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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

C Riv

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Everything posted by C Riv

  1. I believe that Paul is explainning to us that our salvation has already been given to us thru Jesus Christ. This can not be earned by any works, it is a gift from God. We just have to believe the scriptures and accept Christ. In doing that, you open yourself up to so much! You feed the spirit, Christ comes alive in you which in turn brings us to what James is saying about works in faith. It all compliments each other. JOHN 15 VS 5 says "I am the vine you are the branches, he who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit, for without Me you can do nothing." God bless.
  2. The demons believe but do not submit themselves to Christ. Their belief does not show love, compation, repentance, or the fear of God. A practicing Christians` belief show submission, love, compation, mercy, and fear of God but in a good way. PROVERBS 9 VS 10 SAYS "THE FEAR OF THE LORD IS THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM, AND THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE HOLY ONE IS UNDERSTANDING" . Our faith helps us with our works, a practicing Christian. A non- practicing Christian I believe is being still, not wanting or willing to grow in Christ. They are looking the part, playing the part but that is all. As we study His word our hunger for Him and knowledge grows, feeding the Spirit He gives us freely which in turn with His help we submit to Christ and are guided and helped to do His work.
  3. They should be at the top of the list. Deut. 15 vs 11 tells us that the poor will never seize so open our hand and give. In Matt. 19 vs 21 Jesus tells us to sell all that we have and give it to the poor.Thru out the bible there are many vs that guide us on this, this is true faith and works in action. It is very important to look after all that need looking after whether in the church community or outside the church.What great satifaction you get when you do this, not that you are looking for satifaction but you feel the spirit move inside you! Praise the Lord for His works!
  4. Faith will bring a person to salvation, works will bring the person to faith. They go hand in hand. Living your life daily thru faith can show your works in action. I find it alive when I step out of my "BOX" thus trusting in the Lord and allowing His power to work. I have also seen His power at work on me while what I thought was trusting in faith without going out to do works. I guess my works were working at home recoperating.True works and true faith will produce. Thanks be to God.
  5. I believe that I used to discriminate against those that believe in same sex, especially the leaders of the church that promoted and accepted it. I have come to realize that sin is sin no matter what or which one it is. This was very hard to accept at first, stealing a candy was not as bad as same sex or murder or adultery, thats what I thought for the longest time. The sad thing about this is that I am not new to scripture or Christ, or am I? Seems to me that God has opened my eyes and heart and has shown me how wrong I was. I am not here to judge or critisize for I am not worthy of that. I do wonder how they say they love God, they read the bible yet they continue on, not all continue on in that sin but the ones that do how is it they do not see what scripture says about it? I learned that stealing was wrong and corrected myself, "with the Holy Spirit of course," it was a sin no matter how small I thought it was, now I wait upon the Lord to see if He will use me to help others. I believe that the leaders of the living God should stand up for what the word says, if they are not going to and they twist the meanings around just to make things easy for those who are reaching but don`t like what they hear, then how will those who are stumbling ever hear the truth? I am not trying to impress any one or God. God already knows me and my heart. The church I belong to is not out to impress any one either but are there to help, guide, show love and live love. We believe that Gods word is true and needs no apology when spoken. So keep smiling God bless.
  6. I think it is the way we were taught from the start. When we were young as in children, our basics were to go to church sunday school learn of the scriptures then we moved up to youth groups but being teenagers we didn`t understand the meaning of living the word. We thought going to church and youth groups were living the word and rigthly so, but as we matured with the scriptures we soon realized that hearing the word and living the word were much more than what we thought . Satan hears the words of Christ but he does not obey them, or live by them, that is deception, the same could be for us if we only hear and not live them out. I always have said to read scripture is to fuel the Holy Spirit in me. I nead to read trust and act.
  7. Wow since /05 I`ve really been tried, but I never blamed God. I learned to turn it over to Him and go with it. I learned patience, preserverence, understanding, trust, now that was harder then I thought it would be,oh but what a reward in doing so! I believe that I have a deeper richer relationship with God now more then I ever did, I have learned to listen for His voice, to think beyond my own capasity, and to trust in God that He is in control. Through Christ I am being refined, it is not about me, I am here for Him. No I refused to let satan destroy me with my trials, but it was done with the Lord. He is Awsome!
  8. quote name='Pastor Ralph' date='Dec 17 2004, 06:30 PM' post='10388'] Q2. (1:13-15) Why do people blame God for evil? Does God tempt us with evil? Does he tempt sinful people with evil? Why does he allow people to sin? Why does he allow evil to exist at all? If one does not have a deep relationship with God then they may not have the understanding of the Lord, which in turn makes it easy to blame Him. They may believe that He created all so why not get rid of evil, do something about it. But God does not tempt us with evil, whether we are followers of Christ or not, He gives us a choice. We get to choose and unfortunately sin often looks more exciting and inviting then to turn the cheek and follow Christ. To our dislike of evil, well we chose it back in the garden of eden and now we have to deal with it, BUT WE ARE NOT ALONE! Some times evil is used to bring us to the Lord, when we are down and or on our last bit of strength as we say, there is that glimmer of hope that arises in us from deep down inside and we cry out to Jesus! Isn`t that great! What a Saviour we have!
  9. Wisdom is what we are promised but to recieve we must [believe and have no doubt. That is what trials are about, turning to God trusting in Him walking with Him that is what helps us grow in faith, learning along the way, getting wisdom. Proverbs 1 vs 7 says " THE FEAR OF THE LORD IS THE BEGINNING OF KNOWEDGE BUT FOOLS DESPISE WISDOM AND DISCIPLINE." Keep smiling God bless.
  10. When I am being tried or tested I haved learned to turn it over to God. To trust in Him and wait for His leadership. If I step out on my own I start to have second thoughts. Trials have taught me to be humble, to really seek God out and wait for Him. When you wait on the Lord it teaches you patience gives you understanding, helps you to endure whatever the trial may be,this is growing in faith, hoping for what you do not know trusting in God and continual seeking His grace. How over whelming and full of joy it is when God answers no matter how small or great it may be in my mind! Thanks you Jesus!
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