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Everything posted by Bondservantmccue

  1. Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:6a) Why is a Christian’s spiritual health so closely related to his or her involvement in ministry? The best spiritual health is to be involved with the church, do your part, everyone can do something for the work of God, nothing is unimportant and everyone is needed to fulfill the whole body of Christ. I always looked at it like this be the best at what God gives you to do. Being part of the body of Christ and do not forsake the assembly 0f the church. At these crucial times we need to gather together even more to help each other, helping others helps your spiritual life grow continually you can never stop growing if you do you will die. What are the consequences of dropping out of church – for the believer? For Christ’s Kingdom? Everyone loses when you lose part of the body, Don't base your salvation on others, I come to church with one thing on my mind, I'm going to praise my God if no one else does. I would not be here today if it had not been for the church and someone praying for me, I owe myself to God and I give myself whole heartily to Him. Praise the name of the Lord. I get excited talking about God, I hope everyone else will. Maranatha; Brother Mike Elder, in The Church of God at Dr's Inlet.
  2. Q3. (2 Corinthians 3:4-6) What is the balance between the need for training in ministry (either in the local church or in schools) and personal submission to the Spirit of God? God does not expect his people to be ignorant or illiterate, but knowledge is good but without the anointing behind it, their will not be much accomplished. Some of the greatest soul winners for Christ did not have much education, but they had a spirit of the anointing that would cause people to repent, because the anointing in these people would convict the sinners. Are you able to “listen to the Spirit’s voice” in your own life? I have learned how to , just sit down sometimes and listen to what, thus saith the Lord. The best learning I have experienced is by listening. Why would this ability be so important in being a competent minister? People are very comfortable around someone who will listen to them. It don't take long if you listen closely to people that they will tell you about everything you want to know.
  3. Q2. (2 Corinthians 3:2-3) In what sense are we “living letters”? The way we conduct ourselves, our lives are the product of who we are, I always ask myself, do I have anything in my life that would hinder Gods work are hinder someone that is trying to live a real Christian life. In what way can people “read us”? Do I have the real spirit dwelling in me, that someone would want? People are fooled sometimes, but eventually the real heart will show whats in it. Why is it so important to be authentic, not phony, in our lives? Most people don't realize, that it is so much easier to live a genuine life for God, don't keep lying to yourself. Their is so much false religion being portrayed as real, that it is so good to run into someone real, it don't take but a few seconds to find out, your spirits will instantly be connected. What happens when people “read” something in you that they admire and mention it to you? Their is no better comment in the world to me than to have someone to tell me that they see something in me they wish they had. How might you respond appropriately? When I am asked what is so different about me, I always respond with this answer. [Walk your talk]. It is easier to live right than wrong, you don't have to worry about hiding anything. Maranatha; Mike
  4. Q1. (2 Corinthians 2:14-16a) In what sense is knowing God fragrant to people who are open to God? The most effective way is to look at the fruit the person is producing, is it rotten, can you smell it, these days people are hiding behind so many masks, that you don't even know the real person. In what way is this fragrance repugnant to people who are closed to God? God will hear nothing from a false fragrance, God likes the sweet smelling savor that is real and genuine. Have you suppressed your “fragrance” because some people are allergic to Christian perfume? Most of the imitation Christians, can fool most people, with their false worship and when the battle is raging, you will see the real person come out. If so, how can you regain the fragrance of Christ’s gospel? This is what has hindered most people, they don't even realize that the devil has got them fooled in believing that they are right with God. Get real with God and let Him renew your fragrance then you will enjoy the spirit of God as He cleans your heart from the false sour, fragrance, from the Masters hand. Live a real Christian life.
  5. Q3. (2 Corinthians 2:9) How does obedience to servant leaders help the church of Jesus Christ? The first real lesson is that God is not the author of confusion, He will have no part of it. Their always has to be someone leading, our obedience to them as long as it does not doing anything contrary to the Word of God, help the leader in any way possible, if he or she is not a qualified leader, the true colors will always show. You shall know by the fruit they bare. How does obedience to self-serving leaders hurt the church? This is one of the most corrupt things that can happen, especially if it is who you know or scratch my back and I will do likewise, this is very dangerous especially for new converts, I would hate to have a new convert go to hell, because I was playing the buddy system, there will be blood on the hands of self-serving people. Are you obedient to those whom God has placed over you in the Lord? Why or why not? Yes I don't play around with the ones who have authority over me, if they are wrong are going the wrong way, they will have to answer to God for there actions What is the relationship between obedience and church unity? They go hand in hand without obedience their can not be any unity. A well run church is everyone has there place and job to do. It takes a whole body to make up the body of the church, no job is unimportant, the unity and harmony is a place you will find the Spirit of God Dwelling Maranatha; Brother mike McCue
  6. Q2. (2 Corinthians 1:24) What does it mean to “lord it over” someone? What is the balance between (1) good, strong leadership, I always apply good, strong leadership, as being an example for others to follow, never ask someone to do something that you would not do. The leading by example according to the Word of God will never fail. (2) micromanaging, and (3) a complete laissez-faire approach to leadership? You never can achieve anything by trying to be a lord over someone and demand them to do it your way or else. No their is always a Biblical approach to everything and if you use it as a guideline you will never fail, it is with a humbleness, and a servants heart that people cannot resist. What are the dangers of an authoritative leadership style? It makes you a person people will avoid and the people that work for them are never happy and nothing really gets accomplished. What are the dangers of a weak leadership style? This can lead to a situation just as bad or worst than a demanding leadership, nobody will respect you and you will be run over. You have to earn respect and I always lead by example and talk and communicate with all participates, I want to know what they think and that I care. The best is using a Christian work ethic and have a caring heart, Maranatha; Mike
  7. Q1. (2 Corinthians 1:21b-22) According to this verse, what does the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives signify? This goes on further when you remember these first Christians had so much power through the indwelling of the Holy Ghost with God's seal, that is powerful, God just does not anoint anybody, you got to be called out and separate yourself from the world. How does the Spirit unite us with God? Someone full of the Holy Ghost, will quickly become and sense others with the same spirit, i pray continually for more discernment in my own life, these days are full of false prophets and spirits . What is the promise of future blessing inherent in the Spirit’s presence? with the pure indwelling and real Holy Ghost leading your live your blessings are unlimited and the power likewise, you must bee full of the Holy Ghost to maintain a Godly Christian lifestyle. Maranatha; Brother Mike
  8. Q3. (2 Corinthians 1:10-11) (a) Why does Paul ask people to pray for him? How prayers are answered has always been a mystery, but when you get people praying for someone like Paul, it builds a bond of a prayer chain that can have unlimited success, when the prayer is answered, no one cares who got the prayer through, it means you have a group of prayer warriors that will shakes the gates of hell. It is all done in sincere dedicated prayer life, that the devil hates. When you start praying praying in the Holy Spirit, this shakes the devil because he does not know what you are saying, only God knows. ( How do the prayers of others have an effect? It lets you know that their are people that can get a hold of God in an situation and you build up the confidence in others to do the same, before long you will have a group of true prayer warriors that can get a hold of God. ©What happened in your life that has helped you enter into a ministry of intercessory prayer? I have been a teacher for a number of years, but my strongest point has been my prayer life, I have quite a few people that call me and ask me to pray for them, I started wondering why they would call me and not the pastor or some one else, and every respond was that almost all the time their prayers would be answered. I have always had a heart for praying and working in the altars when people are seeking God for salvation or seeking the filling of the Holy Ghost, the flip side of this whole prayer life is that I get blessed helping others in prayer, it is a feeling that can't be explained when you help someone pray until they receive an answer. Money can't but that feeling, it is a heart felt reality. Maranatha; Brother Mike McCue we had three people give their lives to God this week at our church-To God be the Glory!!!!
  9. Question #2 (a) How does facing a harrowing crisis help us grow in the Lord? It lets me know that the God that I serve is always watching over His children, just as a hen protects her chicks. When he brings you through the crisis, you gain more confidence and knowledge of just how much our God cares for us. ( How has a crisis helped your spiritual life? This is where you get your spiritual from strength from, every valley I go through does not last forever, but I gain strength from it to help me fight the next crisis that I have to face, it is a continuing growing experience in the fullness of our spiritual life. © What is the value of learning not to rely on ourselves? If I decide to face the crisis on my on, nothing good would come out of the situation, because God does not think as we do nor does He handle situations the same as us so I have learned to give it to Him and let Him take care of it. He never makes mistakes nor does He handle anything wrong. (d) What does this do to our pride? The first thing you have to learn is that God despises pride. As it says in the Bible The third kind of love of the world, the Apostle speaks of under that uncommon expression, hE alazoneia ta biou. This is rendered by our translators, the pride of life. It is usually supposed to mean, the pomp and splendour of those that are in high life. But has it not a more extensive sense? Does it not rather mean, the seeking happiness in the praise of men, which, above all things engenders pride? When this is pursued in a more pompous way by kings or illustrious men, we call it "thirst for glory;" when it is sought in a lower way by ordinary men, it is styled, "taking care of our reputation." In plain terms, it is seeking the honour that cometh of men, instead of that which cometh of God only.A Treasury of Great Preaching. (e) How does this improve our effectiveness as God's servants? It makes us stronger and a more stronger in our dependence upon our Lord Jesus Christ, to let Him know that I can't make it through this sin cursed world without His help. Knowing that my strength comes from Jesus Christ, means He is my all and all and that is everything. Maranatha; Brother Mike McCue
  10. Hi everyone, I am looking forward to another outstanding Bible study that Dr. Ralph Wilson, has put together, it will have to be good to beat Moses, the Reluctant Leader. I got so much out of that study and used most of the info, when I taught about Moses in our Sunday School Class. I am grateful to Dr. Wilson for providing us with this study. I bought the e-book edition from amazon and I really love it. God Bless everyone and I am looking forward to our study. Maranatha; Brother Mike McCue
  11. Question 1 (2 Corinthians 1:3-7) (a) What kind of comfort do you receive from your faith in God?From your personal daily relationship with God? The comfort that you receive from your faith in God, is a comfort that cannot be bought or induced with any type drug, because it is real and everlasting beyond comprehension. The peace of your mind and soul is in control by the a God, that is alive and well and has everything under control. To top it off He will never let you down and is always there at a moments notice. The flip side of this is I have to do my part in staying in a close personal relationship with Jesus Christ my savior with a prayer life and reading and meditating in the Word of God, this is the man that came down to this sin cursed world and lived a sin free life, then gave His live that I might go free. ( How might you share the blessing of this kind of comfort with a friend or relative who is currently suffering? What words of comfort can you bring to others? Tell them what God has done for you, talk to them about turning their life over to God if they are not saved. You can always tell what the real story is in peoples lives by the fruit they bear. If you are trying to witness to them you have to make sure that you are walking your talk and are not a hypocrite. The words of comfort from a real Christian, taking time to stop and fellowship with someone who is suffering can be one of the most rewarding ventures in your life, to see the smile and happiness in someone's face when they know that you really care, is a feeling you receive that cannot be bought. It is worth it all, just think if it was the other way around: hm,hm,hm. Pray before you go and visit someone for God to give you the words to say, and how to say them, if you are sincere about telling others about Jesus Christ, God will never let you down and it can be one of the most rewarding thing that you could ever do. It will always be remembered. Praise God!!! Maranatha; Brother Mike McCue[
  12. Helping Others in Need of Bible Related Questions

  13. His own people, had Him put to death, what a shame, He came to this earth to do nothing, but good and to show the new way of salvation was through Him and not the Old Law covenant. If they only Knew that by killing Him the Old Covenant laws where history, He dad put the money making priests and others that were using the law as making money instead of its real purpose. We bear responsibility for killing Christ, every time we reject Him for what He has done for usm that is why it is so important to walk your talk and live right, He gave His life for me and I shall not forget the day He saved, sanctified and filled me with the Holy Ghost and fire. He was praying for our sins to be forgiven, just as everyones will be if they come with a repentive heart. Maranatha; Bondservantmccue
  14. His own people, had Him put to death, what a shame, He came to this earth to do nothing, but good and to show the new way of salvation was through Him and not the Old Law covenant. If they only Knew that by killing Him the Old Covenant laws where history, He dad put the money making priests and others that were using the law as making money instead of its real purpose. We bear responsibility for killing Christ, every time we reject Him for what He has done for usm that is why it is so important to walk your talk and live right, He gave His life for me and I shall not forget the day He saved, sanctified and filled me with the Holy Ghost and fire. He was praying for our sins to be forgiven, just as everyones will be if they come with a repentive heart. Maranatha; Bondservantmccue
  15. The table was used to display twelve loaves of bread in the presence of the Lord. It was approximately three feet long, eighteen inches wide, and twenty-seven inches high.The English word tabernacle comes from the Latin tabernaculum, meaning
  16. The Ark was the actual dwelling place of God. It was the sanctury of the Lord, His personal place to dwell and talk with only the appointed people that met the qualifications to be in His presence. Any sin in a persons life, met death when it tried to enter into the presence of thr Lord. The highly decorated, beautifully fashioned ark kept the charter of the nations relationship with God. The mercy seat that was on the lid, was meaning atone for. The mercy seat was the lid for the ark as well as the base on which the cherubim were to be placed. In the old covenant, the mercy seat was a place of propitiation for sin, resulting in peace with God. Maranantha Bondservantmccue
  17. God never operates in any kind of an haphazarded way. He is so specific on details and using exact words, What a God we serve every tribe had there specific duty concerning the Tent of Meeting and what is so amazing to me is that the very presence of God is in the center of His people, now that is what I call loving a people that could be so out of control; this applies to us Gentiles also, Everyone has something to do for the body of Christ, I have always said that the person taking the garbage out is just as important as the highest elder in the church. How could you worship and pray to Christ Jesus over the smell of garbage in the house? The most important Jew where the Levites because they prepared the offerings and set up and took the tabernacle down and actually carried all of this from place to place.
  18. This act has always been a mystery to me how, quickly the Israelites turned back to idolarty. I would have to say after being under the Egyptian lifestyle for 400 years, they had no real direction on the new ways under the leadership of God. They were very impatient people, just as we see today in our churches, when people start yelling at a microwave because it is not fast enough, the world is in serious trouble, just as the Bible says in the last days people would be running to and fro trying to keep up with what!!! Aaron didn't have the ability to handle the situation so he compromised and almost caused God, to wipe the whole nation off the face of the earth and start over. What a mighty God we serve who can forgive the worse of sins and backsliding. Thank God for Grace. Most people today don't even realize that they are serving and idol, anything that takes us away from God is our Idol!!! Where your time is spent is what you are serving, I am so thankful that I realized just what an idol can be. I can see why God was so angry, gold and worship of a dead golden calf was more important than a living God who had brought them from bondage, I would say God was very upset and sad that He was forgotten about in such a short time span. Maranatha Bondservantmccue
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