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Everything posted by Delivered

  1. I like your clarification of the need for Israel to sacrifice an innocent animal, the covenant that God set up for Israel, for the atonement of their sin; it wasn't because of the blood of bulls and goats that brought atonement, atonement was given because of God's mercy - and - the need for God's Lamb to be slain was not just for Israel, that God's Law, His Torah, His teachings, be written on their heart, given through the Lamb, and by the filling of the Holy Spirit, but, also for the Gentile, that is Me, and for that I give "praise" to the God of Israel for sending His Son, for writing His Laws on my heart.
  2. Q4. (Genesis 33:1-16) How has Esau changed since Jacob had gone to Haran? The person Esau was also blessed with much wealth, outwardly he seems to have changed from wanting to kill his brother, to being friends. How has Jacob changed? Jacob never had hatred in his heart towards his brother, he was not an enemy to Esau, they did not seem to have much in common spiritually, however, they were kindred and Jacob wanted
  3. Q3. (Genesis 32:24-30) Who was the "man" Jacob wrestled with? God What does the wrestling represent? TO FIGHT, fight for what you believe in, Jacob was fighting for God
  4. Q2. (Genesis 32.9-12) What does Jacob's prayer tell us about his fears? About his faith? HIS FEARS are real; death is threatening to come, not just to Jacob, but also to his loved ones. I think it is the threat to his loved ones that brought the most FEAR to Jacob, and on top of that, it was soon to come, bringing great stress to Jacob. I know it would to me. HIS FAITH is real, as Jacob spoke the words of God, faith grew. I think as he spoke God's promises, faith grew even stronger. It is from our hearts that our mouth speaks. What About his pride? HIS PRIDE is nil, he speaks truth to God, he is unworthy of any of God's blessings. Who of us are worthy? Nil. What are the signs of spiritual growth you see in Jacob since he left Canaan to go to Haran years before? I see growth growing in Jacob day by day while on his journey, he faced the trials that came his way and did not react to them, he did not let hatred, or revenge, fill his heart, great "faith" in deed.
  5. Q1. (Genesis 32:1-2) Why does God reveal the angel army to Jacob? Even though Jacob did leave Laban in peace, there was great danger ahead for him, seen in the hatred of Esau, hatred comes from Satan; God in His mercy reminded Jacob of the blessings he was given, that He was with him on his journey in the foreign land, Gen 28:15 Wherever you go, I will watch over you, then later I will bring you back to this land. I won't leave you--I will do all I have promised. What is the significance of the presence of this army? The significance to me is, there are battles to be fought ahead of us, as it was for Jacob, it was important that Jacob understood clearly - God has a mighty army, that Jacob
  6. Q5. Why do we often fail to see God's blessings during the everyday conflicts of our lives and what hope do we have in the midst of our struggles? I think it could be very easy in a time of trouble not to see God's blessings, if we take our eyes off of God and His promises, and in its place put them on the situation, and that alone. It is an easy thing to do, as we live under many stressful conditions, there is much injustice going on all around us, and as I think about Jacob and how he handled vindictiveness, injustice, the stressful situations that Laban sent his way, he let his righteousness answer for him, he couldn't do it on his own, it could have only been through his faith in his God, that he did not react with hatred to the injustice given to him; Jacob didn't take his eyes off of God, it was through his trust in the God of his father, he was able to see the blessings, a good lesson for me to follow.
  7. Q4. (Genesis 31:44-55) What are the terms of the Mizpah Covenant and what is the Mizpah monument supposed to remind Jacob and Laban? Laban, who would not owe up to any deceitful, vindictive, doings to Jacob, and because of the dream he had, he knew he could not harm Jacob. I thought it interesting, Laban used the word (el-o-heem) Plural for gods in the ordinary sense, when referring to the God in his dream, but that Laban, the Syrian, used the word "LORD" the name of Jacob's God, the God of the Hebrew people "Jehovah" as to be the watch between them. The term of the agreement that laban swore to by the God of Abraham and also the god of Nahor, and the purpose for the agreement, was to remind Jacob, they were to be good friends, not to do harm to one another (an agreement I am sure Jacob felt he could count on from Laban ) Laban reminded Jacob, his LORD would be watching him! Laban, always thinking about "self" knew God's blessing was on Jacob, he knew the reason he was blessed, was because of Jacob being there, so therefore laban understood, Jacob would one day be very powerful, and because of all the deceitful ways he treated Jacob, he could someday come back to do him harm. Laban saw the great "faith" Jacob had in the God of his Father Isaac, and he saw how Jacob feared, held in high esteem his LORD, Jehovah, and because of that "faith" he knew Jacob would not go back on his agreement; as Jacob swore by the One his father feared, the One we should "fear" also.
  8. Q3. (Genesis 31:17-36) Why did Jacob and his family leave without saying good-bye to Laban? Jacob tricked Laban by not telling him they were leaving because, he knew Laban would not let him leave with his family and the things he worked hard for as in their agreements, Laban a man of unrighteousness, a deceitful, unreliable, double-dealing man, who's countenance had changed towards Jacob, a man who had deceived Jacob over and over again, Jacob was not going to allow him to do it again, Jacobs allegiance was to obey God. God said for him to leave, and that is what he did. Was anything they did unjust or unrighteous? If so, how? No for Jacob! But, yes for Rachel! There was nothing unrighteous about Jacob leaving without telling Laban, without giving Laban a chance to stop what God had told Jacob to do. Jacob had explained to his wife, not only had her fathers countenance change towards him, but that of her brothers also, and he explained to her what God had instructed him to do, God told Jacob to get out of there and that He would protect them, and that is what Jacob did. Rachel I believe was taking what she believed was hers to take, but, smuggling it, and not telling Jacob of what she was doing, showed she deceived not only her father but also her husband, the result of that sin, she had to lie to her father and to Jacob, putting the family in great danger, it was an act of unrighteousness.
  9. Q2. (Genesis 30:25-43) At what point do you think Jacob realizes that his breeding techniques are not the cause of his growing wealth? I think the moment Laban admitted to Jacob that the LORD had blessed him because of Jacob, Jacob understood this truth, God said
  10. Q1. (Genesis 29) Why do you think God allows Jacob to be tricked into 14 years of labor for two wives? As the scripture tells me, it was Laban who had a plan of his own, he wanted to marry off his first daughter who was not yet married, as was the custom of Haran, when he saw Jacobs love for his daughter, he saw a way to take advantage of Jacob, he saw a way to hire cheap labor, for Jacob displayed to Laban, he was a man of good character, a doer, a decisive person, a strong man, a man who would keep his word. I see it as a test, will Jacob stand strong on his word, his trust in the God of Abraham, even when Satan is out to trick him, or would he be like Esau, let hatred fill his heart? God promised Jacob, He would be with him. What purposes do you think God is working out through these circumstances? I think going through these circumstances was to show to Jacob, it isnt easy being a follower of God, there are adversities ahead by those who do follow the God of Abraham, and God is calling His people to be a people of good character, a people who will stand on their faith in their God, and on their word. Jacob who supplanted Esau, displayed to me, Jacob was a man who had a calling upon his life and he was going to fulfill that calling, the word supplant usurp was used instead of deceive because - to deceive is to victimize another, Esau was not victimized, he had already sold his rights to Gods blessing. I believe God is putting Jacob to the test, how would he handle being victimized taken advantage of, would he be a man of good character and follow through with what he agreed to, was he a man of good character, willing to fight the good fight for what he believes in? Jacob was in a land who served other gods, and yet he stood strong against adversities, and he stood strong on what he said he would do.
  11. Q4. (Genesis 28:22) What does Jacob's promise to tithe indicate about his commitment? I think it was Jacob
  12. Q3. (Genesis 28:18-21) What did it mean to Jacob to set up the stone? Jacob set up a stone, a pillar, designating he met God here, he set up a memorial to God, his anchor, his support, his guide, the "One True God." What did anointing the stone mean to him? The stone Jacob used to support his head as a pillow, is the stone he set up, and when he poured the oil on top of it he was making a statement,
  13. Q2. (Genesis 28:12-15) What did Jacob's dream of the angels ascending and descending from heaven signify to Jacob? Angels, messengers of God; appear only to those who are good, Abraham being one of them, and now to Jacob. The angels going up and down display to me there is communication going on between heaven and earth, there is communication between Jacob and God, Jacob is able to draw near to God. What did God's blessing mean to him? The reality of the
  14. Q1. (Genesis 28:3-4) Why does Isaac bless Jacob, especially after Jacob's deception? Isaac blessed Jacob with God
  15. Q6. Extra Credit. Whose character flaws most remind you of your own? Isaac's, Rebekah's, Esau's, or Jacob's? Why? I think it would have to be Rebekah, why? Because of her strong
  16. Q5. (Genesis 25:28) What happens when your children sense that you love one child more than another? I think it would be very hurtful if one child was
  17. Q4. (Genesis 27:33) Why couldn't Isaac reverse his blessing once he discovers Jacob's trickery? The blessing belongs to the one who has the birthright, Esau no longer owned that right, he sold the birthright to Jacob, Jacob now owns the birthright and with the birthright comes the blessing. Isaac gave to Jacob, the person who desired to have it, the person who held in high esteem the privilege of being the priest of the family, also, Jacob was the person God wanted it to go to, the blessing was of the Lord and now irrevocable. Esau despised the priesthood rights of the family, what he was crying about was the blessing, showing his carnality. What is Isaac's role in this blessing? Isaac held the birthright and it is he who passes it to the rightful person. I have to wonder in my heart if he didnt really come to understand, it did belong to Jacob, Isaac was not sure it was Esau when Jacob answered the question, how come it was done so quickly, Jacobs response, Because the LORD, thy God arranged it for me - Esau had distain for the spiritual side of the birthright, he never used the personal name of God. Isaacs role is to pass it to the correct person, seen as he passed it to the person God has chosen, Isaac did acknowledge that Jacob had received the blessing as sworn, by adding, Indeed, he will remain the one blessed What is God's role in it? The most important role for the person who holds the birthright is his obligation to do Temple service prior to the advent of the Priesthood The requirement of the LORD was given much earlier in the scriptures that the birthright blessings were to be given to the one who was married within the covenant line, Jacob did do this, but as we see later, Esau disregards this requirement and marries two Hitite women. By this action and his selling his birthright he made it known his disdain for the covenant of God, God knew who held it in distain and who didnt, that is why he reminded Rebekah of who the rightful owner of the priesthood of the family would be. (Mal.1:1-2) I am Malachi. And this is the message that the LORD gave me for Israel. Israel, I, the LORD, have loved you. And yet you ask in what way have I loved you. Don't forget that Esau was the brother of your ancestor Jacob, but I chose Jacob. WE MUST REMEMBER TWO NATIONS WERE IN REBEKAHS WOMB.
  18. I like your answer, we must put a value on the spiritual needs of our soul, it reminds me of Rahab, who lied to protect the spies and God counted it as righteousness, "faith"
  19. Q3. (Genesis 27:6-29) God had told Rebekah that Jacob is supposed to rule over Esau (Genesis 25:23" Your two sons will become two separate nations. The younger of the two will be stronger, and the older son will be his servant.
  20. Q2. Was Rebekah a spiritual woman, that is, interested in spiritual things? Yes she was, she was not a Canaanite, a non believer. She was one picked by God. Was Isaac a spiritual man? Yes he was, when his wife was barren, he prayed to his God, the one true God, and God gave favor to Isaac and his wife was pregnant. Which do you think was the more spiritually sensitive? I am not sure who you mean, or what you mean? I do know that the birthright God gave to Isaac was an important part of his life, he held it in high esteem, the reality that the birthright, the blessings would also be given to his descendants. Isaac was a man who had trust in God, he was in submission to Him, he was a man of prayer, and he stood strong in his faith in God - One of the most important spiritual acts was - he was the first to receive the circumcision, the sign of covenant with God. What evidence of spirituality do you see in Esau and In Jacob? Esau was a carnal man, living in the moment, unable to understand that spiritual needs are more important than the temporal desires of the flesh, just as Ishmael was excluded from the promised blessing because he was begotten of the flesh Jacob was not a carnal man, his desire was that for God, he had faith understanding the importance of the birthright, the covenant, it is fellowship with God. They both knew what the birthright meant, but one held it in his heart (Jacob) the other held it in his mind (Esau)
  21. Q1. Why does the New Testament condemn Esau for selling his birthright? (Hebrews 12:16-17) A root of bitterness was in Esaus heart, from which spoke of who he was, a godless man, whos heart was hardened against the one true God,and in its place was the desire to fulfill his fleshly desires - Esau is happiest when he is out hunting in the wild (25:27a). What did selling the birthright represent? It represented contempt, distain, ridiculing its true worth; by selling the birthright it dishonored it, making it in his eyes - of little worth. What does this transaction say about Esau's character and values? What does it reveal about Jacob's character and values? Esaus values were seen in his distain for the birthright, his core values were to please SELF - while Jacobs values were seen right from in the womb, holding onto Esaus heel, wanting to have first place, it was his desire to outwit Esau from the beginning, because Jacobs core values were for God and for the blessings from above, of which he held in great esteem - We see it again when he was engaged in a wrestling match, he refused to release his grip until he received the blessing, and he admitted he was Jacob, the heel grabber his core value system was in God, and he was willing to fight for it, not holding it to distain, making it of little value, taking it for GRANTED.
  22. Q4. (3 John 9-10) What character flaws does Diotrephes exhibit? 1. Diotrephes does not recognize John
  23. Q3. (3 John 5-8) What are the reasons given in these verses for supporting Christian workers in their ministry? John a Jewish disciple of Christ, is commending Gaius, a Messianic Jew for his support to other brethren, Jewish believers, and foreigners, Gentile believers, those who believe in and are standing on God
  24. Q2. (2 John 10-11) Why does the Apostle John tell his readers to refuse hospitality to the false teachers? False teachers are those who deny Jesus came in the flesh, they are denying His deity, they are an antichrist; don
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