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Everything posted by wjcargile

  1. 1. In the last days the Jews will return to Israel, as we have witness since May 14, 1948 when Israel became a Nation. Jews are still returning from Russia, and the lost tribe from Ethiopia as of today. The Lord have richly blessed me to share a small part in their return. Thank You LORD. 2. Yes, God love all Jews and everyone else who have not yet trusted in JESUS. 3. I can show my love for the Jews by praying for them, assisting them with their needs and sharing the scriptures and leading them to CHRIST when there is an opportunity.
  2. 1. People tend to disregard or discriminate against aliens in their country because they have different culture, language, skin color in many cases and not wanting to know them. I have been somewhat guilty of this when illegals who break our laws coming here and marching/demanding they have a right to be here. 2. We can increase our love for other people of other nationalities by taking time to know them. 3. To be a light to the nations our churches should extend an invintation to all. 4. In our country be a light to the world, set a Godly example during daylight and in darkness, "Be that Light."
  3. 1. God brings us prosperity and create disaster: We are blessed in knowing Him and also with material things, and good health. God can bring disaster when we start to put things and others ahead of Him. All can be lost in a second. We have seen His Blessings. Also disaster, the results of storms, fires, floods, hurricanes and earthquakes. 2. God is not the source of evil: (James 1:13) 3. Of trouble: Yes, He allows us to have an awake call when we are out of His will. 4. Of poverty: JESUS said "you will always have the poor with you." 5. In what sense is He resposible for all these things? He is GOD, He is responsible for all things. He allows things to happen, He knows all things. 6.In what sense are we responsible for these things? Many time we are not responsible when trouble and poverty comes our way. Trouble is unpredicted. We can stay alert by always trusting in our GOD. 7. We know that GOD is the source of both prosperity and disaster, what should we be doing? Worshiping Him and placing all of our faith and trust in Him.
  4. 1. How can Cyrus be called by name more than a century before he was born? Before the foundation of the earth God knew us by names and our destination, also, If we would accept or reject Him. 2. Cyrus is anointed by GOD: GOD bestow on him a title of honor, and Cyrus returned the Jews to Jerusalem. 3. How can an unbeliever accomplished God's purpose? There are many example in the bible how GOD used unbelievers to accomplish his purpose. The apostle Paul is a good example. Remember he used to be Saul. 4. What does this tell us about GOD? He can use any of us to accomplish His purpose. 5. We should not be quick to judge others. Only God knows what he have for them to accomplish. As Paul said (Philippians 1: 15-18) It is true some preach CHRIST out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. 16. The latter do so in love, knowing I am put here for the defense of the gospel. 17. The former preach CHRIST out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains. 18. But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, CHRIST IS PREACHED. And because of this I rejoice.
  5. 1. I can fulfill my purpose to show God's glory by praising Him, Telling peoples about His Grace, His Love, His forgivness of sins and introducing them to our Lord JESUS CHRIST. 2. To be His witness to let it be known to the unbelievers that He and He alone is our GOD. 3. To proclaim His praise? Be a witness for Him, proclaiming His Praise, and His Love for us. 4. The obstacles I am facing in fulfilling His purposes is: Myself, not being effective as I should witness to others. making excuses thinking I can do it later. 5. How do I benfit from fulfilling God's purpose? Praising and thanking Him. Receiving and enjoying His blessings. (Isa 43:25) "I EVEN I, AM HE WHO BLOTS OUT YOUR TRANGRESSIONS, FOR MY OWN SAKE, AND REMEMBERS YOUR SINS NO MORE." "Thank you Heavenly Father for your Love and blessings and for forgiving us for our sins in CHRIST JESUS our LORD, Amen."
  6. 1. His servants are blind because we sometimes do not see Him working in our lives. Why? Refuse to see. 2. The servant in the passage is "people of Israel." 3. The last 5 or 10 years, I have been aware of His commands, I could have been more effective in bring others to CHRIST. 4. A blind servant is "non-effective." 5. I have been effective but I could have been more effective.
  7. 1. We must be the people to open the eyes of those who do not know our God, and His love and grace. We must lead them to our Lord JESUS CHRIST. 2. Each day is a new day, through His Love, walking to please our Lord. 3. I represent His covenant by tell others what God have done, and is doing for me. He will do the same for them if they put their faith and trust in Him. " Through it all I have learn to trust in Him."
  8. 1. These verses teach us that the Messiah is kind, tender to the weak, the injury (those who have been treated unjustly) and the poor. 2. He is characterize by his action: Easy, loving and understanding. He will not shout, cry out or raise His voice. 3. His quest for justice is: He is a fair judge, He will bring forth justice. He will not falter or be discourged till He established justice on earth. 4. He is tender, loving and kind. We hear His quiet voice today when we are attempted to do something that is not pleasing to Him. 5. In our lives we should be: -Loving and kind to others. -Follow Christ example. -To always be humble before Him and others.
  9. 1. It teaches us to stop our sinful ways and place Him first in our lives and, prepare for His return. 2. God's tenderness and compassion is with us. He forgives us for our sins. He loves and protects us daily. 3. God is Glory. He is Sovereign and His Sovereignty reigns over all nations. 4. We are enamored by the glitter and glory of the world because it looks good to our eyes, it is easy and convenient. 5. We draw strength from the LORD by placing all of our Hope and Faith in Him, knowing He is the Only one can Help us in Times of Needs and, He is always with us.
  10. 1. The basis on which Hezekiah asked for healing was a reminder to God that he had "walked before the LORD faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and had done what was good in the LORDS'S eyes." 2. Personal righteousness and Holiness is important in getting prayers answered: As James stated in James 5:16. "The prayers of a righteous man is powerful and effective." 3. Unrighteouness can prevent answered prayer: God do not reward our prayers when we are unrighteous and constantly disobedient.
  11. 1. Hezekiah healing to his nation is important because there wasn't anyone in line to take over his kingdom. They needed a strong Godly leader like Hezekiah. 2. God's promise to David (2 Sam 7: 11b-16) "Your house and your kingdom will endure forever before me; your Throne will be established forever."
  12. 1. The first two sentences of Hezekiah's prayer correspond to the first sentences of the LORD's prayer by acknowleding God is Almighty and His Kingdom is above all Kingdoms. 2. How are they important to faith? Knowing He is God who created this universe. Nothing is impossible for God. 3. They are important to God answering our prayers when we acknowledge who He is and having full faith and trust that He will answer our prayers.
  13. 1. Hezekiah was just reminding the LORD that the enemy's message was against Him. 2. The underlying principle is: Trust in the LORD and He will fight our battles. 3. We can apply this principle to our lives by: Going before the LORD with all of our burdens and problems, trusting in Him to fight for us. 4. When we don't apply these principles our battle are lost. I would like to add, there have been many times in my life when it seem there was no way out of situations I was in. I took it all to the LORD and because of His mercy and compassion, He gave me victory in all these situation. "Glory and praise to His Holy Name in our Lord JESUS CHRIST."
  14. 1. How these verses brought hope to the first reader? It gave Hope to those who had lost hope. 2. The promise here is: They will be redeemed. 3. Isaiah relies on figurative language because it painted a picture. 35:8 "And a highway will be there; it will be called the way to holiness." 4. Isaiah describe the "highway to holiness" as the WAY TO HOLINESS, and the unclean will not walk on it. 5. Who will walk on it? Only the redeemed, those who have walked in the ways of righteousness. 6. Who won't walk on it? wicked fools, no loin nor ferocious beast. 7. What does it mean to be redeemed and ransomed? -Redeemed- JESUS paid our sin debt on the cross. -Ransomed- Rescued by the precious blood of our Lord JESUS CHRIST.
  15. 1. How does ethical behavior display love for God? Walking in righteousness, speaking the truth and rejecting all forms of evil. 2. This displays love for man by demonstration His compassion for us. 3. How does the corruption of taking bribes destroy a righteous government? Corruption weaken any government, many times resources that is produced in a country are sold by top govenment officials thus, taking away needed resources for its citizens and especially the poor. I saw this first hand when I worked in an oil-producing nation in Africa
  16. 1. We tend to seek help fom other source rather than the Lord because we want a quick fix for our situation, and not willing to wait on Him. 2. This is similar to idolatry because a tendency to look for things or man's help, many times trusting in money to solve a problem. 3. JESUS taught his disciples to seek first the kingdom of God and all His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.
  17. 1. God long to show us His grace because He is a God of justic and compassion and He loves us and do not want anyone to be lost. 2. God character demonstrates His love for us. 3. His grace is prevented when we are disobedience, not trusting in Him, and rebellious. 4. I experience this kind of guidance every day, walk in the right way. I know right from wrong, it is with me daily. 5. For us to hear God's voice we must place all our trust in Him. Wait on Him, Do not place our trust in man, money or material things.
  18. 1. I have seen too many times over the years so-called christians and so-called pastors who hearts were far from God. If I may share this short story: Two years ago a person who worked for the same company (in a different department) where I worked, an ordined minister told me God has spoke to told him to start a church in my home town. I provided a place for him and his family to stay when they were in town also, financial support. He and his wife was the "most religious" when they were in church. He was very quick to blame and embarrass people in the presence of all. On occasion I would visited his department unannounced (I worked in quality controlled) and I would hear this man talking to his co-worker and the shameful words coming from his mouth was not God sent. I confronted him in private and told him I had heard him using un-biblical language when he wasn't aware I had enter his workplace. I handed him my bible and asked him to read James 3:9-10 (he began to shake very nervously). James 3:9-10 "WITH THE TONGUE WE PRAISE OUR LORD AND FATHER, AND WITH IT WE CURSE MEN, WHO HAVE BEEN MADE IN GOD'S LIKENESS. OUT OF THE SAME MOUTH COMES COME PRAISE AND CURSING. MY BROTHERS THIS SHOULD NOT BE." This church folded soon after. 2. We can detect this in ourselves if we are not taking time one-on-one and quiet time with God, but spending time in our self-righteousness. Demanding and telling others what they must do and the way we see them. 3. What is the remedy? Ask God for forgiveness and spend more time praying for guidance, and studing His word. 4. If we are not following the written word of God, then we are following "rules taught by man." 5. The danger of rule-based faith: Following man rule rather than God's rules. 6. How does this differ from loved -based faith? This is the way it is accept it or be lost. LOVE BASED- the word is taught in love from the Holy Bible. " Heavenly father please forgive us for our sins and give us the will and strenght to follow you daily in the name of our Lord JESUS CHRIST, Amen."
  19. 1. How are we humans able to justify and deceive ourselves so easy? -When we make our own decisions and not fully trusting God or sometimes we say "I prayed about it and I know this is what God wants me to do." 2. Why do we hold onto lies that guide our lives? -It is so easy to believe a lie rather than the truth when it works in our favor. Lies produces immediate results which always produces disaster results. 3. Why do people stumble over Christ, the tested foundation, and His righteous standards? -This happen when we do not have a spirtual fondation in Christ. 4. How can we help people come to the truth? -By setting the example, loving them from our hearts, and teaching them God's rules and commands. Teach them to trust in God rather than man. "Heavenly father, thank you for this study of your word. Teach us to fully trust you in all things in the name of JESUS CHRIST our Lord". Amen
  20. Matt 24:31 And He will send His Angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Revelation 11:15 The seven angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of Christ, and He will reign for ever and ever."
  21. 1. I believe this passage actually teach a body resurrection: When the Lord spoke to Ezekiel 37: 1-14. 5-6. This what the Sovereign Lord said to the bones: "I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. (6) I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord". 2. It teaches us that we will be in our live bodies at the resurrection. 3. This resurrection will take place when JESUS returns to this earth. Revelation 20: 11-14. 11-12. Then I saw a great white throne and Him who was seated on it. Earth and sky fled from His presence, and there was no place for them. (12) And I saw the dead great and small STANDING before the throne, and books were opened. Another book which was the book of life.
  22. 1. The key to perfect peace is: "Trusting God with all our hearts,soul and mind". 2. When we get distracted from trusting in the Lord: We no longer have a peace of mind. Resulting in doubts, anxiety and lost of sleep when things go wrong in our lives. 3. The Lord is called the "Rock Eternal" because He is there for us, He never changes and He is the God of this universe. " Heavenly Father you are our 'Rock Eternal' thank you for always being there for us in the name of JESUS CHRIST our Lord, Amen.
  23. Our loved ones death, there will be no more death, nor pains and suffering we have in this life. In contemplating my own death, "TO LIVE IN THE PRESENCE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST-FOREVER". When CHRIST returns we will experience a transformation from this life to a life eternal with CHRIST JESUS.
  24. It represents the feast with JESUS CHRIST and all who have lived for the Kingdom of God. In the last days God will reward His peoples. "The Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples a banquet of aged wine--The best meat and the finest wines". The Lord Almighty will reward His peoples, all who have obeyed His Commendment and followed His pathway in the last days.
  25. 1.Yahweh will devastate the earth because: People have defiled the earth by disobeying God's laws, violating His status and breaking the everlasting covenant, therefore, bringing a curse on earth, and its people will bear the guilt. Genesis 5:6 "The Lord was grieved that He had made man on the earth and His heart was filled with pain". An example: In this present day we see our own Goverment have defiled the laws of God by making "Sodom and Gomarrah" the law of the land (Genesis 19: Sodom and Gomarrah were destroyed). 2.Why do we feel so threaten by this kind of prophecy? This kind of prophecy awaken our conscious and a remainder to fully obey God's laws. 3.This prophecy is important in forming faithful disciples "who fear the Lord"--in order to keep God's Commandment and follow Him. It is also important to know what is in store if we do not. Revelations 18 explains the devastating Woe! Woe! 4. 1 John 2:15-17 Teaches us do not love the world or anything in the world. The world and its desires will pass away but the man who does the will of God "LIVES FOREVER". "Heaven Father please give us the will, the desire and strenght to follow you in the name of JESUS CHRIST our Lord. Amen".
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