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Everything posted by Janzie

  1. By hearing the Word of truth, receiving it and then it becomes life to our Spirit. Spiritual life, receiving the Word, the Gospel of Christ brings spiritual life to us and as we grow in Christ and the Word, the Holy Spirit give us revelation, wisdom and understanding. The Word brings Spiritual life, only if you have received Christ and now His Spirit lives in you. If you have not received Christ you cannot understand the Word.
  2. 1. That if we ask God for wisdom, He will give it to us generously. 2. The condition is that we should believe and not doubt. 3. Trials help us receive this wisdom because when we are tempted in trials we either go God's way or the devil. If we go God's way we are blessed and grow. If we go the devil's way, we will encounter the same trial again and hopefully we will learn from our mistakes and ask God for wisdom and believe and do what the Holy Spirit is prompting us to do.
  3. Wisdom from God. We must ask for it. We should believe and doubt not. When we make mistakes, we realize that we need to obey God and not our own desires. Receiving God's wisdom He helps us through our trials and when we obey we become stronger in Him and grow.
  4. When we are tempted by evil desires, we need to surrender them to God. If we think we can handle them, we are only fooling ourselves, that is when we become double minded. We need to be accountable to God, confess them and let Him work on them. Submit to God, and resist the devil. When we say no to the devil, and put the Lord first, we get delivered and become mature, become single minded in our love for God and grow in faith.
  5. Because it is easy to blame someone else for our own shortcomings. No, God doesn't tempt us with evil. He doesn't allow people to sin. He has given everyone the right to chose - good or evil. Do we listen to God or the father of lies (the devil)? Because Adam and Eve sinned and sin was passed down to all men, everyone who was born after them. But God had a plan - He sent His Son Jesus to take care of sin by dying on the cross. We need to choose Jesus.
  6. Trials are of great value, they have changed me. They have made me stronger in the faith and more dependent on the Lord. They have helped me to grow - forgiving someone who hurt me. I could have made satan destroy me and stayed mad and angry at the persons but that would only hurt me more than the other person. I allowed God to have His way and forgive the person. His prompt to me was always hearing that song on the radio "7 x's 7" and I finally gave in by forgiving and loving the person. After we made up, I never heard that song again. (:^) God is still refining me. I think I get rid of one thing and something else pops up, which I was not aware of. The Word says he is changing us: But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. (2 Cor. 3:18)
  7. Employers are to treat their employees with the same kind of respect, faithfulness, integrity that God expects of employees. Church boards should conduct themselves in giving good working conditions for you, a decent and fair wage and days off for rest. God holds you responsible for how you act towards those over whom he has placed you. They should give them a fair wage in accordance what the pay is for that particular job.
  8. Obey, respect and serve your employer, wholeheeartedly, as you were serving the Lord. Not only when you are being watched but always. If we have these attitudes things will go well and we will be appreciated for our service.
  9. Do not embitter your children - discourage, put them down, belittle them, provoke them or make them angry. Be an example to them, bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, maintaining discipline, diligence, teaching, instructing, showing, giving responsibilities, and then supporting them as they learn to keep them faithfully.
  10. When we are adults and married we don't have to obey them but we are always to honor our parents and care for them. We have this obligation until death. The exception is, that if a parent asks their child to do something immoral, their first obligation would be to obey the Lord instead of the parent. We are always to honor and respect and forgive our parents. They took care of us and supported us and love us. We should do this in return. Forgiveness is for all, just as Christ forgave us.
  11. He is our head who loves, protects, provides, cares for us and brings spiritual growth in us. He is the Head of the church, we are His body whom He loves and cares for. We are to submit to Him and obey His Word. He loves, provides, protects us and helps us to grow in Him.
  12. No, He is not to be selfish, self-absorbed ,immature or boss. saying you must obey me or else. Being head requires the husband to love his wife, be the provider, sustainer, uniting his family, and be the spiritual leader under God. The example to follow in headship is Christ: Love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.
  13. A wife should submit to her husband out of reverence for Christ. A wife is required to submit to a husband in all things except something that is illegal, immoral, or that endangers the safety of their children. A wife can disagree but she must do whatever she can to help him see things from a broader perspective. If there is a conflict with the wife's conscience she can say, I'm sorry, but I can't in good conscience do that.
  14. We should have an attitude of praise, worship and thanksgiving. When we sing corporately it unites us and brings God's presence in the church and in our hearts. In turn people are healed and delivered. When we worship the Lord, it is said that He inhabits the praises of His people. When singing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs daily in our life, God speaks to us, the words and music are etched in our hearts and the Holy Spirit just brings them to your remembrance when you need them.
  15. The primary temptation involved with drugs and alcohol is thinking they get rid of your problems and unhappiness but they only cover them, they don't take them away. People need Jesus. There is nothing like the Spirit of God in you, giving you peace and contentment. There is no substitute for the Holy Spirit. Being filled with the Spirit can help us fend off temptations because we are in Christ and walking in the Spirit, not in the flesh. Having close fellowship with God and into the Word and prayer.
  16. We should make the most of every opportunity to shine for God because the days are evil. We resist it because we fear man and worry what they will think of us. We need to find out what pleases God and not what pleases man. We need to be sold out for Christ and not be on the fence - half in the world and half out of it.
  17. Being that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost - it is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable. **** is never satisfied and brings you into deeper sin. And the Bible states, No immoral, impure or greedy person ... has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Sexuality can be part of our spiritual life through marriage of a man and woman both serving God and wanting what He wants. God created love and sex for the marriage relationship.
  18. It is difficult because we hang on to our pride that we are right and the other person is wrong. Our example of forgiveness is God sending His Son for us, no matter what we did. Having a tender heart toward people is evidence of a forgiving spirit.
  19. Gossiping and slander. Does is edify and build up the person, do they really need to hear it, does it benefit them. Slander is talking to someone of others, putting them down. It is common, we try not to but it eventually comes out. We can stop it by repenting of it. watching what we say because: Matthew 15:18 Those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.
  20. Because anger can be a natural action to an injustice. The emotion that God gives us so we will not passively allow injustice to have its way forever. Anger can be dangerous because it can have many deceitful roots like selfishness, uncontrollable anger, bitterness and a foothold to Satan. Be slow to anger, don't let the sun go down on your wrath, have self-control and don't let the devil have a foothold. Anger itself is not sin.
  21. To them, God is out of the picture. The only One that can give them real happiness. They do what they want. They think nothing of living together male and female without marriage. Mostly, they don't marry. Following Hollywood's example, and if they do, they go from one marriage to another. They drink alcohol and take drugs to cover their troubles and sin. But their sin begets sin and they really need a Savior. The one they really need, they reject. Everything is wide open now - homosexuals and lesbians want to be accepted in what they do, children even want to change their sex. *********** is rampant on the internet and many become addicted but don't know it will destroy them. We are tempted to conform because it is all around us in media, fashions, and life. In the early days there were wholesome TV shows. Little by little over they years they slowly brainwashed people in accepting their ways, seeing how far they could go. If the Christian does not read, study, meditate on the Word, fellowship with other Christians, and spend time with the Lord, they will easily be pulled the wrong way and Satan is always there tempting us waiting to steal, kill, and destroy the Christian.
  22. The minister or pastor cannot do all the work and expect it to grow. Many hands accomplish much work. Jesus came and taught us how to live this life. He had to have Apostles to spread His Word. It hinders people in the congregation and hurts the community because it creates stagnancy, like the Dead Sea. The Church cannot grow. and the community cannot be blessed by us. We are like an island unto ourselves. We only grow in giving and receiving from one another. God is in every Christian, He has given us gifts, talents and abilities, He lives inside of us, we are the temple of the Holy Ghost, He is creative, all wisdom and knowledge. We have to know who we are in Christ. He is our identity, the old useless man is dead. In Him we live and move and have our being. The purpose of pastors and teachers is for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.
  23. The person may have the gift of pastor or teacher but not be recognized yet. They can start being a janitor, helper, connect group leader, Sunday school teacher and grow into the position, by their obedience in willing to do anything and doing their best as unto the Lord. If they don't have the gift of Senior Pastor, then they shouldn't be Senior Pastor. In our Church you are a Pastor by the call and appointment of God. After you have proven yourself as a junior Pastor, you can then oversee others in their growth because you have been through the same thing. You are then qualified to become Senior Pastor. The Holy Spirit is the giver of these gifts.
  24. Not everyone has the gift of evangelism but the Word says - And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. (Mark 16:15) That alone should motivate us. Compassion for the lost. Also, be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: (I Peter 3:15b) Earmarks of Evangelist - Love for the Lord, the sinner, the Word, the Gospel, and is a good communicator, and has the has the Holy Spirit. Pray that the Lord would stir up the gift in them, the Lord would send them into the field, that they would be obedient, that they would fear no man but only God, that they would know God is with them, loves them and that they would have victory and bear much fruit.
  25. They might be sent to churches in other towns, area, other parts of the world to cover people with the Gospel who haven't heard of Christ and His saving power. Sent to teach, preach, pastor, oversee. Bring correction, preach the truth in love, unify the church and promote the Love of Christ in one another. We can detect a false prophet - By their fruits you will know them, they preach their own opinion, not what the Word teaches, twisting the Word to their own desires, are motivated by greed and their own lusts.
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