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Everything posted by June

  1. A thankful heart and giving honor and praise to God through worship. Singing is a way of opening up the heart and mind to worship. True worship joins our spirit with God's Spirit and gives us a receptive spirit to be thankful to God . Singing keeps our spirit open to what the Holy Spirit has for us and will keep us in a closer walk with the Lord. Also with spiritual singing and worship, it keeps Satan and his cohorts at bay. Keeps us in an attitude of praise and thankfulness.
  2. Debauchery. This leads to a place where only God's grace & power can save them. Alcohol numbs the mind of truths. The Holy Spirit can give a high that is God's Will for our lives and enables us to speak in tongues and can empower us to do works for Christ. The Holy Spirit knows what pleases God and will remind you of godly, holy and righteous things.
  3. We are to live wisely and make the most of every opportunity to shine for God. To do what is right , to say the right things whenever the opportunity arises and not be too timid or shy - or too fear speaking out for Christ. We must be born again and let the Holy Spirit work through us. We must get self out of the way and let God work in and through us. We need a constant renewal and refilling of the Holy Spirit.
  4. Sexual sin causes us to be separated from the Father and our great inheritance. We are to imitate Jesus Christ. Our attitude should be that of Christ. Keep all sexuality in check so we can be sanctified by God and learn to control our own bodies in a holy and honorable way. God did not call us to be impure and to live loosely. We need to keep high standards for ourselves and our church.
  5. Because we don't think they deserve to be forgiveness. But we must remember that Jesus forgave us for our sins. Did we deserve it???No!!! By being kind, compassionate and forgiving each other just as in Christ God forgave us. Follow Jesus, do as He does( emulate Him) make Him your role model. Put on that new self, be righteous and holy as is Jesus.
  6. By being critical of another. Saying something bad or evil. (1) Is it helpful for building up another. (2) Is it according to the hearer's needs. (3) Is it beneficial to the hearer. Slander is anything that puts another down with disrespect. Always say things that makes another feel good, builds them up and not repeat anything that is not of wholesome nature.
  7. Anger is an emotion that God wanted us to get under control. He wanted us to learn to discipline ourselves. Without discipline our anger can turn to abusive, violent and be hurtful to others. It gives Satan a foothold. Once we've blurted these hurtful things out we can not take them back. All the more reason for discipline and self control. Think about pleasant things and don't say or do anything that you'd regret later. Anger is an emotion and in itself is not sin because it is God given, but left to ferment can become sin. Keep all anger in check, only when we act or react to it is it sin.
  8. If it feels good, do it. Wanting to please themselves no matter what or who they hurt. Not believing in God or what He can do for them. Pure ignorance and hardened hearts as to anything of God. Living in darkness with sexual loose behavior. We have to put off the old self and put on the new holy, righteous self. They are having a good time and tempts us to fall into our old sin. It's what we are use to and familiarity is welcome.
  9. If the pastor does all the work, he is hindering the growth of his flock. Others can not grow in their gifts. Pastors instruct, equip and lead us to serve God with our gifts that were bestowed on us by the Holy Spirit. He grows us spiritually. If the pastor does all the work of the ministry there is no outreach growth, only his immediate circle of people but not making disciples to reach the community with spiritual growth. Pastors and teachers are to proclaim God's word in order to build up the body of Christ. They will be godly instructors of sound doctrine, nourished on faith and disciplined in godliness.
  10. The Holy Spirit imparts all gifts through Christ. The Pastor must be confirmed by God's Word (not man's), the church and certain qualifications. Must be tested by Biblical Standards not on just desires, education, or alleged vision or calling. God sets forth the requirements by the Holy Spirit. We must always be in prayer for our Pastors daily!!!!
  11. By allowing them to speak and proclaim what the Holy Spirit has placed in them will bring about salvation and conviction of sin to the congregation. They have an earnest love for the "lost". By preaching on the lost and what will happen to their souls if not told about Jesus Christ and what He will do for them.It gains converts to Christ. By testimonies and the willingness to encourage them to testify what the Holy Spirit has done in their lives.
  12. Apostles are Spirit-filled persons that take the gospel around the world (missionaries) and maintain the purity of the church and God's Word so it does not become distorted.They were to teach and baptize. They are to proclaim the true gospel so it will lead to godliness. They encourage others and they preach the gospel. False teachers try to weaken the authority of the Bible. They allow sub-standards to prevail. They straddle the fence, so to speak and must be removed from teaching. They teach things that are contrary to God's Word. We must discern and test the Spirits.
  13. Christ gives the gifts to prepare God's hol;y people for the work of serving and to strengthen the body of Christ. Natural talents are given to us at birth. Spiritual gifts are given instantaneously by the Holy Spirit enabled by God. Natural talents need to be perfected while spiritual gifts are enabled by God.
  14. Christ gives the gifts to prepare God's Holy People for the work of serving and to strengthen the body of Christ. Natural talents are given to us at birth. Spiritual gifts are given instantaneously by the Holy Spirit enabled by God. Natural talents need to be perfected while spiritual gifts are enabled by God.
  15. We should always follow the Holy Spirit's leading and live a life worthy to be called a child of the King. We need to be loyal to the truth and believe only what is biblical. Search for the truth in the Word.
  16. We need humility & patience in order to keep peace and grow in unity. No matter what we do or say we put the reputation of Christ on the line. We have been made in His image. We can agree to disagree but still be civil about it. When we have a good spirit about things people are much more apt to come into unity and agreement. Remembering the founding apostalic message (Bible), obey it and not let it be distorted, and keep God above all in the home and church helps to fight the good fight of faith. Not all will agree ever. We are all unique in our own right.
  17. We are prisoners for Christ. Spiritual unity with Christ, maintained by being loyal and adhering to the prodding of the Holy Spirit. We must live as Christ and do His work while we are here on earth in unity with other Christians.
  18. We would see more "miracles" and healings. More worship in the Spirit. More love for mankind and fellow christians. We would all be hard at work doing God's work instead of worrying about our own wants and needs. People would come to get some of what we have , out of curiosity, and get hooked on Jesus. By glorifying God more in the presence of others might affect more salvations. It would be like a contagious disease and others might catch it. We might have our own Pentecost right here in our city and church. I am striving to be more like Christ!!!!
  19. To have a changed heart and life. To change all your ways and have the power to resist evil. It is a continual reality and we must work at keeping it so.The Holy Spirit is always impartiing God's love to us and gives us joy, comfort and help. He gives us power to do the will of God and enables us to speak God's Word. We must have a sincere love for God and others, comprehend Christ's love for us so that God's presence reflects from our innermost being the character & statures that belong to Christ. Being filled with the Spirit and being filled with the fullness of God is baptism in the Spirit and must be maintaiined by prayer, witnessing, and a sanctified life worshipping God.
  20. Not seeing the "big picture". Not comprehending that God is everywhere and realiziing His great love for us. We can not knoe the power of God's love for all of His creation. By the indwelling of the Holy Spirit we can have God's power working in us and fullness of God. We have a greater love for mankind and show it in the way we live. We would realize that we can not exist without God's love and indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
  21. I think they are the same.To be strengthened by the Spirit is to have our feelings, thoughts,and reasoning under His influence & direction so the Holy Spirit can work with Power through us. Christ dwelling in our hearts is the power of the Spirit living in our hearts. To submit and seek direction from the Holy Spirit and concentrate on things of Godrather than of this world. To live in God's presence and to trust Him for the Grace we need to do His Will. It is being controlled by the Spirit that had come to live in us through salvation.
  22. That we approach humbly, with boldness, with confidence and trust. We are to get on our knees and humble ourselves before Him. Without faith & hope we have nothing. Have confidence and be free to ask everything of God the Father and through His sacrifice, Jesus Christ , all things are possible. Without these our prayers only go to the roof and no further.
  23. Paul was a servant and knew it was a gift from God. He knew that by lack of faith it could all be taken away . He knew God's power. Paul was given special dispensation for their benefit. God revealed things to Paul that no one else knew about. Faith in knowing the the wise plan of God and knowing that our lives were predestined for God's glory. God is ever with us. To accomplish God's will through the Holy Spirit. God's Grace can be resisted so Paul is careful to keep himself in line with the Holy Spirit and communing often and being filled with Him....
  24. It was God's purpose to unite all things in heaven and on earth under one head, even Christ and to include Jews and Gentiles in the promise of life and salvation. That we can alll come to God and receive grace through Him. It is that we are heirs to the promises which God gave to the Jews. They assumed that these promises wass for only them, but Praise God we christians share in the same heirship as they do. This was revealed through the Holy Spirit to Paul and then to all mankind.
  25. Scripture is God Breathed and revelation by the Holy Spirit.By unity in Christ the Jews and Gentiles were to become one people to form the church. By being together in Christ with the Jews and being the church, God lives through the Spirit in us. Therefore we must obey the Holy Spirit. Unbelief and denying that God reveals HImself to us & the church is denying the Holy Spirit and gives Satan a chance to enter. God & the Holy Spirit will not stay where evil lurks.
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