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Everything posted by kitty

  1. *Holy, Holy, Holy *Holy of Holies *Holy is the Lord *To Him who sits on the Throne *Worthy is the Lord *Blessings and Honor *Agnus Dei
  2. The churches are criticized for having false prophets and for being lukewarm The churches are praised for being faithful, patient, loyal, hot, perserving, enduring. As we look back at the 7 churches, the 21st church can learn how to stay on the right road, listen to God, and do what he says, when he says it. How to altar our course when we get off track.
  3. a. Because the church is relaxed in its ways, only wants to do spiritual things when they feel like it and not when the Holy Spirit prompts them to do it. b. To combat spiritual apathy, must be totally hot for God. When the Spirit prompts something to be done, to do it then and not wait.
  4. 3a Because the compromise meant that a christian would be lukewarm turning cold spiritually instead of being hot. b Staying bold, & hot for Jesus. Going to the world's standards; listening to no-christian music, not reading the bible but reading un-Godly books and magizines, cussing. c. feeding our spirits with un-Godly material, Either by reading or listening.
  5. The reason why sexual standards could be destructive to Christian faith and witness is that we have let the world's standards be taught in our schools. They teach that it is ok to have sex before marriage and that it is ok to live with an opposit sex before you are married. The church has not countered the teaching to our kids and teens. To the point where it has effected the schools. We need to teach our kids and teens that it is wrong to go by the world's sexual standards. The cultural in which I live in has given me boldness to speak to my co-workers. When I was single, I didn't date. The people I hung out where those who accepted me for my morals. In school, the teens didn't even try to change my morals because I told what I felt about sex before I was married. My co-workers knew where I stood when it came to my sexual standards. kitty
  6. A. We can loose our first love by: 1. not having a deep relationship with Jesus and 2. While in a service by not giving the Holy Spirit the liberty to move in a way that He wants to move. B. The signs of genuine love for Jesus in worship is when worship can take a congregation into the Holy of Holies. In the ministry time, where lives are truely being changed, where the sick are being healed, and the manifestations are seen. C. The lack of love shows up when christians show up for church because they have to. When christians are being religious. There is no freedom for the Holy Spirit. When church services are dead. D. To regain our 1st love: In the church services, let the Holy Spirit be free to do what He wants, even in the worship part. Don't have an order of how the service will be done. Let the worship service be longer than 2 upbeat songs and 3 slow songs. God Bless. At first it may be uncomfortable to let the Holy Spirit take control of church services, but when you let him have control. He shows up in a way that people least expect kitty
  7. My name is Katherine Root aka kitty. I live in Hamilton, OH. Between Cincinnati, and Dayton OH. I just recently been married. God is calling my husband and myself into ministry training. This was a great way for me to learn in a deeper way about the book of Revelations. This is deeper than what was taught to me in college New Testament. God Bless!!
  8. a. The significance of Jesus walking among the lampstands is that Jesus is walking among the church. b. The church is one body. c. Jesus has no difference among different people, nationalities or race, but that we are all one in Him. Kitty Ohio.
  9. We see Jesus in Revelation 1:12-20 we see Jesus dressed in Heavonly garments after He goes back to Heavon. vs. In the the gospels, where we see Jesus as a carpenter-teacher, Jesus is dressed in garments like the people wore. The overall emotions that a reader can get from reading the vision is a taste of what Heavonly garments are in Heavon. This shows, that our earthly garments will stay here on earth where sin is. We we get to Heavon, we will have garments that are whole, Heavon is bright, glorious, and Holy.. Kitty
  10. I feel that the countries are in different areas around the world. I believe, there are some persecutions here in the USA as well. I believe that the persecution won't end until Jesus comes back in some countries like the Middle East, Sudan, and China. Only God knows when the persecution will end for these countries. Kitty
  11. Q2a. God is the Alpha and the Omega. He is the Almighty. Knowing this, nothing I go thru, He doesn't already know. b. Jesus is the First and the Last, Jesus has gone thru everything I have gone thru. If I look at Jesus' example, then I see some guidelines. Kitty Hamilton, Oh
  12. Q1a. The theme shows there is hope for those who are persecuted. b. Since Jesus is the first witness, and He was faithful. We need to be faithful in today's society. c. The reason why we are afraid, is we have let society tell us how we can and can not speak about God. We need to be bold and speak up against society thinking and speak about God.
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