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Everything posted by plethra

  1. Had you asked the question, "Why do liberal scholars try to explain away the resurrection?" I would have had a different answer. But "liberal Christian Scholars" is a totally different thing? I try not to judge people, but, to think of anyone trying to explain away the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ would seem to say that they are not Christian at all. The essence of the Christian faith is that Christ was born of a virgin, (They try to do away with that one too) died on the cross, and was resurrected on the third day. That is the basics of being a christian is it not? They are still arguing about creation as well. Some things you just have to accept by faith. After all what is faith? Believing in things you have not seen. Faith is not believing because you see, its believing in spite of what you can't see. A christian must believe in the Word of God. These people apparently do not. Im not trying to bash anyone but one has to ask What is a Christian? If these scolars can put enough doubt and unbelief in the hearts of the saved, What can they do to the unsaved? Many times the tools that satan uses best are the so called christians who actually aren't - but are deceivers set forth to confuse. The biggest sin the church faces today is the sin of unbelief! Many are full of it and don't even realize it.
  2. His resurrection was riseing from the dead. He then walked and talked on this earth and continued to teach His followers, and to encourage them still performing miracles. The ascension was Jesus being taken up into heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father where He makes intercession for us. He would not be seen physically again. In a weird kind of way to me this was a sad time because the disciples had to go through the loss a second time, But the benefits are much greater!
  3. He was flesh and bone. He looked the same as He did before HE died (most of the time). He could, and did eat, His wounds were visible. He was capable of coming into a locked secure room. He could disappear and appear at will.
  4. The grave clothes were lying there very neatly. Robbers would have taken HIM in the grave clothes and if HE had just awakened the clothes would have been in disarray. The mere fact that they were lying folded neatly was amazing in itself
  5. Jesus died and was buried, the stone was rolled away, angel/s were present, Jesus was not in the tomb, HE IS ALIVE! What happened was that Jesus died and wasd resurrected! He is alive forever more.
  6. the difference in the # of women and which women were at the tomb, the # of angels, The type of grave clothes. Any time two or more people witness the same thing at the same time, there is going to be differences in what they see. Human nature is that way. I may notice the color of pants and not pay any attention at all to the shirt. Someone else may see the color of pants a different color than I do etc. The fact that there are differences tells you that they did not get together and rehearse what they saw.
  7. Unity is one of the greatest keys to the church. Knowing what the goal is and working together to see that goal achieved. The ultimate goal for any church is to see the lost be saved, and to see Jesus Christ glorified. If Christ is not the main focus of the church you are in then you are in the wrong church. Its all about HIM - not at all about me. We must learn to prefer others greater than ourselves. We must also learn to look for opportunities to spread the gospel to the entire world! Being legalistic and judgemental is not the way to do it. We must do it in love. We must be sensitive to the needs and feelings of others.
  8. In their thinking they knew that if He did indeed raise from the dead that this would add "Fuel to the fire" so to speak. If somehow Jesus' body had gone missing then they would never be able to destroy his teachings and to quench the revival that had taken place. I don't think His enemies expected Him to rise but they wanted to make sure that His followers did not deceive the people by stealing Him away. I dont think that His followers believed He would rise either. Maybe someday in the end of all the ages but not in 3 days. If they had believed He would rise on the 3rd day they would not have been so shocked when they saw Him and would not have thought that He was a "ghost" or apparition. They also would not have gone to the grave to annoint his body.
  9. Jesus is the resurrection and the life. He is the source and the reason for the resurrection. In His power will we be raised on that great day. Just as we can be saved only through and by Jesus Christ - we will be bodily resurrected the same way. He is the one who congquered death hell land the grave! He is the one who took the sting out of death and the victory out of the grave because He is the one who will raise us up again!
  10. The resurrection of the righteous will be to life. The body will be restored and we will be rewarded as good and faithful servants.
  11. The Jews view was that the dead were asleep in the grave where there is no life. Job however saw that in his flesh he would see God. He would see God with his own eyes. That even after his flesh had decayed, his flesh would be renewed and in his flesh would stand before God Progressive revelation is a gradual revelation over time.
  12. If I am in my right mind then I will not do things to harm myself or to tear myself or my reputation down. If I won't do these things to my self, then I should not be doing them to the church - for to hurt the church is to hurt myself. Why would I want to tear myself down? I can not be successful if I am always doing things against myself. If I love my self enough not to cause myself harm, then I should be loving the church the same way. If I love the church I will be lifting it up not tearing it down. I will be lifting up and encouraging the Pastor, teachers, children and everyone in between. I will not be self absorbed but I will be looking for ways to be a blessing to others. Not to love is a sin. We must repent from ALL sin. Sins of commision and sins of ommision. He that knoweth to do good and doeth it not - to him it is sin. If I love the church I will not be hurting Her.
  13. The church is glorious in that it is the Bride of Christ. Holy and separate for HIM. This is done by the power of the Blood. It is only the Blood of Jesus that makes us glorious or holy. I think Paul is talking about the present era, and when Christ comes. The church in this present era must be glorious to a point. If it is not why would any one want to be a part of it? It is glorious now because of the Word of God that is being taught and preached in it. It is glorious now because of the saints of God who meet there and who walk around in this present world reaching the lost and praying for the sick, and helping those in need. It is glorious when Christ comes back because it will be filled with ALL HIS glory. Every hold that sin may have or trying to have will have to let go and the church will shine as she goes forth to meet her Lord and Savior on that glorious day when He comes!
  14. As we pray read and study God's word - It will not return void but will accomplish that which God has set forth for it to accomplish. Gods Word will challenge and convict us of our faults and shortcomings. The Word of God should be preached in Love. Yes there is a hell to stay away from and people need to realize that hell is real - however it is the LOVE of GOD that draws men to HIM. If Christ is lifted up people will be drawn to HIM and convicted of their sins.
  15. This is difficult for me because I tend to be a bit legalistic. Holiness is, in essence, placing yourself in God's hands to mold and make you into what He wants us to be. It's both doing and not doing. Not continuing in the sin He saved us from, and also changing for the better to become a new creature He intends us to be. The church is holy because of His sacrifice for her. Even though the word says "If you love me keep my commandments". It also says that "our righteousness is as filthy rags". The only thing holy about us is the blood of Jesus we are covered in. but I personally still believe you should obey and keep His comandments. James says it this way "Faith without works is dead" I have taught my children from the time they were very young to show me you love me rather that just saying you love me. How do we show love? by honoring and obeying. Putting HiM first. I'm still working on the legalistic part and judgemental part - but I think that if I will keep my focus on HIM and not others and on what I am doing or not doing then I won't have time to judge others. Like I said I'm still working on it
  16. Christ willingly gave His life for us and He did it because He loved us. As for God's commitment to us it is unreal and impossible to put in words. He gave the most precious thing possible to save us - His son Jesus. If He was willing to give the most precious thing He had for me then I would say that is an ultimate commitment. Commitment is something few people seem to know much about. People get married and then divorce in a year. They get a job and quit before they even finish their orientation. They go to college and quit in the 1st semester. God is not that way. He is in it for the long haul. He will NEVER leave us nor forsake us. I dont know about everyone else but thats a concept I have trouble trying to understand. His sacrifice was both. He gave Jesus for us because He loves us. But He also wanted to repair the breech that had been created by sin. He wanted to reconcile us to Himself so we could have a relationship with HIM and HIM with us.
  17. submission means to surrender my will to God's will. My only gift I have to give Christ is me - my life and all my talents to be used as HE sees fit. So many times we get caught up in what I want and don't give a second thought to what God's will is for that situation. My life my talents my gifts everything I am and everything i could ever be is in HIS hands to be used or not used as HE sees fit. It's not about me and what I want but it's all about HIM. There would be alot less strife and division in the church. People would prefer others above themselves, and God would be the # 1 focus in every area. Christ is the head of the church - He does not rule with an iron fist but loves us and treats us in such a way as to cause us to want to please Him instead of ourselves. I have had several bosses in my llifetime but I have always performed best for the boss that treats me well and pats me on the back for a job well done rather that the boss that fusses and is impossible to please and never has a kind or encouraging word.
  18. A healthy church will reach out to the lost and will see souls saved. The healthy church will also be teaching its members how to overcome trials and temptations and live victoriously. A healthy church will equip others for ministry and help them to grow in those ministries. It's all done to win the lost either by the preached Word or by individuals doing their part to witness and bring them in and also to Glorify God. God gets glory when people are saved, healed, and delivered. A healthy church will do that through the power of the Holy Spirit.
  19. It is vital that pastors equip the saints for the work of the ministry because they need to go forth in their own ministries. They will not always be at the same church. They also need to know how to fight the devil and to live a victorious life. Other people (saved and unsaved) are watching christians to see if they have any thing that is real. Pastors need to equip people to live a life that Glorifies God - not embarrass HIM. This could include preaching, teaching, giving the people opportunity to do different ministries, and to be responsible for different aspects of ministry. Jesus trained His disciples by teaching and living - pastors to the same.
  20. Pastors and teachers both lead and teach the people. Pastors lead by preaching, comforting, helping and being a servant first of all to God and secondly to the people God has placed him over. Teachers teach. They bring the word to a level and understanding that the student can understand and be challenged by. The ultimate goal of both is to help the sheep grow and step up to the plate to go forth in their own ministries. Most teachers are not ordained clergy. We do however have several lay ministers that are not ordained by anyone other than God, because He ordained them when He called them. Group leaders and teachers work together with the pastor to help the people understand the Word and to grow. They all lead by example and Word.
  21. The local evangelist is one who witnesses at every opportunity. They are in the workplace, the community, or where ever telling of the greatness and goodness of God. They live a pure life. They often bring an encouranging Word - either through testifying or preaching - to the church. I personally believe that we are all called to evangelism. When the Lord gave the great commission He did not say only the ordained or liscensed preacher could do that. He said go and teach. Proclaim the gospel. EVERYONE!
  22. They both bring forth the Word to the people. Building and maintaining the Church. Teaching the people and helping them to walk in their callings.
  23. The Word says unto everyone of us is given - that means all of us. The word also says that God is no respecter of persons. What He does for one He will do for all. Every one has a gift - we all need to be using that Gift to bring glory to God and to build up the church.
  24. I need to love more. I need to be more tolerant of others. I repent right now and ask for prayer that God help me in these areas. I have problems with some people who irritate me badly. I try to love them and I try to be good but sometimes just the sight of them irritates me. I know that I need God to help me to overcome this thorn in my flesh. Some people I can love openly and freely, some it is a real chore. God Help me!
  25. Baptism should unite us because we are united with Christ. I know many fuss and fight about how to baptize and in what name to baptize, I believe we can disagree on some issues but not become disagreeable. We can disagree and still love and be kind. Just because I disagree with someone doesnt mean that I can't still be friends with them and love them. Agree to disagree. I don't believe you should compromise what you believe - but don't be biligerant about it.
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