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Q2. These chapters contain many insights into worship that have been adopted by the Christian Church. What do you learn about Christian worship from chapters 4 and 5? Don't miss the basics. Your list might include 20 elements and concepts of worship -- or more.

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Well there is cerainly a lot to think about in these chapters and I don't think we will ever comprehend the splendor of of God until we are there with Him and it will take all eternity to do that so we will never fully comprehend our God.

Elements and concepts of worship:

in spirit

on His throne

His holiness

His glory

He is omnipotent


He is head of the church (that's us!!)


HIs will

His worthiness

He was slain and lives

We were purchased by His blood

Men form every tongue tribe and nation(whosoever)

We will serve Him

We will reign through His victory on the cross

He is worshipped by angels and praised constantly for His worthiness

We will bow before Him (fall down)

Everyone will sing to the Lamb Every creature!

He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah

The root of David

We worship with music He loves music that glorifies Him the King of KIngs

"To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be honor and glory and power for ever and ever.


God Bless



We worship the Lord God Almighty on His throne surrounded by His angels and saints. We will lay our crowns down before Him, for they do not belong to us--they are His and we are unworthy to claim them for ourselves. We join the hosts of heaven when we worship Him! He is worthy of praise and worship, and we worship in songs of praise and joy--both old and new! The Lord Jesus, Who was slain for us, is worthy of opening the book of life which no one else can do, and we praise Him in prayer and exposition. We kneel before Him in worship and praise for His redemption that enables us to be in His Presence! We light candles to remind us of the Light of His Presence in our service, and we carry this light out into the world after the service to signify carrying His Presence with us into our life and friendships in the world that the joy of His Salvation may be spread throughout the world. Worship should proceed in service for Him. Worship that is self-centered and self-serving is not Worship! Worship must proceed in service of He who has saved us.


Q2. These chapters contain many insights into worship that have been adopted by the Christian Church. What do you learn about Christian worship from chapters 4 and 5? Don't miss the basics. Your list might include 20 elements and concepts of worship -- or more.

1. God has given us a vision of an open door to heaven.

2. God is one on high and should be exalted as such.

3. That the Lord is like a precious gem and we should be boasting about His beauty.

4. The Lord should be elevated and treated as one would a king. He is the King of Kings.

5. Magnify the Lord with all your heart.

6. Exalt His name together.

7. Give Him everything you have. (surrender all)

8. Praise shall be continually; day and night.

9. Give honor, glory and thanks.

10. Praise Him for His mercy endures forever.

11. Fall down before Him.

12. Worthy to receive glory, and honor and power

13. That God is the God of Creation. Without Him we would not exists.

14. The only one worthy to open and read the scroll and loose its seals.

15. Praise Him with weeping.

16. Praise Him for He is as strong as a prevailing lion and as gentle as a lamb that was slain.

17. Worthy is the Lamb.

18. Praise Him with others.

19. Praise Him with harp and prayer.

20. Sing to Him a new song.

21. Shout with joy.

22. God is the one with power, riches, wisdom, and strength. Praise Him for His Spirit, who gives this to us.

23. Blessing to Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb forever and ever.

:rolleyes: Oh, just the thought gives me goosebumps it will be so glorious. I know we cannot even begin to comprehend how it will be although chapters 4 and 5 do give some clues. The beauty of the place will be beyond measure and will overwhelm us. When we see HIM we will fall down, overcome. The majesty will be awesome. We will be singing and praising HIM forever, what a wonderful thought. There will be glory, honor, power. We will feel it and will worship HIM for it. There will be singing and praising and playing of harps. Angels will be there singing and praising and worshiping. It will be some time. I can hardly wait.

:P I think we have a couple of great list so i didmt what to do it again ,I also agree it is going to be the best place ive every beem along with the best music and i think ill throw down my crowns if the Lord Jeuse gives them to me then i must be worthy of them someone said that we werent worthy to wear them but i belive anything that Jesus gives to us we should use it or take care of it an i belive we see here that there will order in his place





Q2. These chapters contain many insights into worship that have been adopted by the Christian Church. What do you learn about Christian worship from chapters 4 and 5? Don't miss the basics. Your list might include 20 elements and concepts of worship -- or more.


Three outbursts of praise and worship are directed toward Christ and the Father. (1) The beast and the Elders praise the Lamb for having redeemed them. (2) Angels also praise the Lamb for His Golry and Wisdom. (3) All of creation worships both the Father and the Son. As we come to know Christ in all of his glory, we should praise Him for all thing's. Prayer being the only way to communicate with God, we need to pray every day thank him, and praise Him for the Blessing in our live's.

;) The thing that most impressed me was the absolute freedom and joy in the worship. Things we find in our worship services are: falling down and worshipping the Lord, laying down all crowns before Him, praises constantly going forth, reading of the Word, weeping, music, prayers, worship in the Spirit, God on the throne, candles, surrender, giving honor and thanks, shouting for joy.
Guest ckghayden

What John finds on the other side of the open door is what happens on earth, worship, on a Sunday, (Spirit on the Lords Day). The worship involves 4 actions: centering, gathering, revealing, and singing. The brilliant throne and shimmering sea the elders, angelic beings, even singing points toward the center.

The 24 around ther throne take off their crowns and show submission to God. They hold bowls of incense which represents prayers. They are a group of representatives which churches have today as their ruling bodies.

The saints, living creatures, and angels around the throne are heavenly beings but also suggest these are heavenly authorities who are Gods innumerable administrators, officials, and servants as those counterparts on earth to do the bidding of the Great King.

These creatures also function as perpetual worship before God. We also sing our praises to God and Jesus in song and end our services with a loud AMEN! We give praise to both God and the Redeemer as equal in majesty.

We celebrate Easter as Christ was slain as the sacrificial lamb and is honored in heaven as on earth thru whom we have eternal life. We can triumph over life because of the blood of the Lamb,who was worthy because of his sacrifice as Messianic king to open the seals.


Worship and praise begins now

All things must be done in Spirit and in Truth

Fellowship will be in heaven also

Every knee shall bow before God

He is the Head of all things... final authority... One Worthy; Jesus

each one of us who believe and follow the Worthy One; Jesus are made up of the mulitudes of what He calls the Bride/Body.

The other lists and posts were good to read

Love in Him, Helen/sunshine


A Divine Majesty

Father and Son are worshipped cause of who they are and what they have done

(Creation and Redemption). Christ alone is worthy to judge the earth. Christ is a root of David, a Lamb, all powerfull, all knowing with all authority and perfection, we humble ourselves, worship, praise and give glory to Him, by prayer, singing and witnessing.


The point of Rev.chapter 4 is,I believe is summed up that all creatures in heaven and earth will praise and honor God because he is the Creator and Sustainer of everything.I believe the reason Christ showed John the vision of heaven so he could tell the people what heaven is really like,so the people would not fear the things of the world.We worship Jesus,The Lamb of God who takes away "all"the sin of the world.

Through true worship from the heart and a church in unity,"Draws the Holy Spirit into your worship"Shows Up"as some would say.As the Holy Spirit moves in the mist of your worship,miracles happen.

In Rev. chapter 5 Shows us only the Lamb Jesus Christ is worthy to open the scroll (which are the events of history).Only Jesus holds the future.

Receiving from the word,hearing from God as we worship.Worship ,and the presence of the Holy Spirit draws us into repentance to have us be worthy ourselves and holy.Salvation for all.


Christian worship is a time for worship and praise. I've learned the one must be humble before the Lord. We must believe that the Lord is God who has all authority. Prayer is essential. There is singing and praising a God who is worthy of all praise and worship.



The parts of worship I see are giving Jesus glory, honor and praise. Also, singing, praying, and falling down before him (as when we kneel to pray and simply falling down to worship Him! What a glorious day it will be!!!!!


1- Spirit

2- Music, harps and trumpets

3-Angels Worship him

4- He alone opens the book of life

5- He is as precious jewels

6- Worshiped by those in old testament

7- Worshiped by those he knew and us now

8- Crowns of life to be worn by his chosen

9-Churchs are with him ( the bride)

10- Angels worship him

11- In strength (Lion)

12- In service ( Calf)

13- Intelligence ( Face of man)

14- Swiftness ( Eagle)

15 All Heaven and earth worship the Father

16- His Creative power

17- He alone can judge the earth

18- He alone can break the seal

19- Lion of Judah ( Ruler)

20- Perfect sacrifice (Lamb)

21 Prayers of saints fulfilled

22- Rainbow shows Gods glory

23- Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb


1. We worship him in spirit

2. We worship him as a precious jewel

3. We worship with our music

4. We bow before him, with oour praise

5. When we worship him, we recieve our strennght as an eagle

6. Even the Angels worship him

7. He paid our sin debt, so we didn't ahve to. Making it easier for us to praise his holy name

8. All things bow before him, worshiping him as Lord

9. Even the creatures praise his name

10. We worship through helping others


*Bow down and have genuine worship *Play instrument unto the Lord *no matter what time it is, to always worship God *Pray *Give glory to God at all times in every situation *Thank God on a daily basis *Sing praise and worship songs everyday *Sing a new song unto God :P


To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy -- to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore!




:) The things/elements and concepts/insights that I've learned from Revelation chapters 4-5 about Christian worship are:

1. how they picture the throne of God in heaven

2. worshipping God in the Spirit

3. the beauty there is in heaven, what is it like?

4. about the worship in heaven day and night

5. the order of worship in heaven with the four beasts and the 24 elders

6. the humility they have in worship as they exalt the Lord, the elders fall down before Him, worship Him and cast their crowns before the throne

7. the worthiness of God to receive all the glory and the honor

8. God created all things for His pleasure

9. The Lion of the tribe of Judah

10. the Lamb that was slain

11. we are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb that was slain

12. all creation worship Him, from every kindred and tongue and people and nation.

13. how we are made kings and priests and reign on the earth.

14. how we worship God together with the angels

15. Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory and blessing

16.Every creature in heaven, on the earth, under the earth and such as are in the sea and all that are in them will say, Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power be unto Him that sits upon the throne and unto the Lamb forever and ever.

17. our worship starts here and now

18. The Lamb deserves all the glory and honor and thanks for the things He has done

19. we worship God for who He is in our lives

20. we shall all behold His glory.

Hallelujah to the Lamb that was slain!!!!!!! Worthy is He!!!!! Amen!!!!! :)


God alone is worthy of our worship

We are to give Him glory, honor, and thanks

He is worthy to recieve glory and honor and power because He is the Creator of all things

With His blood Christ purchased people from every tribe,

language, and nation.


The insights I see are a door to heaven - Christ. The Spirit taking me there.

The throne of God that we can approach because of Christ. The elders of the church. The power of God symbolised as Thunder. The attitude of humility when in the presence of God. The event of prayer. All glory to God for creation. The central element of Christ, the only one, the able one, the lamb. Omnipotence. The King of the whole earth. Rev.5:13 ' Then I heard all beings in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea offer praise. Togesther all of them were saying."Praise, honor, glory, and strength forever and ever to the one who sits on the throne and to the lamb!".

One could go on forever getting deeper and deeper.

It blows my mind to know the power of Jesus.


Some things I saw in regard to worship are: being in the spirit; giving God glory, honor, and thanks; praying; gathering; singing; and humbling before the presence of God. Christian worship is designed to humble ourselves before the Lord so we can be in His presence to honor and adore Him.

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