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Everything posted by newwine50

  1. Q4. (Psalm 27:8) What does it mean "to seek his face?" It means to desire to enter into His presence, to spend intimate time with Him. What is necessary in us to have a desire for that? We need to do what Mary did. Lay aside our busyness and sit at Jesus' feet listening to Him. How did talking to God "face to face" change Moses? Moses' face shown with God's glory. How will it change us? We will be changed from glory to glory as we behold the Lord. The glory we receive should be greater than that of Moses because we are under the New Covenant. What does it cost us to actively seek him? Time and maybe giving up busyness.. Is it worth it? Yes. How does seeking his face relate to our theme of the Glorious Kingdom? When we seek God's face, we are changed from glory to glory. We reflect His glory, manifesting the glorious kingdom, bringing glory to God.
  2. Q3. Based on John's vision of the Bride, the Holy City, in Revelation 21, how would you describe in your own words the glory we will experience? An artist showed me a picture of a gold castle he had built out of broken gourds. The name of it was 'Perseverance Castle.' I knew it represented the Heavenly Jerusalem I had been seeing deep in my spirit. My daughter-in-law's father was a man filled with God's love. He volunteered with 'Love in the Name of Christ.' He recently died. I remembered the joy he had when I first met him as he told me about his volunteer work with Love in the Name of Christ. When he died, I sensed God showing me that he was part of the Heavenly Jerusalem. I I had given my son and his family gifts related to space right before this. I wrote a letter to the wife and family regarding what God had shown me about this man being in heaven. It was so strong in my spirit I had to write it even though I wasn't sure they would understand. One time God had me look at the book 'Believe in the God Who Believes in You' by Robert Schuller. Dr. Schuller told Mother Teresa that when he built the Crystal Cathedral he asked God to make his life a window His light would shine through and a mirror to reflect His love. Dr. Schuller told Mother Teresa her life had been an answer to his prayer. I saw my daughter-in-law's father's life being an answer to his prayer also. I saw that God wasn't looking for big name ministers just ordinary people who share His love with others. I saw that it is the small acts of love that we do with God's heart of love that matter. The sheep inherit the kingdom. They ministered to Jesus in the least of these. I think of the song, With Every Act of Love (We Bring The Kingdom Come). This lesson has really got me to thiniking about the things God has told me. But it also leaves many questions. It seems to me that 'enduring' and persevering' are not 'ruling and reigning.' On 9/11 God gave me three messages. The first one was that the church needed to repent for doing things man's way. The second one was from the Book of Haggai. The land was under destruction because people were building their own houses not seeing that the Temple of the Lord (people) was in ruins. God told me that there were many broken and trashed pieces of wood (people) He wanted brought in so that He could make them into vessels of honor to pour His glroy out on the nations. The last message was the following song I woke up hearing the morning of 9/11: Now is the time, the day of salvation. Now is the time, to hear and obey. Now is the time, make no hesitation. JESUS HAS SAID PREPARE THE WAY!!! After I gave these messages I was called in. I wanted to do the right thing and thought it was to apologize for speaking and say I would submit to the pastor. WRONG.... The next morning I woke up and saw the Holy Spirit go into the earth of my heart. I cried for years. It seems like I have been very far from 'ruling and reigning' since then. I find myself just barely 'enduring and persevering.' I believe based on personal experience that the greatest mistake the church has made is to submit to man and quench the Holy Spirit, the love of God, who is supposed to flow out of our hearts. The next course I am taking with this ministry is 'The Holy Spirit.' I am praying that I will be able to redig the well in my heart and that the Holy Spirit, the love of God, will flow out of my heart again. We are to be sharing God's love in this age in order to reign with Him in the next age I suppose. At least that is what God showed me through my daughter-in-law's father, the Crystal Cathedral and Mother Teresa as illustrations. My daughter-in-law's father was such an illustration to me of an ordinary person having a heart of love and sharing God's love with others.
  3. Q2. (2 Timothy 2:12a) What does it mean to "rule and reign" with Christ now, in this life? What do you think it will mean after Christ returns? How does this relate to our theme of the Glorious Kingdom? 2 Tim. 2:12a says that if we endure we will reign with Christ. Personally I don't see enduring as reigning with Christ now. It sounds like we have to just endure until we are raptured and then we'll reign with Christ. This scripture appears to say that we will reign with Christ if we endure in this life. But that takes away from us reigning in this life.
  4. Q1. What does Matthew 24:30-31 tell us will happen when Christ returns? The sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky. All nations will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. He will send His angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. How does this relate to Daniel's prophecy of the Son of Man? The Son of Man will come on the clouds.
  5. Q4. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we to rule and reign in Christ's Kingdom administration now, in this life? Paul says in Romans 5:17, "For if by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God's abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!" Because of Bod's abundant grace and gift of righteousness, we are supposed to reign in life now through Christ Jesus. Paul says in Eph. 2:4-6, "But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions--it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus." One of the best illustrations I have for this is that the best man can do is create an explosion of death - the atomic bomb. The greatest God did was create an explosion of life through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. We are not supposed to be in the first Adam who reigned in death but we are to be in the last Adam, Jesus Christ, who reigns in life. We are born again from incorruptible seed and by the Holy Spirit as a new creation in Chirst to rule and reign with Him in life now. Jesus said we had to be born again. We were born again when He was raised from the dead in order to reign in life through Him. Jesus said to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them (symbolizing death and resurrection with Christ) and teaching them to obey all He commanded. If Jesus is Lord we are to obey Him. What would your world be like if a majority of believers took this seriously? We would see major transformation if we realized who we are in Christ and reigned in life and obeyed Jesus' commandments of love and forgiveness. What do you think ruling and reigning with Christ will consist of after he returns? I'm not sure. I don't put much thought into the future ruling and reigning. I see too many people put off what I believe God intended for now to a future time. We need to reign in life with Christ today We need to truly make Jesus Lord and obey Him today.
  6. Q3. (Ephesians 1:20-22; 2:6) Jesus' apostles were given spiritual authority from Jesus to carry out their ministries. What is the basis of your spiritual authority? We are seated with Christ in heavenly places. Why do you think we believers neglect to exercise our God-given Kingdom authority? I believe we neglect to exercise our authority because of fear which is caused from submitting to man and quenching the Holy Spirit, who was given to us to get rid of the spirit of fear. Morris Cerullo has a book titled 'One Demon Spriit.' He said that there are still demoniacs in our day but they are all locked up in prisons and mental institutes. He said taht the one demon spirit is fear in the church. The disciples were hiding out in fear until they were filled with the Holy Spirit. God's perfect love casts out fear. Joseph Prince tells the story of a minister who went into the worst ward of a mental institute. He couldn't minister to the patients. The Holy spirit told him to sing the song 'Jesus Loves Me.' One by one the patients joined him in singing this song. Most, if not all, of the inmates were released from the hospital. God's love is the power of God.
  7. Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:5-12) Why does a believer's suffering make his or her witness more credible to the world? This is hard for me to answer. I know that there are many sufferings that a Christian goes through but I believe many of them are caused by us doing things our way instead of God's way. Why do you think Paul contrasts "jars of clay" with "all-surpassing power"? We are the jars of clay. The surpassing power is of God. What is the "treasure" that is contained within us? Christ. How does this differ from the New Age truism of "believe in yourself"? We aren't believing in ourselves. We are believing in Christ in us, the hope of glroy.
  8. Q1. (Matthew 5:14-16) In what sense are we the "light of the world"? What does it mean to let your light shine? What kinds of character and actions in a believer's life bring glory to the Father? Why were we created to do good works? (Ephesians 2:10) We are the 'light of the world' because Christ lives in us. One time God showed me how peoples' words were always telling me that I was wrong for being who He created me to be. God showed me my heart filled with high walls and darkness. He showed me that every time someone said I was wrong for being who He created me to be, I had taken that word (stone) and put it in my heart and hisd behind it in shame and fear like Adam and Eve. He told me that every time someone said I was wrong for being who He created me to be I was to reject that word and praise Him. He told me to build Him a house of praise in my heart where the sun and moon wouldn't need to shine because He would be the light that shines there. After that God showed me a pure white peacock and told me that is how beautiful He sees me and all of His children because of one thing - the blood of Jesus. He told me that we can't get any better than that. God created us in His image and covered us with the blood of Jesus. The one thing He said not to do was eat of the tree of knowledge which causes us not to believe what God says about us - that we are good nad blessed and instead believe the voice of the enemy which causes us to hide in shame and fear from God. We then try to cover ourselves with fig leaves, but God requires blood. We reign in life through the abundance of God's grace and gift of righteousness shown to us through Christ. There was a picture of the white peacock standing under a tree on the front page of the newspaper. The caption read, 'The Emerald Queen.' The throne of God is described as an emerald. It is in heaven. Even while we were dead in our sins, God made us alive together with Christ and raised us up to sit with Him in heavenly places. Our job is to believe God and build Him a house of praise in our hearts when the devil tells us we aren't good. Easier said that done. I like this ministry's name - Joyful Heart. God wants to build His house in our hearts.
  9. Q4. According to Daniel 7:14, what is the extent of the Son of Man's authority? It doesn't say specifically, but it seems like all authority has been given to Him because all peoples and nations worship Him. This is verified in Matthew 28:18 where Jesus explicitly says that all authority in heaven and earth has been given to Him. Of his glory? Again it does not say explicitly the extent of His glory but it is assumed all glory has been given Him because all people worship Him. How is the use of Jesus' name in prayer and command a form of delegating his power? Phil. 2:9-11 answers this best. "Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father." How much power do we have in Jesus' name? We have all power. What limits the exercise of this power? Lack of knowledge of the authority we have in His name. Fear and unbelief also limit us greatly. Jesus said that the religious leaders couldn't believe in Him because they sought the glory of man more than the glory of God. Christ lives in us but we have buried Him out of fear.
  10. Q3. How is Jesus' glory displayed in his trial and crucifixion? It is seen 5 times in His trial and crucifixion. 1. Before the Sanhedrin when Jesus referred to Daniel's prophecy of the Son of Man. 2. Before Pilate when Jesus said that His kingdom was not of this world. 3. The placard Pilate ordered to be put on his cross that said in three languages 'Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews.' 4. The thief on the cross who said, Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom. 5. The centurion saying, This man was the Son of God. In his resurrection? Life conquered death. How do you think the thief on the cross and the centurion supervising the crucifixion could see his glory? They saw God's love and forgiveness ccome from Jesus in the midst of man's hate and judgment. They saw light in the darkness. Why is God's glory often seen in the midst of suffering? God's light and love shine through in the midst of man's darkness and hate.
  11. Q2. How is Jesus' glory displayed through his transfiguration and miracles? God's glory and majesty and light were shown in the Transfiguration. Jesus was shown to be the Son of God who God honored by saying, This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him. The miracles Jesus performed brought light into darkness. It was heaven invading earth or the Kingdom of God invading the kingdom of darkness.
  12. Q1. (John 1:1-5, 14) When did Jesus glory and kingly authority have their origins? In what sense were they hidden while he was on earth? In what sense were they still present? Jesus' glory and kingly authority had their origins from before the beginning of the world, from the very beginning. They were hidden on earth because he became man and took the form of a bond servant so that we could share in His glory. Jesus said in John 17:22, "I have given them the glory that you gave me that they may be oneas we are one." Isaiah 53:2-3 says, "He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him. He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their face He was despised, and we held Him in low esteem." Phil. 2:7-11 says, "...He made Himself nofhing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to death---even death on a cross! Therefore, God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord Therefore, God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Jesus' glory and kingly authority were shown through the works that He did that were of the Father, the miracles He did. Some people couldn't receive them because they saw His humanity rather than His divinity. The same is true today. Jesus uses the foolish things of this world to confound the wise so taht no man may glory. "But God who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God's glory displayed in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us." (2 Cor. 4:6-7)
  13. Q4. Is the Kingdom of God present now? In what sense? What are the present limitations of this Kingdom's power, if any? When will the Kingdom of God be fully manifest to all? The kingdom of God is present now but from personal experience I believe that we have buried it in our hearts by submitting to man and doing things man's way.. Romans 14:17 says that the kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. The church received the Kingdom of God on the Day of Pentecost. But much of the church has buried the Holy Spirit in our hearts by submitting to man. Jesus told His church that all authority in heaven and earth had been given to Him and therefore to go and make disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey Jesus who is the King of His kingdom. But we made Caesar and Jesus co-lords and no longer told people they had to obey Jesus. John 14 says that if we obey Jesus He will manifest Himself to us. I believe that means manifest His kingdom to us. If there is a Kingdom theer is a king who we are supposed to obey. The law of the glorious kingdom is love. The kingdom will fully manifest when the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of our Lord and His Christ This will happen at the seventh trumpet according to the Book of Revelation. But for now we the church are to be the kingdom of God on earth, being a light in the darkness by praising God who inhabits our praises.
  14. Q3. (Luke 17:20-21) How do you understand Jesus' saying, "The Kingdom is within you" or "in your midst"? What does this teach us about Jesus? I believe it means that the kingdom of God was in their midst in the presence of Jesus. Jesus brought the glorious kingdom with Him. The glorious kingdom was displayed through Him.
  15. Q2. What did the term "Messiah" mean to the Jews? They saw the Messiah as being the one who would restore David's Kingdom, an earthly kingdom. How does Daniel's Son of Man exceed this understanding?This is not an earthly kingdom but the Son of Man's Glorious Kingdom that will last forever and crush all other kingdoms. Why does Jesus primarily use the title Son of Man rather than Messiah or Son of God? It avoided religious and political problems of the leaders accusing Him of blasphemy. It also shows that it was the 'Son of Man' (humanity) who was given this eternal kingdom. Jesus didn't have to become a man to inherit all of this for Himself. He had to become man for us to be restored to the place God intended for us to be.
  16. Q1. (Daniel 7:13-14) What are the elements of Daniel's prophecy of "one like a son of man"? I'm not sure what this question is asking in regard to 'elements.' I see much significance in it saying the 'son of man' instead of the Son of God. Jesus became man to restore us, mankind, to our position as Sons of God. He comes on the clouds of heaven. Hebrews 12 starts with talking about the great cloud of witnesses and ends with us needing to be thankful and worship God acceptably because we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken. "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great crowd of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.... Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire." (Heb. 12) What is he given by the Ancient of Days? Authority, glory and sovereign power. What clues do you have to the divinity of "one like a son of man" in Daniel's prophecy? He comes on the clouds. This is also in reference to God. He is taken before the Ancient of Days and was given authority, glory and sovereign power, which belong to God.
  17. Q1. Describe the difference between (1) reputation glory, (2) derived glory, and (3) inherent glory. Which glory is involved when you praise God? Which glory is within you? Reputation glory is glory that comes from what someone does. It relates to their reputation. God's acts show his reputation glory. Derived glory is glory that is derived from something or someone else. The moon derives its light, its glory, from the sun. We derive our glory from God. Inherent glory is the glory God has that is independent of whether or not He is honored. Reputation glory is involved when we praise God for who He is and what He does. Inherent glory from god is within us.
  18. In what way does the title Son of God make Jesus equal with the Father? I'm not sure. The only thing that comes to mind is where Jesus said that He and the Father were one. The Jews saw this title as Jesus being equal with God, but I'm not sure why. When you deal with the Son, is that the same as dealing with the Father? With God it is, but in our world it isn't. Do you know Jesus the Son of God? Yes. Do you love him? Yes.
  19. Q6. (Luke 9:35) Since Jesus is God's Chosen One, what does it mean to "listen to him"? It means that we pay attention to Jesus' words above others. It means that we hear and obey His words. We respect them. One time I asked God what to teach. He pounded into my heart for a day and a half 'teaching them to obey all I have commanded you.' I thought, What a novel idea - to teach what Jesus said to teach. In what ways does your life reflect listening to him? In what ways do you need to heed him more explicitly? The top neurosurgeons gave up on me. God showed me He was in control. I spent every day meditating on one scripture. I was healed and delivered in that place of peace. After I was filled with the Holy Spirit His Word was alive to me. The pastor I had taught me not to listen to anyone unless it confirmed with what God was speaking to me through His Word and His Spirit He taught me that God's Word was true and to believe it. I would sit at my computer for hours writing messages. One time I gave a message to a pastor. I was called in. I wanted to do the right thing and thought it was to applogize for speaking and submit to him. Wrong.... The next day I saw the Holy Spirit go into the earth of my heart. I cried for years and am still trying to get back to where I once was. I believe these studies will help me. God showed me the mistake I made. I thought that they knew more than me because they said they were on the cutting edge of what God was doing. God gives us His Holy Spirit and His Word so that we can learn the truth and not be deceived. We need to be careful not to think that others know more than we do. Jesus says His sheep know His voice. .
  20. Q4. (Matthew 21:9, 15) Why were the chief priests and scribes so angry when little children referred to Jesus as "Son of David"? Because they (the religious leaders) had rejected Jesus and yet little children recognized Him as theri Messiah and King. What does the title "Son of David" signify? That He was the Messiah and the King who would reign forever.
  21. Q3. (Matthew 16:13-16) Whom did Peter believe Jesus to be? The Christ, the Son of the Living God. How did Peter come to believe this? God revealed it to him. Why does Jesus command his disciples not to tell others that he is the Messiah? (Matthew 16:20). John 6:15 comes to mind. Jesus did not want them to make him an earthly king, which is what they were looking for. "Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself." (John 6:15)
  22. Which are your favorite messianic prophecies? The prophecies that promise a time of peace. Jesus came to bring peace on earth. He wept over Jerusalem because they didn't know the way of peace. They missed their day of visitation because they were looking for an earthly king. I believe we are still looking for an earthly king and missing the peace that Jesus came to bring. My journey with Jessu began with an intense time of peace. I am wroking on getting back to that place of peace. Which titles from those are dearest to you? Why? Prince of Peace. Because peace is the greatest thing our world needs.
  23. Q1. What is the meaning of the words “Christ” and “Messiah? How does the Davidic Covenant influence messianic expectation in Jesus’ day? Jesus was the Messiah prophesied of whose kingdom would never end. His kingdom was not a kingdom of this world.
  24. Q2. (Daniel 7:13-14) Since Jesus is the Son of Man in Daniel's prophecy, what implications does that have for your obedience, your worship, your estimation of Jesus' power and glory? This was a new revelation for me. When I started this lesson this week I thought it would be boring because it was on Jesus as the Son of Man. I thought it woild just be about His humanity. It was very enlightening to see the reference to Son of Man in Daniel. I will never think of Jesus being the Son of Man again in the same way. .
  25. Q1. (Daniel 7:13-14) What attributes does the "one like a son of man" have in Daniel's prophecy? He appears as a Son of Man but He is also heavenly (Son of God) because He comes on the clouds of heaven, approaches the Ancient of Days, receives authority, glory and sovereign power, is worshiped by people from all nations, and possesses an everlasting kingdom. In what ways does this personage possess divine elements? Everything points to Him being divine except His resemblance as a Son of Man. What authority does he have? Daniel doesn't specifically say 'all,' but I believe it shows that He has all power. Jesus said 'All authoirty in heaven and earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations. Jesus as the Son of Man has been given all authority. The first Adam lost his authority to the enemy. The last Adam , Jesus Christ regained all authority. How do we know that Jesus identified himself with this Son of Man in Daniel? Because of what He told the high priest in Matt. 26:63-64.
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