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Everything posted by ccs

  1. On what ground does Abraham so boldly address God? Through his prevailing prayer based on his promises and character Do you think God desires us to do the same? Indeed, this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you! (1 Thessalonians 5:18). The Spirit Himself makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. Rom. 8:26 Why or why not? Because we are to pray without ceasing 1 Thess. 5:14-22 Why do you think Abraham's intercession pleased God? Because God saw his heart was for the good of all What will it take for us to please him in our prayers? A humble spirit so that the Holy Spirit will not be quenched. We are to warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak and be patient with all, 1 Thess. 5:14-15 and pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all. . .
  2. In your own words, describe what a lifestyle of "keeping the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just" looks like in the twenty-first century. It looks strange to others, yet at the same time appealing to those wo want what you have. It looks like the fruit of the Spirit of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control In what ways is this difficult? It
  3. Hello, In the mist of a trial right now. . . concerning our adult children. . . without going into details, please add us to your prayer list. thank you ccs
  4. How can fathers and husbands strike the right balance -- of being godly, caring leaders without being dictators? How can mothers and wives strike the right balance -- of being submissive and at the same time being open about their needs and desires? (I know of no Christian cookie-cutter answer to this. It must be contientiously worked out within the crucible of marriage.) It's all about submission to each other . . . of being assertive, and loving without compromising God
  5. How can we tell if we really believe in God's present willingness to do miracles in our day? Do we have the faith to believe Is there any indication in Scripture that God will stop doing miracles? no Is there any indication that God continues to do miracles? Yes, He has given our family healing in body, soul, and spirit. How can we regain an active faith in the God of miracles? Once again by believing, praying, testimonies and practicing the Holy Habits
  6. In your own words, how would you explain why circumcision is now obsolete for Christians and that baptism is now sign of the covenant? Circumcision is now of the heart, by the Holy Spirit
  7. What does it mean to have your heart circumcised? It means a heart that is repentive and accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Master. Why is this a necessity for all true believers, both Jew and Christian? For Salvation, so that you may love him with all your heart and with all your soul, and live" (Deuteronomy 30:6). How can we keep our faith active as an inward expression of love rather than become only an external religion? Stay connected to God by practicing holy habits. Such as prayer, meditation, Bible study, fasting, worship, Simplicity, Solitude, Submission, Service,Confession, Guidance, and Celebration. Grace + Spiritual Disciplines = GROWTH Towards Holiness Have you ever struggled with this? Yes, the flesh struggles with the things of the Spirit, but when we apply the things of the Spirit to our flesh we are renewed daily.
  8. What does circumcision signify for Abraham, his household, and his descendents? It
  9. When God tells Abraham, "Walk before me and be blameless," is he requiring moral perfection? God expects Abraham to live out his side of the covenant wholeheartedly and honestly . . . but not perfectly. . . if any of us were perfect then Christ would have died in vain. What kind of blamelessness does he require of Abraham? God expects Abraham to be established in the faith living a righteous life of sincere service without offense and in devotion to Him. Heb. 13:21; Make you compete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight Does he expect more (or less) of Christians under the new covenant? I think he expects the same... only now we have the Holy Spirit within us to help . . .
  10. What lesson is God teaching you out of Hagar's experience? Which situation that God is calling you to is most difficult for you to submit to? What lesson is God teaching you out of Hagar's experience? That God is just and fair loving even those who seem to be the underdogs. And that people are human with shortcomings and that we are in the process of perfection with the help of God. Even though there is impatience and a tendency to take matters into our own hands concerning the direction of our lives God does work matters out for the good of those who love Him, those who repent and are obedient to His commands. Which situation that God is calling you to is most difficult for you to submit to? I think waiting on the call of the vision I have seen. I want it to take place now and it is hard for me to accept the place He still has me in. I want to run ahead of Him becoming anxious in which I have to repent. He in turn is developing patience with in me and that is difficult for a visionary to comprehend.
  11. Q3. (16:13-14) What is the significance of Hagar's name for God -- El Roi, the God Who Sees? What does it mean to a person who is discouraged and losing hope? What does it mean to you personally? What is the significance of Hagar's name for God -- El Roi, the God Who Sees? The significance is that Hagar
  12. Q2. (16:7-9) Why does the angel ask Hagar something that the angel already knows? To show her He knows her. He sees her real situation -- and cares for her. ("Where have you come from, and where are you going?") so she could examine her self, and her purpose Why does he send her back to Sarah? To fulfill her calling Have you ever reacted and got yourself out of the place God wanted you? Yes, but you can run but you can't hide; God finds you if He wants to use you. I think we all have tried to get out of uncomfortable situations at one time or another in life. However, I have and still am learning that the only way out is through. If I run from a trail or test, I
  13. Q1. (16:1-6) Why does Sarah take her anger out on Abraham? Why does she take her anger out on Hagar? Is she trying to get rid of Hagar or the baby? In what sense is Hagar's pride Abraham's fault? In what sense is Hagar's affliction Abraham's fault? What situation in your family does this reminds you of? Why does Sarah take her anger out on Abraham? Sarah was now feeling like she had failed Abraham which led to insecurity, jealousy and probably hurt . . . and hurt turns into anger when we do not know how to deal with it Why does she take her anger out on Hagar? Hagar got puffed up and prideful because she could conceive and Sarah couldn
  14. Why did God go through the covenant ritual with Abraham, with the divided carcasses? To seal the covenant with Abraham in a way in which Abraham would understand and to show Abraham that He alone is God and that He will keep His promises for blessings. Why does God bind himself to a solemn promise? What God says He will do, He does and by binding him self solemnly to his promise means that He means it. God made a promise and intended on keeping it. How does Abraham respond to God's promises (15:6)? He put his faith in HIm and he believed the Lord would do as He said. What promises has God made to us that affect our futures? On the basis of faith He has promised us eternal life with HIm if we believe in His Son Jesus Christ. What significance does blood sacrifice have in those promises? Just as God entered a covenant with Abraham by walking through the animal sacrifice, God made a covenant with us by becoming flesh and becoming the ultimate sacrifice. It is through Christ's blood we have been given the promise or the gift of eternal life.
  15. Have you ever been frustrated with God for not fulfilling his promise to you immediately? yes!!!! I am a visionary and it's hard for someone like me, with the gift of prophesy to wait on God. . . I give it to Him and if He isn't fast enough I try to take it back. . . but I am learning to count to 10 per say. . . and learning that things work out for the best with LESS FRUSTRATION when it is done our Lord's way. . . It's a real freedom to know I am not the one in control. . . Why does God sometimes delay the fulfillment of his promises to a future time? Because we are not quite ready for what He has prepared for us. . . sometimes we need a bit more character building in us. . . and unfortunately that comes through testing and trails. But as James 1: 2-8 states, we are to count it all joy. . . I believe this is because we are learning to rely on God like no other time and this is we grow. . . In the valleys. . .Amen!
  16. What is so amazing about this verse? God gives Abraham consistent reminders of His presence and promise. . During the day he can look at the innumerable grains of fine dust and recall God's promise: "I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth" (13:16). During the nights he can look up at the innumerable stars and recall God's promise, "So shall your offspring be" (15:5). God gives us all everyday consistent reminders if only we can look to see the light that shines through the dark clouds, if only we will be quiet enough to hear His whispers and to sense His presence, to taste and to smell the aroma of His life.
  17. What does it mean to you personally to call God your "Shield"? It means that God is my protector What does it mean to you that he promises to you (as heir of the promises to Abraham) "an exceedingly great reward"? It humbles me What does it mean to you to call God your Suzerain or Sovereign It means He is my supreme ruler whom I worship and in whom gives me strength, wisdom, discernment, and life; someone who is with me always.
  18. Why does Abraham refuse to take the spoils of war that the king of Sodom offers him? Abraham is particularly concerned that the king of Sodom might boast, "I have made Abram rich and he doesn't want his riches to come from an evil sorce, but from God whom he praises. What does this tell us about Abraham's character? It tells us that Abraham is a man of integrity, a man that has wisdom, and a man that wants to separate himself from evil. What is the lesson here for us to learn? We should not take from those that are evil and trying to tempt us, nor should we be intimidated but stand up boldly with our convictions and continue to put our faith in our Lord and His promises.
  19. What is the significance of Abraham giving one tenth of the spoils of war to Melchizedek? an act of worship to God . . . By tithing to God's priest Melchizedek, Abraham is worshipping God for giving him the victory. Melchizedek, the priest and representative of God, receives Abraham's gift as an act of worship of God Most High. Does tithing today represent the same kind of worship? Yes Why should we tithe to God first (like Abraham did) before dividing up our paychecks to pay our bills? Because all things belong to God, and it shows were our hearts and priorities are. It also teaches us faith and not to be selfish.
  20. 14:13-16) What does Abraham's military expedition to rescue Lot from the Mesopotamian kings tell us about his character? That he was a man of strength, integrity and faith, a man that was able to rise above the situation and take control, becoming a victor. Also that family was important to him so much that he felt a loyalty to them to continue to care for them. About his abilities? He was blessed with inner strength in as well as being able to be prepared and to prepare others in the pursuit of war, he had wisdom and made good decisions About the way he deals with neighbors? He was a fair man, thus his neighbors wanted to help him. Also, he did not **** over what others had but wanted to see restoration. What is here for us to emulate? We are to be happy and content with what we have, and are to love our neighbors in as well our God. To treat others with respect and use wisdom to protect what God has given us and we are to want the best for all and not just ourselves. God blesses good intentions when they are not selfish and when we step out in faith; He will always give us the means and will to get any job done if it is according to HIs will.
  21. Does Abraham's material wealth reflect God's blessing on him? Yes, but it is only one of His blessings for Abraham Does material wealth always reflect God's blessing. No, there are many who do not honor God and have riches Does physical poverty always reflect God's curse? No, our Lord knows exactly what we need in order to worship Him, and Satan knows exactly what we want; and he uses that to tempt us and distract us from God.
  22. God promises to Abraham to remain faithfull to him to make him many nations, in Sarah's abduction God still keeps his promise, by working out good for those who love Him.
  23. What do you think about Abraham's and Sarah's ethics and faith? I think they did have faith, but sometimes we as humans are between a rock and a hard place. It is not for us to judge, but for God whom we will all stand before on the judgment day. Are they ethically and morally wrong? Probably not ethically wrong, but yes morally wrong Does the Scripture intend to show that their actions as a lack of faith? No, What lessons should we disciples learn from these stories? That God is merciful and will fulfill His promise to us.
  24. What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? God sees it as a sin punishable by death and a sin against God himself Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery Yes, God can forgive adultery if there is true repentance, he shows us this in the forgiving of Abimelech in as well as giving His Son to die for all of our sins. PS. please hold my family up in prayer, my mother-in-law is in the final stages of lung cancer.
  25. Why did Pharaoh and his household get sick? Because he took another man
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