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Everything posted by newwine50

  1. . (John 4:16; 1 Corinthians 1:24) How does Jesus’ truth contrast with your culture’s dearly held “truths”? How does Jesus’ wisdom differ from the worldly wisdom that your culture teaches you? What would help you hold on to Jesus’ truth and wisdom more effectively? This is my personal experience. The top neurosurgeons gave up on me. God pulled the doctors away and had me sit at Jesus' feet meditating on one scripture - that if God takes care of the birds in the air and the flowers in the field how much more would He take care of me. All fear of death left and God's peace consumed me. After two years, I was healed and delivered in that place of peace. After that I was filled with the Holy Spirit and went to a faith church. Every time I said I was sick, they would say I wasn't and point me to God's Word that says By Jesus' stripes I am healed. God pulled me off medications one by one. I was off all medications in one year by believing God's Word of trutth that I am healed instead of the world's wisdom that I am sick. After giving a message in a large church I was called in. I wanted to do the right thing and apologized for speaking and said I would submit to the pastor. WRONG... The next morning I saw the Holy Spirit go into the earth of my heart. I cried for years. I spent 18 years and two large inheritances going to the best Christian conferences and buying the best teachings only to have God show me I was totally lost. He brought me back to where I started and said 'I am the way.' Jesus says that we are not to worry about what we eat or drink or wear. If God takes care of the birds in the air and the flowers in the field how much more will He take care of us. He says that we are not to be like the world because we have a Heavenly Father who takes care of us. I think of the song 'Stressed Out.' Jesus said , Come to Me all you who are burdened and heavily laden and I will give you rest. My yoke is easy and My burden light. I was the woman with the issue of blood twice. Once with medical doctors and once with church doctors. In both cases God brought me back to His Word, His Truth, Jesus Christ. There are many other instances where God's Word is different than the world's. Every family is to blessed through the seed of Abraham. By faith we have to agree with God that our family is blessed. Culture will always look at the sin. God always looks at the blood and sees us and the world through the blood His Son shed. The message of the early church was that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself not counting their sins against them. The early church forgave Saul and God brought His justice. He turned Saul into Paul. God's ways are not our ways. The rich man ended up in Hades and Lazarus in the bosom of Abraham. On the Ides of March, Death of |Caesar, I came across Red Letter Christians. Jesus said that those who hear and do His Words are like a man who built His house on a Rock. It stands when the storms come. He said that those who only hear His Word but don't do it are like a man who built his house on sand. His house fell when the storms came. This comes back to the first question of Jesus being our Rabbi.
  2. (John 1:1-3, 14) In what sense is Jesus the Word of God? Why do you think he is called this? Why does John call him the Word of Life (1 John 1:1)? What does this say to us about the importance of hearing, meditating on, and internalizing Jesus’ words? Jesus is called the Word of Gdo because He is the Word of God made flesh, incarnated. He is called the Word of life because He said that His words are Spirit and Life. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the LIFE. Mary said, Let it be done according to your Word. The Holy Spirit overshadowed her. The Word, the seed of God, was conceived. We are born again as children of God in the same way. We are born again of incorruptible seed, the living, enduring Word of God . (1 Pet. 1:23) As newborn babes we are to crave the milk of the Word to grow.up in our salvation. (1 Pet. 2:2) In `1 Cor. 3, Paul told the Corinthians that he couldn't feed them solid food because they weren't ready for it They were still infants (carnal). They said that they belonged to men instead of to Christ. Paul continues to say that only one foundation can be laid, Jesus Christ In Ephesians 4, Paul says that Jesus gave the five-fold ministry gifts to the church for the building up of the Body of Christ. "Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work." (Eph. 4:14-16) We are born again by the Word of God. We are to be given the milk of the Word to drink as infants. But we are to go beyond infancy and eat solid food to grow up into Christ. Our whole groth process is based on us planting the word of God in our hearts. I think of the parable of the sower. Our hearts must be good ground so that we can bear much fruit.
  3. . What is your relationship to Jesus as your Rabbi? He is the Rabbi. I am the disciple. How often do you come to him to teach you? I don't think that I come to him specifically to be taught although maybe I should. I asked God what to teach one time. He pounded into my heart for a day and a half, 'teaching them to obey all I have commanded you.' I thought, What a novel idea. To teach what Jesus said to teach. I come to Him more for fellowship than for teaching. How do you receive his teaching? By the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. The first pastor I had after I was filled with the Holy Spirit taught me not to listen to any person including him unless it confirmed with what God was speaking to me through His Spirit and Word. How teachable do you think you are? I have much room for improvement.
  4. Q1. How is the meaning of Jesus' name linked to his mission? What is his mission? How did he fulfill this mission? How did he fulfill his mission in your life? I am answering this as one question. Jesus means Yahweh saves. But the word 'save' does not mean just to go to heaven. It means to 'save, deliver, give victory, help.' In my personal experience and in the bible it also means 'to heal' and 'make whole.' 'How did He fulfill His mission?' caught my attention in the last two questions. Jesus fulfilled His mission through His death and resurrection, but His mission is still not fulfilled. He is continuing His mission of saving the world through His church. We are the Body of Christ and He is still fulfilling His mission through us. Jesus has saved me continually throughout my life and will continue to save me as long as I live. His mission is still being fulfilled in my life.
  5. What does it mean to pray in the name of Jesus? I don't think I know the answer to this question. The scripture about the seven sons of Sceva comes to mind. They tried to cast out evil spirits in the name of Jeus, but the evil spirits said, Jesus I know and Paul I know but who are you? The man who had the evil spiirt that they were trying to cast out in Jesus' name leaped on them and overcame them. They fled from the house naked and wounded. These were seven priests using the name of Jesus but it didn't work. So there has to be more to using the name of Jesus than just saying it. The evil spirits knew Jesus and Paul, but they didn't know the sons of Sceva. Do you use the name of Jesus when you pray? Yes, but I don't see the results that Jesus and Paul saw. What does using the name of Jesus limit what we will pray for? We will pray according to God's will as Jesus did.
  6. Jesus saves us rrom our sins and the name save means so much more. Jesus saves means that he saves us from sin and protects us and keeps us safe and heals us and restores us. He truly is the Savior of the world. I am so thankful for this study because it is bringing me back to Jesus. We can go to church and do all the right things but not know Jesus and trust Him to be our Savior. I spent a lot of money going to the best Christian conferences and buying the best teachings, but in the end, I had a dream where God showed me that I was totally lost. He told me that He was going to show me the directions. He then said, 'I am the way.' Paul feared that the church would be deceived in the same way Eve was - in leaving the simplicity of Christ. Jesus is the Savior of the world.'
  7. The Lamb of God was slain from the foundation of the world. (Rev. 13:8; 1 Pet. 1:20) When God created the world, He said that everything was good. Everything was good because the Lamb of God had already been slain. God had things covered. The only thing God told Adam and Eve they could not do was eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. When they ate of that tree, they saw their nakedness and hid in shame and fear. They tried to cover themselves with fig leaves but that was not acceptable to God. There had to be blood. God killed an animal and covered them with the skins. Abel kept flocks. Cain worked the soil. They both brought sacrifices to God. Abel's was acceptable - a blood sacrifice. Cain's was not. Cain was 'angry.' God told Cain that if he did what was right he would be accepted - presenting a blood sacrifice. If he didn't, sin crouched at the door - anger. God said that Cain should rule over that anger. He didn't and murdered his brother. Throughout the Old Testament, there was a constant flow of animal blood. I believe God did this to make us aware that blood is required and without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. The people saw a continuous flow of blood to make them know that there had to be blood.
  8. In the New Testament, I don't believe anger is an appropriate response to sin. God has shown me several times how different His 'seeing' is than mine. God sees the heart of the person and has great compassion. We see the outward and tend to be judgmental. There are several illustrations I could give, but I believe they would offend, so instead I will use examples from the bible. The woman with the alabaster jar was a great sinner, yet she washed Jesus' feet with her tears. Jesus said that she loved much because she had been forgiven much. Peter denied Jesus three times, but Jesus didn't come back and become angry at him. He asked him three times, Do you love Me? We are all sinners and anger is one of the worst sins there is. We have children killing each other in school. If we want to see murder stopped, it must start with stopping anger. Jesus showed us that on the cross. He was perfect and holy with no sin. If anyone was justified in being angry it was Jesus, but He showed us a 'more excellent way,' the way of forgiveness and love. “You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder,and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sisterwill be subject to judgment...." (Matt. 5:21-22)
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