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Q2. Our "Work"

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What kind of “works” do people sometimes pursue to please God?


Many people do religious type work - going to church, being greeters, collecting the offering, singing in the choir, helping the pastor, volunteering for jobs around the church, etc. Others try to live 'moral' lives and say "I never hurt anyone" or "I try to be good to everyone I can". There's nothing wrong with any of these things per se, as long as you don't believe they will make you acceptable to God. Then there's others who do things just to impress people - they want to show how smart they are or how good they look. They are about image and impressing people. They are always concerned with what others are thinking about them. We have to be careful not to be "man-pleasers", which is really just be showing-off. God teaches there really isn't anything we can do or be that will gain His acceptance - accept to live by faith with humility. Romans 3:10 says "There is no one righteous, not even one". A pastor taught me years ago that "We don't do good works to be saved; we do good works because we already are saved". Guitar Jim (above) said it nicely. He said "Faith should produce good works, and it does. But good works won't produce faith ". That's excellent. 


According to Jesus, what is the most important “work” that God requires of us? 


There appears to be only one work that God requires of us - and that is to believe onto our Lord Jesus Christ. It seems that means a wholehearted entrusting of our lives to Him. When we walk by real faith - asking Him into our lives, coming into His presence, praying, reading His Word, surrendering our circumstances to Him, living in His plan, in His time, and in His strength - that heart attitude is what pleases God and moves His Hand in or lives. That truth probably throws a monkey wrench into all the religions that require a boatload of works to please God and get into heaven - but so be it. I like God's system better anyway.

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  • 7 months later...

Q2. (John 6:28-29) What kind of “works” do people sometimes pursue to please God? According to Jesus, what is the most important “work” that God requires of us?

I believe they pursue works of legalism, false works or good works just to look good in front of others. The most important work we can do is receive Jesus into our lives and believe He is our Savior and Lord. 

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  • 5 months later...

People think that "good works" is what is needed to obtain heaven.  Working in the church, feeding the homeless, charity work.  While all these are good and are what God desires of us, it is not the "work" that will get us into heaven.. The belief in Jesus Christ is the work that is required from God. "BELIFE"  believe in the Son of God and that God raised Him from the dead so that we can have eternal life.  Jesus told them that they were to believe in Him and that He was the true bread.  They did not want to hear or believe Him.  That is not what they were looking for.  They did not understand  Jesus's message.  There hearts and minds were closed to receive the word, Jesus.

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  • 2 years later...

People do good works to fulfill their calling as Christains.   Their hearts are in the right place.   However, there are well meaning people whose focus is on good works and not on the Cross.  Friar Martin Luther is a prime example.   Even amongst ultra conservative Amish, focus is on the myriads of rules.   If rules are not kept, one may be strongly advised to leave that particular Amish church.

The work of God is work that pleases God, a life that conforms to his will and good pleasure.  A life of faith and trust.   Our faith walk is not based on the myriad of dietary and purification rules of Jewish Oral Law. 



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  • 7 months later...

Q2. (John 6:28-29)

What kind of "works" do people sometimes pursue to please God?

They pursue charitable acts for others less fortunate than themselves.  We just know that nothing we do will earn us eternal life. It is a free Gift.

Some feel that attending church always, giving heaps of money, are "works" that please God.  Our motives for anything we do to please God, need to be right.

According to Jesus, what is the most important "work" that God requires of us?

To believe in the One God has sent.

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  • 2 years later...
On 12/21/2014 at 12:11 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q2. (John 6:28-29) What kind of “works” do people sometimes pursue to please God? According to Jesus, what is the most important “work” that God requires of us?

Some of the work that people sometimes do to to please God is "giving to the poor", serving in the church, and trying to be a good person. All of this is meaningless if Christ is not the center of all it and can't take glory for which he deserves. 

According to Jesus, what is the most important “work” that God requires of us?

I would say obedience is what God requires of us. 1 John 2:5-6 “But if anyone obeys His word, God's love is truly made complete in Him. If we are believers we are to abide in him and follow his words.

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