under the authority of The Holy One of Israel; God never changes, so this revelation is still relevant for His people today. What injustices does God accuse his people of in verses 15-17? The injustice they are being accused of is that of having rebelling hearts full of "HYPOCRACY", how dare such an arrogant, overfed, unconcerned people come and worship at God's appointed Times, believing this would display to others they are in relationship with God, not understanding they are not in fellowship with the Almighty, therefore in their "RELIGIOUSITY" they assume they are sending up to God that of a sweet aroma. It goes to show how DISOBEDIENCE can begin the blinding process of not understanding what God requires of us, how they dare turn their backs to God and then with open hands think God will continue to nourish and answer their prayers, while they make a mockery of all God trained them to be, God is weary of hearing them. In verses 18-20 God argues that their behavior is "unreasonable." Why is it unreasonable? It is unreasonable because they "CHOSE" to behave in such a manner. We must each and every day "CHOOSE" today whom we will "SERVE" What does God offer as an alternative? The purpose of this prophecy is to open blind eyes while yet there is still time - God is not compromising with Judah, he is making a point, you must "CEASE TO DO EVIL" and "LEARN TO DO GOOD". We must remember, Sodom was judged in part because she did not help the poor and needy, for their concerns stemmed from a heart of self centeredness and not that of others, and now Judah is being called by the name of Sodom and Gomorrah, although the sins of Judah are like scarlet they have a CHOICE to make ----"IF" you are "WILLING" to be "OBEDIENT" and will "REPENT" of your overall attitude of pride, those sins will be made white as snow. I have to wonder, if God judged Sodom and Gomorrah for these things, how can the United States possible escape like judgment?
  21. Q4. (2 Thessalonians 3:9-16) Why do so many churches avoid exercising any church discipline? I do not think it would be fair for us to compare our situations today with the Thessalonians in their time line; however, the principle does still stand today, as it did during their time. The church is not to allow its MEMBERS the freedom of doing nothing but cause confusion and disorder to the body, for this brings glory to Satan. This dishonorable behavior was not expectable back then, and it is not expectable today and should be shunned, stopped, by not giving to them membership or any kind of position that would allow them the opportunity to cause trouble. If the trouble makers do not want to change or repent it is then that fellowshipping with them should be stopped - This is not done as a means to punish, but as a wakeup call. God is a God to be feared and He wants order in the church and in His Temple, of which we are. What is the result of a thoughtful and appropriate application of church discipline, and what is the result of neglect of church discipline? The results could largely depend on how church discipline was, or was not handled, however, no matter how it was handled - the end result lies with the PERSON. We must remember, we are all held to that of a higher standard This was a great lesson and I hate to see it come to an end.
  22. Q3. (2 Thessalonians 3:10) If we were to follow Paul's rule, "If a man will not work, he shall not eat," wouldn't that allow people to starve? It sounds harsh. What are the positive results of this rule? To whom in a Christian community would this rule apply? To whom would it not apply? The command is not to be applied to those who are NOT able to work; the rule is to be applied to able bodies. Paul says to those whose "WILL" is not to work, to those who choose not to live by God’s laws to do them, then let the consequences of their sin fall on them. I see many in the church today that have that same mind set, MORAL disorder is seen in their lives, they believe the “CROSS” has done it all, they have no clue to the meaning of - work out your own salvation - run your race to the end - take up your cross and follow me – they have no idea that the “CROSS” means “DEATH” to self. It is sad for me to say, “But I see many today who are lazy, they are not preparing for that glorious day when the Lord will come back, they have no clue that He is coming for those who are “MAKING” ready, “PREPARING” themselves as they go about, they “LABOR” at doing good “WORKS" by walking in "FAITH". We will be known by the "FRUITS" of our "LABOR".
  23. Q2. (2 Thessalonians 3:7-9) What kind of example did Paul set with regard to work when he was in Thessalonica? Paul's teaching was followed with that of EXAMPLE. Paul had already given one warning to the church, Paul continued to work hard so that he would not be a burden to others, and yet there were those who were still taking advantage of the situation, and this is not expectable with God or with the church. Paul continued on setting a work ethic for others to follow, and by so doing, he was an encouragement to the church, to those who were working hard, so they would not be a hinder to the Gospel. As a Christian worker, did he have a right to support? Yes, he was worthy of his hire. Why didn't he exercise that right? The reason appeared to be because of those who were not helping; instead they brought confusion and disorder to the church. Paul continued to work hard for God, and he did not want them, the disorderly, to hinder the going forth of the word, for it would discouraging to the others, to those who were working hard.
  24. Q1. (2 Thessalonians 3:6-15) What does the Bible teach about sloth and idleness among those who can work but refuse to? Those who walk in idleness are those who have opened themselves up to being busybodies. IDLENESS is a troubling source to the body of believers. Summarize it briefly. --- We are called to be about the WORK of the LORD; therefore, idleness opens the door for them to be about the work of SATAN. This is a great warning! Being disorderly covers all areas of the believer’s life, morally being LAZY does not build up the body of believers, and it opens the door to tearing down. What is our Christian duty? The believers duty is to WITHDRAW themselves FROM those who are disorderly - they withdraw because - what fellowship is there with darkness? We are called to be a witness to the lost, those who walk disorderly, however, we are to make sure we do not think more highly of ourselves than those who walk disorderly, for if it wasn't for the grace of God, we too could be as those who have chosen to walk disorderly.
  25. Q4. (2 Thessalonians 3:1-5) Why is perseverance so important as we see wickedness increasing? Perseverance is why we continue to DO what we have been doing. The more the heart puts to practice PERSEVERANCE, the more it seems to become a habit with us, to DO what we have been doing, that of being FAITHFUL. For in so doing we know full well "FAITHFUL IS THE LORD," and even more so as we see WICKEDNESS increasing. What happens if we stop believing and being patient? What happens if we stop being patient is a reflection that we have stopped "BELIEVING" - and IF we stop walking in "FAITH" - then my question is, who then will rescue us from evil and the apostasy of perverse men, and from the evil One? How can we help one another persevere? We cannot help another to persevere if we ourselves are not persevering, however, we who have persevered, we are the ones who are growing stronger; for with each testing that we have PERSEVERED through, it is in that strength that we are more able to test the spirits and help others to stand strong in their FAITH, being patient until the end. What part does faith and perseverance have in our salvation? Perseverance is the calling of ALL those who are SAVED, for perseverance is "FAITH IN ACTION." Our strength is received through God's redemption that enables us to continue on doing what we are to do, persevering to the end, salvations call is that we walk, persevere in the saving grace of our Lord.
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