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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Helen Williams

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Everything posted by Helen Williams

  1. Who really wants to suffer? If we are truthful to ourselves no one really like to suffer. When we think about it as sharing in Christ's suffering puts it in a different light. Trying to avoid persecution and suffering is impossible, plus it will hinder our maturity in Christ. Living a godly life in Christ, there will be suffering. Christians should rejoice in their suffering. We should not want to continue drinking milk but wanting to diet on meat. I have been distracted by persecution from what I should have been doing. I was focusing on my situation rather than on God. But I remembered that God is always in control and I can over come this. I have seen others in the same situation and I have seen others that just gave in to satan. We pray for their return to God.
  2. Christian and non-christian don't like to give account of their sins because that would mean having to admit to them. When we actually admit them we know there is a responsibility that goes with it. WE either repent or keep living in sin. We would have to make a choice. Knowing that we have to give an account of our action shoud inspire us to live the way God has told us to live. We should be alert and sober because Christ is to return and we need to live a life of obedience.
  3. Non-christians might be struggling with a certain sin and feeling bad about it. There are times when misery loves misery. Then there maybe times when they want to prove you aren't who you say you are or claim to be. We have to be careful how we walk before our non-christian friends. We are tempted to do so because we all like to be a part of the group, maybe do not like having to stand alone. We might be ridiculed if we don't go along. We can be called those christian names you know. We can resist this type of temptation when we submit to God, and resist satan. He will flee! This is one of his tactics. We have to learn how to recognize his cunning ways.
  4. We know Jesus set the stage for our lives. We should follow His examples. We are as soldiers in God's army. We are to be armed and ready for battle daily in order not to sin. Sin separates us from God. We do not want this to happen. We know how Jesus felt when he took on our sins. At this pont in His life sin separated him from his Father which caused Him to say, "Father why has thy forsaken me." We are taking about the attitude of being done with sin as Jesus was, once and for all. Having no desire or need to sin. There are so many excuses made for sinning: No one is perfect. We all fall short of His glory. A sinner saved by grace. God will not except excuses. When we made Jesus as Lord and Savior of our lives we put off the old man and put on the new. We can't be drawn by the **** our our own desires. We can do all thing thru Christ that strengthen us. God calls us to be holy because He is holy Let us stop making excuse and live the way God tells us to live. Glory be to God.
  5. I have pledge my faith in Jesus Christ and promised to serve Him as His disciple. I was baptized and this witness to others that I am a follower of Jesus. Jesus was also baptized by John the Baptist. I believe that I showed forth burial when baptized and resurrection when I came up. Jesus is my example to follow. I know we have to do what the word of God says regardless of traditions. If Jesus was baptized it is right with me.
  6. I see this scripture as being nothing but the love of God. Jesus was willing, He knew no sin, I messed up and He paid the price for me. He did this once and for all to reconcile me to God. I can't just select one because they all go together. We sinned against God, unrighteous and needed to be reconciled to God. We couldn't do it for ourselves, the Law couldn't do it, only the perfect Lamb that knew no sin could do it. Jesus is the way the truth and the light. Aren't we blessed to have God love us the way he does? I am very grateful and thankful and give Him all the praise. HE IS WORTHY!!!!!
  7. We are afraid and want to justify why we serve Jesus. We need to be ready and this takes preparation ahead of time. In tough places it is easy to be the wrong kind of witness if we are not very careful. We maybe prone to do wrong for wrong, insult for insult, or maybe just lose it. I think, "Focus on Jesus rather than our Fears," is the most needed because we will forever have Jesus before us. If we keep our eyes on Jesus then our fears will not seem so large. If we cast all our cares and fears on Jesus, He will sustain us when we are in these situation.
  8. I see basically all the qualities that are evident in my congregation. We have had people to became a part of our congregation because of the love shown. This is one of the things that drew them along with the word. If I just had to name one that was most needed it might be harmonious in the sense that our older ones might disagree about change. We continue to be compassionate and understanding and they soon come around. We changed the relational climate in our church so it is more Christlike by sticking to the word, living the word of God and continue to show LOVE regardless. LOVE IS THE KEY!
  9. Our prayers can be greatly hinder by the way we treat our mate. God do not want us to be oh holy than thy in public and treat our mate badly and without respect at home. God want us to LOVE. He wants us to love as He loves us. Love covers all.
  10. A person cultivates inner beauty by being obedient to the Spirit of God. The Spirit will lead and guide in us in all truth. When we yield to the spirit of God others will see the fruits of the spirit. This type of character is pleasing to God because it is from the heart. If a husband sees this in his wife it will draw him and hopefully win him over. WE can lift up the name of Jesus in our character. He said, "If I be lifted up I will draw ALL men unto me." So wives exhibit the character that is pleasing to God and the rest will fall in place.
  11. Husbands should be considerate of his wives need and not be selfish. He should show love just as God loves the church. God demonstrated love toward us by giving his only Son. God was not selfish, He was aware of our need. Men try to dominate their wives for selfish reason and a lack of understanding what it means to be the head. Jesus is the head of the church but He also showed us how to be a servant. What a great example for all to follow. We are equal in our standing before God and promises for the future. Thank God!
  12. We as women should look our best because this is a reflection on God, our husbands(if married), and even ourselves. If we only dress up the outside, the inside is left undone. We need to focus on the inner beauty because this is what's going to last. We have to keep all this in perpective. When we cultivate our inner beauty, our spiritual life, we come shining through with a beauty that last. This pleases God and our husbands.
  13. It is difficult for us to submit because I feel that we think we have given up a certain amount of control over our life. I think back to Adam and Eve. Why they couldn't submit to God? Submission doesn't require us to be silent when we don't agree. We have a voice in how we feel or feel we can be of help. Husband and wives are to help each other. We can disagree and still love each other in the way God wants us to. Submission is wrong for christian when it takes precedence over submission to God. God is first in our lives.
  14. We are still in this old sinful flesh. This flesh is always wanting what the spirit does not want. We are in a spiritual warfare daily. We might be tempted but we do not have to yield. We are no longer under the bondage of sin, we have been set free by Jesus Christ. We are dead to sin and should try to live a good life from this day forward.
  15. When I think of what Jesus did for me it makes me think seriously about just how much He loves me. He had to endures so much in taking on my sins asHis own. He paid my debt and I am indebted to Him. I should give Him all the praise and glory. Can anyone amagine being on the cross alive and going through that agony and pain for something you did not do. For this I am very grateful and thankful. HE SET ME FREE!
  16. Jesus sinlessness is very important to understanding our salvation because Jesus took on our sin. He was sinlessness, He was tempted but never sin. Jesus always did what God wanted Him to do. When he took on our sin there were a separation there because of our sin. Remember He said Father why have thy forsaken me. This had to be agony, torment and deep suffering. Not because of what He had done but what I had done. It is only by the will of God and LOVE that a sinless man stand this kind of corruption. He bore our sins so we could die to sin and live for righteouness. Oh, God how I thank you that you love me so!
  17. Jesus suffered for me personally by suffering for righteouness . He suffered that I might be saved. He put his self in my place. I am the one that sin. We are to follow his example; suffer for righteousness. This was the plan of God. He not only suffered physically but spiritually. We were the sinners, Jesus was sinless.
  18. Jesus lets me know how much I need him. He came to show me the way. He suffered and he was victorious and I can be too. It is a daily spiritual warfare, but I trust in God knowing that I can be all He wants me to be. I can and will walk in his foostep. I want my behavior to be that of Christ. I will not go wrong when I follow Jesus. There might be times in following Jesus that I may suffer, but I continue to trust him, knowing that God will work it out for the best.
  19. Christians have to always be conscious of God. If we are, this will affect the way we act in every area of our lives. We frown upon injustice in the workplace but we want our behavior based on those standards set forth by God. We have to submit not only to those bosses that are good but those that are harsh. We are to submit as long as it does not conflict with what pleases God. Complaining does not please God. I have learned that complaining does not help the situation and sometime makes it worse. Even in the midst of prolonged unfair treatment we have to follow the example of Christ and stand up for what is right. We might have to stand alone but God will work it out for good. Ask yourself, what would Jesus do? We have to live the life of Christ and in doing so, other will see our good works and follow the example set forth by us. Always be careful how we walk before our unsaved neighbors.
  20. All that we do we should do it as though we are doing it unto the Lord. We honor God by doing a good Job. God expects this from us and when we don't we are disobedient, and it displeases Him. We honor God even in our work. Others are always watching, especially when we profess to be christian. God does not want us to be lazy. If we are doing a good job over small matters, God will put us over lager ones. So let us all as servants of God honor him by giving our full effforts to our jobs.
  21. Our lives are to be lead as servants of God. When we live submissive and obedient lives we show forth to whom we belong and that is God. We honor God when we live righteous before others. We are to be submissive and obedient when it does not conflict with the word of God. God is hurt when we use our freedom as an excuse to to do evil. We have this freedom but it is not an open range to do as we please. God is a jealous God. We have to remember we are servant. In reality I don't think we feel that God is truly hurt by our action. We have to watch our walk in life.
  22. God is the one that should be honored in our daily living among others. We are the salt of the earth that have not lost it flavor. We might be the only bible that some might read. People look at how one lives instead of so much lip service. We want others to taste and see that the Lord is good. "Blending" is like a little right or a little wrong. We are either with God or against God. We are a separated people, chosen by God. We have to live like we belong to him. People don't want a lot of lip service, they to see you living according to God's word. Let us live so others can see God in us. GOD IS LOVE. LETS BE CARE OUT THERE
  23. Peter tells us to keep away from the evil pleasures of this world for they fight against our very soul. This should be warning enough for us all. Our real home, our true loyalty is not the things of this earth that will be destroyed. It is to God's truth, his way of life, his perfect creation. We are citizens of the growing kingdom of Heaven that at Christ's Second Coming will last forever. We live in this world but we are not of this world. We have to live a life that is anchored in the word of God. This is serious, it is a matter of life and death. We can let this be a daily reminder if we are to live eternally. Let us watch how we walk among our unsaved neighbors in this world; which is not our home.
  24. Being part of God's own people inspires me to behave like I belong to God and not the world. Who we are in Christ is more important than all our accomplishments in this world. We have been chosen by God as his very own, and we have been call to represent him to others. We have worth because of what God did, not what we do. We should live the life we were called to live. When we are united with Christ as members of his body, we join in his work of reconciling God and man. We are priests of the King.
  25. Praise I think is acknowledging God for who He is. This should be done in spirit and truth, just like worship. We can praise God in songs, words, dance and instruments. God has said when praises goes up blessings come do. Praise should be motivated by the love we have for God and for who God truly is. When we praise God we are giving Him glory and honor because He is worthy. When we praise God we are totally thinkg about Him and not self. We think of all the blessing we enjoy each and everyday and this should remind us to praise him daily.
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