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Everything posted by Lindap

  1. He is speaking specifically. For where your treasure is that is where your heart is. It is an old teaching. From the Ten Commandments.
  2. Jesus condemned him for storing up large amounts of grain which the rich fool had no intention of sharing . He was storing up treasure on earth so that he could enjoy the easy life. He was not condemned for storing his harvest but for the attitude in which he stored the harvest. The key is verse 15, Watch out! Be on guard for all kinds of greed, a mans life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions. We should store up enough food to last to the next harvest, but any excess should be shared with God. Not stored up so we can lead a happy and merry life. Bless are the poor in spirit. We must be humble and share all God has given us with people who have less . God gave to the rich fool all that he had. And the rich fool did not see this, he thought it was all by his own hand that he had so much. God commands us to share with those less fortunate than ourselves, to care for our brothers and sisters.
  3. We should always ask for forgiveness because we may have sinned and not even realize it. And as humans we are sinners. God is perfect and although we are made in his image we are not perfect. God knows we will sin, therefore we must ask forgiveness daily. We are to love each other knowing that we are sinful people that make mistakes. God calls us to forgive each other. God cannot bless us if we are walking around with the plank of unforgiveness in our eye. Jesus said God cannot forgive us if we don't practice forgiveness ourselves.
  4. Sometimes pride, we want to be viewed as people who can do everything. As human beings we don't want to appear weak. So we try to go it alone. Only after we have made such a mess do we seek our Fathers help. We should ask daily because it gives glory to God. Everything comes from God, even our ability to get and keep a job. God brought us into this world and gave us what we need to do whatever ii is we do. Everyone has a different gift from the Father and we are to use it as God intended.
  5. We are asking for the Fathers kingdom to come to the hearts of all men. That God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven. So that all men can live in harmony as God intended. With love for all God's children. Our Father should always be on our minds that we carry out his plan, that God's will be done not our own selfish will. If we all lived God's will ther would be no war,no terrorist, no hate, only love for our brothers and sisters. In Christ name Amen.
  6. We hallow the Fathers name when we show the people around us that we love our Lord and want them to have a relationship with our Lord. We dishonor our Father when we use his name in vain or even in a common manner. I always praise the Fathers name when I begin a prayer. Telling him what a Great God he is and thanking him for all he has done for my family and for everyone else who lives in this world created by our Father.
  7. Our prayers are communicating with God. although he may answer in unexpected ways we must always ask. Prayer is how we connect with God on a personal level. The Lord loves us and wants to have a relationship with us and prayer is how God wants us to fulfill this relationship with him.
  8. Because he wants us to pray for the right reason. For God to hear our pray not men. Prayer would be contrary when we use a lot of words so that we look good to the ones we are praying in front of. Disciples need to just pray a simple prayer because God already knows what we need.
  9. I need to pray to God to fill my heart with his love so that I can share this love with others who do not have as much as I do. I do not have a lot but I have never gone hungry and I should be helping people who have less than I. Love the poor as I love the Lord. A sense that I myself am poor. No it is not good enough. I have a home and food. Although I do not have any money left after the bills are paid, I still need to share at least some of my non-perishables with oothers.
  10. We are to give to our brothers and sisters without letting other men see our acts of kindness. When only our Lord knows about our kindess it exalts him because we are not giving for a reward from men, but out of a loving heart given to us by the love of God. Prayer. Praying to God to replace the sinful giving and helping us to give for the love of our Father in heaven. By exalting people for an earthly reward in front of other members of the church.
  11. We are to strive to be perfect as God is. Although we may fail from time to time we must get back up and again strive to be perfect in our love of our fellow man.
  12. Yes there times when we must stand up against evil. As when God parted the Red Sea and allowed Moses to led the Jews away from the Pharaoh's army.
  13. They all say to give more then you are asked to give. Yes we would aid and abet evil in the literal sense, but Jesus is talking about doing things in love. His intent could not have been for us to help or do evil. I would say it is hyperbole. Because they were examples that Jesus used to teach about how we should act toward our enemies.
  14. To make people aware that there are consequences for our hurtful actions. There are many people who may take action themselves but I believe it was ment to be by a court or judge. It was designed to govern judicial actions.
  15. It's simply. It means what it says yes or no. As humans we sometimes have trouble saying these simple words because we don't want to disappoint some else. When we go beyond using these two words we start to ramble and thus our credibility suffers.
  16. I believe they understood what Jesus was saying about marriage and divorce. They were human and may have wanted Jesus to include Mose's law for divorce. If they did not understand they had the perfect time to have Jesus explain it to them. Unlike us they could have asked him to explain it.
  17. I have a friend who is going thur a divorce at this time. She started the divorce. Not because of unfaithfulness, but because she could no longer live with someone who would not protect her from painful acts and words from his adult children. Only God knows how this will turn out and it is to him I must help her turn. I wish she could see and feel the love of God for her and the love God intends for her to show other people. I must also show her the love of God as written in scripture.
  18. I have been married to the same person for 37 years. Even though I have not myself been affected by the pain of divorce that is not to say I have not been affected by the pain we give and get from each other. During this lesson I have learned more of the selfishness that has coused some of this pain on both sides. I have known in my heart that this is why we both suffer. How do we get past it? I believe that when I have truely accepted the teachings and love of God I will become less selfish. God is always there waiting for us to commit to him. He wants to see us pray and ask forgiveness in everything we do. We must all live in love for our brothers and sisters, all over the globe. God will accept us. We must first ask and turn our hard hearts toward the love for each other that God intented for us to have from the beginning of creation.
  19. The Mosaic law does not command divorce. It allows it because of the "hardness of the heart". And it is regulated. [ie. divorce certifcate and a loss of money.]It allows it because of our selfishness and self absorbs attitudes. Marriage was to last a lifetime with divorce only permitted for unfaithfullness.
  20. No you do not need to be christian to be joined as one flesh. You are joined as one flesh with whomever you have sex with. It was more natural law, God intended for a man and women to be joined as one flesh. All first marriages are joined together by God. It does not matter if you are christian or not God joins us as one flesh. And he waits for all of us to turn from evils and sin to be united with him in the heavenly place he has reserved for each and everyone of his children. All we need do is ask his forgiveness and learn more of his teachings.
  21. Rabbi Shammai. If the women was unfaithful. There would be no divorce if we were following the teaching of God. God brings a man and women together for a purpose. We as married couples need to lay down our arms and follow God with an open heart. As mortals God knows we are going to sin. That is when we need to turn back to God and ask for his forgiveness, repent our sins and love God with all our heart, mind, body and soul.
  22. Jesus says if we sin with our eye or hand we are to get rid of that part so that the whole body does not go to hell. Agape love is an unconditional love, much the same as Gods love for us. Agape love does not see someone in a sexual way. But as a person made by the God who made us all.
  23. Your heart is the point between them. There is no difference. **** may come first with adultery following, but they both start in your heart. We are not to covet anything that belongs to someone else.
  24. Because of the anger behind such a rant. Our words can be like a sword and cause lots of pain for the person who is being abused by our words. Anger is a sin, God sees all sin as sin. After reading this lesson I have a better view of how God sees anger. The rest of my life should be devoted to removing or conquering my angry emotions. I once had a Pastor who said when words between two people get angry one of the people should should start praying to God. Many arguments are stopped in this way.
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