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Everything posted by elaineer

  1. 2. (3:3) Why should women try to look their best? How can trying to look their best divert women from what is more important? What is the balance? Woman were created by God,and we need to look after ourselves. When more emphasis is put on outward appearance than inner beauty. To spend more time with God to change the inside of us.
  2. . (3:1) Why is submission so difficult for us humans? Does submission require you to be silent when you don't agree or feel something can be improved? When is submission wrong for Christian? We live in a world where we are taught to stand up for our rights. No.We stand up for what is right. When we do something contrary to our belief.
  3. 4. (2:24b) If Jesus died to set us free from sin's power, why does sin have such power over us still? According to 2:24b, how must we deal with sin? In practical terms, how can we "die to sin"? In everyday language, what does "live for righteousness" mea --- Because we are still living in the flesh,we will always be tempted by the evil one. ---we must confess our sin and repent of it. ---We must listen daily to the Holy Spirit God placed in us to guide us. ---To live as Jesus taught us.
  4. 3. (2:24a) This may seem like a simplistic question, but give it thought before you answer, and then answer thoughtfully. What is the significance to you personally that Jesus bore your sins in his own body on the cross? Jesus died on the cross for my sin,so that i can have eternal life with the Father.
  5. Why is Jesus' sinlessness important to understanding your salvation? In what way do you think Jesus suffered when your sins were poured into his soul? How could a sinless Man stand this kind of corruption? ---Because a sinless person can mediate between me and God only. ---Separation from His father. ----Only through obedience.
  6. Q1. (2:21) According to 2:21, in what sense did Jesus suffer for you personally? Jesus suffered on the cross taking my sin upon Him so that i will be redeemed and have eternal life.
  7. 4. (2:21-23) How does Christ's example speak to your situation? How is your behavior going to be different because of what you see in Jesus' character in this passage? I am learning to let God be God. I am going to trust God more and not always take matters into my own hands.
  8. Q3. (2:18-20) How does being an employee "conscious of God" affect the way we act and react to injustice in the workplace? Can a conscientious Christian be a complainer? Why or why not? How do you usually react to prolonged, unfair treatment at your work? ---We should do what is right and pray about it and leave it to God. ---No we should not complain as we do are not honoring God.If we complain we are not trusting God. --- For many years it was difficult but as i am growing in Christ i pray about the situation.
  9. Q2. (2:18) If we are to submit to our employers and respect them, what is that saying about God's expectation that we do a good job? In what sense do we dishonor God when we don't give our full effort to our jobs? -----If we submit to our employers and do a good job we are honoring God ,because we are the image of Christ in us. -----We are disobedient and disrespectful to god.
  10. Q1. (2:15-16) In what way is God's glory dependent upon us living submissive, obedient lives? How is God hurt when we get rebellious? So that others can come to know God. His name is not honored.
  11. 4. (2:11) Read 1 Peter 2:11 carefully. The world tells us (1) to conform and (2) that sin won't hurt us. What does Peter tell us to combat these lies? How can this reminder help us? Peter tells us to abstain from sinful desires We must be reminded that be are so journers in this world,we are aliens..
  12. Q3. (2:9) What actions and attitudes should this idea of being part of God's own people inspire in us? we should be grateful that we are a chosen people of God. We should be thankful.
  13. (2:5) If your praise is primarily for God's benefit, not your own, how should you be offering praise? We should Praise God to Glorify Him, and we praise with an attitude of gratitude.
  14. Christians often look at their relation to God as consumers, delighting in what God does for them. What is the mindset of a priest towards God? What actions does this mindset inspire in you? 1 To live Godly lives and to do our best to please the Lord. 2 Servant of God. 3 To be a servant of God and to do what He called me to do for Him.
  15. Q4. (1:18-19) Have you ever felt you were of no worth or of no value? i absolutely have and still do. What does 1 Peter 1:18-19 say about your worth? That i am valuable and worthy in God's sight. What does it say about God's love for you? God loves me so much that He gave is only Son to die for me. What does it indicate about the long-term value of your balance sheet and financial assets? Balance sheets and financial assets are worldly things we cannot take it with us. What are your true long-term investments? Why? Living as God teaches us through His word and having internal salvation. Quote
  16. ---- We all have sin and it is only by God's grace that we are forgiven,so no one should judged another as God is the only Judge. -----Jesus would not have come to earth if there was to be no final judgement. -----Man will live as he pleases.
  17. 1 Holiness is being free from sin and to live a Godly life. 2 Listening to the small still voice within me. 3 To pray each day,meditate on the word each day.Surround myself with spiritual people who could assist me. 4 My weaknesses as a human being.
  18. 1...The hope of seeing Jesus face to face. 2 It inspires hope of eternal life with God. 3 It should inspire self-control and soberness or else we could fall back to the worlds ways. 4 We will conform to the world and not to the things of God.
  19. 1....Growing as a christian God has used many difficult circumstances to grow my faith. 2 Many things has been purified in me but the worst was dealing with anger.. 3 It proves that God is working in me daily.
  20. 1 Through the death and Resurrection of Chhrist. 2 My part is to have Faith until the end.
  21. 1 When we are forgiven we become obedient to the Lord. 2 God knows our hearts. 3 God gave us a gift by saving us through his grace.
  22. 1....Worldly ways and values are more important than the Heavenly one. 2....yes 3...We need to remember that this earth will fall away and therewill be a new earth and heaven.
  23. - It is a time to remember what Christ did for me,Forgiveness of my sin.- - A casual meal,is easily forgotten,A forgettable meal is when we are close,fellowship takes place with friends and family. - Closeness with the Lord,to feel his love for me and to remember him until he retutns,
  24. - The twelve apostles drinking the cup of the covenant signifies their commitment betweem them and Christ. - They would correspond to the 70 elders who went up the mountain with Moses. - We share when we take communion in the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus.
  25. In the old covenant the spirit was only received by a select few such as prophets, Elders. God promised to forgive our wickedness and will not remember our sin. We have to accept The Lord Jesus Christ as our savior and believe in him and trust him.
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