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Everything posted by charchar

  1. Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms (www.jesuswalk.com/psalms/psalms-exercises.htm). These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others. Well this week was for me a week of reading and mediating on the psalms about forgiveness and just relating it our our life and all that we do against the will of God for our life. This is so amazing to me, because I'm seeing my life as a life of not wanting to do anything but to love the way God love. I'm really hurt with the way many of use say we Love the Lord but we don't love our family are those around us. I have learn to just embrace His Love and spend my days just seeking his face in all that I do. I thank you Lord for such a wondeful change on the inside and out of my life. Thank for cleaning me, and giving me a pure heart a heart of Love for you.
  2. Q4. (Psalm 51:17) How does one achieve a "broken and contrite heart"? What are the earmarks of this condition? How does this differ from "being sorry" for a sin? How does humility relate to this condition? One one is broken because of sin, with the condition that we are not sadden by the fact that we not only sin but we broken the relationship between us and God. We are not sorry about the fact that this sin has cause our Father to not be connected and we are sorry about the sin but we are not sorry enough to acknowledge our Father and the hurt that was caused from our actions. We must learn to humble ourself and not have let pride take control over our sinful nature. We must go to our Father and ask for forgiveness and for our sin to be forgiven.
  3. Q3. (Psalm 51:10-12) How is it possible to have a "pure heart" after great sin? What does a "pure heart" consist of? What is the relationship between a "pure heart" (Psalm 51:10) and a "united" or "undivided heart" (Psalm 86:11)? Who purifies the heart? What is the process? By confession and repentence your sin to be completed cleanse and washed away. When ever your heart is pure it is again reunited to our Father to do His will we are no longer in our sinful way, our heart is no longer undivided from our Father we are connected with Him in Spirit and in Truth. We know have a relationship with Him and the Holy Spirit which is our Comforter. God is the only one that can gives us a pure heart but we must choose to live our life for him. We must acknowledge that we have sin, confess, repent, pray and continue to get in the word of God to learn more about him and all that we do we must acknowledg Him in everything.
  4. Q2. (Psalm 51:3-6) When David says, "Against you only I have sinned" (4a) is he minimizing his sin against Bathsheba and Uriah? What does he mean by this? When he mentions his sinfulness from before birth is he excusing himself or blaming Original Sin? What does he mean by this? No David is not minimizing his sin but he is also acknowledging his sin against God. He is but the blame on are excusing himself from sin but he is doing something even more powerful, he is acknoledging all his sin that is within from birth. He is not excusing any of them. He wanted to get those sinful nature out of his sinful body.
  5. Q1. (Psalm 32:2-5) How does self-deceit operate with sin to enslave us? How does confession enable us to get free from sin? Why do we sometimes resist the truth about ourselves? What does it take to get us to see truth sometimes? Self deceit with sin enslaves us because it keep us trapped in the same lifestyle without growing me Christlike. We are slaved to what controls us. We are become like our slave master. Confession is a big part of the key to free us from our sinful nature. We will be release from the thing that we acknowledge that is a sin in our life only if we confess truly with our heart. We resist the truth about ourselves because it is a trap of the devil for us not to see us for what we are but to focus on others. The devil don't want us to get it right. He only want us to stay stuck in the pits of hell. But we must look at ourselves in every situation of our life that we ask God that what is it that you want me to learn for this not, looking at are not being deceited that we are not doing are participating in sin. We must be honest about those things that we know we are doing wrong. After all our Father know and see EVERYTHING, so why not be honest. Sometime it takes a tragic situation to let us see our wrong. Sometime it may take God to sure us ourself in dreams, a family or friend may reveal something to you that you know the Lord spoke to you about. Sometime it will take you to lose it all and hit rock bottom to the point where only you will come back to God.
  6. Q4. (Psalm 22) What similarities do you see between the words of Psalm 22 and the events of Jesus' crucifixion? Do you think Jesus understood Psalm 22 as referring to himself? Why do you think the Spirit inspired David to pen these words? This Psalm was to me about what was going to be going on at the crucifixion. It explain the pain, and surfering that our Lord bear for us and all that He had to go through for our sin. He was Lord but He was also in this world as a human feeling all that was put on Him for our sins, that we will have another chance to choose who we will serve and dedicate our life to, our Heavenly Father. Yes He did, this was part of God plan and it was something that needed to be written prior to the crucifixion to in a sense tell how and what our Lord will and had to go through for us. The Spirit was not only telling the story of what was to come but also showing that even when the pain and hurt come that God always have a plan in it and He have not forgoten nor was He not listening. God know and feel our pain and He is always with us and all we have to do is continue to trust and know that He will win the victory and He already did. He is the almighty and have control of All things.
  7. Q3. (Psalm 22:1) Why do you think Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1? What was he seeking to express? What was he feeling? How did God answer his plea? Whenever I read and heard this Psalm I felt that at this time Jesus was feeling all the sins of this world on Him. He was expressing to His father that the burnen was heavy and painful but if He had to carry it than Let His will be done. God answer was that He will Honor Him and all the descendants of Jacob. He has not ignored the suffering fo the needy and He has listened to their cries for help. He will praise him among All the people and the people will bow down and will serve him along with future generation. He will never be forgotten. Thank you Jesus
  8. Q2. (Psalm 110) Why do you think that Jesus asked the Pharisees about verse 1, "If then David calls him 'Lord,' how can he be his son?" What point was Jesus making? How does Jesus combine the roles of Warrior-King and Priest in his ministry to us and to this world? How do you reconcile the violence suggested in verses 5-6 with Jesus as "Prince of Peace"? Because the Pharisees was looking for someone more popular than Jesus not a carpenter son, but someone in they eyes as a powerful rich person that was not born as a man. Jesus is telling us that we don't need to focus on the outer appearance but listen and be teachable we never now who are what God will use to bring a word and a work in us for His Kingdom to be glorified. Jesus was powerful and peaceful all in one. He did the will of His Father but also walk with all the fruit of the spirit. He defeated the enemy and gave us peace at the same time.
  9. Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms (www.jesuswalk.com/psalms/psalms-exercises.htm). These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others. First I will like to ask for forgiveness for being late on this study in the name of Jesus. I woke up this morning and instead of praying for many things all I wanted to do was to think God for his Love and for loving us no matter what. I began to read Psalm 43, it touch me because two weeks ago I had a dream that I was on this mountain top and I met Jesus face to face. I was a beautiful and in a way the most unexplainable thing that I ever experience. As I was reading it in verse 3 it talk about the light and the truth that will guide me and the holy mountain as the place where He lives. I have never read and seen Psalms 43 like this before, but this was my experience after meeting Jesus on the mountain top he showed me different people and the life and also told me to tell them after seeing what they were doing to seek his face. God is so real that my heart still is weeping over the fact that so many is not trusting His Love for use on a daily journey. I Love you and Thank you for all that you do in Jesus name.
  10. Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms (www.jesuswalk.com/psalms/psalms-exercises.htm). These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others. First I will like to ask for forgiveness for being late on this study in the name of Jesus. I woke up this morning and instead of praying for many things all I wanted to do was to think God for his Love and for loving us no matter what. I began to read Psalm 43, it touch me because two weeks ago I had a dream that I was on this mountain top and I met Jesus face to face. I was a beautiful and in a way the most unexplainable thing that I ever experience. As I was reading it in verse 3 it talk about the light and the truth that will guide me and the holy mountain as the place where He lives. I have never read and seen Psalms 43 like this before, but this was my experience after meeting Jesus on the mountain top he showed me different people and the life and also told me to tell them after seeing what they were doing to seek his face. God is so real that my heart still is weeping over the fact that so many is not trusting His Love for use on a daily journey. I Love you and Thank you for all that you do in Jesus name.
  11. Q1. (Psalm 2) What does Psalm 2 teach us about Yahweh's "anointed" king? Why do you think the apostles saw this passage as referring to Jesus the Messiah? What does the passage teach about the importance of submission to Jesus the Christ before it is too late? That He and God is one. Because in verse 6 tells us that the Lord spoke of His Son being on the holy hill of Zion, and Jesus is the Son of God. We must be submissive to Jesus the Christ before it is to late because we don't want the Lord to be angry with us and his wrath to come up against us. In other words if we don't except Jesus the Christ we will live our life in hell. God is God and they is no other, so when we think we have more power to do as we please we are sadly mistaken because we are not higher than our Creator. I thank God for His son Jesus who came to this earth to give us another chance to get it right and live right so that we can spend our enterinal life with our Heavenly father forever.
  12. Q3. (Psalm 117 and Lamentations 3:22-23). Why are love and trustworthiness so important as the bedrock of the Old Testament faith? What kinds of terms does the New Testament use to talk about these characteristics? Can you think of any New Testament verses that speak of these themes? Because of all the sin that was created in the world after the fall on Adam and Eve, God was still proving his Love for the people dispite the many that had a harden heart. If you can't love you can't trust. It would make no sense to say I trust you Lord but you can't love after all God is Love, and that faith of his love is what keep us in covernant with him daily. We must obey the ten commandment and keep his law. We should love one another as God loves us. But we must not have any other God before hime. Matthew 4 the temptation of Jesus in a way also speak of keeping the characteristics of God love and our faith. Even when Jesus was tempted he did exactly what we need to learn to do when evil comes in our path that is he address the commandments of God, he spoke of and show that no matter what devil I will do God will for my purpose and time and then after awhile he said to him Away from me Satan because he will only worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.
  13. Q1. (Psalm 103) Which one or two aspects of God's character mentioned in this Psalm stand out to you? Why do you think the Exodus was so foundational in Israel's understanding of God? According to Psalm 103:10-12, what are the limits to God's forgiveness? The Lord is Merciful and gracious and his compassion for us. Because of His Love for us even after we have sin He still makes Himself available for us to come to Him and ask for forgiveness, and return to Him for guidance. The Exodus was so foundational in Israel understanding because it was a way for God to allow them to separate from some things in they life and for them to gain Faith in Him not of things seen are unseen. God is a God that forgives completely. He don't keep reminding use of our past sin but He will show his compassion to us and show us that they is danger that we are headed into. His grace and His mercy if forever more, He loves us and remember us as dust.
  14. Exercise. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms (www.jesuswalk.com/psalms/psalms-exercises.htm). These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others. I really think you God for the blessing in the mist of my test I still can say think you Jesus. God have used this study to show me He is still in control. Even those around me have try to discourage me and spread untruth about me I still continue to worship and praise the Mighty King of Glory. I've decided that I'm done with foolish behavior. I have learn how to become more meek and enjoy praising my Father in Heaven. God is in-charge of my life anything that comes up is not for me to worry about it but to seek guidance from my Father who created not only me but Everything. He know the beganning and my end I trust my Father that He is the Mighty one of it All and that He will continue to protect me. I'm at peace with my relationship with my Father and I think he for Jesus. I pray in Jesus name that many of us continue to learn from our Father and about our Father because he is Truly wonderful and Loving.
  15. Q4. (Psalm 24) How do verses 1-2 establish the Lord's right as King? What do verses 3-6 tell us about the requirements of the King? What do verses 7-10 tell us about the glory of the King? How does this psalm speak to you in your situation? The Lord is the King of everything because He created everything. We must have a clean hand and pure heart and don't worship idols and is not deceitfully. The glory of the King is the Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. That I must trust God in all situation in my life. I must live right according to his word. I understand that when something or someone try to come up against me that it is not me but the King of glory, the Lord might and strong that will be in battle not me. God is in control of All things in my life I must only continue to be meek and allow God to do what He is going to do. It's about Trust and meekness.
  16. Q3. (Psalm 126). In this psalm, the nation is going through some kind of crisis. How does memory of God's deliverance in verses 1-3 prepare them for the prayer of verse 4? How do you understand the two metaphors of deliverance: (1) a wadi or dry gully and (2) sowing and reaping? How do these metaphors help you in your situation? With memory of what our Great and merciful Father have done in the past it gives us the reassurance that He can and will do it again. Deliverance to me is that when I'm going through some tough times in my life, are when it seem like a dry spell is in my life I have to continue to rejoice and praise God. I have to know that God is keeping me through those time, so I must remember that those time are just for a moment. Weeping may endure for a night but I know that joy have and will come in the morning. I must continue to sow what I can sow and it will surly reap into a blessing for the kingdom of God. God has protected me even when I wasn't doing the right thing in my past life because he know that one day I will be his servant one that will always trust him and hold on to His Love because it never changes it only for me as I learn more about MY Father in heaven gets better. I'm greatful for All that the psalm have tought me about myself and my life. You see when God deliverance becomes real in your life you can't help but to praise His name and rejoice when even those that say they are a Christian tell the untruth about you. But I know that my father knows the truth and that is God he is my ALL AND ALL and the one and only God that I can Trust.
  17. For one of the psalms in this lesson -- or another psalm with a similar theme -- do one of the suggested exercises to help you experience the Psalms (www.jesuswalk.com/psalms/psalms-exercises.htm). These include such things as praying a psalm, meditating, reading to a shut-in, paraphrasing, writing your own psalm, singing, preparing a liturgy, and memorizing. Then report to the forum what the exercise meant to you personally or share what you've written with others. Psalm 121 is the what my heart have been at peace with this week. Just knowing that when you are feeling down and don't know are can't see your way out you can just look up. Looking up takes the focus of looking down. Knowing that as God look down he pick us up. He is the only one that should be focusing on looking down that way he sees when we His children are falling are may have already fell He reached down and pick us up as we began to look to him for guidance. I thank you God for giving me the chance to look up knowing that all my help comes from you. In Jesus Christ name I thank God for his peace that is beyond understanding
  18. Q5. After you've studied the psalms in this chapter, what do you think it means to "rest" in God? How do you seek God's peace when you have a dozen things coming against you? To rest is not to worry about nothing. I seek God peace when dozen things come against me by going into pray, waiting on guidence from God and trusting that it will come no matter how long it will take. I hold on to all that I know him to be and All that I know that He is. With all that my life have I can only trust God. You see people fail people but God never fails. He is my Love, my Peace, my everything, He is my Father. As my Father I know that they is no need to worry, yes we will go through difficult times and yes some will hurt but no matter what we can't turn away from our God, not even when the evil one tells us that our Father have left us and allow those things to happen. We must hold on and know that God is God noone and nothing is greater that is a great knowledge to know. Thanks to Jesus Christ we are protected and I love Him with ALL my heart.
  19. Q4. (Psalm 46) How does the imagery of the river and streams in verse 4 function in Psalm 46 to speak peace to the harassed and harried person? Verse 10 tells us: "Be still and know that I am God." How does knowledge of who He is affect our peace? How should it affect our words? Why does He command us to "be still" as a result of this knowledge? The clam clear water runs from our Heavenly Father to His Son and to use, it brings us the reassurance that God is there aways and we need to be still and let God be God we are always in a harry to move, do something before we communicate with our God through Jesus Christ his beloved Son. Just knowing that if we only be still He will do what ever He said He will do. We just need to learn to listen to His voice that will guide us through what ever may come our way. He is with us Always.
  20. Q3. (Psalm 31) What does it mean to say to the Lord, "Into your hands I commit my spirit" (31:5)? How does that statement bring peace to a person? How does the statement, "My times are in your hands" (31:15), bring peace to the troubled soul? I trust you with my life. I have faith to know that you will take care of me. It bring peace know that the God of Heaven and Earth is the one that is overseeing your spirit. He have it all under control. We must understand that even during the times when we are having trouble that peace is also in the mist of the storm. He have even our trouble in His hand, actually He have our entire life in his hand. Wow if we really thank about it all we have to do is really our assignment and understand that if we trust God truly that we just have to go through the assignment He have already worked it out and know the beganning and the end of what will be and what is to come. If only we trust and believe. Thanks you always for your peace, grace, mercy, and Love
  21. Q2. According to Psalm 23, how does the Lord our Shepherd quiet his sheep and give them confidence? How many ways can you find in this psalm? The Lord our Sheperd quiet his sheep and give them confidence by first of all identifying who He is. He is the Shepherd, that give us the confidence that as long as we know and except that He is our Shepherd we will want for nothing. He give us rest, peace, and strenght to go through and make. He reassure us that we don't have to fear evil that may try to come up against us. He comfort me, and prepares food for me to eat (His word) Anointed my head with oil, and overflow my cup of peace, love, joy,. He gave His Son Jesus who came and died for us and now we are sure that his Goodness and merchy shall be with us all the days of our life if we live right and when are days here on this side is over we have the will be in heaven with Him for ever. He gives me peace of mine to rest in His Love will He direct my path for my life. Love you Lord in Jesus Name I thank you.
  22. Q1. According to Psalm 131, just how does David quiet his inner person before the Lord? What are the elements mentioned in this psalm? First by being humble and trusting God. Humility, Trust, Setting down and rest, weaning of , being content and Hoping. This is a short Psalm but it have alot of information in it. It shows some of the requirments in being a Christian. You most of course humble yourself, and trust God. Have the Faith that He is all that He said He is. Than you have to not try to take control of the situation but just rest and be reassured that He already got it and it have already been taken care of. Ok now is the big part being content. Sometime we have a problem of being content with what God knows is best for us. We sometime want things to go the way we image it to go but most of the time it is not the plan for our life . We must learn to become more content with whatever God allow in our life. And our hoping will continue to grow and our worries will not longer become a part of our first response. Thank you in Jesus Christ name for your Love and revelation in my life. Thanks a blessing me with the power of knowing to rest in your peace.
  23. Wow it seem like the book of Psalms is being talked about much more than before around me. Psalms 91 is also one of the my brothers Psalm. He sheared it with me on Friday. This was the Psalm his wife gave him when he deployed over 6 years ago and he still carry it with him everyday. There are so many Psalms that is very meaningful to me. Psalms have blessed my heart and spirit. Never really looked at it like I have been since this teaching. In Jesus name I'm truly greatful for all the Psalms that have been reveal to help us understand that you will go through but know that God is with you at all time.
  24. Q4. Since Christians don't seem immune to accident, persecution, and death, how are we to understand these psalms of protection? Why don't some believers seem to be protected? Does God really protect us? How? That we must first exept Jesus as our Lord and Savor that with the Holy Spirit that he came us a comforter to be with us as He sit with our Father in Heaven still interceding for us. These psalms give me that added Faith in knowing that it was also written to show us that the things you may go through in life others have been thorough it and it guide me with the reassurance that I can make it. If you are a true believer you should know that regardless of what you are protected. If you don't feel that you are you may need to relook at your life and the things that you are doing maybe it's time for you to repent about something. I understand that when situation comes into our life that is unexspected by us we tend to feel like why this? why know? why me? I've been faithful. But what we must understand is that even if we exspected it or not is not easy but knowing that God is with me help me to feel the Love of Him. God protect all those that are born again and excepted his son Jesus and believe that he raise again from the dead for our sin. He wake us up, gives everything we need in this world to take care of our needs, he gave us the Holy Spirit to be with us and have his angels watching over us. He is just an Awsome God that Love us and give us something else the choice to choose his protection and Love are not. I know without a doubt that He protects me, guide me, and is with me after all things that I have been through and made it through how could I have done it without Him? I couldn't that is why I know He is real in every thing we do. Love you in Jesus name. May God Love continue to give me the wisdom, clarity, and understanding that he the Great I'am.
  25. Q3. (Psalm 121). What reassurance is it to you that God keeps you and watches over you? How does Psalm 121 make you feel? Wow to know that God keeps me and watches over me give me the reassurance of True Love, Safety, protection and just knowing that He is always with me day and night I know I can make it regardless of what comes my way. Psalm 121 brought tears to me eyes just reading it and thinking about my life with the Lord is joyful. You see when you know that you just have to look up when those storms come into your life, knowing that He never sleep and continue to take care of me even when I sleep what a Father we have. I wish sometime that I didn't make some of the mistake in life that I did now that I have a personal relationship with my Father, knowing His Love, but I also understand that all my sins are forgiven and I guess I'm just so thinkful and feel so rejoice that I made the right choice especially feeling the Holy Spirit with me daily. I Love you Lord in Jesus Christ name I think you for protecting and guiding me to do your will.
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