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Everything posted by quilter

  1. Jesus saw all the people the woman told and He stay that second day to tell them about his Father and who He was. Jesus died on the cross for everyone not just certain people He is King of Kings and Lord of Lord. If you are a believer you will reign with him forever and ever. he is our eternal life. Our church mission is is to get out and work and change peoples lives as He did for us
  2. The wages Jesus offers are the joy of working for Him and seeing the harvest of believers.These wages come to sower as well reapers. Both gets joy in seeing new believers come into Christs Kingdom.
  3. The woman at the well. As she was telling others about this man at the well they saw a change in her so deep they believe this sinful woman. Goes to show me if you lead a spiritual life people will want you to tell them about the Lord. Sharing my testimony would probably make Jesus proud of me. I was raised in a family without hearing about Jesus and his love for us. Never heard love mention in my home. I started living for the Lord late in life and understanding the Bible was hard for me. I love the Lord and live for him daily and read the Bible and go to worship every Sunday driving about 80 miles one way. I know there are closer churches to me but this is where the Lord has put me. We need to look for people that are hurting and tell them about our Lord Jesus Christ and the fields are ripe if they don't come to us we need to go to them. We need to open our eyes and look for this.
  4. The woman at the well. As she was telling others about this man at the well they saw a change in her so deep they believe this sinful woman. Goes to show me if you lead a spiritual life people will want you to tell them about the Lord. Sharing my testimony would probably make Jesus proud of me. I was raised in a family without hearing about Jesus and his love for us. Never heard love mention in my home. I started living for the Lord late in life and understanding the Bible was hard for me. I love the Lord and live for him daily and read the Bible and go to worship every Sunday driving about 80 miles one way. I know there are closer churches to me but this is where the Lord has put me. We need to look for people that are hurting and tell them about our Lord Jesus Christ and the fields are ripe if they don't come to us we need to go to them. We need to open our eyes and look for this.
  5. Jesus was talking about His food as being His spiritual nourishment. It includes more than Bible study,prayer,and attending church.It comes from doing God's will and helping to bring His work of salvation to completion. His passion was to see that everyone receive His salvation with help from all. My passion is to lead my family back to the Lord. I pray for them and try to talk to them and know one wants to listen. I pray for the Lord to have mercy on them and pray a hedge around them until they receive Him back into their lives. Maybe I am not praying right. Open to any suggestions. Maybe work harder on God's work pray harder. Evaluate my spiritual life and pray for the Holy Spirit to fill me that I can lead people to the Lord. Get out and do more work for the Lord. Maybe the Lord would look upon me in a different way I may not be doing what he wants me to do.
  6. John 4:23-24 tells me that God is a spirit meaning he is not physical being limited to one place. He is present everywhere and can be worship anytime and anywhere To worship in spirit and in truth is to know Jesus Christ as our Savior. When we worship we to have all iniquity out of heart to do this we pray for forgiveness and asking the Holy Spirit to help us. if we cannot find the right words to pray the Holy Spirit prays for us.(Romans 8:26).I always ask for forgiveness before I pray. Yes I have come to worship with every thing on my mind but worship. this is where we need to pray for the Holy Spirit to come into us and clean up our mind and let the Spirit flow. We are more pleasing to God in our worship when we come with worshipping in truth and Spirit with nothing else on our minds and we do this by praying for the Spirit to fill us and clear our mind. To pray for all iniquity to be taken from us.
  7. I think this woman was in awe that this man she thought was prophet knew all about her. I also believe she was trying to turn away from this conversation about worship and where to worship. In all it had got to personal for her to deal with. the truth of the matter is they don't the word and try to impose on us what little they know. You have to study the word to show that you can prove what you say is truth and be ready to show with scriptures. Their motives are to steer us away with what is being taught it is uncomfortable for them because they are hearing the true word.
  8. She knew in talking that Jesus knew her past. She called him a prophet.In talking to Jesus she knew he was a different man than the ones she had in her life. She become uncomfortable with the conversation and tried to avoid it by talking around it. Gently Jesus brought her back and she realized that this was the long awaited Messiah . When we talk Jesus to others they get uncomfortable and try to talk about other things but we are to gently bring Jesus back to the conversation. It had a glorious effect on her she believed and went to tell others, That is exactly what we are to do. When others see the change the Holy Spirit has on us they want what we have. This is the time to share Jesus with them. We are to tell through Jesus Christ as our Savuior we will have increased faith by accepting Him and read His word and pray earnestly for the Holy Spirit to come into us.
  9. The gift of God and living waters is when we become believers and live for God. We leave our sinful ways and become a follower of Jesus Christ who went to the cross to make this possible. I think the woman at the well felt a different stirring in her while talking to Jesus.When we really get in touch with Jesus Christ The Holy Spirit fills us up. The gift of God is nothing we do it is asking Jesus to come into our lives and we become a child of God and have eternal life. This world is not all there is we have life with Jesus forever and forever. PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME This gift is being born again and filled with the Holy Spirit.
  10. People are thirsty for God's word they are trying to find happiness in worldly things. They put it all before Jesus. We will never be content until Jesus is first in our lives. If someone went to a popular ball game and the announcer said no game today we will talk about Jesus the stadium would be about empty. I am not saying I"m against ballgame just proving that more will go to a worldly event than go to church and worship the Lord I have done this and had no happiness. We need to put the world behind us and the cross before us.I think we will be judge of what we didn't do. Yes the woman seem spiritually thirsty and the more Jesus talk with her the more she realized how immoral she was living. This proves to me when we study the Bible pray and tell others about Jesus the Holy Spirit inside us will convict us to follow Jesus If we are to witness to others we need to tell them about our spiritually thirst and and took the living water
  11. Jesus has no social norms He came for one and all. The gospel is for all nations we put the socialism into it. No matter what race, social position or past sins He came for all. We hesitate because we don't want to offend anyone or how they believe if different from our own ways. We should be like Jesus tell all about the love he gave us when He went to the cross for each one. There are many out there that don't want to hear about Jesus we have to keep trying that is what Jesus compelled us to do in reality we will lose friends and stir up contention. So be it we are doing what Jesus wants us to do.
  12. Yes it is possible to believe Gods love and wrath at the same. We have a loving God that sent his son to the cross so we would not endure His wrath. Jesus said that those who believe in him have everlasting life To avoid Gods wrath we decide to whom we live for. when we give our life to Christ we have decided to follow Jesus. God wants us to choose him and life. The wrath of God is Gods final judgement and rejection of the sinner. I am so happy I follow Jesus the world behind me the cross before me Indecision is a fatal decision.
  13. We must do exactly what this verse said. We must show humility. We do nothing on our own. Pastors and christian leaders and people can be tempted to focus on the success of their ministries than on Christs. To trust in the Lord read and study His word pray for understanding and wisdom. Most of all read his word and listen to sermon being preach. Also you have to discern the message being preach. Pray, learn the word of God so if it is not God's word you will know. The best for me is to pray for discerning and understanding.
  14. John had no jealousy at all toward Jesus ministry he was called to prepare the way to Jesus. I find joy anytime some is going strong in their ministry. If it does anything to me its to make me work harder. I think each pastor thinks their way is the best way.What they should do is work together. They are where their at because God called them. They should always remember their job is to lead the congregation and lead people to the Lord.
  15. I may have until I realize that it is not our church. If it be large or small God leads you where you need to be or where He wants you to be and I realize that now. If you resented someone leaving your church we didn't pray about and didn't think about God calling them some where else and their could be jealousy involved.If this is the case we need to have a talk with Jesus to help us get jealousy out of heart. I dont think it is self-pity it could be a good friend that we miss .
  16. It was so important to teach his disciples all He could. He knew they were going to carrying on when He left this earth. His strategy was to fill them with so much knowledge that they could go out and make disciples and teach and preach his word. Just as He did in John's day. He gives us his word to read and study. He calls preachers to preach. He tells us in his word to feed my people. We do this by telling others about what Jesus did for me He will do for you Our time with the Discipler is when we go to worship at church when we do our bible study,when we pray. The greatest thing is our time with the Discipler can be anytime thanks to our Lord and Saviour giving his Son so we can turn to the Almighty at anytime. It is very important to me to help ones that are in need. You may be with people that don't know Jesus as their Saviour this is the time to share Jesus Christ as He would do for us.
  17. It is famous because God gave his only Son for our sins. God's love is not self-centered it reaches out and draws others in. In this verse God sets the pattern of what true love is. It teaches me that me that God paid dearly with the life of his Son the highest price He could pay. Jesus accepted our punishment and paid the price for our sins and then offered us the new life he bought for us. PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME. It teaches that God's life embodied in Christ given to all believers is a guarantee that they will live forever. When we don't know Christ we make choices as though this is the only life we'll have. This life is the introduction to eternity with God the Father God the Son and the HOLY GHOST. It tells me that we have to give our lives to Christ(being born again) to enter into his Kingdom. I ask anyone who reads this if you have not been born again to find a good bible based church and renew your life. If we don't do this our home will be forever in hell.
  18. It could mean of water and the Spirit the contrast between physical birth(water) and spiritual birth(Spirit) or being made new by the Spirit and showing that rebirth by christian baptism. when we are born physically we are not alive in Christ. we have to be reborn and that is giving our all to the Lord And Savuior no matter how good a life we live we have to give it all to Jesus Christ to be come a believer When we give our life to Christ I think the next step is to be immerse in water being cleansed. I know baptism is a symbol of going down and coming up a new person. Praise Our Savior.
  19. I think it has everything to do with it born anew bornabove is the same. The difference is what Bible you are reading. You have to be born again to enter the Kingdom of God no matter how you phrase it. It is for ones already given their life to Christ. when you give your life to Christ you have entered into Kingdom as believers.
  20. Jesus taught that to enter into the Kingdom of God you have to be born again. Being born again is being born spiritually. You have to give your life to the Lord. After the rebirth into the Kingdom you will want to give your all to Jesus. I don't think Nicodemus understood at this talk with Jesus but on over in this book of John he did and gave his life to him.
  21. Faith to me is believing in Jesus Christ. When we pray I have faith that God will answer that prayer. Now faith is the substance of things hope for,the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 If we have to see miracles to believe or have faith then maybe our faith is superficial. My faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is that if I pray I know He will come through because of my faith in Jesus our Lord. It is true faith if we don't have to see miracles every time we pray. I have enough faith that I know my Jesus is there for me. Prayer life is necessary for us to develop true faith reading his word hearing his word. Faith comes by hearing and hearing is the word of God Jesus did see it was a problem because He knew the faith of some of the followers was not true followers. Some of the same people went on and cried out crucify him. We need to keep our faith strong even when it is not popular to believe. Thank You Jesus for giving me strong faith in you
  22. Yes Jesus was angry. He took the evil acts in the Temple as an insult against His Father. Jesus could not stand this flagrant act of disrespect toward God. Jesus was angry but He didn't sin He showed that He meant business. You can be angry but don't sin it is hard to do and I do this sometimes. anger gets us in trouble when we try to handle on our own. We need to get over the anger and then ask God help us with what made us angry.
  23. There were selling of animals exchanging money for a much higher price than it was worth. They were making the Temple a place of buying and selling. Jesus was offended because His Father's house was so full of buying and selling no one could get in to pray or worship.These people didn't give thought that this was God's house. They were making money and nothing else matter. Jesus was angry and put all the sellers and what they were selling out in a very harsh way. His example does not permit us to use violence against wrongdoing. Certain authority is just granted to some but not all example police officers judges etc. Jesus had God's authority something we cannot have. While we want to live like Christ we should not try to claim his authority where it has been given to us. Jesus got angry but did not sin. Bible tells us we can be angry but not sin.
  24. Jesus didn't want to call attention to himself. He was there to celebrate the wedding with friends and family. He was trying to protect the host of the wedding and the bride and groom He wanted all the glory to be given to them. Jesus wanted the best for the wedding celebrating just as we will have the best at the wedding we will celebrate with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The quality of the wine tells me we can have the best of everything if we give all the glory to God. Why wait until everything runs out before trying God? Why save the best till last?
  25. People who drink in excess uses this to tell themselves and others that drinking is fine. They say Jesus drink so it is ok. Drunkenness is never right you do things you normally would not do. It takes away needs for you family and causes problems with friends and family. People look everywhere but to God for excitement and meaning and pleasures just as the wine Jesus made was the best life in Him is better than life on our own. Praise the Lord.
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