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Everything posted by quilter

  1. 1. The Word tells us he will send back a Comforter to help us remember what he has taught. The Holy Spirit is a person sent back to us from God. 2.
  2. 1. The Word tells us he will send back a Comforter to help us remember what he has taught. The Holy Spirit is a person sent back to us from God. 2. The Holy Spirit offers hope. It gives us strength to endure the unreasonable hatred and evil in the world and the hate many have against Christ. 3.I think when we talk about the Holy Spirit we make a mistake in calling it it. I just did in the last question. When we speak of the Holy Spirit lets say Holy Spirit because it was sent from our Holy Father. I don't know how I posted two post but did God Bless All
  3. 1.The world hated Jesus we who follow him can expect the same thing. It tell us this in John 7:7 2.Christians values differ from the worlds.We as followers don't join in their sin. The world follows Satan's agenda and Satan is the enemy of Jesus and his people. 3.Jesus warns through his word that if we love him we will be persecuted but we still have to stand for Jesus we are to be set apart from the rest of the world and non-believers can't accept this. 4.When we give testimony of our Savior do it proudly and let know one stand in your way. I will testify for Jesus Christ no matter what people say I love my Lord and I want everyone to know it . 5.It shows that we will stand no matter what. their persecution cannot hurt us we have our mighty Jesus who protect us. 6. Being weak or strong depends on how you testify if you testify weak your are looked upon as weak if you testify strong you are strong. I am strong Praise His Holy Name.
  4. 1.We are to love one another as Jesus loved us and he loved us enough to give his life for us. 2. Because Jesus Christ is Lord and Master he should call us slaves but instead he calls us friends. How comforting it is to be chosen as his friend. 3. We are not part of our Savior if we don't love others. To love him is to love others we are not following his commandment if we don't love. There is no place in his Kingdom for ones that don't love.
  5. 1.If we are obedient joy will be there . Joy comes from a consistent relationship with Jesus Christ. 2. Obedience is not an obstacle to a joyful relationship with the Lord. The joy of living with Jesus Christ daily keeps us focus on him no matter how high or low our circumstances.
  6. 1. Helping others to receive Christ. having faith and being obedient. 2.If we are truly connected to the vine and lead others to Christ then we are fruit of the vine. 3.The danger is if we think we saved the souls we can never all we can do is tell others and pray the Holy Spirit comes upon them and they turn their life over to Jesus Christ.
  7. 1. Nothing can be done without our Savior in our lives. if we don't have him in our lives and lots of people don't they think what they accomplish is own their own and is but it is worldly things that won't get you to heaven. 2. Things done without Christ has no value in this world and will keep you from having eternal life with Jesus Christ 3. There will not be a place in Heaven without Christ in our lives. If we don't have a life with him we go to hell.
  8. 3. 1.To abide means to believing Jesus is God's son. Receiving him as Savior and Lord. Doing what God says' 2. To be born again and have faith that he will be with us until the end of time. 3.Many people try to do good and be honest but Jesus says the only way to have a good live is to live close to him. 4.Apart from Jesus our efforts are unfruitful to stay in a personal relationship with the vine (God) we have to prune our lives as Jesus would have us to do. 5 I try to live daily for my Savior and there our days I fell. I praise the Lord for the gift of repentance and this is what I try to do every day.
  9. 1.If we have given our lives to Jesus and read his word we are cleansed. To stay cleansed we daily have to repent and studied his word this is how we are exposed to him. We also need to pray for each other and to help others. 2.Jesus himself is the truth that makes us free. He is the source of truth the perfect standard of what is right. As we seek to serve God Jesus perfect truth frees us. The truth will set you free Praise the Lord .
  10. 1. To prune you take of dead part of the vine so it will grow and make more fruit. 2.To let a grape vine go without pruning it will get diseased and will not bear fruit along with spreading to all the vine. 3.God sometimes must discipline us to strengthen our character and faith. 4.Those who won't bear fruit are cut off at the trunk which means if we are not following Jesus and his word we are not bearing fruit.our lives are worthless .If we try to block efforts of God's followers we will be cut off from the divine flow of life. Help me always Jesus to live for you and bear fruit for you Amen 5.Many don't want to live anyway but there way which is not following God's word. Jesus says the only way to live a fruitful and good life is to stay close to him like a branch attached to the vine 6. Live our life daily for him tell others about him find a bible teaching church and worship him. To tell others about our christian life is to tell others what he has done for you. Ask Jesus to come into our lives and help us live for him and if we truly believe help is on the way. Praise His Holy Name
  11. 1. the Comforter the Spirit of God himself. 2.The Holy Spirit is the very presence of God within us and all believer helping us live as God wants us to. By faith we can appropriate his power each day. 3.Jesus Christ and his teaching of the word. 4.To have the Holy Spirit is to have Jesus. when the Holy Spirit was sent back Jesus could be all places and hear and help each person that called upon him.
  12. question 5 Satan takes our past sins and tries to use them against us. If we live closely to our Savior he will have no control over us. This is a battle for us until we go to live with our Savior. If we live for Jesus his word tells us he has forgiven our past present and future sins, but in times of weakness we let Satan in. I demand him out of my life in Jesus Christ my Savior. Jesus is sinless Satan has no power over him If we obey Jesus and live closely with God's purposes Satan can have no power over us. Praise God for that we have to watch for weak times and pray through them. I f we called on Jesus Christ Satan will run
  13. Question 4 The result of the Holy Spirit's work in our lives is deep and lasting peace. Worldly peace is defined as the absence of conflict . This peace is assurance in any circumstance with Christ's we have no need to fear the present or future. if our lives are filled with worldly happening we need to let the Holy Spirit fill us with Christ's peace
  14. Question 3 Jesus promised the disciples that the Holy Spirit would help them remember what he had been teaching them. This promise ensures the truth of the New Testament. The disciples were the witnesses of Jesus's life and teaching and the Holy Spirit helped them remember. the Holy Spirit is God send back to us through Jesus Christ our Savior.
  15. Question 2 If we are not obedient to our Savior then we can not love him. Love is commitment and the way we live our daily lives. If we love him we will read his word and tell others about him. If we truly love him we will give our life to him and faith that he will take care of us and find a place to worship him. The big thing is reading his word and obey it and live our lives through the reading of the word. WE have to love and commit our lives to him in order to obey him.We can not love Jesus Christ is we live our lives with out him. There is no way that we can love Jesus and not obey him. Jesus saves the deepest revelations of himself to those that who love and obey him.
  16. Question one 1Parakletos is the Holy Spirit that was sent to us . The Holy Spirit is the very presence of God within us and all believers helping us live as God wants. 2.It is a Comforter combines the ideas of comfort and counsel. The Holy Spirit is a powerful person on our side working for us and with us. 3 The other Parakeltos was the Spirit of God himself. 4.When Jesus Ascended he sent back the Holy Spirit ,when he walk on earth as a man he could not be at all places at one time now because he gave us the Holy Spirit he can be with us anytime any place. The Holy Spirit has been active among people from the beginning of time but after Pentecost he came to live in all believers.
  17. 1. To me very intolerant if anyone believes any other way than that to get to the father is through Jesus is not a true believer. 2. His death atones for all the world dead or alive. 3.They can't separate the two it is hard for people to believe that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. it is hard for me but I believe the word and I know it is the truth.
  18. 1.Jesus is the way because he is both God and man. 2.By uniting our lives with his we are united with God. 3.As the way Jesus is our path.As the truth he is the reality of all God's promises.As the life he joins his divine life to ours both now and eternally. 4. if we truly accept Jesus as our Savior we know that all his promises are true. In talking to other people all we have to do is tell them what Jesus has done for you.
  19. 1.A place we will go for eternity to be Jesus. 2. He will prepare a place for us if we believe and return to us. 3.It comforts me in that I will live eternally with Jesus no tears no sickness just praising Jesus. what other things here could comfort you like verse 2
  20. 1. Jesus says that our Christlike love will show we are his disciples 2.if you are a truly a believer all will see your love by your action in your worshping 3 you have to be openly loving to others if you don't how will others see the love you spread to others 4.My church openly shows love but you can see sometimes jealousy petty bickering.you pray and love one and all. What is hard for me is to love the unloveable and they are out there but I pray for strenght and know we are to love all.
  21. To love others is not a new commandment (see Leviticus 19: 18) but to love others as much as Christ loved others was revolutionary. We are to love others based on Jesus sacrificial love for us. Jesus is love. Such love will not only bring unbelievers to Christ it will also keep believers strong and united in a world hostile to God. Jesus was a living example of God's love as we show Christlike love to demonstrate that we are his disciples.
  22. When we let Satan in our lives he overcomes us and we can't see right from wrong. I think this is what happen to Judas he was so full of Satan he thought he could get by with what he was about to do. Greed and money for the want of it will invite Satan into your life. We have to believe that our Savior will take care of us even if we have no money. Greedy people if they don't invite Jesus into their life and love all the same is doomed. Judas was so dead-set on having the money nothing could not stop him he could have told Jesus at the table about what he going to do but greed kept him from doing this. I think in this world people don't know or care that you cannot serve two master and Judas chose his.
  23. The world's system of leadership is very different from the Kingdom's.Worldly leaders are often selfish and arrogant as they claw their way to the top. As a christian the leader is to be the one who serves best. All Christians leaders need a servant heart In the Kingdom we are all to be humble doing for others and putting others before us. we will depend upon our Lord and Savior. he ask the people to pray for him to me this put himself in a servant position. He took much smaller place to live. To me he was showing humility and not being arrogant. He come to serve and to he serve with a good heart
  24. Jesus was trying to show that being humble and putting others first is the way to be. He become a servant to show that the servant is not greater than his lord neither he that is sent is greater than the one that sent him Jesus showed that we have to love one another as Jesus came to love us and bring salvation to all We live this to serve others and to love others as Jesus did for us. We are to bring salvation to others and to live our lives as best as Jesus lived his. Thank you Jesus for bring salvation to me.
  25. 1.Jesus was trying to tell Peter that he had been cleanse by giving his life to him. Which to me he had been fully immersed (Baptize) the washing of the feet represented to repent daily. Daily we are to cleanse ourselves by humbly asking for forgiveness. Also this task was to extend Jesus mission on earth after he was gone. They were to move into the world serving God and others to show the message of salvation to others.
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