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Jesus Follower

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Everything posted by Jesus Follower

  1. Separated the Holy Place from the most Holy Place. That is where God's presence was. We have free access to God's presence because of Jesus' sacrifice thru faith in Him. There was no pathway to God's presence before Christ's sacrifice. So it is new, and living because Christ is alive. He didn't stay dead! Thank you Jesus!
  2. The lesser creature can't fully atone for the sin of the greater(the person). Christ paid for them as well. All sin for all time.
  3. First coming as sacrifice for sins, suffering servant. Second, conquering Lord, gather those who wait for Him. Jews expected a conquering political and military hero. He came to deliver us from our sin. Full, eternal payment. Done, successfully forever.
  4. He made peace between us and God by taking the punishment for our sins. Because He paid our ransom for our slavery to sin. So we are free to live for God.
  5. The old way depended on man's work. Show up, bring right animal, DO DO DO. Christ's sacrifice starts to benefit us when we acknowledge that we are stuck! DOING won't cleanse us. In faith, by the power of the Holy Spirit we trust in Christ, acknowledging God knows our innermost wicked thoughts and cleanses us. That is where true freedom starts, internal, not external
  6. Pay the price for something. Exchange payment for a product. The punishment for our sins. Christ had to die and be separated from God. As He became sin, prior to the resurrection. Eternity.
  7. Because our conscience can only be cleansed by God, as we turn to Him in faith. If we could cleanse ourselves, we .wouldn't need grace, just our own works, wisdom, etc. Our shame makes us want to run from God, just like Adam and Eve did in the garden. Have God cleanse our conscience from our sin. We can only do that thru faith that God gives us , then we are able to experience His grace in our hearts minds and emotions.
  8. No. Yes. Faith in Jesus and trust in Him and his sacrifice to provide forgiveness, which motivates us to repentance.
  9. The Hebrews turned away from God and His covenant to follow other gods. They were unfaithful. We will be forgiven. God will cleanse us from inside out. We will know God intimately and be taught by Him personally. He is the one who will make us right inside and out.
  10. He made a new covenant. We were unfaithful and broke the old covenant, so God did the new one. He paid our price for breaking it, by bearing the punishment on the cross, yet the new covenant is valid because Jesus was /is blameless. So God kept His side of the bargain, bore our punishment, and chose to keep us despite our unfaithfulness. Our salvation and security rest on the power of His indestructible life.
  11. Pure. Exalted. Set apart. Blameless. His sacrifice is once for all. Not daily. No sacrifice for His own sin. Regular high priest does have to offer sacrifice for his own sins. Regular high priest weak in his own strength. Christ has power of an indestructible life. His power and purity offered to me gives me a sure salvation!
  12. He lives to make intercession for us. He has indestructible life in Him. So we are secure in His life, forever. To be an intermediary between men an God. To get men a better position for men, because we are sinful. That is what we need to make sure we have compassionate representation before a holy God. Because we are NOT holy.
  13. A person who promises to pay another person's debt. He paid the price for our sins. We are secure in our salvation because of His sacrifice, not dependant on our own.
  14. We flee to Jesus to escape punishment for our sins. It is reliable and we live an effective life in our struggles when we do so. We know how things end up for us eternally. So it makes sense for us to live for Jesus now. Keeps us upright, from being ruined, broken, and battered by life's storms.
  15. We will take seriously the disciplines of our faith. Prayer, Bible Study, obedience. The effect should be steady, gradual change to be more like Christ. Not perfect, but not what we were. Looking for our reward in heaven, not just living for earthly reward. Consistent fellowship with God softens our hearts and reminds us we are human beings. Not human doings. So as we obey, we work alongside our Father. Not out on our own for Him. We know Him and experience Him as we obey in Fellowship, not because we obey.
  16. To renounce one's faith. "Deconstruct" your faith. They by definition don't have saving faith in Christ. People can look like they have saving faith from the outside, but if their faith doesn't endure testing, it is not saving faith. Only God knows the heart and who is truly saved.
  17. Constant use, disciplined study AND application learn to distinguish good from evil. Study, listen , obey. Pray for a soft obedient heart.
  18. Achieved His goal of making a way for our salvation. Now we can live forever with Him in glory, where there will be no suffering. Thank you Jesus.
  19. He learned obedience to God is costly. Even though we are doing right. Our rewards will greatly outweigh our suffering, but we may not see the fullness of that till heaven. Jesus didn't suffer because He sinned Rather He would have suffered even more difficult temptation because He never gave in. He proved obedience is possible thru the power of the Holy Spirit.
  20. Because all is on our side! It all benefits us! Mercy , grace, help in time of need as we approach God and ask for help. Jesus already bore the full brunt of God's wrath for our sins. Those who reject this gift will unnecessarily face eternal punishment because they dishonor and reject God's perfect offer of salvation.
  21. He was able to be tempted, limited by human intellect, body, and emotions. Tempted in every way as we are. Much more difficult. The pressure to sin must have been incomprehensible to us, as year after year He did not sin. No. Because we still sin, requiring God's mercy to move forward in faith. Otherwise we are stuck, unable to grow. Or even be saved in the first place.
  22. It is the evidence of the faith given to us by the Lord Jesus. That Jesus is our Lord. Maintains our witness, reminds our selves and others Jesus is Lord.
  23. Eternal salvation in Heaven with God To live like we are headed to heaven and be good examples, so that we can have a consistent witness with words and deeds to those around us. Apostasy shows faith wasn't saving faith. Those who are saved will endure, by God's strength.
  24. Utmost. It is how we are saved and how we grow. Makes us think we get all the pleasure and no consequences. The more we sin the less we listen to the Holy Spirit. Accountability helps view God as He is and us as we are in a more accurate light
  25. The voice of the Holy Spirit. God's word in the Bible made known to me by the Holy Spirit. Answered prayer. Signs and wonders. Depends on the heart of the seeker. Those who look only for a sign frequently aren't helped into faith by them (Pharisees), others see a miracle and have immediate faith in Jesus. Especially if they have been under overt supernatural spiritual oppression. All of it. God intervenes as He sees fit, into the affairs of men from start to finish.
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