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I think Jacob was demonstrating the very human struggle to cling to God's promises even as swells of fear seem to threaten to wash them away. I've learned that one of the best weapons against fear is to speak God's own Words into my hearing and over my circumstances. To me, that's what Jacob was doing. He'd heard Yahweh's promises and confirmations of protection. He'd seen the angel army encamped nearby. In his head and with his heart, he knew the truth and believed God. But the emotion of the fear he felt was attempting to override what he knew.

Jacob's prayer showed he had grown to personally trust the God of his ancestors. He was humble, not claiming any worthiness of all that the LORD had done for him. He was grateful, fully aware that the fortunes he now possessed were completely the result of God's goodness. He was dependent, knowing it was God's protection that would deliver him from any retribution from Esau. He was submitted, no longer taking things into his own hands with schemes and deceptions. Jacob's faith was maturing and he was learning that you must stand firm on what you know is true in order to defeat what you feel might be true.


Jacob's continued struggle is beginning to bear fruit.He may even have the beginning of wisdom (the fear of God).Does he fear his brother ?,or does he fear the repercussions of his own actions,which apparently caused his brother's anger with intent to kill,and may also be the cause of divine justice.He may even be showing signs of repentance,in asking God's help in avoiding the recompense due his deeds of deception,is he asking for salvation? He has faith and humility,and seeks to do God's will.His greatest concerns are that he fulfills his command,and the safety and well being of his family and the other lives entrusted to him.


Q2. (Genesis 32.9-12) What does Jacob's prayer tell us about his fears? That he was seeking God


Q2. (Genesis 32.9-12) What does Jacob's prayer tell us about his fears? About his faith? About his pride? What are the signs of spiritual growth you see in Jacob since he left Canaan to go to Haran years before?

Jacob had taken Esau


Jacob's fears show up as he prays. He knew he left Esau alone with his anger for how his brother used him. He also showed his reliance now on God to save him & pave the way. No longer could he "do it himself."

It showed as he was leaning on his staff, so he was leaning on God, reminding himself of God's promises to him as he prayed, telling God the same thing. His faith was growing.

Signs of his pride were taken over by humbleness. He wished to be a peacemaker now & to placate his brother.


Q2. (Genesis 32.9-12) What does Jacob's prayer tell us about his fears?

I've been in his shoes before myself, with great promises from the Lord, but still afraid. He's probably feeling guilty about his deception, and perhaps has punished himself for years believing that he deserves to be punished. In my case, threats sounded more real than God's Word, until I'd walked for a number of years with Him.

About his faith?

His faith is revealed in that he remembers God's promises to him after all those years. I journal mine, but wonder if Jacob wrote down what the Lord spoke to him. He also believes enough to ask for God's intervention, and acknowledges that his faith follows Abraham, and Isaac's. He acknowledges God's power and presence and that He's a prayer answering God. He acknowledges that he's being led to obey God in returning to Haran. The fact that he's talking about Esau's anger, tells me Jacob has a very personal relationship with God established through the day to day dealings of life.

About his pride?

His pride has been dealt with through the long years of humiliation and being manipulated and mistreated by his Father in law. He now comes in humility for help, saying that he doesn't deserve intervention, but throws himself on God's mercy.

What are the signs of spiritual growth you see in Jacob since he left Canaan to go to Haran years before?

He fled Canaan in terror for his life, but has seen and experienced God's faithfulness in being taken care of, provided for, and blessed "coming in and going out"....He is no longer proud and defiant, but is seeking peace and reconciliation to the extent that he's willing to give much of all he has gained to asuage Esau's anger. That's a huge thing for a previously grasping man like Jacob.


I think Jacob was demonstrating the very human struggle to cling to God's promises even as swells of fear seem to threaten to wash them away. I've learned that one of the best weapons against fear is to speak God's own Words into my hearing and over my circumstances. To me, that's what Jacob was doing. He'd heard Yahweh's promises and confirmations of protection. He'd seen the angel army encamped nearby. In his head and with his heart, he knew the truth and believed God. But the emotion of the fear he felt was attempting to override what he knew.

Jacob's prayer showed he had grown to personally trust the God of his ancestors. He was humble, not claiming any worthiness of all that the LORD had done for him. He was grateful, fully aware that the fortunes he now possessed were completely the result of God's goodness. He was dependent, knowing it was God's protection that would deliver him from any retribution from Esau. He was submitted, no longer taking things into his own hands with schemes and deceptions. Jacob's faith was maturing and he was learning that you must stand firm on what you know is true in order to defeat what you feel might be true.


Your reply helped me very much. I am going through a looong spiritual battle at work and I needed to hear that I once again have to rely on my God to work things out. It feels like a physical battle and I need the legions of angels to go before me, and to surround me n, s, e, w --and top and bottom, too!


Q2. (Genesis 32.9-12)huh.gif

What does Jacob's prayer tell us about his fears? He admits his fear for himself and for his wives and young children, all under 13 years of age. This kind of transparency in prayer is another indication that Jacob has gotten to know God.

About his faith? . He believes and has acted on God's instructions to return home. God has confirmed the blessings of Abraham to him, and he believes them, too. I think Jacob reminds God of his promises as a faith-statement. It is this faith that props Jacob up when he is afraid. He shares with his God both his fears and his faith, and so his prayer is an authentic, faith-filled prayer

About his pride? Jacob reminds God that he is returning in obedience to God's own instructions. He acknowledges his own unworthiness of God's great blessings to him. We see both humility and thankfulness have grown in Jacob these twenty years since he first met God at Bethel.

What are the signs of spiritual growth you see in Jacob since he left Canaan to go to Haran years before? Jacob reminds God of his promises as a faith-statement. It is this faith that props Jacob up when he is afraid. He shares with his God both his fears and his faith, and so his prayer is an authentic, faith-filled prayer.


Jacob's prayers let us know that he is afraid of what Esau may do to him, therfore he asks for God's salvation and God's protection from Esau. Jacob admits his fear for himself and his wives and young children.

Jacob's prayer also lets us know that he has come to know God. He reminds God of his promise to him and to his ancestors, that God would prosper him and make him fruitful. This is a prayer of faith.

Jacob has grown in that he is no longer deceitful. He is authentic and he prays faith filled prayers.


Q2 Jacob fears that his brother Esau might attack him. His conscience has taken the

better of him. After 20 years away from home, he is not sure whether his brother

has forgotten the past incidents which he did to him.

For his faith, Jacob has acted on God's instructions to return home and he believed

that God has confirmed the blessings of Abraham to him. God's promise to be there to

protect him when he is in trouble.

Jacob's pride is a reminder to God of His promises as a faith-statement.

Jacob shared with God, his fears and his faith and so his prayer is authentic, faith-

filled prayer. These are the signs of his spiritual growth.


Q2 Jacob fears that his brother Esau might attack him. His conscience has taken the

better of him. After 20 years away from home, he is not sure whether his brother

has forgotten the past incidents which he did to him.

For his faith, Jacob has acted on God's instructions to return home and he believed

that God has confirmed the blessings of Abraham to him. God's promise to be there to

protect him when he is in trouble.

Jacob's pride is a reminder to God of His promises as a faith-statement.

Jacob shared with God, his fears and his faith and so his prayer is authentic, faith-

filled prayer. These are the signs of his spiritual growth.


Q2. (Genesis 32.9-12)

What does Jacob's prayer tell us about his fears? About his faith? About his pride?

What are the signs of spiritual growth you see in Jacob since he left Canaan to go to Haran years before?



Q2. (Genesis 32.9-12) What does Jacob's prayer tell us about his fears? About his faith? About his pride? What are the signs of spiritual growth you see in Jacob since he left Canaan to go to Haran years before?

Jacob's prayer totally acknowledges his fears within to God. He expresses his faith in God and his promises. He has such humility. He calls God the God of Abraham and his father and calls God Lord.

Don't you just love the difference you see in Jacob. I don't think we saw a lot of Jacob while he was serving Laban (just bits and pieces) but now it seems we see a man who has been made into the man God wants him to be. Now I am sure God has more work to be done on him but this is just wonderful. What a difference a day (in this case 20 years) makes. I am sure it is not the outcome Rachel or Jacob expected when he went away but God had so much more planned than they could have imagined out of their "mistakes".

Its seems that Jacob has grown from a shallow self-serving liar to a man who now serves the Lord of hosts. He has become a humble faith filled man who inspite of his fears and trepidations (we all have them) sets out on God's assignment confident not in himself but in God, Yahweh, King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Doesn't it inspire you with hope to wonder how our God is going to reveal us in time if we will submit to the work needed to be done in us.

Love you all!

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


Another thought

I see here an example of conflicts and blessing. I'm sure the blessings were hidden from Jacob many times during the 20 years but after he can see how very much God has blessed him and mostly in his knowledge of God and his own spiritual growth. I wonder if sometimes the blessings are hidden from us for a time so after we can be all the more amazed with our God and the work He is doing in us and for us in the hard times.

1 Thess. 16- 18

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


Q2. (Genesis 32.9-12) What does Jacob's prayer tell us about his fears? About his faith?

That he is still concerned about his relationship with Esau but in faith he will be obedient to God and go, trusting in the promises God has made to him.

About his pride?

Over the years he has been humbled realizing his unworthiness of God

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