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  • 4 weeks later...

Andrew and the other unnamed man (could have been John, the writer??) immediately began to follow and seek Jesus as their Rabbi on the recommendation of John the Baptist.  As their current rabbi who recognized that the Greater One he had been teaching about had arrived, John was willing to step aside and release these men from discipleship with him so they might pursue Jesus.


What a humble, wise, and obedient servant John the Baptist was!  Teachers tend to love big groups to teach, but John didn’t cling to any type of self-preservation.  His desire to magnify Christ far outweighed any human tendency to promote self.


Upon whose recommendation did Andrew and another person start following Jesus? What did this recommendation cost the recommender in this case?          

  • John the Baptist pointed the way to Jesus, whom he had prepared them to follow.  John the Baptist was eventually beheaded. 

Andrew and the other person followed Jesus on the' recommendation' of John the Baptist.   I don't believe it cost John anything. He gained more than he lost if it was fellowship with Andrew and the other man.   He did what he was there to do and that was to prepare the way for Jesus who is the One we are to follow.  John knew who he was and he knew who Jesus was.  Although recognized before Jesus was on the public scene so to speak John was a follower of Jesus himself even when or if he didn't know Jesus  personally because he knew who he was and he knew who Jesus was.


God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


Andrew and the other disciple followed Jesus at the recommendation of John the Baptist (Its interesting that the fourth gospel does not mention John by name at all, so the other disciple may have been John- as already mentioned by "pickledilly"). John the Baptist's life here on earth, after his popularity (Matt 3: 5-6), in the end was quite a sad one, at least some of disciples leaving him for Jesus, then thrown into prison and beheaded!


This is a great message for all of us. we must not be concerned about "keeping our sheep".

We must educate the saints and set them free to continue spreading the Kingdom. yes, we must be available whenever someone comes back for help, but we must not build a following of us, we must build a following of Christ. The only way to.do this is to.allow.the Holy Spirit working through us


Q1. (John 1:35-37) Upon whose recommendation did Andrew and another person start following Jesus?


John the Baptist.


What did this recommendation cost the recommender in this case?


I don't know that it "cost" John....His desire was that he might decrease so that Jesus would increase. (His own "planned obsolescence" ) He wasn't jealously guarding a following, but was rather preparing a "flock" to be transferred into Jesus' care and ministry. He was planting seed in obedience to his calling, so that Jesus might reap a greater harvest of souls.


Q1. (John 1:35-37) Upon whose recommendation did Andrew and another person start following Jesus? What did this recommendation cost the recommender in this case?


Andrew and another person started following Jesus at the recommendation of John the Baptist.


The recommendation caused John the loss of his disciples but this was in line with his earlier declaration that Jesus would increase while he [John] decrease.

Q1. (John 1:35-37) 

Upon whose recommendation did Andrew and another person start following Jesus? 

What did this recommendation cost the recommender in this case?

It was upon John the Baptist’s recommendation. John unselfishly pointed out Jesus to his disciples. Losing disciples shows us his was not a sect. He knew his divine purpose was to lead people to our Saviour. 



Q1. (John 1:35-37) Upon whose recommendation did Andrew and another person start following Jesus? What did this recommendation cost the recommender in this case?

John proclaimed " Look, the Lamb of God", upon this statement John's two disciples' Andrew and the other disciple immediately followed after Jesus.

John stated concerning the Lamb of God " He must increase, but I must decrease". Meaning that John's disciples would no longer follow him, but start following Jesus.       


They followed Jesus upon hearing John the Baptist's declaration, there goes the Lamb of God. No discourse was held amongst them and John, they simply left and began to follow Jesus. Hearing Jesus' call to us do we follow without questioning, leaving the comfort of the familiar.

This recommendation cost John pure joy to know that in sharing with his followers they too understood who Jesus was and recognized him.


Q1. (John 1:35-37) Upon whose recommendation did Andrew and another person start following Jesus?


Andrew started following Jesus the Messiah on the testimony of John the Baptist.



Q2. What did this recommendation cost the recommender in this case?


The cost was nothing for John, for he was more than willing to decrease, but the cost for being a follower of the Messiah eventually did “cost” John his life, and we who believe in the Messiah are called to give up our life and follow after Him in righteousness, we are called to decrease, put to death the old nature, allowing the “newness of life” to shine in our lives.




John the Baptist made the recommendation. It cost him his disciples, but he did not see this as a negative thing.  He had told everyone that he was there to prepare a way for the Lord.  Now he was pointing people directly towards the Lord, so his role was now fulfilled.


(John 1:35-37) Upon whose recommendation did Andrew and another person start following Jesus? What did this recommendation cost the recommender in this case?


Andrew and another person started following Jesus when they heard John the Baptist proclaimed "Look, the Lamb of God" upon seeing Jesus pass by. The cost to John the Baptist was losing two disciples.


It was John the Baptist. John was eventually thrown in prison which had to been the worst punishment. I picture John as the Grizzly Adams sort... he relished nature so being thrown into a dark hole had to been unbearable for John. It cost him his much loved freedom then ultimately his life.


John the Baptist recommended his followers to follow his cousin Jesus.  I'm sure the cost was losing two followers but I'm just as sure that his following increase. Not sure. I'll have to study further.

  • 2 weeks later...

John the Baptist recommend Andrew. The other I think was John the writer of this book.   John was pleased to have his disciples to follow Jesus. That was what his job to point people to Jesus. He prepared them them to follow our Saviour.


Upon whose recommendation did Andrew and another person start following Jesus?

As John the Baptist was teaching his disciples, he told Andrew and another person that Jesus was the Lamb of God.


What did this recommendation cost the recommender in this case?

It cost John the Baptist some of those who followed him.


Q1. (John 1:35-37) Upon whose recommendation did Andrew and another person start following Jesus? What did this recommendation cost the recommender in this case?

Andrew and another person started to follow Jesus by personal recommendation of a person they know and respect.  This recommendation cost the recommender, in John's case, the lost of followers.

  • 4 weeks later...

John's remark that He was the Lamb of God caused his followers to follow Jesus.  This recommendation did not cost John anything because he had said that he was the herald and one greater than he was coming.  John was following his mandate given by God.


Q1. (John 1:35-37)


John 1:35-37 (KJV)
35  Again the next day after John stood, and two of his disciples;
36  And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God!
37  And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus.


Upon whose recommendation did Andrew and another person start following Jesus?


through John's recommendation (John 1:37) And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus.

They had been the disciples of John. His office was to point out the Messiah. When that was done, they left at once their master and teacher, John, and followed the long-expected Messiah.


What did this recommendation cost the recommender in this case?


John's work is done.


John 3:30 (KJV)
30  He must increase, but I must decrease.


This shows that John was sincere; that he was not desirous of forming a party or of building up a sect; that he was willing that all those whom he had attracted to himself by his ministry should become followers of Christ. The object of ministers should not be to build up their own interests or to extend their own fame. It is to point men to the Saviour. Ministers, however popular or successful, should be willing that their disciples should look to Christ rather than to them; nay, should forget them and look away from them, to tread in the footsteps of the Son of God; and the conduct of these disciples shows us that we should forsake all and follow Jesus when he is pointed out to us as the Messiah. We should not delay nor debate the matter, but leave at once all our old teachers, guides and companions, and follow the Lamb of God.




  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. (John 1:35-37) Upon whose recommendation did Andrew and another person start following Jesus? What did this recommendation cost the recommend-er in this case?


John the Baptist told them that "the lamb of God" was present/coming So upon John's recommendation they talked to Jesus and then followed Him. 


John was not concerned that he "lost" disciples to Jesus. He said that "He must increase, and I decrease..." This is truly the remark of a humble servant

  • 2 weeks later...

One of the two disciples was Andrew. The other was probably John, the writer of this book. These disciples left John the Baptist because that was what John wanted them to do—he was pointing the way to Jesus, the one John had prepared them to follow. These were Jesus’ first disciples, along with Simon Peter and Nathanael.

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