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Everything posted by heatherdills

  1. The Lord's Supper anticipates a future passover meal in that He is coming and when He does, those who are in His protection will be spared.
  2. These words should fill us with sorrow that we are so corrupt that God had to send His only son to die for our sins. We should be filled with joy because He loved us so much that He died so we could have eternal life with Him!!
  3. It is important to forgive those who have offended us before partaking the Lord's Supper so we are guiltless before the Lord. The Lord's Supper is about filling yourself with Christ. If one does not have a spirit of forgiveness, one cannot be in the spirit of Christ.
  4. The signifcance of drinking Jesus' blood and eating His flesh is that we are forming a covenant with Him. This signifies that we are ingesting His grace and His blessings. This was a radical idea for His disciples because drinking blood was never an option. This should be a radical idea for us that a man could be so perfect that He would give His life for our salvation.
  5. Both are done in reverence to the Lord. They differ in that one is an offering to God for protection while the other is a celebration of what Jesus did for us.
  6. The process of sacrifice symbolized their act of sacrifice adn the blood represented eternal life. The primary point is that Christ was the ultimate sacrifice to give us salvation.
  7. We have been set free by the blood of Christ Jesus. We need the Holy Spirit because without the belief and faith in Christ we are "dead".
  8. Slave = sin Enslaved by = Satan Ransom = Christ Jesus Satan does not receive the ransom because he is beneath God. It is too confusing to explain and drowns out the point they were trying to make - God is in control.
  9. We should be living according to the principles and laws of Christ. Our lives are not our own, but God's.
  10. All classes of humans were freed by the payment of a redemtption price or ransom. Jesus, Peter and Paul used this analogy to confirm that Christ paid the price to free us from our sins. This helps explain why Christians worship God and thank Christ for their salvation.
  11. 2 Corinthians 5:21. This verse simply sums up what Christ's mission was--to give us direct access to the Father and forgiveness of our sins and healing of our illnesses through the belief in His name!!
  12. He bore my punishment for all of my imperfections and sin on the cross. He took my pain and infirmities so I can be blessed.
  13. He suffered so we do not have to. He bore everything He knew we could not bear in order that all we have to do is to give it to Him and believe He will do it.
  15. God intended animal sacrifice to teach us that sin kills us spiriually if not in the flesh. In regard to holiness it shows that we must be cleansed through the blood offered by God. In regard to God's nature that He does not want us to suffer eternal consequences of our actions.
  16. God's provision of animal sacrifice for forgiveness is an expression of His mercy in that He would rather have an animal die than a person. Animal sacrifices were not adequate to atone for human sin, but rather as a token if done in sincerity.
  17. Basic elements involvedin a sacrifice for sin are to bring an offering, lay hands on it, pour out the blood and confession. Still necessary today are confession and hands. No longer necessary are offerings & blood. We have nothing to offer because Jesus shed His blood to be our offering.
  18. Animal sacrifice is repulsive to modern people because we see animals as cute and cuddly, defenseless and needing our protection. This has a lot to do with a city vs. a farming way of life since we don't have to think about where our meals actually came from and how they got to be that way.
  19. Anger is an appropriate response to sin because it is upsetting to God, therefore, upsetting to us. Uncontrooled anger is exactly that, uncontrolled. There are no limits to the actions taken. Anger that brings justice has boundaries and makes us want to improve ourselves and others.
  20. I know that John the Baptist's statement about the Lamb of God refers to sacrfice by the knowledge that lambs were commonly used for sacrifices all throughout the Old Testament. The comprehensiveness of "sins of the world" was so radical a concept in that one lamb was for one person's sin, so one man for the whole world from there to eternity was (and still is) mind boggling.
  21. Hello, My name is Heather Dills and I am excited about this Bible study. This is my fourth study and I think they have been relevant to my life. I look forward to going through this study with you!!
  22. Gideon influenced Israel positively during his life by obeying God. The positive continuing effect of his leadership as judge is peace and worship of God.
  23. Spiritual unfaithfulness is looked at as prostitution or adultery because it takes away from God. The concept of God's relationship to his people which underlies this analogy is that he demands us to be faithful to Him. Kinds of temptations to spiritual adultery I face today are materialism, commercialism,and things that put a Christian name or face on them, but are actually detrimental to my relationship with the Lord.
  24. A snare is a device used to trap something. Gideon's ephod ensnared his family and the people of Israel by taking the focus away from God and placing it on the upkeep and display of the ephod. Something can be a sin if we don't see it as a sin when God considers it a sin. The essence of the sin the Israelites committed is idolatry. The essence of Gideon's sin is not following the Lord with all his heart.
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