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Q2. Mary's Question to the Angel

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Mary wanted to know 'how' this would be achieved as she was still a virgin. Zeccariah on the other hand was questioning the authenticity of the angel's statement. Mary had faith and was rewarded. Zeccariah showed disbelief and was shortterm 'disciplined'

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Q2. (Luke 1:34) In what way does Mary's "How?" question (1:34) to the angel's declaration differ from Zechariah's "How?" question (1:18)?

For starters, Mary was little more than a child, with the unquestioning faith and belief of a child . . . while Zechariah was an old man who was probably jaded and tired. He and Elizabeth had been childless and were now old and probably resigned to dying childless. To believe even an Angel of God may have been too big a stretch for Zechariah. Mary on the other hand sought clarification from Gabriel rather than expressing doubt that he was telling her the truth.

Why was Mary rewarded and Zechariah disciplined?

God has mercy on whomever He pleases. I'm wondering if Zechariah's "How" question was posed out of sheer disbelief. I'm also wondering whether his being struck dumb was a simple punishment.

We read how he regained the power of speech once he wrote down John's name. God had made Zechariah a prophet. In Old Testament times prophets were regularly made to do some bizarre things to bring the Word of God to the people. Marrying a whore, for example was one task given to a prophet.

God had a plan in mind for John The Baptist and that included ALL the aspects of his life, even before his birth. Gabriel did say that John would be filled with the Holy Spirit even before he was born.

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(Luke 1:34) In what way does Mary's "How?" question (1:34) to the angel's declaration differ from Zechariah's "How?" question (1:18)? Why was Mary rewarded and Zechariah disciplined?

Zechariah's question revealed a lack of faith while Mary's question revealed a lack of understanding. Mary was rewarded for her extraordinary faith, Zechariah was disciplined because he didn't believe, even when an angel was right in his face talking to him in the Holy of Holies in the temple in Jerusalem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (Luke 1:34) In what way does Mary's "How?" question (1:34) to the angel's declaration differ from Zechariah's "How?" question (1:18)? Why was Mary rewarded and Zechariah disciplined?

Mary's "How?" question (1:34) to the angel's declaration differ from Zechariah's "How?" question (1:18) because Mary's was on the basis of wanting to knowing that what was bing said could only be accomplished by a work of God because there was no other apparent means. Zechariah's response was of pure unbelief mainly because of his prior experience with his wife. Mary was rewarded because of her complete trust in God's ability to perform as He said He would and Zechariah's discipline was to remain dumb until he saw the manifestation of God's word to him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (Luke 1:34)

In what way does Mary's "How?" question (1:34) to the angel's declaration

differ from Zechariah's "How?" question (1:18)?

Why was Mary rewarded and Zechariah disciplined?

a. Mary's question was one of faith, not doubt of the announcement

but as to how this could happen since she was a virgin.

Zechariah's question was full of doubt, wanting to know how this

promise of a child this late in his life could be.

b. Mary was rewarded for her faith and aceptance in the Lord's promise

Zechariah was punished for his doubt at the angel's message.

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  • 9 months later...

Mary was young, full of faith and wonder at life.  Zechariah was older, wiser and had seen much.  When Gabriel told Zechariah he and Elizabeth would have a child is was a cynical laugh of disbelief.  "I am an old man."  Almost to say it is impossible.  For Mary she was young and when she ask it was to say "okay, but how are you going to do this?"  Zechariah was mute until John was born.  Mary accepted what was said.  I am sure her path in telling her parents and Joseph was not easy, but she I believe was cheerful and full of expectation at the child she carried!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (Luke 1:34) In what way does Mary's "How?" question (1:34) to the angel's declaration differ from Zechariah's "How?" question (1:18)? Why was Mary rewarded and Zechariah disciplined?


I have read this many times and wondered if I wouldn't have responded the same way Zacharias did.  He was old and tired and after hoping many years there was still no child and now it was too late in human thinking.  Yet there was the angel Gabriel in front of him while he was in the temple and the people were without so the being could only be an angel.  So Zacharias asked in what seems unbelief while Mary asked in faith.  It seems sometimes there might be a fine line that we need to be aware of in ourselves.  Are we living and praying in faith or have we drifted over the line of unbelief or doubt and don't even realize it.

Zacharias was disciplined however still received the promise.  Mary was rewarded for her faith.


God Bless!


Romans 15:13




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Mary's "HOW" question was a question asked in faith and in submission to God 's will.

Zecharia"s  question was with unbelief and doubt because he saw his circumstances were not agreeing to the declaration of the angel.

Mary was rewarded because she believed that God had the power to make the impossible - possible and she put her trust in God and yielded to God's will.

Zechariah was disciplined because he could not believe God's plan for his life and he could  not be an hindrance for what God purposed through him. So he was disciplined and made to wait for the fulfilment of God's plan over his life by he becoming speechless till the birth of his Son John.


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Mary's question came out of a natural curiosity--she knew how babies were conceived. How would God do this?

Zechariah, however asked doubting. He had already figured in his mind that he and his wife were too old--like like Sarai in Genesis.

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Mary's question was one of curiosity. She knew how babies were conceived.

On the other hand, Zechariah was doubting--he had made up his mind that he & his wife were too old--like Sarai in Genesis.

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Mary's question was one of curiosity.  She knew how babies were conceived.

On the other hand, Zechariah was doubting--he had made up his mind that he & his wife were too old--like Sarai in Genesis.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mary's "how" question was based on curiosity and amazement whilst Zechariah's was based on a dismissive nature that was full of doubt. Since Zechariah seriously questioned God's announcement and power, hw was disciplined. Meanwhile, Mary was full of faith and wonder, and she was blessed.

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Mary doesn't say "How CAN this be" but "How WILL this be". She is taking God at His word but asking for details. Zachariah asks, "How CAN I be sure of this?" Zachariah is questioning the TRUTH of what God was telling him. When we question the truth of what someone is saying to us, we really are questioning their character, their integrity. God's word is either ALL truth, or He is a liar.

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Mary's question was a question of wonder and awe, it was a question simply -how will it come about? It is an accepting question, as an aide being given an order and clarifying details. She may have been wondering what she might have to do to become pregnant. And the angel answers.


On the other hand, Zechariah's question was one of doubt like Sarah's so many years before in Genesis 18.11-14. Sarah was punished and so was Zechariah.


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Mary's question was a question of wonder and awe, it was a question simply -how will it come about? It is an accepting question, as an aide being given an order and clarifying details. She may have been wondering what she might have to do to become pregnant. And the angel answers.


On the other hand, Zechariah's question was one of doubt like Sarah's so many years before in Genesis 18.11-14. Sarah was punished and so was Zechariah.


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Mary's question was a question of wonder and awe, it was a question simply -how will it come about? It is an accepting question, as an aide being given an order and clarifying details. She may have been wondering what she might have to do to become pregnant. And the angel answers.


On the other hand, Zechariah's question was one of doubt like Sarah's so many years before in Genesis 18.11-14. Sarah was punished and so was Zechariah.


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Mary's question came from a place of innocence. She was not questioning that God would make it happen, simply wondering "How?". Zechariah posed his question as a challenge. He wasn't coming from a position of faith.

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  • 10 months later...

Mary asked "How can this be?",  implying that she understood that this is what would happen to her. She only wanted to know how. Mary had faith.


Zechariah asked, "How then will I KNOW this?", reasoning that he did not think it possible because he and his wife, Elizabeth, were too old to have a child. It was Zechariah's lack of faith that resulted in retribution.

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Mary's "How" question was asked from a believing point of view. She accepted that this was what was going to take place because the Word was from God, but was curious as to the method.


Zechariah's "How" question was one of disbelief. He did not think it possible to have a child because of their ages, regardless of the Word given to him by God's angel.

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  • 1 year later...

Mary’s “How” question was one in faith. She knew that she hadn’t been with a man and couldn’t haven’t gotten with child that way so in faith she asked how that was going to work. But Zechariah’s “How” one of disbelief was how he felt about the announcement. Mary was rewarded because of her belief and Zechariah was disciplined because of his disbelief.

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  • 3 years later...

Q2. (Luke 1:34) In what way does Mary's "How?" question (1:34) to the angel's declaration differ from Zechariah's "How?" question (1:18)? Why was Mary rewarded and Zechariah disciplined?

Zechariah doubted the word of the Lord spoken through the angel Gabriel that he is going to father a son. His question to the angel was “How shall I know this? In other words he is asking for proof or a sign. He’s standing in front of the angel and he needs proof to accept his statement. He doesn’t believe what the angel says. That’s what the angel tells him in vs. 20, that he will be mute till the word is fulfilled, because he didn’t not believe the angel’s words.

When the angel announced to Mary that she will conceive and bear a Son, her question was how it is possible. In those days it was the dream of every Jewish girl to bear the Messiah. But since she’s virgin her question was how she is going to conceive without a husband. She was asking for clarification of the angel’s statement and that means she has believed his statement. We don’t see the angel reprimanding her for doubt but clarifying to her how it is going to happen.

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