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Everything posted by June

  1. Clues to a false prophet are when they are always critical of things happening in the church and of others. Not being involved but voicing opinions on how things should be conducted. Strange actions and attitudes, being too vocal. Leading one way and living another.
  2. There would only be one path to follow and we could not deviate from. Not just a slap on the wrist for doing wrong. You must do it God's way --- the only right way. Everyone needs an introduction to Jesus-- whether they accept Him as their Savior is their choice. They need to know the truth and just maybe they will become a believer and go spread The Word also. Universalism is not searching daily for Christ's way and hanging on in all circumstances and having faith that God is in control. It is doing your own thing and at the end finally giving in to Jesus. We need a daily communion with Our Lord and accept His way of life daily. Jesus is the only way, the truth and the Life...
  3. In everything!!!!!! Love God first. Then love your neighbor as yourself. Treat everyone as you would want to be treated. Put yourself in their place! If you desire good things, then DO good things because you get back what you give out
  4. He is truly our Father and loves us very much. He only wants the very best for us , and His desire is to provide us with our needs. We must believe that what we ask will be given or there would be no need to ask to begin with. FAITH, knowing that God will answer when the time is right for us. Trusting God to give us what we need daily...
  5. To be constant.... We must be persistent in our actions, continually asking in prayer and believing in faith that God will answer in His time, not ours. Do not judge or you will be judged in the same way------ Take and accept what you are searching for. Do not doubt or question, as Christ has assured us that we will receive.
  6. They are all action words. If you do something you will get something in return. Petitioning, searching, and finding. Yes seek, seems to be more intense. We are always seeking something but never give up the search. You get the next after you do the previous with persistence.
  7. Dogs & pigs were unclean animals for the Jews. They could not eat pork. The Gentiles were the dogs they were raising the swine. The people that openly rejected Christ's Gospel. Holy food & pearls were precious. If the Jewish people wouldn't listen to the words, then shake the dust from the feet and move on. Then they went to the Gentiles, who were more willing to listen & were hungry for the Word.
  8. The plank/ sawdust is what's funny because our unconfessed sin is larger than that of the other person we are trying to help. When we confess and rid ourselves of our sin then it is alright to help someone else. When we can't see our own sin and try to help others , we heap judgement upon ourselves and are of little help to the one that needs it.
  9. God will judge us accordingly. The measure we use will be measured back to us. We need to offer help where we can,with the love of Christ, even if it is a sacrifice, but not get too involved in the sin itself as we can also be tempted.
  10. When I judge someone else, I will be judged the same in my faults. Criticism begets criticism. When we condemn others, we are condemning ourselves. We must show Christian love to others so they will see the love of Christ and hunger for more of what Christ is all about. Love will draw people into God's kingdom.
  11. The command here is to not worry. Do not borrow trouble from another time. Each day will have enough for us to conquer " in Jesus Name" that we don't need to even think on tomorrow and what it will bring. The song " One day at a time, Sweet Jesus, comes to mind for this verse.
  12. The command is to Seek after. Go about looking for. We must look for things of God first, then everything else will come into focus. God will provide a way for all else that we need if we just put Him first. He is eternal , all other things are temporal and can be gone in the blink of the eye. God will never forsake you. If we seek God and His Righteousness foremost He will be sure to provide a way for all we have need of.
  13. The pagans( unbelievers) were fretting as to where their next of everything was going to come from. They need not worry, but turn to Jesus as their source to supply what they need. The Christian is to put their faith in Jesus and not worry about those things. Our Father knows exactly what we need and when and will provide a way for us to have what we need---not what we want. For me , I know that all my needs will be met somehow, someway by my Heavenly Father. I have no need to worry or fret as all my needs will be met. I just have to keep the Faith and SEEK God first.
  14. Implied or stated, those few verses are covered with " DO NOT WORRY." Worry can cause a person to become sick. Having lack of faith and not trusting God to provide as He has said He would is sin because it is unbelief. Worry and trust are opposites.
  15. The point is that Jesus will take care of all the needs of His own, no matter how trivial. He makes sure the birds have seeds and berries , so He will provide what we need. He decorates the landscape with flowers that produce seeds, that feed the birds and the seeds reproduce again & again. It sure is a valid point. Just a little faith makes things right.
  16. When we are not satisfied with what we have and neglect God with a desire for more all the time will **** a person. The reason being , he will always be thinking of ways, schemes, to get more and less time on how God will provide what he needs. A camel could go through the eye of a needle easier than a rich person can enter the gates of heaven. You can't take anything with you....
  17. We can have possessions so long as they do not have us. As long as we don't rely on the world for our needs and put things in perspective and know who Our God is and Whom we choose to serve. We cannot serve two masters. Where the heart is- is what matters, because God wants us to prosper in ALL we do.
  18. By giving of oneself to spread God's Word. By following Christ's teachings and having a heart that is right with God. People with earthly riches often times think they are better than others and snub those that have less. Guilt of not doing what God has commanded will make one uncomfortable. Freedom from the things of this world and knowing that God will not forsake us should give confidence to do the work we are to do while waiting for Christ's return. We know we are not worthy of the Great Rewards that await us.
  19. He is very specific when He Speaks.. Not to depend wholly on what you have laid away for the future. Rely on God to provide what you will need. The love and need or desire for more often leads to greater sin. Old teaching because we should remember that it all belongs to God anyway. He only allows us to use them to further His Word here on earth until HE returns.
  20. Condemned for being greedy and selfish.He was only thinking of himself and his possessions. Don't think yourself rich, but a good steward of what God has entrusted to you. Share and be thankful for what you have. Give so God can give back to you. Save for a rainy day but also give of your abundance--do not hoard. No-one who is of Christ can remain greedy, selfish and not give ( share) with others. Riches, Faith, Love.
  21. We must forgive if we expect to be forgiven. Fully forgive or God will not forgive us because He doesn't do anything halfway. All our blessings from God depend on our forgiving others. Unforgiveness is a stronghold we need to dispense of in order to be in right relationship with God, and to acquire something bigger and better. This also refers back to freedom of choice and freewill. Choose to Forgive so we can be forgiven...
  22. We want to be our own man and pride rears it ugly head. We sometimes think God is too busy to hear us when we pray. Not so!!! He hears every word uttered and answers. Not always the way we want. We need to be dependent on God & not ourselves. Jobs can go away and our means for support for the family but GOD never leaves or forsakes us. He is always there in times of need no matter how small the need is. GOD MULTIPLIES-----the world divides. He is our True Provider..
  23. We are asking for Earth to be like the Father's Kingdom. No sickness, no strife, no worries, no negativity of any kind, just peaceful serene living. We want God's Will to be done because ours is not ever the best way and His Will is always the right way. We should always pray for heaven to come to earth and His Will be done here on earth. Oh what a wonderful world this would be if everything way done according to God's will and His way....
  24. By showing respect & honor, and by not using His Name in vain. By being reverent and exalting God as Our Father. Disrespect and using unworthy words desecrate it. Also using His Name in vain also does. We need to bow our heads and give praise to Our Father for all He does for us. Hallow His Name.
  25. We need the communication with God. He knows what is best for us so let known the desires of the heart. We the faith to expect that He will give us those desires according to HIS WILL. Without prayer we become Stagnant. We are to give praises, thanks & worship to God. We are to lift up our fellow man, not always thinking of ourselves and what we want.
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