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Everything posted by Bianca

  1. My Answer: Governments that choose to accept Yahweh as King can expect good things to happen for them. Even though trials may come in the nation. Yahweh will be there for them. There are blessings that come with serving God. Removing God from being King through pledges etc..can cause increase in sin and destruction happening in the nation and more problems. It does not put the nation in good standing with God if they choose not to serve him.
  2. Since God is King over my life then that means I am suppose to be subject to his laws and commands. Since I believe that Jesus is truly the messiah then I need to accept him as Lord over my life. Since God is my King that means I will be with him in eternity. That means I can trust in him to take far better care of me then I could take care of myself alone. Submitting to God on a daily basis means doing his will. A person rejects Yahweh from being King by not accepting him as Lord over their life and not obeying him.
  3. God is a Holy God. He can't allow sin to go unpunished. Justice is simply God doing what is necessary with dealing with sin. Vengeance is punishment for an injury that had happened and vengeance belongs to God not us. He will decide how to deal with people. Mercy is not giving someone the punishment that they truly deserve. They done wrong but God decides to have mercy on them regardless of the wrong doing. The cross paid for sins fully. Jesus took care of that but it doesn't give us an excuse to keep sinning.
  4. Christians are called to care about what God cares about. We are called to be loving and giving to those that doesn't have much or have anyone else. This displays The Love of God when we show that type of love and cause people to draw close or even closer to Jesus.
  5. Tired and weary. God is not going to grow tired and weary. He never has and never will. Even youths grow tired and weary but God promises refreshing for those who will hope and trust in him. We can't exhaust God. God is Always on his job at all times. When humans get tired of their job at the end of day. God never gets tired of doing his job. He is always Faithful to fulfill what he promised.
  6. God has every right to do as he pleases because he has always been and always will be. He has always existed. He is all knowing. We are not all knowing. That says enough in itself on the Rights he has. We have to realize that we already have a pre- planned destiny for each of our lives. When we look at ourselves we must realize that we didn't create ourselves but we do have to answer to our Creator on how we spent our lives on earth.
  7. Because the Potter is the Creator. We are not the creator. God is the Creator and we are the creation. The Creator which is God always knows what he is doing. Sometimes when we don't fully understand something we say things like we would have done it like this or this isn't the right way. We want to do it this way. That's wrong. Humans have limited understanding of things overall. It is best to consult with God when we don't fully understand something so we will not get the wrong idea about his character.
  8. God has always existed and will always exist. How wonderful that is! There is not other god. God is the beginning and the end. What people doesn't understand, it will end with him. You are still going to have to meet your creator. A person is not going to meet another god or just stop existing. The end of this is meeting the Creator of all even if a person chooses not to except him. You still will have to face your creator. Revelation 1:8 relates to Moses. He is who he is it's not going to change. He has always existed. He is all powerful and that will not change. He is the one and only and that will not change. He is all knowing and that will not change. He will not change. He is real and He has redeemed his people and he is coming back.
  9. I think it is a feeling that is beyond what can be felt in this current life. Being with God forever will mean no more pain no more suffering and things being done right all the time. I believe we will be doing new things that we yet to imagine in this life. Total happiness and peace. It can be hard sometimes for a person to imagine this in the life we are in because we grew up in a sin filled world. But this wasn't the original plan for us to live like this. So I am excited thinking about eternity and just the love, joy and peace that comes with it.
  10. It reveals that he is All powerful and Al Mighty. He has always existed and will always exist. God is separate and totally different from other gods. He cannot be compared with the gods of Egypt or no other god. God will always be forevermore.
  11. It should give us the comfort that we will have the victory if we continue to stand in faith in what his word says and what he has placed in our hearts. So we shouldn't walk around with a defeated attitude. Being afraid doesn't help. God wants faith and trust from us. That he is The Almighty and can do anything. Being brash doesn't help either. There is a timing to things in life. God wants us to use his wisdom as well The Lord will not want to fight a battle if we are out of his will. He will want to bring the person back in his will. But he is not going to help us win something that would harm us or he has something better in mind. We want God's best.
  12. Elisha's servant was looking at the natural which is what alot of people do. He saw the army and got into fear. Nobody's perfect but we do need to remember that we don't have to fear our enemies or giants because we have The Lord. It takes us to keep our eyes on The Lord and what his word says not the circumstances because The Lord is far bigger than our circumstances. The one living in me which is God is greater than any trial or circumstance. God is greater than the devil. So any tricks Satan tries to come up with I should remember that God's word is bigger. I need to stand on his word.
  13. Because he came to represent the Lord's will not to take sides. The significance of this is that it is something we must remember. Are we doing The Lord's will? And are we on His side? We need to make sure that what we are doing is in line with God's plans. I believe he felt good in amazement with the presence of God Almighty. After this encounter Joshua can be assured of God being with him and the victory.
  14. God has always and will always exist. He is eternity because he has always been. God is Holy and does not like sin. God expects us to be holy just like he is holy. No exceptions. We are not perfect and make mistakes but that doesn't mean that we are to just live our lives any kind of way with no consequences. We should stay away from sin.
  15. Most High means to me that he is above All. There is no comparison. The world may try to put other gods at The Most High God level but it will fail every single time. God is the Creator of everything I can recognize this name more as I worship him and spend time with him. I can praise him more using this name The Most High God.
  16. They both loved to give God Most High glory. They both respected God. They both saw God as the Deliverer that he can deliver a person out of everything. They acknowledge that God is supreme over everything and is to be treated a such. That God can be trusted.
  17. This study has help me to increase my faith walk even more. I love to study the lives of people who had faith in God to accomplish the impossible. The study was a very good study on the life of Abraham. It was very detailed and I don't see any room for any improvements. The study was very detailed about all the main people that were involved. It really examine the people's attitudes and how life was back then. Examining their lives show you what to do and what not to do with your walk with God.
  18. What stands out to to me the most is Abraham's faithfulness to God. He gave a tenth of what he had to God which shows honor to God and then eventually giving his son Issac. I don't think most people would have done that. I loved his trust and faith in God. It was an uncommon faith a not normal faith in God. It shows that he had alot of respect for who God was and still is. It is very encouraging.
  19. Though Abraham did not have to fully sacrifice Isaac, God did have to fully sacrifice Jesus. It shows God's great love for us all. That he gave up what was most precious to him to gain a larger family. He did this out of love. The most pure love that there is. Jesus willingly gave his life for us. It was and is the most beautiful display of love.
  20. The best way to truly know God is trust God with our whole lives. Only half trusting him hinders how we see him and our relationship with him. Surrendering my life to Jesus has require some necessary changes to happen in my character and the way I seen things but it has blessed me in my relationship with him and to see things from a greater perspective. I wanted to see things from his point of view so that required and still requires character building.
  21. Satan wants the trials to have a negative effect on our lives. He wants to use the trials to discourage us and get us to give up. God wants to use the trials to help build character and to strengthen our trust in him no matter how difficult things are. I have been through trials that help strengthen me . I have been inspired by some of my teachers trials and from people in the bible such as King David and Job.
  22. What it means for me is, God always have been and always will be. That's one reassuring promise for me that my life is secured forevermore with my Creator. Jesus has always existed and will always exist. Very reassuring.
  23. God promised Abraham that Ishmael will be blessed. Ishmael is going to be the head of a nation. So Ishmael is not going to end up poor and without. Abraham and Issac have both been blessed because we do not know what might have happened between Ishmael and Issac. Maybe they would have got into it to a point of death. We don't know but it was what was best for all parties involved. God always know what he is doing. Well I wasn't around my Father like I should have been when I was growing up because of the lifestyle he was leading. But God fixed that and restored that and I got to be around him all the time and do things with him. We are still having the relationship we were suppose to have. Praise God. So I am blessed to have My Heavenly Father and my Earthly Father. God is faithful to answer prayers. God was involved in the whole situation with Abraham and Ishmael. He is always working behind the scenes working things out for good. Even if we don't see how.
  24. Sarah's laughter is out of joy for her son. Having this joy at an old age. No matter how Impossible that may have looked, She gave Abraham a child at his old age. God does have a sense of humor and will accomplish exactly what he promised no matter how long it takes.
  25. Lots daughters turn to incest because their hearts were not right toward The Lord as it should have been. If it was then they would have honored The Lord and their Father better than that. They would have never done that. They were not having faith in God Almighty. I think Lots faith in God wasn't strong either to turn toward drinking. He wasn't all the way against loose living. Lot should have recognized the mistake he made and left Sodom awhile ago or should have never went altogether. The lessons we learn is that it matters where we live and who we are around. Evil company can corrupt a person's personality. It might not at first but after a period of time it can. A person should want to set a good example to their children to their family so it matters about our choices. Sin can be contagious if you are not following The Lord as you should. We need to always consult with The Lord on were we belong and what we should be doing. We should also do what The Word of God says because it also gives specific instructions on what to do and not do.
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