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Q1. Using Hebrews 11:1-3 as your source, how would you put in your own words what faith is and does?

Hebrews 11:1-3 says:

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good report. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear." Hebrews 11:1-3 (KJV)

Faith is believing that what you hope for exist even though you cannot see it. We have on record faith in action by the Patriarchs. They held faith, received answers to prayers and saw the promises of God fulfilled. The same faith that we have to believe in creation is the faith that we need to activate for all that we need today. The same God who created the universe is the God who will supply all our needs.

  • 1 month later...

Q1. Using Hebrews 1:1-3 as your source, how would you put in your own words what faith is and does?

Faith is a glorious gift from God whereby one can be sure of God's promises of eternal life with Himfor those who accept His promises.

Q1. Using Hebrews 1:1-3 as your source, how would you put in your own words what faith is and does?

Not only is Jesus the exact representation of God., but he is God Himself -- the very Old Testament times He is eternal; He worked with the father in creating the world( John 1:3 ) He is the full revelation of God . You can have no clearer view of God than by looking at Christ. Jesus Christ is the complete expression of God in a human body,

The power that brought the universe into being and that keeps it operationg is the very power that removes our sins. No sin is to big for the Ruler of the universe to handle. He can and will forgive us when we come to Him through His Son. That Jesus sat down means that the work was complete. Christ's sacrifice was final

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.

To me faith is knowing that I know what the bible says is truth and it gets deep in my Spirit when things all around look like everything is falling apart. I look toward the word and remember who created the universe is my deliverer. I then know there is Hope in Him that all is well and I trust in the one who died for the very thing that seems hopeless. So I know everything is going to be O.K. That is faith believing and trusting in the God who created me is not going to desert me no matter what .


Q1. Using Hebrews 1:1-3 as your source, how would you put in your own words what faith is and does?

1Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

2For by it the elders obtained a good report.

3Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

Faith is have a deep belief that something is true, even though there is no physical proof as the world requires to say that it is. Being sure in your heart that Christ is God and He alone made you and all things around you. He alone can save you from your sins and give you a life after death, that is faith. It keeps you on the road to Christ sharing His love with those around you and trying every day to live out the life He has called us to live.


1 In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. 3 The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.

Faith is the driving force which propells mankind to do everything and anything. Some have faith in themselves, but for the Christian we place our faith in the LORD. The difference between the two is the evidence which sustains that faith. The world in us seeks approval from others which is attained through physical appearance, power, or the accumulation of money. Think about it: how many advertizements have you seen for hair replacements, botox, tummy tucks, exercise machines, teeth whiteners, investment schemes, get rich in the realestate, etc. etc. in the past month? All for the preceived judgement of man.

The key to these verses is, "After he had provided purification for sins". This is also the key to the "Parable of the Talents" believe it or not. We are all sinners and the one with the ten talents was forgiven much and he forgave much as God will in turn, in heaven, forgive much more. The person who forgives does not judge and sees no need to escape judgement and therefore is not a slave to themselves, chasing after the best of the world.

So for me I have faith that Jesus died, rose again and is now seated at the right hand of God and has prepared a place in heaven just for me and I would rather chase after that, than chase after the wind.


I think it odd that mankind chases after the thing which he longs to escape.


Q1. Using Hebrews 1:1-3 as your source, how would you put in your own words what faith is and does?

Faith is knowing that in Old Testament times, God spoke to the prophets in many different ways, and foretold the detals of the life of His Son, who was to come, the Messiah, which all came to pass in the same way in which it was told. During Jesus' life, He obeyed His Father, died on the cross and was appointed Heir of all things and was glorified in the radiance of His Father and in His exact image. He finished the work of His Father perfectly for our sake. These facts give us the basis to know certainly we can rely on God's promises to us. This kind of faith diminishes our worries and stress as we can turn them over to God and trust Him for the best outcome. This is a much easier and happier life than one of depending only on ourselves and failing without Him.


Using Hebrews 1:1-3 as your source, how would you put in your own words what faith is and does?

Faith Is a firm belief in something for which there is no proof, complete trust or something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially a system of religious.

In this verses faith is the confidence based on past experience that God's new and fresh surprises will surely be ours


Not quite in my own words but; "God said it, I believe it, that's it."

Faith is a tangible hope, a hope that we know will come to pass because Jesus promised that it would be so. This faith inspires and is life, giving us knowledge that as long as we trust in the Savior everything will be all right. It is shalom, a peace that passes all understanding.


Q1. Using Hebrews 1:1-3 as your source, how would you put in your own words what faith is and does?

I'm assuming that the reference is Heb 11:1-3.

According to Romans 1:20, "The invisible things from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things which are made .... so that they are without excuse." Put this together with Hebrews 11:1 "Now, faith is the substance ofthings hoped for, the evidenceof things not seen." and you get a clear picture that there is plenty of evidence of God the Creator in the things He has made. No one can honestly suggest otherwise. You look at a power switch and think "electricity". It's not seen but the evidence that you can get it there is real. You look at creation and you think Creator. You have excellent reason for your deduction. In all of nature there is nothing that happens without a cause. You have faith in the evidence. Look at an iceberg and as a scientist you think about the nine-tenths invisible iceberg that lies hidden under the water. Hear a bark, think of a dog. It's a very normal process to deduct from things seen (or heard) facts about what you can't see. Faith is just this - a deduction that you make from your experience.

God has given us this faith - ability to deduct from experience. We put it where we can perceive. The more experience of God we have, the more we can deduce (ie the more our faith can grow).

Where it gets messed up is when we have a personal agenda to follow. This stops us acknowledging truth and starts us on fantasising about what we want truth to be, and getting concepts like "your truth", which have no meaning at all. This kind of fantasising (believing a lie) led Cain to offer an unacceptable sacrifice and then to murder his brother Abel. It also leads us into much mischief and suffering.

However, if we honestly look at everything it is impossible to escape the conclusion that there is a Creator, and that He has made a very nice little nest for us down here. Abraham believed this and actually believed it strongly enough to develop a relationship with his creator, Jehovah. (You can also develop a relationship with the light switch by turning the light on!). That was the beginning of the Jewish nation. Abraham discovered (probably by thanking and praising his Creator) that Jehovah would actually communicate with him, and then everything escalated from there.

Faith is a very simple thing, but taken to its proper conclusions (cf turning on the light switch) extremely powerful and deep. There is no end to where it can take you. The only requirement is total honesty and integrity, because without that everything gets misinterpreted!

What faith does? Faith enlarges the realities in which you live and move and have your being. When you are certain of something because of your experience, then you are on very sound territory and become strong and invincible. If you are certain of a paycheque at the end of the week (from the evidence of past experience) you can plan accordingly. If you are not certain, then plans can be invalidated if you make them at all, and there is weakness, with all the frustration, depression, disappointment etc that goes with it. Those three things might be the opposite of faith. But as with the paycheque, so with faith, comes excitement, possibilities, a future, plans, vision, hope, intention, potential and joy.

So, the more we know about Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, the more excited we'll be about that knowledge, and the more faith we'll have, and the further we'll be able to go with God - so it's all about getting to know him, spending time with Him (as one does with the golf club, or the football). and faith can have no limits.

Q1. Using Hebrews 1:1-3 as your source, how would you put in your own words what faith is and does?

1) Even though we are not able to see it, faith is the assurance that we shall receive it.

2) Through faith we understand that the world was made by the Word of God, even though these things were made from what we could not see.

Not only is Jesus the exact representation of God., but he is God Himself -- the very Old Testament times He is eternal; He worked with the father in creating the world( John 1:3 ) He is the full revelation of God . You can have no clearer view of God than by looking at Christ. Jesus Christ is the complete expression of God in a human body,

The power that brought the universe into being and that keeps it operationg is the very power that removes our sins. No sin is to big for the Ruler of the universe to handle. He can and will forgive us when we come to Him through His Son. That Jesus sat down means that the work was complete. Christ's sacrifice was final

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.

To me faith is knowing that I know what the bible says is truth and it gets deep in my Spirit when things all around look like everything is falling apart. I look toward the word and remember who created the universe is my deliverer. I then know there is Hope in Him that all is well and I trust in the one who died for the very thing that seems hopeless. So I know everything is going to be O.K. That is faith believing and trusting in the God who created me is not going to desert me no matter what .

God called the universe into existence out of nothing; He declared that it was to be, and it was. Our faith is in the God who created the entire universe by His word. God's word has awesome power. When He speaks, do you listen and respond? How can you better prepare yourself to respond to God's word.

I can respond to God's word in repentence of any sins and turn fron what ever is keeping me from being obedient to His word. I can spend more time in His awesome presence to know Him more intimately.

Q1. Using Hebrews 11:1-3 as your source, how would you put in your own words what faith is and does?

According to Hebrews 11:1-3,- 1 "Faith is the substance of things hoped for" (our believing and accepting ownership of God's promises) "the evidence of things not seen" (we believe in what the word of God tells us, without having to see the evidence)

2 For by it, the Elders obtained a good report ("it" being, I think, the death of our Messiah on the cross, which was approved by our Lord as having been carried out by Christ perfectly)

3 "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God" (I believe refers to creation of every living thing by God's word) "so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear" (I believe means that we know that in the beginning there was only God, and all of creation that can be seen, was created through God's words, and He did not draw on anything that already existed - for there was just Him, and the void of nothingness, until He spoke "Let there be light, ............." --- until He spoke our entire world and all of its inhabitants into being for us.

What does this faith do for us? We can love Him and live our lives through this love and relax because the job of saving us has already been done. Instead of worrying and feeling guilty, we can repent of our sins and know that Jesus has already atoned for them for us. Instead of fretting, we can rejoice. We can stop trying to be perfect, as God knows that will only happen when we enter into His glory. When we truly love God, we live in His light and constantly strive to stay in our walk with Him. We are released from the bondage of sin, and are free to get closer to Him every day.


Faith is knowing what the Truth is, believing it & knowing for sure that it will be fulfilled one day.


Faith is believing that things are as we have hoped for and for things we have not yet seen with our own eyes.

Having faith keeps us connected to God and His Kingdom.


Q1. Using Hebrews 11:1-3 as your source, how would you put in your own words what faith is and does?

Through faith we possess the "title deed," the document that assures our ownership of the promises of God, in the same way that the Holy Spirit is our "guarantee," "down payment," or "earnest money" (2 Corinthians 1:22; 5:5; Ephesians 1:14) of the fullness of God which we'll experience in heaven.

This is the view and understanding I agree with and this is how it made me see in light of revelation of the Holy Spirit.

As a child I gave my heart to Jesus and I had a knowing and understanding that He was the Son of God and that there was a real Heaven and that if I did things right I would go. Salvation was there like sand runs along the border of the ocean, but there was no immersion into the water and not much wading either. So, all through childhood and adulthood I stayed on the beach never getting into the water.

Then as time went and life got harder and everything around got darker and I couldn't see anything but the water and felt there was no place to go but to the water, I knew I had to take to the water to escape or die. As, you see I chose to dive for I am still here.

This is when Jesus became a real person to me and this is when I knew that eternity was real and Heaven was real and that the cross was for me and this is when the Holy Spirit hovered over me and darkness left and my soul was no longer null and void. This where all creation became real to me and this were the kingdom of God became real and alive and this is where my faith, true faith in God began and His word was alive and speaking to me and this is where the beach was no longer just sand, but this is where I had be walking all my life....... on the promise of the New Covenant and it is where I understand that I have ownership in the kingdom of God, a guarantee, and this is where the fullness of God is in which I'll experience in heaven.

Faith is like my deed to everything in Heaven all the yea's and amen's in God's word and that I can have what I say and I can receive what I believe and that I can be confident that He will never leave me nor forsake me.

My deed gives me back everything satan sold from me and my generations for a thousand generations that was intend for us in the garden and more. For He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly more than I could ever ask or think for there is more God can do for me in the Blood of Jesus and in the name of Jesus.

Do you see that this is what Abraham saw? And, I was in the number of the grains sand that he saw within his faith and promises of God.


Faith is the key that unlocks the door of salavation.

What makes it even stronger is the fact that our faith is in that unseen, faith in our motor vehicle to get us from a to b; faith in a chair we are just going to sit in; faith in our spouses cooking; are all things we can see/touch. But faith in the unseen takes even a stronger emphasis and as Mark 11.22 commands us - 'Have faith in God'


My faith in God's Word causes me to be sure of what I hope for and certian of what I do not see. My worldview and faith is based on God's Word as recorded in the Holy Bible. I trust, hope and am certian that the Holy Bible is truth and what has unfolded and will unfold, as recorded in the Bible, has and will happen. My faith moves me to respond to God's Word and live it out as a WAY of life.


Q1. Using Hebrews 1:1-3 as your source, how would you put in your own words what faith is and does?

Faith is accepting God's Word, believing it, and putting it into action. Faith is being wrapped up in the blanket of God


Q1. Using Hebrews 1:1-3 as your source, how would you put in your own words what faith is and does?

God used many prophets down the line to explain ahead of time, His plans here and His plans there. Since the death and resurrection of Jesus, we can now enter into communion with God Himself. This doesn


Faith is having the confidence that what we hope for, which has yet to be manifested, will come to pass.

Faith gives us the confidence that what God has promised, He will do.


Q1. Using Hebrews 11:1-3 as your source, how would you put in your own words what faith is and does?

God has given to mankind a gift, a measure of "Faith" to believe. As the Holy spirit draws one to the truth, faith is there to believe; But, with that measure of faith, God gives to mankind the gift of - "choice." Faith cannot be seen, but, it can be felt, felt in ones heart and mind, for faith is a touch of God's love.

Faith is generated when one hears the Word of God and by the working of the Holy Spirit, all man has to do is make the "choice" to use the measure of faith God gave, birthing a new life and joy unspeakable.

Once I made the choice to believe, my faith has grown, as I read God's Word my faith continues to grow, as I have fellowship with other believers my faith has grown, as I continue to put my trust in the Lord my faith keeps growing, and now I can say, "faith is the substance of things I hope for, the evidence of things not seen, it is real, it is true, and I thank You Father for giving to me this gift of "faith" Love, Darlene


Q1. Using Hebrews 11:1-3 as your source, how would you put in your own words what faith is and does?

God has given to mankind a gift, a measure of "Faith" to believe. As the Holy spirit draws one to the truth faith is there to believe; But, with that measure of faith, God gives to mankind the gift of - "choice." Faith cannot be seen, but it can be felt, felt in ones heart and mind, for faith is a touch of God's love.

Faith is generated when one hears the Word of God and by the working of the Holy Spirit, all man has to do is make the "choice" to use the measure of faith God gave, birthing a new life and joy unspeakable.

Once I made the choice to believe, my faith has grown, as I read God's Word my faith continues to grow, as I have fellowship with other believers my faith has grown, as I continue to put my trust in the Lord my faith keeps growing, now I can say, "faith is the substance of things I hope for, the evidence of things not seen, it is real, it is true, and I thank You Father for giving to me this gift of "faith"

Love, Darlene

Q1. Using Hebrews 11:1-3 as your source, how would you put in your own words what faith is and does?

Faith is more than a feeling or saying that one has a feeling or believes. As God formed the universe from nothing in the beginning, so our faith must become action in our lives. If we believe in God, then our belief makes us to do things that show what we believe. God believed He was God in the beginning. From His belief in Himself, He formed the world and mankind from nothing that was seen. Then if came into being.

If I believe in God than I must have faith in God as He had faith in Himself to act on what is not seen as if it were there.

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