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Everything posted by Mrstoler

  1. It is difficult when a trusted friend desert you because of the fact that you and that person were so close and that you really trusted that person. It is difficult when the person move away because you feel alone and it
  2. It means to give God your very best in your ministry unto him. You don
  3. Paul commands Timothy to discharge all his duties in ministry so that he will give God one hundred percent of the gift that God gave him. Paul wants Timothy to think more of his service to God then his boredom in ministry because he feels that what he is doing is not making a difference in anyone
  4. Paul knew that there would come a time that people would reject the word of God, because some did not want to hear the truth. Paul wanted Timothy to be strong in the word of God when he preached. He did not want him to back down but stand firm to the opposition. Paul has to tell Timothy to be ready because of the attitude of the people especially after they have heard false teachings from those who claim to be follower of Christ Jesus. Paul is trying to overcome the problem of fear to speak up for the Gospel of Christ and getting the correct teaching to the people who are seeking after the truth. This speaks whole heartedly to me. I sometimes have problems speaking to difficult people. I sometimes have a hard time correcting someone in church that I know is wrong because I don
  5. Scriptures is the basic instruction from God on how to live a holy life before Him preparing us for salvation and eternal life with God in heaven. Scripture teaches us what God want us to know, and it rebukes wrong chose
  6. Inspiration of Scripture means that God inspired the Scriptures through a supernatural influence of the Holy Spirit while men that God chose would write down what they were inspired by God to write. God-breathed means that it comes from the very depth of God
  7. I we fail to accept the fact that we will be persecuted for be a Christian we will be afraid to witness for Christ.
  8. It is easy to become a hypocrite when you start to act like a person who doesn
  9. First the Christian teacher must be humble enough to know when to listen to the reason the opponent believes the way they he or she does. The teacher must be knowledgeable about the word of God in order to explain the Gospel to the opponent. When things start to turn into an argument on the opponent
  10. I put my good plates and silverware on the tables when I am having guest over for dinner. I use my everyday tableware with family or if I am eating alone. Paul want Timothy to not be tainted by the sins of others trying to be around and try not to get involved in what they are doing. But if you stay around long enough you begin to act the way that they do. We have to continue to study God
  11. A skilled workman takes the time to study his craft. He put all his effect to learning what he needs to know. His desire is his word and accomplishing on top. Being the best at what ever work he set out to do. It should be a strong desire over everything else in our lives to master. We should be so well equipped to teach that it should be so clear to the person that you are teaching that it gives that person the desire to master the skill of knowing the Word of God also.
  12. The soldier, athlete, and the farmer are those who if they are dedicated to what they do they are very hard workers and they put their total self into the task set before them. There is no time for playing games they are set out to beat the odds that are stacked up against them. The things that are going to get in the way of what they are trying to accomplish they set aside to go forward in their endeavors. The farmer speaks to me mostly. I am growing a vegetable garden for the first time and it is hard work. I am losing some of my plants due to the weird weather we are having, but I am not going to give up. I have faith and I believe that God will give me the strength and patience to endure this test. I also believe that this will help me to understand this lesson also and how I should handle my ministry. I look at everything that goes on in my life as either it is something I should learn from and or it is something that I may be tested on and at that point I sure want to pass the test.
  13. I think the reason our churches do not declare the call to endurance and suffering is because of the money. If we scare or offend people the church, we will start to lose members. Some people just want to come to church hear the word sing a few songs and go on their merry way. Some people come to church to feel a part of a group and they treat the church like a country club. Some people come to church to find a mate, and there are those who are truly searching for the gospel of Christ. They want to know who this man is and how they can have Him in their lives forever. I believe the reason Timothy wanted to shy away from the suffering because of what he saw going on in the church and he probably thought it would be no use for his suffering for people who did not really care. The result of suffering for the gospel is life and more abundant life with Christ Jesus, and since of knowing and living the gospel.
  14. It is important for the pastors and church leaders to have a strategy of mentoring teachers and elders in a congregation so that those people will be well equipped with the right teaching of the gospel of Christ Jesus. The elders and teachers will also have the confidence to teach boldly for Christ. Then congregation will be secure in knowing that they are being taught the true word of God because they will be taught how to research the bible for themselves. There should be enough time allowed for each individual to learn at his or her own pace being texted from time to time to measure their progress and when the time is right they can begin to teach the new members who have come to Christ with the help of a more experienced teacher until the new teacher is ready to teach on their own.
  15. There have been occasions where I was not ashamed but fearful of witnessing directly to people that I didn
  16. We guard the faith by studying the Word of God and hiding it in our hearts. Trusting in God who inspired the writers to write His instructions to us, and our faith in God should be so strong that no one can change our minds about what God has said in His word. We as guards can be positive, loving and pleasant to be around if we do our job with the right attitude that God requires of us. We should guard with a loving, pleasant and positive attitude towards God people, but at the same time stand firm to what you believe and trust God to lead and guide you as you guard the faith.
  17. The best action for the love of money which is an antidote is to not look at money as my god and to esteem the only true God worthy of my worship. We cultivate our generosity by taking care of our families and not hording everything and share what we have with others that may not have what we have. When God provides He sometimes give you more than you need and that is a good time to share with others.
  18. The love of money grows from selfish desires and not trusting in the only wise God. It becomes a trap when anyone can come and tell us that I can be rich and we follow their instruction on how to do it. We escape the deceptive trap by trusting in the Word of God and never doubting Him when he tells that His will for our lives is all we need.
  19. We should seek contentment to keep peace of mind and peace within your spirit. Contentment keeps us from becoming greedy, and we live the way God wants us to live. God will provide what our family needs. If it is his will that we live a wealthy life then He expects us to use our wealth to help someone in need. The balance between contentment and improvement is our dependence on God.
  20. I believe the reason people are so susceptible to distorted Bible teaching is because they are not studying the Bible for themselves to see what God says about the love of money. There is a desire in them that makes the distortion of scripture real for them because of the greed already in them. I have heard things like,
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