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Everything posted by charisbarak

  1. It is showing us just how much God loves us and values us. Shows His total love for us and security. Seek to please Him in every way every day. We are totally undeserving of His love and His gifts.
  2. Those who do not tithe are not being responsible to their God-given responsibility to the church. Keeping back something that should be given is robbery. There is blessing in giving. He measures not only how much we give, but measures our hearts. Yes, tithes and offerings are expected as part of the fruit of our lives. The tithe is a good place to start. As believers, we can give much more--with a happy heart. We are blessed when we desire to give--we cannot out-give God.
  3. If He doesn't change, what He says is true. All His promises He will keep. We can totally trust Him. He answers our prayers yes, no, maybe or later. When we pray in His will, we open ourselves to His direction--His desires become ours. He doesn't change---WE change!! Yes! The prayer offered in faith will be answered! He can and does work wonders even today!
  4. The messenger is sent to prepare the peoples' hearts for repentance. He announces the new covenant and His death on the cross completed the work--paying the wages of our sins= death. God's people need that refining & deep cleansing daily because we are all sinners. He keeps drawing me closer to Himself. Sometimes it's a change of direction or choosing priorities......
  5. We break His covenant with us, marrying outside the Jewish faith, divorce. Marrying someone who is not a Christian is similar to the Jews marrying outside of their faith. Marrying for the Jews, outside their faith, weakened them to accepting the gods their wives brought with them. It weakens a marriage if one partner is not a Christian. Divorce is important today too. Partners are not completely true with their spouses. Outside sexual relationships are more accepted and ruin a marriage. It breaks the covenant.
  6. The teaching priests not only teach the WHOLE WORD, but also live it daily. The living it out in everyday life, and what my attitude is during those times. Teach the whole Word and make it interesting to those I teach.
  7. Realize the fact that He is the highest -- no other god comes close. He is the creator, sustainer of the world. We want to fear what will happen to us if we disobey. to reverence Him, with love and a desire to please Him. We realize there is no condemnation for us anymore as a child of God. We are saved. Our love for Him grows & grows. Yet we still reverence Him & respect Him. We know we can trust Him at His Word. Our faith grows as we rely more & more upon Him. Understanding He is our heavenly Father. Our love blossoms in our obedience to Him.
  8. imperfect animals, other flawed sacrifices, bad attitudes working with our phones during church services, leaving early to get on with a fun day, not thinking about the words we're singing, or not paying attention to the message, listening to apply it to others, not ourselves..... I need to prioritize my day with Him on all levels and consistently through the day.
  9. Prayer for strength, wisdom & discernment and patience. Confront them with their sin like Nehemiah did. Show them the way to turn around. Pray pray pray! Seek His face. Be thankful. Praise Him!! Join with others in worship. All of this reminds me of the leadership of our countries. So hard to grow under a corrupt leader.......
  10. Yes, indeed. We are responsible to God for our leading. If God isn't even a part of a leader's life, it's a recipe for failure for him and those under him. It corrupts those under him--and sets true Christians up for much persecution. Read the Word, pray and ask the Lord to show me where I have gone astray and obey what He tells me to do. It is a matter of repentance. Agree with Him that you have corrupted yourself, and ask Him to show you the way from there.
  11. His compassion emanates from His love. He cares about us. He cared about His people and His name among them. It's his compassion and love that disciplines us for our good. He cares for, loves His people. Jesus was the only solution to our sin problem. That's how big His love for us is.
  12. The Scripture brings truth to the forefront. It is like a mirror, showing them their true selves. We need God's truth--we need to read what God thinks about us & shows us where we are. The Holy Spirit is key--He helps us understand the truth. Joy is the end result of us knowing & believing that God loves us and cares about us.
  13. To tempt him either to sin or kill him--anything to get him to get his eyes off "the project." to lure him into sin they knew if he was to go into the temple he would be greatly sinning and lose everything my enemy makes me stumble when he encourages me to do more church things and put church above Christ......
  14. They are hungry and in need now! Money! They have $ and want more! He turns them back to the law and demands they follow it. Especially dealing with their fellow countrymen. Money seems to buy time & opportunity. Those leaders are guilty of the same thing--more money--even if they want it for the church.......!
  15. Nehemiah responded with prayer. He armed each family and had a plan in case of attack. It slowed down somewhat. He prayed and reminded them of God's power and that He would be there with them. Hopefully, with prayer and knowing God is in control! Walls of prayer, the Word and praise!!
  16. He needs to build the walls quickly before appeals by their enemies can be made to officials. The work goes much faster when teams are working together. The motivation is honor of Jerusalem lost when destroyed. Problems could be supplies, personalities, enemies.
  17. I think so. It is pretty radical--but then repentance always is. David and Abigail in 1st Samuel comes to mind. She is married to Nabal who foolishly confronted David and his men when they asked for food & water. To avoid Nabal & Abigail's death, Abigail brought food and apologized for her husband's brazen words (though she had done nothing wrong) and blessed David. 10 days later, Nabal died leaving Abigail free to marry David. I Samuel 25 By the time Shecaniah spoke a solution, the peoples' hearts were ready for a radical suggestion to repent from their wrong actions. The revived people agreed. Ezra made the leading priests and Leviites take an oath that they would put that plan into action and so they wouldn't change their minds.
  18. He was grief stricken; he tore his cloak & pulled his hair out. He was shocked. No way. His actions were only for God. No. It was gross sin--totally against what God had commanded. He was identifying with them. He took seriously what God had commanded and when he found out differently, he had to pray for all of them & himself. If we don't grieve over the sins of God's people, then we have much pride in ourselves and turn to be judge--separating ourselves from them. When God's people sin, it becomes a negative representation of God.
  19. He weighs them out coming in and going out to help the persons entrusted with these funds, not to be tempted to steal them. Not really. He realizes that they need to know it belongs to the Lord and they are all responsible to use it in the way the Lord directs. It is for the same reason--to protect those handling the $'s and to make plain it belongs to God.
  20. For a safe journey and that God's hand would be on them. No, it's to humble ourselves. It opens up communication with Him, we believe God will lead us according to His will.
  21. I believe it happens when Jesus returns! The fountain that cleanses from sin is Jesus, I think. His blood shed on the cross and the Holy Spirit's work in our lives to draw us to Him. It has happened already and will happen again when Israel's eyes are opened when He returns. They are His chosen people, the ones He made covenants with, and desires they finally turn to Him in repentance.
  22. They are supposed to be representing Him & His values. Jesus' standard is a servant mindset. Our government would truly be serving the people & their needs. Truth would reign supreme--no more walking over others to get to the top. It is there more so than these other places. People would not be as self-centered. More joy in serving others. Needs would truly be met. Most of the arguments would not take place. More joy and growth in the marriage & family.
  23. Caring for others, doing what we can for them. Sometimes it is meeting needs. Also, showing them God's love. Speak the truth. When we serve our time on juries, we need to be truthful there too. Also electing people with the truth concept in their lives. Then whoever they appoint to courts will use the same truth concepts. Aliens in our country should be treated with mercy & compassion. Most have been kicked out of their own country and they have lost almost everything. We need to be good neighbors. He hates lying. He is the truth. No swearing--just say yes or no and that's all. People won't believe someone who has to swear that what they say is the truth. He should always speak the plain truth. If you are in court, yes, swear to that truth on a Bible. :-)
  24. It's the desire to always be entertained, not to join with fellow believers to worship God. We can evaluate our churches by our attitudes. If we sit there and go along with the program without joy & worship in our hearts, we've failed. It all starts with me, my attitude & my worship of the Lord added to fellow believers & their worship. Be aware of the importance of my personal worship each day & how I have failed (or not) to give God the glory due His name. I want Him to touch my heart; I want His heart for others.
  25. We think we can do it ourselves in our own strength. We can be mighty and powerful, but without God's Spirit, we're failures. We are fighting a war in the spiritual domain. I need to be praying much more and staying in His will at all times, and ask Him to do His work through me--admitting I cannot do it by myself.
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