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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

C Riv

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Everything posted by C Riv

  1. We who exercise or work our senses in the practices or habits of Gods` Word. The more I study and meditate on Gods` Word, the more I want to live it, talk it be a part of it. meaning Gods` Word is very much a live. The more I bask in it, the more I grow, but remembering to be still at times long enough to hear Him speaking, then being able to act accordingly to His will.
  2. The Father had a plan and He needed His Son to carry the plan out and He did, right to the end. Jesus is pure, complete Holiness.
  3. Jesus learned how easy it is to disobey God and how walking our own way is tempting,because He became human form, except He did not surrender to sin, as mankind does. Jesus did not give up on God, He persisted in obedience, where we sometimes fall short of doing that. Since He was perfected He became the Author of eternal salvation. The High Priest. In John 1 the verses tell us that Jesus was there in the beginning so I think He may have known what was in store up there, but He was still given birth here in human form so He would feel as we do, see as we do, have all the choses we do but He won over it all.
  4. At the throne of grace sits our High Priest and God calls for us to come ,and gave us the way thru His Son. We therefore can come to the throne of grace with boldness and confidence because Jesus paved the way for us. Our faith hope and trust is in Jesus. We are promised mercy and grace. Thru His endless love He is able to offer His mercy and grace for His desire is for us to come to Him for we all know that He is our judge.
  5. Jesus was made man so He definetly shared our weaknesses, He just did not give into them. Jesus was temted in every way we are. I think some of His temptations were harder as satan showed himself in person to Jesus, and for some no more difficult then ours. I think Jesus had more temptations then any of us, after all He is the Son of God and if satan could win Him, well where would we be now? To know that He walked this earth as we do and faced temptations and weaknesses makes it easier to communicate with Him I think. He was lowered to our level for a short time to reach us. It just seems so loving, reachable, then trying to reach Him if He had of remained in heaven. In the old testament times the only ones able to talk to God were the priests when they were in the holy places, or chosen ones whom God chose. We were given that gift of freedom of cumminication with Him. Isn`t He awsome!
  6. I want to be a follower of Christ and not be afraid to live it. To walk it is to live it, and can be used to show those in question how true and wonderful it can be, that is why it is important to hold fast to my confession, in doing so I am not giving satan a foot hold. I believe in God the Father,who is the creator of heaven and earth and of all living things, who gave His only Son to be born of the virgin Mary who was born and lived as a man, who is sinless. who died at is own decision thru the Fathers will for all our sins, He was dead and was rose again on the 3rd day and was lifted up to heaven and who sits at the right hand of the Father who will come to judge the living and the dead, and I accept the Lord Jesus as my saviour and so thru the grace of the Father I have etertnal life. If I was to let go of all this I would be a fool, it would be apostasy to Christ and I would be going to hell instead of heaven. I will pray for those I do know that ride the fence as we say and also for those I do not know. PRAISE AND GLORY IS ALL YOURS jESUS CHRIST!
  7. The verses prior are talking about entering "THE REST" These verses are telling us how powerful the word of God is. Vs 12 is showing us the rule that Jesus is going to use, and vs. 13 is telling us that God sees all, none of us, not one will escape giving an account of our lifes. The Word of God is a live and active, knowing the difference of natural and what is spiritual. I think that the Word convicts us for He knows our thoughts and motives, the Word keeps us as true as possible drawing us closer to Him all the time. The more we expose ourselves to the Word the more hungry for it we become. It helps us in understanding and guides us, teaches us, enriches us and is our strength. The Word is my fuel! LETS GIVE THANKS TO GOD.
  8. I believe the writer is talking of life eternal with our Lord Jesus Christ. In entering the rest we are submitting ourselves to God and following the Lord thus having a relationship with Him, and thru His mercy, we have a chance for life eternal. Apostasy from Christ is falling away from the truth,not believing the truth any more, where as falling into sin you do not neccesarally fall away from the truth because you still know the truth, you just are not walking it or living it.
  9. Without faith one has no relationship with Christ. If we are to remain or be partakers of Christ, then we have to stand strong in our faith. Sin can trick us in to believing that we do not need Christ, that we can be good and live in harmony with each other, but that just puts us under our own law, and says that Christ has died for nothing. Sin is all around each of us, just waiting for that little crack to slip in, all the earthly desires, envy of others, all the new teachings of different faiths, if we do not stand firm in faith of Jesus then look out! When one falls into sin, or closes the door on faith, sin hardens thier hearts. They do not want to hear the truth and they wander this earth in question. Christian fellowship is important as it helps us to bond with each other and it builds our strength in faith, we help each other in our faith. In fellowship we entrust others with our problems, worries, sadness and our good times and happiness, we share our lives with one another and we all have the same leader, CHRIST. Jesus calls us to come together, for in numbers we are stronger.
  10. Christ is the head of His house, "US" so if we stand firm and hold unto Christ we will live with Him in eternity. If we let go of our faith we lose our hope, we give satan a foot hold on us and that is not good. In Hebrews 11 vs 6 :" But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is,and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." and Hebrews 11 vs 1" Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." If we quit living in faith we are giving up all that God is offering us. Without faith our hearts harden, we loose that connection with God , our relationship, and all else that He so freely is willing to give us. Thank you Jesus.
  11. Being the dad of children, man of the house, a leader in goverment, a Pastor, a leader in combat. The children have to follow and listen to their dad, being the man of a house or home brings forth different leadership roles. In some homes but not all it is where they go to church, where they live, different functions they may attend, our goverment leaders make dicisions that effect all of us, a Pastor guides his church, a leader in combat leads his troups. Jesus acted on behalf of us and so I follow Him.
  12. Adam was the first human, God formed him in His own image and gave him authority over all living creatures. Adam chose not to listen to God and brought sin upon all mankind. Christ has all rights for He is perfect, He conquered all sin and died for all of us. He is my Lord ,leader and Saviour. He is my representative, the One who speeks on my behalf. Because of His death grace reigns thru His rightiousness, my sins are washed away for ever because they cannot come close to Gods grace.
  13. I believe Paul is saying that before God gave Moses the law to give to the people there was sin, but God did not keep count of it. People did die and were punished for their sins. once the law was entered the offense abounded, but Paul tells us when sin abounded the grace of God abounded more. Yes there can be sin without law, all know between right and wrong, the one thing that the law did was magnify sin. Man now had been given direction so that there would be no dispute.
  14. Reconciliation means to change, unbeliever to believer enemy to friend, this is what God achieves with His grace towards us sinful people thru the death of Christ. It is necessary to be reconciled with God so we can have a relationship with Him. In doing this we walk closer to God, surrendering ourselves to Him, and so thru the death of His Son we are saved, we have life! I believe that without Jesus sacrifice for us, we would be going to eternal hell. He is saving us from condemnation. He is doing the same for us now as He did when He walked the earth, He uses the Holy Spirit now. He is our medeator and saviour no changes, He is very much alive!
  15. Reconciliation means to change, unbeliever to believer enemy to friend, this is what God achieves with His grace towards us sinful people thru the death of Christ. It is necessary to be reconciled with God so we can have a relationship with Him. In doing this we walk closer to God, surrendering ourselves to Him, and so thru the death of His Son we are saved, we have life! I believe that without Jesus sacrifice for us, we would be going to eternal hell. He is saving us from condemnation. He is doing the same for us now as He did when He walked the earth, He uses the Holy Spirit now. He is our medeator and saviour no changes, He is very much alive!
  16. I think it is important because we are all ungodly thus being sinners. To embrace the truth sets me free of my sins and bondage. God is giving us this beautiful gift and it is free so how could one not except and embrace it! Christ died for us when we were at our worst. In John 3 vs 16 : For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son; that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. We were ungodly but God loved us even then, so how much more will He love us as we follow Him?
  17. Christs` purpose was to destroy satan and the power of death that satan had, and to release those who through fear of death all their lifetime subject to bondage. Satan likes to use the fear of death because of our sins which would hold us bondage, but because of Christ that is finished. Jesus eliminated that when He died on the cross for us. IN WHAT SENSE WILL IT SEE ITS FINAL COMPLETION IN THE FUTURE? When we the followers of Christ are risen up to Him and stand by His side for eternity, and all those who do not follow Christ including satan and all the fallen angels are put to eternal hell. Because of Christs` accomplishments we have peace and hope and are given the grace by the Heavenly Father, to live with love and patience to follow the cross and live freely for Christ. He has shown us the way to eternal life.
  18. Thru the death of Christ we have been set free of the bondage of satan, allowing us to follow our Captain, Leader, who is Jesus, because of His sacrifice He gave us a path to God and all His glory. Jesus became perfect thru His suffering as He with stood all tribulations and temptations that satan brought to Him. He not ony endured them all, but triumphed over them all including death. Because of Jesus I have been set free, to live for Him, which means listening, following, doing ,worshipping Him. It is not free to do as my own free will, but include Christ in all that I do, and would like to do.
  19. Christ was humiliated, tortured, beaten, scorned, taking a death freely that He did not deserve, for He also walked as a man was tempted far beyond what man could be tested and passed all tests to show us the way. Only thru Gods` grace could this have happened. Without the grace of God man could have been wiped out. Only thru His deepest love for us did He send His only Son. Jesus died for my blackest and most stubborn sins giving me life eternal, for without Him I would be doomed to hell.He is the only way. Thanks be to God.
  20. Jesus is the Holy One, so coming to earth as a man was suffering in its self. He was lowered then even the angels, He walked among man whom He created and was not accepted. He was hated. He lowered Himself to live among the sinful but still He loved us. He suffered a horrifying death one that He did not deserve or did He have too. He took our sins upon Himself to the death as ther Father willed.Some will suffer as martyers, some tortured, some beaten, some imprisoned, put to death, all for standing firm for the Lord. What we call suffering in the western hemisphere is certainly not the same suffering as in the third worlds or eastern hemisphere. We may end up with some illness or disease, life issues and they are a suffering in which we turn to the Lord I hope, but I do believe that suffering does have value. It usually brings you closer to God and you become a stronger Christian.If our leaders were strong in Christ and really walking with God, I think that we as a whole would be able to keep God in our stores, schools, etc. In living a life as to avoid any suffering we miss living a life with Christ. Our sufferings are not comparable to Christs` but it brings us closer to Him as He feels all that we feel. In Romans 5 vs 3-5 Paul talks about suffering and tribulations, and what it does to us. Thank you Jesus
  21. We should rejoice in our sufferings and tribulations because they produce preserverance which produces character and then gives us hope. 1) Thru faith we gain justification which in turn gives us the strength to stand up to the trials and sufferings. only because Christ died for us can we achieve this. We can stand firm in the grace of God because of the love that He gives to us freely thru the Holy Spirit. 2) I am thinking that tried character is standing strong for whom I have become, for God is changing or molding me into the person He wants me to be. Not being perswayed or allowing someone or something to push me from the walk with Christ.When my character is challenged and it stands firm, it is living proof that God is alive and is keeping to His word. 3) I cannot imagine not having hope. Hope is a gift given by God. ROMANS 15 VS 13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may over flow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Let us thank the Lord and praise His Name!
  22. Faith is the key to salvation, to receive salvation you have to be justifed. Faith goes with justification, to have faith you believe in Christ, and Jesus died for our sins which gives us justification. Without faith you will not receive justification. To be justified is to be cleared of all sin.
  23. My salvation has been confirmed by Gods`word thru the Lord Jesus Christ.Signs and wonders have been used to help build faith, I believed without seeing signs or wonders but God has revealed to me signs and wonders thru out my life. I feel most humble and excited too when they happen. I believe that is given too assure me or to strengthen my faith. I do not think that an all out showing of a wonder or sign would help establish Christs ministry but I do believe that seekers of Christ do receive signs and or wonders. In John 20 vs 29 Jesus says"Thomas, because you have seen Me you believed, Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." Signs and wonders have been given from the beginning of time. From creation, Genesis 1 vs 14 and all the signs and wonders that came with Moses right up to Jesus and all the wonders and signs He did, even till the end of time God tells us there will be signs. For myself each sign and wonder I have read about has value, all are important.
  24. If we do not give our time, and quality time at that, then we could drift. The world is very inviting and satan diquises himself in many ways. The going trend what worldly people have to say about the gospel of "OLD" and other issues and matters, if we devert our time and energy into them then we could drift. Give our time in reading, studying praying worshipping listening and quite time to the Lord, His word. In the first the seeds that were sown they were eaten up by the birds, I take that the words just went in one ear and out the other, next the seeds were sown where there was not much earth but they grew but died when the sun came out as thier roots were not deep, I get the understanding that this bunch took the word and went with it but they did not let it grow within them so when the world came at them then they died also, then some seeds were thrown among the thorns and they were choked by the thorns, I take it that the word was given to those who were living amongst the unbeleivers who were greater in number and who enforced their ways and beliefs thus killing the word, then there were the seeds that fell on good ground producing a good crop a good yield, those would be the ones that heard the word and listened, allowing the word to grow in them, sharing the word with others. Praise and glory to our Lord and Saviour!
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