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Jesus Follower

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Everything posted by Jesus Follower

  1. We can drift away by not paying attention, treating the gospel like human opinions. Pay attention. Be careful to obey and believe the gospel. Seed sown in poor soil that won't bear fruit.
  2. That He made the universe and that He is the exact representation of God. He performs all of it by His word. Very powerful.
  3. Literally. Yes. Biologically and spiritually. The son's words carry more authority. They can be legally binding and carry "enforcement" capability in terms of consequences for disobedience, likewise assuredness of blessings when given.
  4. To praise and thank God for who He is and for all He has done for me. I try to. It helps foster an attitude of gratefulness if I remind myself of all God has done for me. It is a source of great encouragement. God's blessings are eternal and not dependent on man's strength, wisdom, or other abilities.
  5. The dew of Mt. Hermon falling on Mt. Zion. I love the imagery of the refreshment that the dew brings to plants& that unity can have the same effect on a community. Sin. (Pride and self centeredness). Self- centeredness and pride. Also, fear can keep me locked away in my own world not sensitive to the Holy Spirit, while preoccupied with my own worries.
  6. David will never cease to have a descendant on throne of Israel and ultimately whole earth. Solomon took the throne and built the temple. Jesus was born, died, resurrected, gaining throne of Israel and whole earth for eternity. Every knee will bow and every tongue confess Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God the father.
  7. Because we put ourselves in a position of control, not God. I am not smart or powerful enough to control anything in a helpful way. When I didn't get my way, I became resentful and doubted God's goodness. This happened in a broken relationship. Being honest w/ God @ how I feel. Praying for help to see things how He wants me to. Staying faithful in prayer, worship & study. Hope by expecting God to bring me to a place of rest and trust in Him.
  8. It gives us hope. Otherwise we would be hopelessly mired in our sins, with no hope of rescue. Our faith in Jesus starts w/trusting in His sacrifice for our sins. It is the bedrock of the faith Jesus gives us as believers. Makes me willing to work @ forgiveness. With God helping. My expectancy is growing. For now, for me and my family and for the end of the age. My hope has grown as I have seen God provide during this pandemic. My faith is growing as God enables me to grow.
  9. Have had affliction while serving the Lord and in family circumstances where I was treated unfairly. I have been able to forgive gradually as God has comforted my heart. He has helped me pray consistently for those who have behaved in a thoughtless and cruel way. Also, my emotions have been getting calmer over time.
  10. To hold Him in awe and reverence. Family. Professional. Health. Financial. Vehicle. Free society to worship Him. To mold me into the character of Christ. And to yield the peaceful fruit of righteousness. Not financial. Spiritual and eternal, yes. Being close to Jesus.
  11. Because God is sovereign and in control of all things. We are not. God expects us to work. Those in New Testament who weren't willing to work to care for their families were considered worse than unbelievers. Prayer for discernment of when to work and when to rest. Have a humble, teachable heart, willing to obey the Lord. People will remember what we were like thru the lens of what our children do.(heritage). Children can minister to us as we age(reward).
  12. Obedience in the midst of suffering brings about Godly character. Submitting to the discipline of the Lord brings the peaceful fruit of righteousness. We can. We are guaranteed victory when God renews all things. Even if we don't see it here on earth. An eternal perspective can help us with that.
  13. It is complete and trustworthy. Dictatorships. Corruption even in democratically elected officials. Oppressive government comes from wicked rulers. Our hearts become callous, and we bring hurt/harm to ourselves and others through sinful thoughts, words, actions.
  14. I have seen Him deliver me from dangerous illnesses, motor vehicle accidents, and danger in swift river currents. He has spared me from being hunted by people up till now. He has delivered me from poor and foolish choices where I have endangered myself. His grace is the only explanation. I am not deserving of it. I will ask God to show me who I need to extend mercy to.
  15. We can place our lives and circumstances in God's hands even when they are awful and not what we would pick. Contempt for others should not characterize the life of a believer or a church. Muslims? Try to be kind to them and pray for them at work.
  16. It takes effort and the willingness to suffer w/others. Despite the rewards, obedience does have a cost that some people are not willing to pay. They misunderstand Jesus' love and devotion to the church. And His plan to help us grow. Pray for unity and effective living out God"s Word by the power of His Holy Spirit. Obey and serve God in the context of His church
  17. He gives me wisdom, peace, endurance. Protection and strength to live for Him. He helps in my job, as a father, as a husband to treat those he has entrusted me with, in a way that glorifies Him. He has kept me safe traveling, from sickness, has kept me safe financially. He has been my shade physically, through giving me a home and office to shield me from the sun/ elements. Also, spiritually and emotionally from discouragement from difficulties in life.
  18. Stress can cause us to focus on problems and our inability to solve them, resulting in frustration and discouragement. If we have the right view of God and ourselves, our faith can grow as we turn to Him, relying on Him to see us through. A work in progress?. It is a daily struggle to turn my face/heart toward God and away from covid 19, economic issues, relationship struggles. When I allow Him, God is faithful to give me His peace and joy and endurance every time. Increase my faith to see circumstances and people like He does.
  19. Unified but idolatrous worship. Peace for 40 years. So political stability but spiritual waywardness
  20. A way to trap people to where they aren't devoted to God. They worship the ephod instead of God. Anything that distracts from or replaces our devotion to God can be a sin. They replaced worship of God, whom they couldn't see with an ephod that they could see. Walking by sight NOT Faith. Pride, he could more easily oversee the worship of an object, than listen to & obey God as part of walking by faith. He chose his own way over God's way.
  21. Because Israel and now the church are the bride of Christ. Self reliance, not trusting God to care for me. Also, seeking comfort and ease over obedience.
  22. He understands that God is Israel's King. He would be acting against God and God's people. Their hearts are far from God. And they are very forgetful.
  23. They are afraid they will be punished by the Midianites if Gideon loses. They wouldn't feed his army as they pursued the Midianites. They fear men (Midianites) more than God. Lack of faith. Too harsh, I think. Not caring for or helping missionaries or others called to serve the Lord in very dangerous circumstances.
  24. To make sure they are completely free. Left unfought they can return later to oppress the people or lead them astray. The problem can recur later as bad or worse than before.
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