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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by jesus4al

  1. Hi Everyone, First I want to say "Thank You" to all who are willing to share their experience, strength, and hope on this forum. Often when I start reading what you have written in answer to Pastor Ralph's questions I begin to tear up; my guess is that you've touched me emotionally; which is a growth experience for me. How do we loose our first love? Simply quit putting First Things First. What does it look like when it happens? Distraction! How to get it back? Return to putting First Things First. God is First. But, I mean pre-eminence. Of course He is The Alpha and Omega. Love ...Bro. Al
  2. As to where persecution of The Church exists today ... it either is or it is threatened everywhere in the world. If I remember correctly Jesus said that he came to divide. God said that you are either for me or against me ... there is no fence to straddle. Now for comfort: There is comfort in the Presence of God. If we abandon ourselves to God, we will know 'the peace which is beyond all understanding'. Love ...Bro. Al
  3. My Bible doesn't have the words that Jesus spoke written in red. Therefore, I was assuming that the significance had to do with the question: as to who said I am the first and the last. After reading the various posts ... now I say that the significance is that Jesus the Son and God the Father are one. If that is wrong will someone please let me know? Love ...Bro. Al
  4. After several readings of this question; I received one of those Ah Ha experiences, where the light bulb suddenly goes on! Jesus is my Lord and Savior. Therefore, I have chosen to obey Him and to emulate Him at all costs. My testimony, and my life, are the means by which this can be accomplished. Why then might I choose to hold back and not reveal Jesus in my life and testimony??? In one word it is fear. God Bless us, Love ...Bro. Al
  5. Hi Everyone, My heart became so full of joy when I was reading your 'posts'. My Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ, answering the call, to become witnesses to His Grace, from all around the globe. Here's a little about me: I live in West Hills, Calif. attend as an Elder, Christ Community Church in Winnetka CA. I have 7 Grandchildren. I want to be of maximum service to God and my fellow man. But, sometimes I hold my tongue, and pray that The Holy Spirit will strengthen my testimony by my actions. Love ...Bro. Al
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