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Everything posted by csreeves

  1. We are at odds with our humaness vs our Spirit led sid. We are fighting and the Spirit side wins. If we are Spirit lead we are not under the law. We are told allot of things, but we aren't on this earth to please any humans we are placed here to love and follow the Spirit. Yeilding to Spirit led we are less denying the humaness and becoming stronger than the flesh. We are sinners, but the more we are lead (as an act of obedience) the more we look and act like our Father. Besides we who are spirit led constantly re-evaluate our sins and ask for forgiveness before we allow them to create a block between us and the Spirit.
  2. yes By keeping the laws of this world unless they condrict with God's laws and keeping God's laws. Backbiting and rudeness in a congreation is sin for Christians do not in any way do anything to create problems in God's house.
  3. Christ, the Jews felt died on a cruel cross which was the lowest form for putting anyone to death and this offense spured much anger. Today the Cross offends unbelievers as a cruel joke. Yes it appears that many belivers have become less a light and more in the dark.
  4. Circumsion was a "mark of identity" in the Old Testament. After New Testament Jesus took the place of circumsion. Jesus works with a through us to create a "clean heart" and walks with us daily to continue creating us to be more like him if we let him.
  5. idiom referring to a loss of status, respect, or prestige. "Fallen away" ekpiptō, "fall," here figuratively, "to change for the worse from a favorable condition, lose something."[184]The image is that once you were up high, and now you've fallen from your exalted place. Grace, of course, is God's favor. Without God's favor on us, we are left to our own devices, to try to cobble together our own righteousness based on righteous deeds that stem from mixed and often corrupt and selfish motives. Isaiah said, "All our righteous acts are like filthy rags" (Isaiah 64:6), literally menstrual cloths. We may think we look good, but stains and filth and pollution are what God sees. Present day Christian leagism today is all the same as "fallen from grace."
  6. Paul does grieve over his spiritual children yet trys to treat them first with love and questions them as we might our own children. Paul tells his story to Christianity and pleads with them to return to Godly ways. This is the same way Jesus treats us or would even more if he were present.
  7. Freedom from our past ways before we became Christ follower was all about rules and regs which left out any relationship. That is the way the Galations. More strickly for show which isn't worshiping God or Jesus. Paul grieved over this sad service instead of worthy worship to our Saviour. Today I worship a wonderful big brother who loved me first, knew my sin, and died and rose again for a sinner who deserves death yet receives riches through grace.
  8. come between 2 individuals The Law is to keep order not to justify a person. It is there to interveine between 2 individuals.not to expose sin.
  9. Cursed by the Law because we haven't perfected it isn't Grace for no one can be or is perfect so only Grace is perfected not Law.
  10. Salvation comes by faith, the gentiles are Abraham's spiritual children, and Grace comes before Law.
  11. Salvation starts with faith and with the Holy Spirit which comes before the Law. Grace is a gift not something we earn and miracles are received from believing and trusting not by Law.
  12. I accepted Christ and entered into a relationship with him-this is when I was "crucified with Christ" and his way overrid my ways of living. God motivates me each day because I am a new creation of infinate worth.
  13. Circumcision was a way of purification used before Christ and upon Christ's return. Christ's death for our sins is suffiicient without circumcision.Not associating with Gentiles is hypocrisy, a way of pretending we are better, rather than recognizing that we are all the same under grace.So, Paul is saying, if I now depend upon Christ for my justification, it suddenly makes me realize that I'm a sinner needing his justification, no longer a Jew that seems secure in being "righteous" within the covenant. I'm suddenly aware of my sin and vulnerability because of it. Does this mean that Christ somehow makes me a sinner where I wasn't one before? No. That's foolishness! (Paul is defending himself here, as in Romans 6:1-2, against a false charge of antinomianism by his opponents.) Paul's Judaizer opponents are rebuilding the law as that which justifies, a position forever destroyed by the once-for-all sacrifice of Christ on the cross to justify us from our sins! He says with irony that the law-promoters have become the law-breakers.
  14. It is hard to seperate my beliefs than the beliefs of the way Christ wants us to teach others. the church at Antioch tried to impose their beliefs on top of Christ's true teachings. The danger is totally incorrect teaching and misleading the Gospel.
  15. Peter wasn't following Jesus teachings and needed to be confronted in front of all-Jews and Gentiles-because all needed to see him turn back to Christ's ways and sometimes we need to show in our walk. To see the confrontation was an example of their possible confrontation and as a reminder of their commitment. Peter was over Paul so Paul was extremely stressed.
  16. Peter exaimed Paul and embraced him and the Gentiles. His character was unsure and slightly fearful so he withdrew. He was fearful of Paul's conversion. yes apologize to God and Paul.
  17. Paul seems to think of himself as an apostle or disciple yet he feels almost the unacceptance of his new position since they felt their ministry is to the Jews and his idea to the Gentiles was contasting to their understanding that God's message was to the Jews only. He is an disciple according to Jesus yet he felt he also was needing their covering which is their approval.
  18. Paul's truth comes from Jesus' teachings or revelation that circumcision is a Old Testament practice, but more importantly a circumsion of the heart into a follower.
  19. The Demacus Road experience made him understand his divine revelation. God uses each unique gifts that he provides Christians abilities to reach and minister to others for Christ. My uniqueness is the ability to relate to others through my experiences I have had-drugs, alcohol, abuse.... I live my life as a blessing to know and serve him.
  20. Paul had an blinding experience on Demascus Road and met Jesus Christ in a life changing way-his life, his heart, and his actions. It conforms with the teachings of Jesus instead of the murderer that was the earthly way. This also taught Paul to reach out to others than the Jews. The danger for teaching his new beliefs were possibly his life.
  21. This dangerous because there is to be no addtiions nor subtractions to God's Word and any perversions is dangerous in confusing any believer way for the Galations or in present day Christians causing some to become an unbeliever.
  22. Rescuer because he gave himself in place of our sins. He continually rescue us daily through his word, little quiet voices that we discern, and through others (Pastors. teachers, etc)
  23. Shalom is a peace given by stopping all opposition and unrighteousness. No sickness no condemnation. Only praise for God and a peaceful existance beyond our understanding.
  24. He saved his life by not slaying him and Gideon built an altar as a promise if we follow him we will be His friend and would bestow blessings upon him. The altar stood for a symbol of peace.
  25. Save is to redeem and Saviour is the one who redeemed us from our sins He died and rose again for me and you.
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