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Everything posted by BJB123

  1. "Unwholesome talk" to me means gossip, talk with a loose tongue, speaking unkind things about others, hurtful thing, etc. Three Guidelines: 1.Is it helpful in building others up? 2.Is it according to the hearer's needs? 3.Is it beneficial to the hearer? If you cannot say something good, then, DON'T say anything at all. That's my philosophy. Slander is cutting others down, saying unkind things to the face or to the back of others. Slanderous words are killing words, hurtful words. I believe that slander is very common among Christians. It should not be because Christians should not speak slanderous to or about anyone Christian or not. Sometimes in Business meetings, people will get angry and say things that are very hurtful and slanderous which causes the unity and body of Christ to be divided. Slander and gossip to me is the biggest cause of the lack of unity in churches today. People can prevent slander by practicing self discipline. People who have this type problem should be on their knees before the Lord and repent.
  2. Question1-a)I believe that God gave us the emotion of anger so that we can examine our own hearts and deal with the anger as quickly as possible. Anger can be very dangerous if not dealth with quickly. Anger will give the devil a "foothold". We need to deal with anger quickly. c)We can keep from sinning when we get angry by dealing with the anger and what caused it as quickly as possible. d) Anger, itself, is not a sin but what we say or do is the sin. From my own experiences, if we are in certain situations that we face daily...it would be most helpful to have a Prayer Warrior praying for you and the situation. Repenting and asking God's forgiveness. Dealing with the situation(s) immediately. Sometimes, it is best to walk away and not allow anger to even happen. Sometimes, if I see anger rising up, I begin to Praise God and give Him glory. I thank Him and then move on. I try very hard to forgive anyone who hurts me verbally. If I forgive others, then I sleep better at night.
  3. 1)The non-believer has no concern about God. Most non-believers just live life to the fullest with no Godly concerns. "If it feels good", do it is what most non-believers would say. Non-believers have a closed mind and a very hard heart. Many non-believers are very evil and ready to hurt whomever gets in their way. 2) People have every opportunity to view sinful things in their own homes, internet, many TV shows that are no more than pornagraphic material. Getting involved with non-christians and going to bars and drinking alcohol and sex parties...folks just let their mind get set on "there is nothing wrong". I'm not hurting anybody is what they think. What it boils down to is they think it is ok when it is just sin sin sin. Wrong thinking. Stinking thinking.
  4. This message is for MXAPOLOGY: You are very bitter with a bad attitude. Your recommendation to remove all the women from the church is not what God would do. God would not remove anyone from the church. Yes there is bickering, but it comes from men and women. There are some lazy christians and some who are busy doing God's work. Don't condemn everyone for what some do not do in the church. MXAPOLY, I will pray for you tonight. Be blessed my brother in Christ.
  5. The old model of the Minister (Pastor) doing all the work hinders the Minister/Pastor from spending time with the Lord praying and studying the Bible realizing that the Pastor does have to fellowship and visit the flock but the main thing is the Pastor needs time with the Lord and seek His revelation so that he can share this with the flock in church. One man (Pastor or not) cannot do all the work. Someone has to lead others have work and follow Gods directions. The congregation needs to take an active part in the church and it's function, such as visitation and outreach, teaching and equipping others to serve the Lord. The Saints of the church can share with communities things that encourage and build the community into a Godly community. Pastors and teachers are to prepare and equip the Saints to do God's work and to God's glory.
  6. Part 1) A lay person may have the gift to preach or teach and do so but never have a titled position in the church. Perhaps they do teach or preach and visit or fill in as a pastor if the need rises. A person may not ever recognize these gifts. When they do recognize these callings, however, they can do these things and never be recognized. I feel that when a person does recognize their calling, they will no doubt want to try to do what God has called them to do. They will want to seek Bible School and really get prepared to Pastor a church or to teach. Part 2) In my opinion the Pastor should have the spiritual gifts., Without these, he will most likely not make it as a Pastor. The church will die without an annointed Pastor. The deacons/elders should pursue removing him as the Church Shepperd. The church needs a Pastor with the Spiritual Gifts. Part3) Spiritual gifts comes from God through the Holy Spirit.
  7. Question1) Try to move a member from where they are up to another level and in many cases maybe evangelism/outreach telling non believes about the plan of salvation. Most times the harvest fields are right in our own communities. Question2) A christian that has a natgural passion to tell others about Christ and one whoi loves sharing their own testimonies of what God has done for them. They are constantly talking about their love of Christ and like to trave such as a Missionary. My thoughts are that particular christian should start in their own hometowns and then travel to other areas of the state or country and then become a full Missionary who travels to other countries. Question 3)As christians, we can encourage the evangelist by letting them know you are praying for them to win soles for God's Kingdom. Encouage them to go out and share the word and let them know that they can do it. Those that God has called to Evangelism, God WILL equip them by providing whatever they need to be able to go out into the Harvest Fields which are wide open.
  8. Apostles today should have a leadership and teaching ministry. Apostles should be called of God and not of self just because they have a college education. College education is most certainly helpful. God equips His apostles and their qualifications will show in their works. I believe Apostles should be Overseers of several churches that are functioning in a Godly manner and be successful churches that teach the truth to the congregation. Needs that churches have that an Apostle could meet: 1) Need for annointed preaching and teaching the truth 2) Need for prayers warriors 3) Need for gifts of healing, laying on of hands, etc. 4)Need of mentoring 5)Need of teaching church leadership to function properly False apostles will be recognized rather quickly as they do not preach/teach truths. They teach lies and are liars and they will also steal from the church and cause division and discontent and will try to divide a church. They will steal the church monies as well as church members.
  9. Hi From BJB. It is so good to be back on the forum. I have really missed the Bible Study. Regarding Unity in the Church. There must be unity between the Brothers and Sisters/Pastor's, etc. in the church. All must come to unity and agree. Without Unity, the church will not function properly. There must be peace between each one in church. THis should be not only during church services, but business meetings etc.
  10. We are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things He planned (predestined) for us long ago. Others need to be able to see the light of Christ in the things that we do. Others need to see Jesus in our works. All of the things (works) are of God and for God. All Glory and Honor go to Him.
  11. "Saved" means we are rescued. It means we have come to know the Lord Jesus as our Savior. We will go to Heaven and not hell. To be delivered means that we can be delivered from sin(s) (such as drugs and alcohol, stealing or telling lies). To me, to be saved (rescued) is one thing. To be delivered is another. We need to be saved, delivered and sactified. I agree with another student, we need more teaching/preaching in our churches on the difference between Heaven and hell. AND, people need to be taught the PLAN OF SALVATION. We do not need to take BEING SAVED lightly. People need to know exactly where they are going if they are not saved (rescued from the Devil). People need to know about daily repentance - to know to ask God to forgive them when they do sin. We all sin. We just need to repent. We need to get off the feel good messages we hear in the pulpits of our churches. We need to get off prosperity messages and onto hell Fire and Damnation messages. I can assure you that the Holy Spirit will bring you to your knees. You will come to know the Lord Jesus as your Savior. People need to hear the TRUTH and know that Jesus died on the cross and shed HIS precious blood for us. Jesus died for our sins. That's it folks.
  12. It is hard to understand "Grace". We do not deserve it. We have not earned it. God just gives us grace becaue He loves us. You do not get something for nothing. When we give, we expect to get something in return. We need to give just because we love someone (not to get something in return). A child spills milk on the carpet by accident. Mother says that ok. It was an accident. I love you. Don't worry. We will clean it up.
  13. To be seated with Christ means we are spiritually seated by Him in "The Heavenly Realm". We have been transformed through our faith in Christ and have been given power and authority over Satan and things of this world. We are more than conqueres in Christ Jesus. Through God's grace, we are transformed daily and we can equip ourselves now to live Godly lives and impact the lives of others. We need to put on God's full coat of armor. We need to study our instruction booklet (the Bible) and commune with the Father daily and pray for revelation. We need to pray for God to reveal himself to us. As Christians, we have authority over the demonic and worldly things. We have authority over Satan and his imps from hell. We are above Satan. He is under our feet. As Christians, we can rebuke Satan and rebuke the evilness in this world. We need to pray for revelation from God. We need to boldly come into God's throne room with thanksgiving and beg for revelation. We need to have the blinders lifted from our eyes and heart. We need to have the scales lifed from our eyes and heart. We need to put into action what God has promised us in His Word. As I have mentioned in other questions, "As Christians, we can take authority over Satan and the evil things of this world. We have nothing to fear. We are covered with the precious Blood of Jesus." I thank God for the teachings I have received on spiritual warefare. I thank God for the boldness he has placed in me.
  14. God's love, mercy and grace describes His character. We are MADE ALIVE (in Christ).
  15. Unwittingly following Satan is when we do not discern that he (satan) has deceived us. We do not study the word of God or do not apply the word to our daily lives. So many Christians take the Word for granted and therefore end up doing things that we should not be doing. We are not guarding our hearts, minds and souls. Satan is a deceiver - a roaring lion seeking his prey. Christians must bath themselves in the Word of God and keep a close personal relationship with God. Christians sometimes rebell against God by simply doing wrong things that they know is wrong. Gossip, telling lies...People rebell against God when they get an attitude like "I am going to do what I want to do, I do not care what the Pastor wants me to do" We must be grounded in the Word of God. We must not be blinded to Satan's existence. God can blame us. God has given us the BIBLE, His instruction booklet. We need to use that Bible every day and commune with God everyday. We need to get over self-centeredness and pride and begin utilizing the Word of God. We need to use all weapons that God has given us to fight Satan. We must take authority over Satan.
  16. Non believing people are dead in Christ. They are dead spiritually. They are living in sin, wrong doing, wrong thinking. Most folks DO know of Jesus Christ, but refuse to make a commitment to receive Him in their hearts as their Lord and Savior. Non believers choose to do whatever they feel like doing. The difference between non believers and believers.....Believers have commited themselves to the Lord and received Christ as their Lord and Savior. Believers strive to live Godly lives through obedience and repentence of sin. Believers are alive in Christ. Believers are led by the Holy Spirit to do what is right and pleasing to God. On the other hand, non believers are living a wordly life. They are serving a world that is run by Satan. The non believer has no thoughts of God and doing Godly things. They are lost and doomed for hell. As Christians, we should minister to the non-believer, share the Word of God with them and explain the Plan of Salvation to them. Above all, we should pray for them and invite the Holy Spiirt to convict them of their sins so that they can make a choice to become ALIVE IN CHRIST. As Christians, it is our responsibility to do whatever we can to see that the non believer comes to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
  17. To me, there is nothing so exciting as Corporate Worship. We are so blessed to be able to worship with our Brothers and Sisters in the Lord. To feel the love of Christ from others is such a blessing. We feel the love of Christ when we come together corporately. We are also able to hear the Word of God spoken by our Pastor which is another important blessing. We receive blessings from our Worship Leader and Prasie Team who so diligently escorts each of us into God's presence through songs, etc. When we are absent from Corporate Worship, we perhaps cause others to miss their blessings because we are not there taking part in the corporate worship. Others miss us and miss seeing Christ in us.
  18. A lot of Christians "PASS" on warefare because they have no knowlege of it. Some church bodies skip teaching on warefare (and) some even discourage the teaching. Some people are afraid of warefare. Paul wanted the Ephesians (chrisitians) to be aware that they have power and authority over Satan, the enemy. They received this benefit, the authority, when they were saved and received the Holy Spirit. They have the authority by using "The name of Jesus" as well as they are covered by the blood of Jesus. Satan flees when "The Blood" is mentioned. Some Christians feel powerless, if they are not grounded in the Word and do not practice a personal and daily time with the Lord. They allow their faith to get weak. I believe that Paul was assuring the Ephesians that they, as christians, have the power and authority to get in Satan's face. Paul knew that this would help them build up their Faith. We should be encouraged in knoweng that we are in Christ and He is in us and that we have the Power and Authority to speak to the enemy "in Jesus name". Satan must get off our shoulders and flee. We are children of God. We have that authority. All we got to do is utilize it....if you will put it into action. Be build up in your most Holy Faith.
  19. We are sometimes powerless due to our lack of faith or perhaps due to sin in our lives that we have not repented for. I believe our inadequacy falls in our lack of a close personal relationship with God. Perhaps we have grown weak/stale in our spirit. When we are not in a close relationship with God, then we fall short in our Faith. Some Bodies in Christ only teach the feel good messages which is ok to a certain extent but I believe that we need to be taught the full gospel. We need to be taught the TRUTH. We need to be bold in our spirits. We need to know and understand the Word of God so that we can go about the Father's business boldly. We need to keep ourselves stirred up in the Lord. To get pass wimpy faith, we need to let go and let God take control of our services. Man cannot make things happen, only God can make things happen. True revival comes from letting God have His way and His will in the Bodies of Christ.
  20. Yes, I would be affected if I knew I was going to inherit $10 millon dollars. I would want to be planning what I would do with such an inheritance. I would certainly want to figure out ways to increase that amount. I would want to become debt free and to help others become debt free. I would want to help the poor and needy. I know that I would want to help build churches and the needs of the churches. Regarding expectation of an inheritance in God's presence - present-day concerns: Being in God's presence gives such great peace. The peace now in knowing that one day I will be in Heaven with our Heavenly Father, Jesus and loved ones is an inheritance that only the Christian can look forward to. As Christians today, we need to help others and let others see what God is doing in us. We should fellowship now on the earth with "the saints", our brothers and sisters in the Lord. We need to help them in their times of difficulty, sickness etc. We need to be so very close to our church family as well as our personal family.
  21. Question #1: Blessed Hope in the Lord. Question #2: As Christians with our hope in the Lord, we are excited in Him and our hearts should yearn for understanding and wisdom (closer relationship's). We need to live our lives with great expectation knowing that we will live in Eternity with our Heavenly Father in Heaven. We need to live in obedience to God's word. God promises in His word that we are called of Him and that we will spend eternity in Heaven. Just knowing what our inheritance is gives me great joy and desire to do what God has called me to do here on earth (and, wait patiently) for Jesus return. We need to strive to live sin free and live in repentence all of the time. Question #3: We need to live a Godly and Holy life, one of serving, loving, caring and compassion. We need to study God's word daily and commune/pray and seek direction on all decisions we make PRIOR to making any decision. We need to be prepared for Heaven. A word for thought "If we are not prepared here on earth now, HOW are we going to be prepared when Jesus returns?" (Read Book of Revelation) Questions #4: I am a believer. I am a child of God. There are no doubts, whereas, the unbeliever has no hope. The unbeliever is doomed for the lake that burns with fire and sulfur (Revelation 21:8) known as hell. The unbeliver will not share in God's inheritance.
  22. Question #1 "The end of Term" occurs when Christ returns to rapture the Church and we are carried away to be with the Father (in Heaven). Those carried away will be those that are marked with God's seal that we received when we got saved. God promised the Holy Spirit and we received it. Glory to the Lamb of God. Question #2 The Holy Spirit works in and through us to help carry out God's (predestined) Plans. We are used as instruments (tools if you will) of God with the use of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comforts us, strengthens us and holds us up during our trials and tribulations. We communicate with God through the Holy Spirit, through prayer/intercession. God reveals himself to us through the Holy Spirit. God shows us things through the Holy Spirit. We receive glimpses of God's glory through the Holy Spirit. I thank God for the Holy Spirit. I love this Bible Study.....Amen!
  23. #1 God's purpose for our lives....we who were the first to trust in Christ should Praise God and glorify Him. God loves the praises of His people. Praising God draws us near to Him #2 We need to praise God and worship Him and live our lives in such a Godly manner that others can see Christ in us, that others can see God's holiness in us. #3 Regarding Matthew 5:13-16---As christians, we show our love of Christ by doing things to help others, by sharing God's Plan of Salvation with others. Through our works, others will see Christ in us.
  24. The significance means all believers will be in same accord, in unity with Jesus being the Head of the Church in Heaven and on Earth. We are one in Christ. God has revealed to us His Plans in acordance with His pleasures, His intentions for us. All of these Plans were predestined for us before creation by God Himself for His glory. Unity - to unify (all things) one head (Jesus) and consummate them in Christ all things in Heaven and on Earth WILL BE IN UNITY (in one accord). Relative to 1 Corth. 15:24-28: when all things in Heven and on Earth are complete in one accord and unity and according to God's will and predestined plans/purposes, then Jesus turns this over to God. It is complete all is done..one supreme God. He will be everything to everyone,supreme, the indwelling factor of life.
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