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Everything posted by kitty

  1. 1 Those who are washed, sanctified, justified( I Co. 6:11); pure, who doesn't do what is shameful, or deceitful, those who have names in the book of life(Rev. 21:27); those who have their robes washed, the have the right to the tree of life, and can go thru the gates into the city. (Rev. 22:14). 2 Holy Living is a sanctification that is brought about by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Sanctification means be set apart for God. 3 When we live Holy before God, He wants us. So we can experience life more abundantly (John 10:10). He wants us to go deeper into the Holies of H olies
  2. Jesus is very rich. He will take care me the rest of the time. The holy city is very bright. So bright that we won't sleep.
  3. I believe the "water of life" means that the old in age or dead will be young again. The young children, will be young as well but not at the age of a baby or little child. The sense that this is a free gift means there will be no money in Heavon. This is an invitation for everyone who is thirsty and hungery. In another sense, this is an invitation for anyone who is thirsty and hungry for the word of God, to go deeper. Get hungry more for the word of God. There can be different ways: one way is for the teaching to be deep in the word. Invite the community to a place that is comfortable, can be in a church setting or someone's house and have a devotion from the word of God.
  4. The meaning of God will be with man means that there will be no dividing wall, like there is before Jesus comes. The dividing wall being sin. We will be standing or sitting right next to God. The reason why the promise of 21:4 can only be fulfilled in Heavon, is there is tears, death, pain. We live in the old order of things. When Jesus comes there will be a new order of things. Our last fight will be death. Unless Jesus comes first. There will be no sorrow in Heavon. I look forward to both of these questions. Being right next to God with no barrior between us. And having no sorrow. (just buried a relative last week) There is death all around us. Everywhere we look, someone is dying or someone we know has someone dying. It is a relief to know that in Heavon, there is no dying.
  5. I know my name is written in the Book of life because I accepted him as a child, but also because as a young adult I gave my relationship with God to a new level. A deeper level. He has taken me deeper into the holy of holies than I have ever been before.
  6. This scene can be frightening if a person doesn't know what is going on. People may seem to resis the idea of a final judgment because they feel they still have time.
  7. In my daily life the term "King of Kings and Lord of Lords" in Jesus, means to me that in everything I do or say that I put Jesus first. I show that Jesus is Royal. And He should be treated as one. Not only that but that He should be included in my actions, in what I say, and what I do. In my everyday surroundings, Jesus isn't always first. He is a name that is used as a slang. So I try to let Jesus be my number one, in perspective. I try to not let the cuss words get me down. I try to let other people know, I don't appreciate them cussing in front of me.
  8. If I was reproved, I would feel like I was going to be lefted out on something that would be totally wonderful. I am encouraged, because, I am the bride of Jesus. All this is for the bride and I feel like there is going to be something special just for me.
  9. According to Mt 5:13-16 salt and light to the world. We should by our showing our actions and by our talk. This is how we should be salt and light to the world. We should not take part in the world's activites. Such as going to bars. Watching *****. Reading dirty magazines or books. I believe this is also where we should come out of the world, so we will not take part in the sin of the world.
  10. What I have learned from reading the scriptures listed above is worship is an act that we are going to love to do. Worship is something that is eternal. Worship to God, is showing how much we love Him. The worship songs that I have seen come out of these is: Holy, Holy, Holy*Holy is the Lord*To Him who sits on the Throne*Worthy is the Lord* Blessing and Honor *To God be the Glory *Take me in to the Holy of Holies*Holy Ground* The mercy Seat *
  11. I believe that the reason why christians can't understand why it will be difficult for everlasting punishment is for the fact we won't have to live it. For some people who want revenge. Eternal punishment will be the justice, because, some people were punished for no reason, just because of their faith. This would provide a relief from all the bitterness that the unjust punishment caused.
  12. I believe that the 144,000 provide an example to us believers.
  13. The anti-Christ is a man who is going to try and replicate everything that Jesus did on earth. With signs and miraclous wonders. The false prophet who is going to come after the ant-christ is like John the Baptist. Who told everyone about the Messiah who is coming. The false prophet's job is to sway anyone who will listen, to believe in the anti-christ, instead of Jesus. The anti-Christ is going to try to be God.
  14. The theme meaning is Christians have overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb and by their actions and words by being free from Satans power. All who confess Jesus as Lord sincerely have overcome. We have the victory when we die, we will be in Heavon where there is no pain or death. The Blood of the Lamb is from Jesus dying on the Cross. When we love our lives, we love everyone who surrounds us and we will carry our cross and follow wherever Jesus leads us.
  15. Because God protected Jesus as a baby and didn't let Satan kill Jesus, Satan has been trying to kill Christians. There is a Heavonly war going on, between the Heavonly armies and the evil army. We disciples are in a war. As long as we are standing on God's army, we will win.
  16. The positive characterictis that I see are the two witnesses are bold, they have power and authority. They are not afraid to use their authority. They give glory to God while they are attacked. Their reward is after they have been killed, God puts breath back into them and then they are called up to Heavon.
  17. The bitter sweet that is read in Revelations 6 thru 10 is the seal of the judgments on the people who are left behind. The sweetness is the scroll that while it is being eaten tastes like honey. Once the scoll hits the stomach it became bitter sweet. We don't want to try something new that we don't understand.
  18. We learn that the people who make up the great multitudes before the throne were people from tribe and nation, who profess that Jesus is Lord. The origin is different tribes, nations, and languages. The Spirit within them causes them to worship God. Amazing Grace talks about being left out of the 1st rapture, but by God's grace, they didn't miss out on the second rapture. They went up after the 7 years.
  19. We learn that God is very powerful, He has authority not just over the population, but to tell nature what to do, where to go. (ex. tell the wind to hold back) The seal was suppose to save the 144,000 people. They were the only ones who were grieving.
  20. The church is bold to be a witness and a testimony of God. The souls are under the altar. The proximity to the altar signify that they were children of God, and under the blood. They were killed because of their testimony. For not dening Jesus as Lord. They asked for vengence because they were killed for their faith. This can be a chritians prayer. The white robe represents that our sins have been washed by the blood. The robe is our Heavonly clothes. We learn from the instructions to be very patient.
  21. The 4th seal initiates the great storm of destruction. 1/4 of the earth is directed to die. The Pale horse named Death and Hades. They were given power over a fourth of the earth. Yes this is just. The whole earth was covered in sin.
  22. The significance of the same quality of worship to both God and Jesus is they are the same. When we worship God, and worship Jesus; we are worshipping to both of them. God loves Jesus, not like a earthly father loves his son. But in a spiritual way like how our Heavonly Father and earthly kids(christians). God is our Hevonly Daddy. He not only takes care of us, wraps his arm around us when we need it, but he pours out love, joy, and any emotion we might need at a single time in our lives.
  23. Our destiny as believers, is we will be on earth with Jesus. We will reign with power on earth with God, and Jesus. We serve as priests to praise God. All christians are the church, we are also God's family, and kingdom. We are Prince's and Princess'. God is the Father and Jesus is the King.
  24. What made Jesus worthy to open the scroll was He is God's son and He is the only human with no sin. Why it is noteworthy and praiseworthy, because John was down, devastated. He didn't know of anyone who could open the scroll, until Jesus stepped forward.
  25. *Bow down and have genuine worship *Play instrument unto the Lord *no matter what time it is, to always worship God *Pray *Give glory to God at all times in every situation *Thank God on a daily basis *Sing praise and worship songs everyday *Sing a new song unto God
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