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Everything posted by June

  1. Zechariah held doubt ( How can I be sure of this?) so was made mute. Mary wanted to know how it would be as she was a Virgin. She was a servant unto the Lord and accepted what Gabriel said. She was willing to let God work through Her and be used of God. DOUBT vs. FAITH.
  2. He is the Son of The Most High. He is to be Great. He would rule over the House of Jacob forever and His Kingdom will NEVER end...
  3. That we do as the Father has done.That we be equipped to do His will and that He may work in us and through us. That we not forget to do good and share with others the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our only goal should be to please God either here or there, because we must all face judgement for what we have done or not done while here on earth. LIVE BY WHAT YOU BELIEVE NOT WHAT YOU SEE...
  4. Our PRAISE and sacrifice of giving. Giving to missions, helping the needy,feeding the hungry. Fasting & praying.....Giving up something to do for someone else. God sees it and is honored when we do these things. It brings glory to God and says we are proud to be a part of His kingdom. It shows that He is working through us.
  5. That God never changes!!!!!! Whatever He did yesterday He will do today. Jesus and God are ONE. Jesus is like God the Father. He is Eternal and never changing. He did miracles, healed, and gave sight to the blind. Trust and faith can bring these same things today. He is very much ALIVE and still the same as years ago. NEVER CHANGING. What He has said He would do, either He has or He will. HE IS ALL POWERFUL.
  6. When we are not content with what we have and always wanting more. Be content with what we do have and not desire more and more. By sacrificing and giving to others. Remembering that God will supply all our needs. The Lord is my helper. I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? If we depend on God more and less on ourselves, we'd be surprised at the outcome. He will always be there to help.
  7. Originally meaning blood family, today it means members of the Christian family. We are brothers and sisters in Christ. Though I do not invite strangers to my home ----- I would feed any that came by and were hungry. I do not visit the imprisoned. I give to the needy. According to this passage I need to go under reconstruction.
  8. Fearing God keeps us obedient in our Christian walk, we get knowledge of what God requires and how He honors us. God is LOVE and only disciplines to make us stronger in our walk and to keep us close to Him. Obsessiveness is unhealthy. Fear has to do with punishment. God is perfect love. Faith and love go together.
  9. I believe he is. Paul describes all the things that are of a sinful nature and of the consequences. He also tells about the fruits of the Spirit and rewards of these virtues. He is telling us the ways to be holy and what happens if we loose faith. Habitual sin is like a slap in the face for Christ. No one will inherit the kingdom through immorality. We will suffer Spiritual death and not possess eternal salvation. Salvation regenerates and sanctifies the work of the Holy Spirit. Wickedness inherits nothing.
  10. God does punish but out of His love. He loves us too much to leave us the way we are. When God punishes He is making us stronger. It is like " boot camp". We are in training all the days we are children living in this world. God wants us to be strong in our faith and to grow in Christian maturity so we will know what is of Him and what is of the world. That is why we have the B.I.B.L.E. (God's Word) Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. If we follow these instructions we will get our reward.
  11. It assures me that God loves me and cares for me and wants me to be a better person. It gives me strength to know I am not alone in this fight. Discipline and training by God gives assurance of holiness and eternal life.
  12. We have to develop an attitude of maintaining our faith. Sometimes it is hard to maintain when opposed so often. If and when we grow weary, it is easier for Satan to wear us down and dominate us with all kinds of negativity. We must stand our ground to win the fight and to discern where all negativity comes. It is not of God...
  13. The witnesses are God's faithful saints. By keeping the faith we can conquer all that entangles us and run & not give up, pressing on to the finish. Keeping our eyes on Jesus and all He did and by trying to duplicate our life after His. He was committed to God and trusted Him for His Will to be done. By resurrection He procured perfect salvation for all. They will receive, as will we, our full inheritance together in the New Heaven & New Earth Though we may not know where we are going today, we must follow the leading of Christ and believe with faith that we will be going "home" to a greater place and will be made perfect in holiness with Christ when that great day comes. Jesus said, It is finished."
  14. Faith. Looking for a better way of life. God's promises for better things. Israelites crossed on dry land and the Egyptians all drowned when they tried to cross because of their lack of faith. Rahab was considered righteous for what she did. She had real faith for her family also. As the body without the spirit is dead, so is faith without deeds.
  15. Moses chose to be mistreated rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short while. He He knew it was disgraceful to the sake of Christ and he wanted no part of it. He valued the love of Christ more than the treasures of Egypt because of the later reward. Moses' faith kept him looking for the greater reward. We can look forward to all of God's promises.
  16. Faith - believing God's word. Not conforming to the world. Looking for a better place. The world is an enemy of God. We have come out of the world, when we choose to follow Jesus, so we don't belong to the world and will always be opposed. We are greater than the world because of Whom lives in us and greater than he who lives in the world. We must keep our minds set on things above and not on earthly things. Jesus is the way!!!!!!!
  17. We are only passing through this world on our way to our true home, which is heaven. We must not seek security & be fascinated with this present world. Abraham separated himself from all that hindered his purpose to do the will of God. He sought a heavenly country to live with God in joy & peace forever. Through personal commitment to God & obedience, he received what God had promised. We must do the same as Abraham and separate ourselves from the things of this world and strive to live the will of God for our lives. Live in obedience and personal commitment to Jesus Christ in order to inherit all that God promised. City of Mount Zion in heavenly Jerusalem, which is the city of the living God. New heaven and new earth which is God's Kingdom.
  18. Abraham considered God faithful and true to His word because promises were always fulfilled. Even to his promise of a son. By reading and studying, we too should have the same faith , confidence and trust that God will do all that He has promised. Faith and obedience go hand in hand, so we are to do as commanded by His Word. Abraham never doubted that God would give him a son , it was just a matter of when. In faith Abraham trusted God to do as He had promised in His Word. Lacking faith is like doubting there will be a tomorrow. There is a tomorrow either here or there. So it is believing through faith that we can face tomorrow. Faith is believing that God will be there during all our trials and help us through and make us stronger in all we face. Praise His Holy Name!!!
  19. Believing that Jesus died and arose 3 days later. That He LIVES today. He created the universe. Noah feared that he'd loose his family if he didn't obey God's command to build the Ark. In faith he obeyed God and was rewarded . Our faith is built on the trusted Word of God and on His very word for our salvation. By socializing with Christians and hearing the Word, being doers of the Word. Hearing , believing and speaking God's Word.
  20. If you have the faith to believe and come to Christ, know that you have rewards coming. There would be no need to have faith if we were not looking or searching for something. To really seek God means to diligently and earnestly exert all efforts to learn more about Him. It doesn't matter whether you believe that God will reward seekers--- just know that He will because He said He would. He does not lie.
  21. Faith is believing that things are as we have hoped for and for things we have not yet seen with our own eyes. Having faith keeps us connected to God and His Kingdom.
  22. Sometimes when we don't see manifestation, we tend to doubt but we must remember that God's timing is different than ours. We need to keep on keeping on. Determination to reach the goal. And our goal is to live for eternity with Christ. We must keep our minds fixed on God and not let the things of this world get us down. We need to lift each other up and be encouragers when things aren't going the way we think they should. We must not quit but have the attitude and faith that we will win the race. AND WE WILL WIN!!!
  23. Refusing the Lord as Savior and His sacrifice of blood. Deliberately turning away from Jesus the Messiah. After receiving the knowledge of truth and keep on sinning , this is deliberate. These are sins related to deliberate turning away from the faith, flagrant deliberate apostasy. Knowing the truth and still turn your back is rejecting Our Savior and rejecting what He sacrificed on the Cross for us.
  24. To encourage one another in our faith , with love and good deeds. If they have a need or are in need of prayer. Because they are too worldly, ie; T.V.; events of everyday living, laziness, lack of interest, or it is not something that is of to their liking. Pray for them and invite them, encourage them to come and see what it is about before judging, let them know what they are missing.
  25. The veil separated the Holy Place from The Holy of Holies where the Ark of the Covenant was located, which was God's Throne. This gives us total access to the Throne. It opened a way into God's very presence and the Throne of Grace. It removed the separation between God and man. It is new and living because of Jesus. He is Alive and living among us. He lives to make intercession for His people. It is new because the Israaelites had limited access to God. It is living because Jesus is alive. Our Living Savior!!!
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