Pastor Ralph Posted August 28, 2019 Report Posted August 28, 2019 Q2. (Galatians 2:11-16) Why does Paul call out Peter publicly in Antioch? What is the reason for Peter’s hypocrisy? What is the central issue on which Paul feels they must not compromise? Why is it so important? Quote
Travis81 Posted September 15, 2019 Report Posted September 15, 2019 Q2. (Galatians 2:11-16) Why does Paul call out Peter publicly in Antioch? As the Spirit lead Paul to observe the ongoing during the festive occasion he didn’t see union, harmony, true fellowship, those in the assembly in one accord; he saw discord, clique, silos, elitism and exclusion. What is the reason for Peter's hypocrisy? I’m going to believe the Holy Spirit revealed to Paul as it is written in Galatians 2:12 “he” (Peter) withdrew and separated himself, fearing them which were of the circumcision. Being that I nor anyone other than Christ can know the mind of another person, I’m going to speculate from Peter’s behavior that he was being influenced by indirect peer pressure since the Scripture doesn’t tell us someone told him to behave and/or act distance to the people of the nations at this festive occasion. Indirect Negative Peer Pressure can be as powerful direct negative, it can greatly influence decisions without a word being said. Indirect peer pressure is what one sees and/or hears other are doing. Since others are doing, wearing, or saying something the person internally place pressure on his/herself follow suit to, fit in; to not feel as an outsider, to gain esteem from the groups they esteem. Again no one necessarily asks the person being influenced to do anything or behave a certain way, but it's an unspoken pressure that he/she feels. This negative influence if we where to look beyond the surface it’s root stems from the prince of the air, the Adversary. What is the central issue on which Paul feels they must not compromise? Paul had matured to understand that those accepting to call to fallow Christ were saved by God’s grace through faith Ephesians 2:8; Romans 3:24 and in right standing with God through faith 2nd Corinthians 5:21; Romans 9:30; Philippians 3:9. Galatians 2:11-21 - Verse 16 Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. Why is it so important? Why it so important that Paul rebukes Peter in the open? It was important because the offence occurred in the open. Peter being an influential leader was being influenced by an ungodly influence. His behavior had the potential to affirm and/or reward and promote negative behavior. His influence had to potential to inflict/afflict the non-Jewish Christians. Had his behavior not been addressed it had the potential to infect the ongoing work of those being transformed into the image of Christ. Paul’s open rebuke prompted growth and provoked self-assessment, it is my belief that Peter received this open rebuke positively. (If my believe is correct it affirms Peter’s support in Acts 15, the Jerusalem Council, and 1st & 2nd Peter which I believe is to ALL Christians within the audience, it affirms Peter continuing walking with the Lord.) It’s so important because it affirms the promises of God – faith more than natural birth; faith more than the natural man’s works, faith is the crux of being in relationship with Christ; it is by/through Christ alone that we are saved. Quote
blezed Posted September 16, 2019 Report Posted September 16, 2019 Why does Paul call out Peter publicly in Antioch? Paul called out Peter publicly in Antioch because he was acting like a hypocrite. Paul wanted to put a stop to it before Peter damaged the church. What is the reason for Peter’s hypocrisy? Peter felt that he was promoting harmony. He did not want to offend the Jewish friends of James. What is the central issue on which Paul feels they must not compromise? Why is it so important? We are justified by our faith in Jesus Christ. The law is important but it cannot save us. Quote
JanMary Posted September 16, 2019 Report Posted September 16, 2019 On 8/28/2019 at 10:16 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Galatians 2:11-16) Why does Paul call out Peter publicly in Antioch? What is the reason for Peter’s hypocrisy? What is the central issue on which Paul feels they must not com1promise? Why is it so important? 1: Peter was "people pleasing" rather than walking in truth...because Jewish believers (of the circumcision) had arrived, he distanced himself from the Gentile believers he had eaten with prior to this day. He was modeling hypocrisy, insincerity and pretense (v. 13b Amp) or walking in deception. 2: Peter was afraid of offending the Jewish believers..."fear of man"... He feared the loss of his reputation or position in the church. 3. Paul saw that Peter was not living up to the truth of the Gospel, and others were being led astray by this double mindedness. (trying to walk in the law, forgetting that grace replaced adherence to the law.) 4. Gal 3:28: "There is no longer Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female...for we are all one in Christ Jesus." Quote
garymerkel Posted September 17, 2019 Report Posted September 17, 2019 Many fine comments and insights. Thank you all. We have the advantage of lots of years of biblical history and insights, especially Matthew 18. I surmise it wasn't easy for Paul to confront Peter and it was done with much love in his heart, love for God's kingdom, and not desiring anyone to be confused about what it meant to be ONE body in Christ. I just preached Romans 12: 4-5 this past Sunday. Connect this with verse 1....present your (plural pronoun) bodies (plural noun) a living sacrifice (singular noun) - It there a dual meaning? Individually presenting our body and all of us corporately as ONE in Christ sacrificing so others will see UNITY in love. How else will the world see true Christianity except by seeing Christians united in God's love. Anything that hinders that kind of presentation of the gospel must be confronted...obviously, in the context of God's love, and laying our lives down for one another. Quote
Anstey Jeremiah Posted September 17, 2019 Report Posted September 17, 2019 Paul calls out Peter mainly because of the damage/ confusion that was being perpetrated in the gentile world. Peter was personally schooled by God and should have known better. It seems at times that Peter still held on the fact that he can work by himself forgetting the fact that he had the Power of Jesus within him who would be with him always.. Peter it seems had forgotten that he was in charge of the Lord's flock and should not have been scared of anyone. the central issue I believe is that salvation is for all and this was a time in faith in Jesus not the works of the Law it was important because the Judaizers were zealous in their commitment, but as Paul put it to them in the letter to the Romans, 'they were zealous without (correct) knowledge and would have brought a serious stifling to the spread of the Gospel with Syncretism. Quote
Old Jerry Posted September 17, 2019 Report Posted September 17, 2019 I think that Paul called out Peter publicly in Antioch because he wanted to bring the issue to a head. Paul knew that Peter was trying to make it right with the Judaizes so Paul wanted everybody to see Peter’s hypocrisy. The central issue that Paul feels they must not compromise on is that Jesus died for our sins and was in the grave three day and was resurrected. We must have faith in Jesus Christ. Quote
Olusola Posted September 17, 2019 Report Posted September 17, 2019 Q 1. Why does Paul call out Peter publicly in Antioch? Paul was trying to clarify things before the believers present at Antioch that the gentiles who trusted Christ are the same with the believing Jews. Peter's action is misleading and it is necessary to openly rebuke him before all that the gospel may not be corrupted by such an eminent leader in the Church (See 1 Tim 5:19-21) Q 2. What is the reason for Peter’s hypocrisy? He was afraid of the Jews who still insist on keeping the law by circumcising the new gentile converts. He wanted to please them. Q 3. What is the central issue on which Paul feels they must not compromise? Why is it so important? Paul wanted the sound doctrine of salvation by faith to be established among the believers. It is important because any contrary belief to salvation by faith in Christ alone is dangerous and damning. It cannot save a man; no one is justified by keeping the law. Quote
jesus Posted September 17, 2019 Report Posted September 17, 2019 Paul calls out Peter publicly out in Antioch because he was in the wrong and not acting according to the truth of the Gospel. The reason of Peter's hypocrisy is because he wanted to please the Gentiles than obeying God. The central issue on which Paul feels they must not compromise is that being leaders they should not do or preach anything contrary to the Gospel. It is important to preach and teach Gods word and it's more important to back it up with right actions. All our actions and doings should be aligned with Gods word and not cater to the whims and fancies of men. Leaders need to show the right example through their life and not mislead new believers. Quote
haar Posted September 17, 2019 Report Posted September 17, 2019 Q2. (Galatians 2:11-16) Q. Why does Paul call out Peter publicly in Antioch? A. Peter was showing hypocrisy by eating with gentiles converts only when the Jerusalem Jewish Christians were absent. Q. What is the reason for Peter's hypocrisy? A. He did not want to be condemned by the ******** Jewish Christians who still believed that gentile converts needed to be circumcised or else their salvation was not complete Q. What is the central issue on which Paul feels they must not compromise? Why is it so important? A. Paul believed that salvation was purely by faith and that it was not necessary to obey Jewish customs of circumcision. It is very important because salvation is strictly by faith alone. Quote
t-c Posted September 17, 2019 Report Posted September 17, 2019 Q2. (Galatians 2:11-16) Why does Paul call out Peter publicly in Antioch? What is the reason for Peter's hypocrisy? What is the central issue on which Paul feels they must not compromise? Why is it so important? By calling him out publicly, Paul also calls out those of the party of circumcision without having to mention names. They know who they are. Peter's actions carry much influence with those who are Jewish in the congregation. ("even Barnanbas was carried away by his hypocrisy") By calling him out, he shines the light on Peter's sin for all to see, as well as reminding Peter of the vision he had in Acts 10:9-16. Peers pressure, the old ways, wanting to please men over God. Fear- "fearing the party of the circumcision." The fact that they no longer live under the Law. It has no power to save. They now are under the covenant of grace. Faith in Jesus Christ and Him alone. It unites all Christ followers as one body. Quote
Preistina11 Posted September 17, 2019 Report Posted September 17, 2019 Why does Paul call out Peter publicly in Antioch? Paul finds Peter not doing the right thing when it comes to eating with the Gentiles. When the Jerusalem believers are around, Peter does not eat with them but when they are not he eats with them. This made other Jews follow him even Barnabas. What is the reason for Peter's hypocrisy? The reason for Peter’s hypocrisy began when he was reprimanded by the Jews and the leaders in Jerusalem for sitting down eating with the Gentiles in Antioch. It was okay for them to do business with the Gentiles but not eat with them. Peter did not want to offend anyone or cause any problem after that even though there was some sort of acceptance after Peter related what God showed him in a vision in Joppa. He was pleasing men instead of Christ. What is the central issue on which Paul feels they must not compromise? They must not compromise the truth of the gospel. Peter was listening and responding to man- made laws and rules instead putting faith in Christ Jesus. Why is it so important? A distorted gospel will never save the world .It is highly important not to let what Jesus did go to waste. Quote
Uncle Dave Posted September 17, 2019 Report Posted September 17, 2019 Q2. (Galatians 2:11-16) Why does Paul call out Peter publicly in Antioch? What is the reason for Peter's hypocrisy? What is the central issue on which Paul feels they must not compromise? Why is it so important? Paul called Peter out in Antioch because Peter was being a hypocrite. Even though Peter was the first to know about the Gentiles being called by God and even defended this, he was acting different when Jewish Christians came from Judah to Antioch. Instead of continuing fellowship with them and eating at the same table, they set themselves apart out of fear of what the group of circumcised Jews might say, as they were believing that to be saved, one must be circumcised. The issue which must not be compromised is the fact that salvation is based on faith in Jesus and not obedience to the law. The reason for the importance of this is, if people are taught that obedience to the law, while it is a good thing, rather than faith in Christ, nobody would be saved and they would have failed in their mission. The events taking place when the Jews who believed circumcision was important for salvation appeared on the scene began to cause a division among Christ’s followers and Jesus Himself stated that a house divided against itself will not stand; Matthew 12:25 … Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. Quote
RD35 Posted September 18, 2019 Report Posted September 18, 2019 Q2. (Galatians 2:11-16) Why does Paul call out Peter publicly in Antioch? What is the reason for Peter's hypocrisy? What is the central issue on which Paul feels they must not compromise? Why is it so important? When the Jewish Christians from Jerusalem aren't around, Peter and Barnabas eat with the Gentile Christians as brothers and sisters. But when the Judaizers come, they separate themselves. This is why Paul calls out Peter publicly to show their hypocrisy. Peter tries to stay clear of offending the Jerusalem believers to avoid their biting censure and this is the reason for Peter's hypocrisy. The central issue on which Paul feels they must not compromise is We are "justified by faith in Christ and not by observing the law, because by observing the law no one will be justified". It is important because this is the central theme of the gospel, the salvation plan of God through Jesus. Quote
Queen Mc Daniel Posted September 18, 2019 Report Posted September 18, 2019 Q2. (Galatians 2:11-16) Why does Paul call out Peter publicly in Antioch? .”for before certain men came from James, he would eat with the Gentiles but when they came, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing those who were of the circumcision.” Galatians 2:12.What is the reason for Peter's hypocrisy? “He was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcision group” Galatians 2:12 Peter wanted to be in good standing with the Judaizer. He was a people pleaser .What is the central issue on which Paul feels they must not compromise? Gentiles believers are fully equal with Jewish Christians. It’s important? Because we are justified by faith and faith alone. Quote
DonzellaMaupin Posted September 18, 2019 Report Posted September 18, 2019 On 8/28/2019 at 1:16 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Galatians 2:11-16) Why does Paul call out Peter publicly in Antioch? What is the reason for Peter’s hypocrisy? What is the central issue on which Paul feels they must not compromise? Why is it so important? Peter remembers his denial of Jesus Christ and was told by Jesus it would happen. I feel Peter with these actions was thinking he was being cautions but in reality he was wrong for his actions. Pete knew about the Gentile because God sent him to them first. Peter saw how God poured the Holy Spirit on the Gentiles confirming that God had accepted. The criticism Peter received is the same today. When those who are faithful to the Ministry suffer criticism. Even today some Christians just like Peter who defended his actions still faces criticism. Paul wanted the people to know and must not compromise because God does not have favor people over people we all are one in the eyes of God. God reigns over the just as well as the unjust. Quote
Debra Grant Posted September 18, 2019 Report Posted September 18, 2019 Q2. (Galatians 2:11-16) Why does Paul call out Peter publicly in Antioch? What is the reason for Peter's hypocrisy? What is the central issue on which Paul feels they must not compromise? Why is it so important? 1. When the Jewish Christians from Jerusalem were not around, Peter and Barnabas eat with the Gentiles, but when the Jewish Christians came, they separate themselves. 2. Peter did not want to be condemned by the Jewish Christians who still believed that gentile believers needed to be circumcised. 3. Paul wanted the sound doctrine to be established among believers. The law is important and it cannot save us. Quote
rosegarden Posted September 19, 2019 Report Posted September 19, 2019 On 8/28/2019 at 1:16 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Galatians 2:11-16) Why does Paul call out Peter publicly in Antioch? What is the reason for Peter’s hypocrisy? What is the central issue on which Paul feels they must not compromise? Why is it so important? 1. Paul calls our Peter publicly because he did eat and have fellowship with the Gentiles, but when certain Jews were there he separated himself from the Gentiles. 2. Because Peter was afraid of certain Jews who belonged to the circumcision group. And by that, other Jews joined him in his hypocrisy, so that by their hypocrisy even Barnabas was led astray. 3. That you cannot mix the law with faith in what Jesus Christ has done. Knowing that a man is not justified by observing the law, but by faith alone in Jesus Christ. 4. It is important because the foundation of our salvation is based on Christ's work, not on the works of the law. Quote
emcclinton Posted September 20, 2019 Report Posted September 20, 2019 Paul calls Peter out publicly bc Paul knows that the gospel is built on faith and not the law. Peter hypocrisy is the human nature to be a people pleaser. Peter went back to his old ways when a certain group came around and we to must be mindful of old sinful habits when we're in old environments in Christ we are a new creation and old things are passed away. Paul had to address the issue b/c there would have been continued prejudice and division amongst the saints. All ground is level at that cross. There is no room for division in Christ. Quote
nancychua Posted September 20, 2019 Report Posted September 20, 2019 On 8/29/2019 at 1:16 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Galatians 2:11-16) Why does Paul call out Peter publicly in Antioch? What is the reason for Peter’s hypocrisy? What is the central issue on which Paul feels they must not compromise? Why is it so important? Those who belonged to the circumcision group were Jewish Christians, especially in Jerusalem Church, who believed that the OT sign of circumcision was still necessary for all new covenant Christians. They taught that Jewish believers should not eat with uncircumcised Gentiles. Peter knew that God accepted the Gentile believers without bias or prejudice, yet he denied his own principles out of fear of criticism and the possibility of losing authority with some in the Jerusalem church. His separation from Gentile believers at meal time encouraged the false notion that there were two bodies of Christ - the Jewish and the Gentile.Peter did not want to be condemned by the Jewish believers because he knows Gentile needs to be circumcised. They want to please men than God. Paul is not saying that the law is not holy , righteous and good. But he argues against using the law as a bass for trying to gain favor or acceptance with God. Salvation by faith because of God`s grace is the essence of the true message of Christ. Quote
Nandita Posted September 20, 2019 Report Posted September 20, 2019 Q2. (Galatians 2:11-16) Why does Paul call out Peter publicly in Antioch? What is the reason for Peter's hypocrisy? What is the central issue on which Paul feels they must not compromise? Why is it so important? When Paul went to Jerusalem he saw that Peter was segregating himself from the uncircumcised (at least during meals) which is what the law recommended. Both Peter and Paul knew that this was wrong—Jesus died for everybody and God is everyone's father. Peter was a public figure and the work he was doing was for the public. If there was opposition or correction, therefore, it needed to be done publicly because the public modelled its behaviour on Peter. Peter's hypocrisy may have been, in part, a product of our human desire to fit in and be accepted. The central issue that cannot be compromised upon is God's grace. It didn't really matter whether believers were circumcised or not. What was important was that the Jews and Gentiles realised that circumcision was meaningless. We are saved only by God's grace and that is given to us through our faith in Jesus—not by our own actions Remembering and understanding God's grace is important because it's the foundation upon which Christianity rests. We aren't saved by following the Ten Commandments. We aren't saved by our good deeds. Why? Because nobody is perfect—none of us follows every commandment for every second of our lives. When we call someone a good man or woman we're not measuring them with God's ruler but comparing them with other people. That means we're imperfect and nothing less than perfection can go into Heaven and before God. The only thing that can save us is God's grace—we avail of that through our faith in Christ. Quote
hanks Posted September 21, 2019 Report Posted September 21, 2019 Q2. (Galatians 2:11-16) Why does Paul call out Peter publicly in Antioch? What is the reason for Peter's hypocrisy? What is the central issue on which Paul feels they must not compromise? Why is it so important? Jewish and Gentile Christians would be eating together without consideration of the Jewish dietary laws. However, a group of Jewish Christians came down from Jerusalem to visit, and when they arrived Peter stopped eating with the Gentiles. This group were still clinging to certain Jewish legal customs and Peter wanted to avoid the hostility and ridicule of these men. Besides pleasing this group, he also, most probably, did not want the news of his behaviour getting back to the legalist faction in Jerusalem. Not only did he stop having meals with the Gentiles, but he also managed to influence Barnabas to do the same. Peter should have known better, for he had had a vision in which God had revealed to him that he should no longer think of the Gentiles as impure or unclean (Acts 10:28). Recognizing the seriousness of this action, Paul boldly accused Peter of hypocrisy. This could not have been easy for Paul to do, but he was a courageous and direct man. Being a public matter, as it affected all, it was therefore dealt with openly. Here we have a face to face confrontation between two great disciples and servants of the Lord. The central issue here was that by refusing to eat with uncircumcised men, even though they were believers in Christ, they looked upon these Gentiles as common and unclean. As a Christian, Peter knew that God no longer recognized national differences; he had lived as a Gentile, eating their foods, etc. By his recent refusal to eat with Gentiles, Peter was implying that observances of Jewish laws and customs was necessary for holiness, and that the Gentile believers would have to live as Jews. Even implying that the Law was still an issue and that this was more important to them than the righteousness of faith. In doing this, Peter was denying one of the great truths of the gospel - that all believers are one in Christ Jesus, and that national differences do not affect fellowship. It was important that there was to be no compromise at all. Jews who had been saved knew that there was no salvation in the law. The law condemned to death those who failed to obey it perfectly. Paul reminds Peter that that salvation is by faith in Christ and not by law-keeping. Quote
Godswriter Posted September 21, 2019 Report Posted September 21, 2019 Q2. (Galatians 2:11-16) Why does Paul call out Peter publicly in Antioch? What is the reason for Peter’s hypocrisy? What is the central issue on which Paul feels they must not compromise? Why is it so important? He calls out Peter for making the Gentiles follow Jewish dietary laws when they didn't need to since Christ died for one and all. He would eat with Gentiles but when certain men came who he respected he'd withdraw from them. He would then eat with the Jews and the Jews would be a hypocrite like a him. The central issue is salvation is by faith in Christ and not by law-keeping for the law is void. Quote
Lottie Posted September 22, 2019 Report Posted September 22, 2019 Q2. (Galatians 2:11-16) Why does Paul call out Peter publicly in Antioch? What is the reason for Peter's hypocrisy? What is the central issue on which Paul feels they must not compromise? Why is it so important? Paul calls it our because Peter is leading many believers astray by doing this. He is playing favorites and this is not allowed among believers in Christ.Jesus died for all people not just Jews. No one is supposed to get special treatment; everyone is equal in God's eyes. It is an example of what Peter did when he denied Jesus. He did not want to be singled out as being seen with Jesus. In this instance; he did not want to cause trouble so he pacified the Jewish believers. The central issue is that no one can be saved by following rules, regulations, or customs. We are only saved when we put our trust in Jesus. We are not saved by keeping the commandments or laws. Everyone is saved when they believe that Jesus died for their sins and ask Him to their Savior and Lord. We are one in Christ and there are no divisions., Quote
Work in progress Posted September 22, 2019 Report Posted September 22, 2019 Paul called out openly to Peter because Peter was a leader yet behaved like a hypocrite,thus causing confusion to the Christian community between Gentile believers n Jewish believers . The reason for Peter 's hypocrisy was Peter did it to please the Jewish Christians and to avoid further criticism from them . However Paul felt that the Gentile believers should be treated equally as Jewish believers ,even though the Gentiles were not circumcised .Paul believed that God regarded the Gentile believers to be equally saved based on their repentance for their sins and through their faith in Christ , Salvation is not based on Law but by grace thru faith in Jesus as the Messiah . Same goes for us Gentiles .We are saved by grace through our faith in the redemptive work of our Lord Jesus ,the Son of God ,at the Cross .Salvation is not based on works or following the Law .The Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins and we repent .We are justified through Christ 's righteousness . Quote
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