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Everything posted by Marloes

  1. The word tells us what God wants from us. The previous verses said that God wants us to do His will. The Word is described as a sword because it's that sharp. We can use it as a mirror to see if we behave well. We need to read the Bible regularly because otherwise we don't now the words or we can't remember them.
  2. I think he means to rest in Jesus. Whatever happens, it's not allowed to control our minds. We can give it to Jesus and then have inner peace. We have to make every effort to get that rest. We all sin. It's about how we try to resist temptation. If we give in to sin every time, and don't try to resist, we're rebellious. Only sometimes temptation is to hard. Then we try to resist but fail.
  3. If you don't believe somebody, you don't follow him. If you don't believe Jesus, you don't follow Him. If you do believe Jesus, you follow Him or you're rebellious. If we sin, we're rebellious. It makes more distance between us and God. Now it's easy to get distracted or to drift away. If you skip Bible reading for one day, it becomes easier to skip it for some days... This can cause you not to read regularly, and to no reading at all.
  4. Q4. (Hebrews 2:14-15) What was the purpose of Christ's death according to verses 14 and 15? In what sense is this mission accomplished? In what sense will it see its final completion in the future? What is the result in our lives from Christ's accomplishment? If we wouldn't have Jesus, we would go to hell. Because of Jesus, the devil doesn't win so we don't go to hell. For now, our souls are safe. In future we will also have a new body. We have to live according to His will and to avoid sin.
  5. Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? The Son has all the characteristics of God. The Son - is the spokesman of God (vs. 2) - is the heir of all things (vs. 2) - He made the world (vs. 2) - is the express image of God's person (vs. 3) - is upholding all things by the word of his power (vs. 3) - sits at the right hand of God(vs. 3)
  6. In drinking the Cup, they agree with the convenant. The same way as the elders of Israel agreed with the old convenant (Ex. 24:11). For us this is accepting Jesus' sacrifice; we agree with the convenant.
  7. The Old Convenant was written and surrounded by symbols. The New Convenant is inside. In the New Convenant, God promises forgiveness of sins. Before, there were many responsabilities. Now we just have to believe in Jesus.
  8. By sacrifice, sprinkling of blood and eating. To do as the Lord tells them to. These verses mention a burnt sacrifice and a peace offering. A burnt sacrifice was herd/sheep/goat/poultry - which was burnt completely (Lev. 1). A peace offering was herd/sheep/goat - of which only the fat and kidneys were burned (Lev. 3). The blood was sprinkled around the altar (Lev. 3:2, 8, 13). Now in Exodus a bull was offered. Blood was sprinkled around the altar and on the people. I guess they eat the meat.
  9. The Lord's Supper is to remember the blood that took care of forgiveness of sin. We have to be aware so we don't just do something.
  10. The early Roman Christians were in danger of being killed because in their days christianity was illegal. In our days, in some countries, like North Corea, christians are also in danger being killed. In my country christians get mocked and have to see bad things all the time. For example, gay marriage is legal and it's illegal to say something negative about gays - but the Bible says no(Rom. 1:27). Also there are naked ladies in commercials and **** lies between other videos and magazine. This passage reassures us that all of this can't take away God's love. Christ conquered and we conquered too.
  11. Noone can achieve that God doesn't love us anymore. Not Satan, not other persons who work for him, not some angel, ... The best evidence is that Jesus died for us. It doesn't give me just hope - it makes me sure He loves us.
  12. We have to become like Jesus. That's our destiny. We have to live according to His will. We don't do what we want ourselves but what we read in the Bible. Our destiny is to become one with Christ. We become one if we become the same.
  13. Jesus wasn't just somebody. What happened to Him was already predicted by the prophets. He did this from His own free will.
  14. which is poured out the movement of the wine into their mouth? the blood of Jesus which flew from His wounds
  15. That God will turn bad things into good things for His followers. So maybe Satan let something bad happen but God will turn it that way it will benefit us in the end. This is for people who love God and anwer to their calling. This gives hope when something bad happens. Then we don't think that God lost.
  16. God has to make us clear that sin is very bad. It needs atonement. Fortunately, we don't have to pay it ourselves. In Leviticus 16 about Jom Kippoer, it's the scapegoat who takes all sin. In the first chapters of Leviticus, several animals die in our place.
  17. Q5. (Romans 8:18-25) In what sense do we expect to experience God's glory when Christ comes? How will the suffering creation experience God's glory? How will our mortal bodies experience God's glory? In what way will our spirits experience God's glory? Then we become part of Christ. There will be a new creation. Our mortal bodies die but we will get a new body. Our spirits will be with God forever.
  18. Without hope, we become depressed. We get passive and don't succeed. If we hope for a better future, we have more joy. Christian hope is to know there's a heaven. We can work towards it.
  19. He wasn't forced to do this so He was in control. It also shows He really loved us.
  20. The Spirit helps us to pray (vs. 26). He searches our souls and pleas for us (vs. 27). Jesus was physical but the Spirit is spiritual. Both are there to serve the people to bring them to God. The Spirit is difficult to understand. He's also very controversial. A Dutch referant talked about voltage. In Dutch houses, we have 220 Volt. Most apparates need far less. So sometimes we need so little of the Spirit to do something, we don't notice Him. Or we just don't suspect Him to be involved. However, He's still at work.
  21. He did it for us. When we believe this, we're saved.
  22. Q2. (Romans 8:17-22) In what ways was suffering Jesus' lot in life? Why do we suffer? Why does all creation seem to be suffering? What will signal the end of that downward cycle of suffering, decay, and death? Is there anything good to look forward to in this present life? He came to suffer so we don't have to suffer in hell. We suffer because of Satan. Because Adam listened to him, we all still suffer the consequences. The end is when the world stops. This is when Jesus comes back. It is good to look forward to heaven because this will give us hope.
  23. He had to be fully human. Otherwise He would not have been able to feel our feelings. And He could not have been a good sacrifice.
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