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Q4. (2 Corinthians 2:10-11) How does Satan take advantage of our unforgiveness? What are the symptoms in our own heart of unforgiveness? According to Matthew 6:14-15, how does holding unforgiveness hurt our spiritual lives? What would you have to do to really let go of your resentment and give it to God?

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Q4. (2 Corinthians 2:10-11) How does Satan take advantage of our unforgiveness? What are the symptoms in our own heart of unforgiveness? According to Matthew 6:14-15, how does holding unforgiveness hurt our spiritual lives? What would you have to do to really let go of your resentment and give it to God?

Satan takes advantage of our unforgiveness by taking a foot hold in our lives and he uses it to defeat us.

The symptoms in our own heart of unforgiveness is bitterness which could cause emotional and physical sickness.

According to Matthew 6:14-15, holding unforgiveness hurt our spiritual lives because our Heavenly Father will not forgive us, our trespasses, if we do not forgive those who sin against us.

To really let go of your resentment and give it to God, you would have to forgive the person who offended.


Satan takes advantage of our unforgiveness by DISTRACTING us. We have one mine, one heart, and one Spirit; if Satan is occupying space in either, God is not. It is a spiritual liability. The symptoms in my own heart of unforgiveness is the memory of the atrocity with disappointment for the disruption of God's work. It hurts as I have already described; it distracts. Just Let go and let God; I have.


Having served many years in the pastoral ministry I have seen the hurt, anguish, and division that unforgiveness can bring. The sad part of this is that it hurts not just one person but usually involves many and what could have been a loving, caring fellowship ends up anything but. The good news however is that when brought to the Lord, confessed seeking true forgiveness, God's grace is still more than sufficient to bring healing to those involved if they will allow Him to work through them and reach out to one another in His love.


Satan gets a foothold in a person who holds on to unforgiveness. He loves that they become bitter and become worldly many times. They think they are still Christians but their actions are far from it; maybe they are severely backslidden. I've seen it in my family. Their lives are a mess. All because of tightly-held-onto unforgiveness. Unforgiveness has robbed them of the joy of a spirit-filled life. Their life can almost hit rock bottom when they let unforgiveness run their life. By not forgiving others you in essence say that you are higher than God, because God does forgive. This is sin. Holding on to unforgiveness only hurts the one who is unwilling to forgive; it doesn't hurt the one who supposedly did the wrong. The only healthy thing to do is to repent, be humble and give it to God and let God heal the hurt. Move on.


Satan takes advantage of our unforgiveness by stepping in & helping us become bitter. He would love to see us fall.

The symptoms of our unforgiveness are bitterness and anger. We miss out on God's forgiveness if we hold on to it.

Pray first, then go to the person & apologize.

Unforgiveness eats away at a person, builds walls keeping others out of their lives & are unable to really love.....


Q4. (2 Corinthians 2:10-11) How does Satan take advantage of our unforgiveness? What are the symptoms in our own heart of unforgiveness? According to Matthew 6:14-15, how does holding unforgiveness hurt our spiritual lives? What would you have to do to really let go of your resentment and give it to God?


  1. How does Satan take advantage of our unforgiveness?

Satan will just use that unforgiveness,to tell you that you are not righteous,that GOD IS MAD AT YOU,because of that unforgiveness…Satan will just push you out in your stand..telling you that you lost your salvation because of hatred and unforgiveness..Which is all lie!!!

  1. What are the symptoms in our own heart of unforgiveness?

Hatred…Shame(because we know that it is not of God,so we become shameful in our conscience…).

3 According to Matthew 6:14-15, how does holding unforgiveness hurt our spiritual lives

Matthew 6:14-15- “For if you forgive others20 their sins, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 6:15 But if you do not forgive others, your Father will not forgive you your sins.

This is one verse that I struggle…forgiveness of our sins is not dependent on us but on what Jesus has done in the Cross…

I just cant reconcile this for a moment.


When we fail to forgive, we hold a grudge against the person and that causes us to not be in fellowship with God whether we realize it or not especially at first. Satan uses this time when we are not in fellowship with God to keep it going, keep the spirit of unforgiveness festering in our heart and when we allow him to keep doing so, other bad ways begin to manifest themselves in us such as bitterness, gossip, vindictiveness all of which are sin and unpleasing to God. Not forgiving someone does not necessarily hurt the person unless the person asks for forgiveness and you do not give it to him, but it certainly does hurt you by making you miserable Not forgiving others keeps God from forgiving us when we sin and until we do forgive others, straighten out our part in disagreements with others God will not forgive any sin we have committed. He tells us not to approach Him until we have become reconciled with our brother and until we do we our relationship with God will be strained and the closeness and even our faith will be weakened at the time, because we will have the feeling of that if we are not pleasing God He will forsake us even though He has promised us He will never leave or forsake us. Giving the problem over to God, humbling ourselves is the way to let go of your resentment, we have to pray and just commit it to God; when we do this then God gives us a peace that passes all understanding


Satan uses an unforgiving spirit to divert attention from God to self as we wallow in pity, anger, bitterness. This hurts the individual and ultimately most everyone around him as the righteousness, peace, and joy that define God's kingdom are overshadowed by iniquity, dissension, and perpetual displeasure. All it takes is one bitter person in a congregation to cause major distraction, destroy unity, and damage the work of the Church. When we choose to harbor and nurse grudges and grievances, we shut ourselves off from God’s application of grace in our own lives. He will withhold from us what we refuse extend to others.

I believe that what one must do to really let go and give the resentment to God is to realize that He is the only One who can truly forgive the offender, since the offense is primarily against Him (Psalm 51:4). According to His model, forgiveness is about restoration. Release the responsibility of bringing the person to repentance and working out restoration to God. He is the expert and the only one qualified to accomplish this! But as you do that, realize that it is your responsibility to develop/maintain the forgiving attitude that will be gracious. You do not have to like or even trust someone in order to be the example of love that Christians are called to be. This is true freedom from the influence of Satan and the poison of an unforgiving spirit.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 2:10-11) How does Satan take advantage of our unforgiveness? What are the symptoms in our own heart of unforgiveness? According to Matthew 6:14-15, how does holding unforgiveness hurt our spiritual lives? What would you have to do to really let go of your resentment and give it to God?

We are separated from God, and cannot be forgiven if we harbor unforgiveness toward someone else. satan can dog us to death over this! I know that I am separated from God when I pray and don't feel the presence of God. When I read my Bible and pray for understanding and get none, I know there is something I'm not doing that I should be.

In order to be released from unforgiveness I have to confess and repent, and ask God to help me let go and move on.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 2:10-11) How does Satan take advantage of our unforgiveness? What are the symptoms in our own heart of unforgiveness? According to Matthew 6:14-15, how does holding unforgiveness hurt our spiritual lives? What would you have to do to really let go of your resentment and give it to God?

Oh Dear! Satan loves an unforgiving heart. He can use it much to our detriment and the detriment of our testimony. At best we are unhappy especially when the incident(s) are brought to our mind and he has many who will do his bidding to accomplish that and at worse it can lead us to commit acts maybe worse than what has been done to us. Plus it perpetuates the acts done in pay back to us and to others. It doesn't end.

Unforgiveness separates us from God. We are still of His family and still His however we cannot come to Him and harbor hate for someone and then worship and adore Him at the same time. We are missing the essence of true religion and we loose our joy because we are focused on the horrible (and some acts are just that) acts done and not on Him and who He is! He is marvelous. He is an awesome God who forgave us first!

You must be willing to forgive. It is an act of the will. Your feelings will eventually fall into line. Go to God and humbly confess your unforgivness, ask His forgiveness for you as you repent and to cleanse you of the hate for those who have so bitterly hurt you (and some with great joy, which adds to the wound). I have hated the way I have been treated on occassion but when you forgive you are freed from the bonds that tie you to the negative emotions that abound instead of joy and peace that should abound in us. You will have an even greater testimony in this world for Christ. Oh what a God we worship!

Father please root out any unforgiveness in me to anyone so I may confess and be cleansed and be free to just love you. There is so much in me that needs the work of the Holy Spirit who can see into the deep recesses, the little unclean parts long ago buried and forgotten to me but are a festering sore. Help me to be willing. I have harbored hate and unforgiveness sometimes too long. Just give me Jesus and You can take care of anything that needs to be taken care of.

Thank you Jesus! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I pray in your precious Name.


God Bless!


Romans 15:13


(2 Corinthians 2:10-11) How does Satan take advantage of our unforgiveness?

Satan he is our enemy he's alway want to have us, to have us on his site, to sift us like wheat, always looking for something he can accuse us about, with unforgiving heart it will work in his advantage.

What are the symptoms in our own heart of unforgiveness? Hatred, Anger, jelousy you name them.

According to Matthew 6:14-15, how does holding unforgiveness hurt our spiritual lives?

You will be out of the presence of God completely.

What would you have to do to really let go of your resentment and give it to God

The best you can do is to: go back to those people you have sinned againts apologise, ask for the forgiveness. And give it to God in prayer. He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.




Q4. (2 Corinthians 2:10-11) How does Satan take advantage of our unforgiveness? What are the symptoms in our own heart of unforgiveness? According to Matthew 6:14-15, how does holding unforgiveness hurt our spiritual lives? What would you have to do to really let go of your resentment and give it to God?

Being unforgiving is NOT LOVING, and not part of God's peace and promise for us. We'd be in the wrong 'zone' on the wrong 'wavelength' when we are unforgiving, even for a moment. Here Satan can have a field day, even in a moment. Heaven help us!!

Keeping it in our heart is like taking a dose of poison towards death. It can build up and up, if we give Satan a foothold, and we do... we carry around false things that might be linked to being unforgiving. There is no telling what Satan can do, he is so clever, but he is also a liar. And God will show us the truth and HIS Love when we turn over our problems to HIM.

Trust and submit to HIM and turn it all over to HIM, and read the Bible, Jesus said, "Remain in me and I shall remain in you." That is the safety zone, the good vibration. Take it and run with it and have a great and blessed day!


Q4. (2 Corinthians 2:10-11) How does Satan take advantage of our unforgiveness? What are the symptoms in our own heart of unforgiveness? According to Matthew 6:14-15, how does holding unforgiveness hurt our spiritual lives? What would you have to do to really let go of your resentment and give it to God?

By holding resentment towards others, it gives Satan a foothold into our lives. Hate and resentment are NOT Godly virtues. They are from Satan, when one does not forgive others, Satan enters the heart and can continue to fill us with all kinds of other evilness.Bitterness, hatred.

Unforgivness is an entrance point for Satan a beginning to the destruction that can lead to so many other ungodly virtues.it can seperate us from God. thus giving Satan an advantage over our lives!

One requirement of God to His Children is that we forgive one another. As Christ forgave on the cross when He brutally suffered and died for us. He forgave His captors and took all of our sins to the grave with Him. Rose anew, our sins buried forever . In each new day we must do the same. Ask for forgiveness, GIVE forgiveness, and start a fresh. Seek to emulate the virtues of Christ.

I personally have struggled throughout the years and still do with resentment,forgiveness and bitterness, leading to guilt, hatred and self-hatred. I can personally attest that it will destroy you. Leading to depression, bad health, and most importantly disobedience to God, and a spiritual death. I pray for God to help me release all of it, and give it to Him. I feel I can only accomplish this by becoming closer to Jesus Christ through prayer, and my personal relationship with Him.

God conquers all things.He can conquers anger and fill the heart with forgiveness, but, as Christians we must be open to the power of The Holy Spirit to receive His wonderful gifts.We can only accomplish this by truly knowing Jesus Christ.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 2:10-11) How does Satan take advantage of our unforgiveness?

Unforgiveness gives Satan a "place" in us where he can operate. He "massages" the unforgiveness and keeps reminding us of the wound or offense hoping that he can fan into flame, more and more anger, resentment and bitterness. He can then steal our joy and we become self focused as we grouse over how we were wronged.

What are the symptoms in our own heart of unforgiveness?

Ouch! I just experienced this, so it's very fresh! I was feeling "squeezed", and victimized, followed by a lack of love. I was hurt and angry and became focused on myself and the wrong done to us and I was offended. I found myself thinking about it more and more...even waking up in the night. I thought about revenge. I heard myself talking about it, but couldn't pull the words back in. I wanted to avoid the individual but couldn't because they are neighbors. I was growing resentful about the expense it was costing us. I felt defeated and frustrated, hurt and very sad...self pity...I felt oppressed.

According to Matthew 6:14-15, how does holding unforgiveness hurt our spiritual lives?

My unforgiveness caused me to focus on the offense and I could not pray. My sin of unforgiveness was more damaging than what was done to us! These are people who need the Lord, and prayer, not my resentment!

What would you have to do to really let go of your resentment and give it to God?

First I had to recognize it....it's been one of those things that has gone on for years and was "under the radar" much of the time. But When I recognized what I was doing, I confessed to the Lord, asked Him to forgive me and to help me to forgive them. I accepted His forgiveness and forgave myself and the burden lifted. The problem continues but with God's help I will pray FOR them, as they need Him more than we need what it is costing us monetarily.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 2:10-11) How does Satan take advantage of our unforgivingness? What are the symptoms in our own heart of unforgivingness? According to Matthew 6:14-15, how does holding unforgivingness hurt our spiritual lives? What would you have to do to really let go of your resentment and give it to God?

Satan can help divide people and introduce hate between them. If I judge, then I am judged. I am told to work on removing the log in my eye before looking for you to remove your speck. If I do not forgive, I am an even greater hypocrite. If I hope to be forgiven, I can forgive first. Resentment clouds my lighted path and drains my lamp. If I do not forgive and stay resentful, I am less helpful and an undesirable model for others including my children.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 2:10-11) How does Satan take advantage of our unforgiveness? By deceiving and outwitting us. Turning our anger into bitterness leaving us without peace.

What are the symptoms in our own heart of unforgiveness? A sadness and being without peace.

According to Matthew 6:14-15, how does holding unforgiveness hurt our spiritual lives? It hurts our relationship with God. If we are unable to forgive so is the Father of us.

What would you have to do to really let go of your resentment and give it to God? depending on the severity of the hurt, I would have to pray and continually give it over to God.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 2:10-11)

How does Satan take advantage of our unforgiveness?

What are the symptoms in our own heart of unforgiveness?

According to Matthew 6:14-15, how does holding unforgiveness hurt our spiritual lives?

What would you have to do to really let go of your resentment and give it to God?

Satan turns us into angry and bitter people – vulnerable to further entanglement. We have to put on the full armour of God so that we can take our stand against the devil’s schemes (Eph 6:11). As Jesus has warned us, how can we expect to have fellowship with our Heavenly Father if we are unwilling to forgive those who have wronged us. Just like God has forgiven us on numerous occasions for the wrongs we have done Him. We will only be set free of the sin of unforgiveness by unconditionally forgiving those who have wronged us.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 2:10-11)

How does Satan take advantage of our unforgiveness?

Satan will use any means to get us to slide in our faith in Jesus, and this is just one of the many footholds he has to use…if we cannot forgive others then He (Jesus and God) will not forgive us…

What are the symptoms in our own heart of unforgiveness?

We tend to get bitter…it festers in our heart so that we want to GET EVEN with the person that wronged us…instead we are to let it go, the Lord will deal with the person Himself in His time…

According to Matthew 6:14-15, how does holding unforgiveness hurt our spiritual lives?

If we don’t forgive people then God will not forgive us…

What would you have to do to really let go of your resentment and give it to God?

Just forgive and forget..Let the Lord deal with any problem in His own way and in His time…I learned this lesson a long time ago when someone had wronged me and I forgave him, God allowed him/her to be punished in a more severe way than I ever could…


Q4. (2 Corinthians 2:10-11)

How does Satan take advantage of our unforgiveness?

Satan will use any means to get us to slide in our faith in Jesus, and this is just one of the many footholds he has to use…if we cannot forgive others then He (Jesus and God) will not forgive us…

What are the symptoms in our own heart of unforgiveness?

We tend to get bitter…it festers in our heart so that we want to GET EVEN with the person that wronged us…instead we are to let it go, the Lord will deal with the person Himself in His time…

According to Matthew 6:14-15, how does holding unforgiveness hurt our spiritual lives?

If we don’t forgive people then God will not forgive us…

What would you have to do to really let go of your resentment and give it to God?

Just forgive and forget..Let the Lord deal with any problem in His own way and in His time…I learned this lesson a long time ago when someone had wronged me and I forgave him, God allowed him/her to be punished in a more severe way than I ever could…


When we do not forgive someone, we begin to build a pile of resentment that grows into an ulcer. Any time we have to forgive someone, we need to do it, and we will feel like a load has been lifted off. Love is the greatest reason to forgive everyone who offends us. But Satan uses that unforgiving spirit to intice us to do more wrong things.

The symptoms are varied, but for sure an upset stomache will occur. If it lasts very long, it will cause me to not have an appetite. It is very distressing physically, but spiritually it will cause other problems to occur.

If we do not forgive someone, God, the Father, will not forgive our own sins. We must forgive others to stay true to God's loving lifestyle.

To really provide forgiveness, we need to forget the offense and no longer bring it up in our mind.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 2:10-11) How does Satan take advantage of our unforgiveness? What are the symptoms in our own heart of unforgiveness? According to Matthew 6:14-15, how does holding unforgiveness hurt our spiritual lives? What would you have to do to really let go of your resentment and give it to God?

A. Satan gains a place in our hearts, brains, and bodies when we don't forgive. This can cause physical illness, many health problems, in our lives. He establishes a small place in our hearts that can lead to less room for God as the devil works to take over our hearts.

b. We start out angry and with hurt feelings, and the anger feeds on itself, growing into bitterness, resentment, and a desire for revenge.

c. Jesus says we must forgive those who sin against us so that ourfather in heaven will forgive us. I want forgiveness for my many sins. I crave Gods love and indulgence. How can I pray "Father forgive me" if I won't forgive others? I want to give God my whole heart, not a ragged heart that the devil holds bits and pieces of.

d. If you start feeling anger or resentment towards someones actions, flood your mind and heart with words of praise to God, with a favorite hymn, with a loving thought. Don't let the devil get a foothold. As an old lady, I've been there often, and have found it is easier not to let anger and resentment start than it is to eradicate it later. You can get rid of these feelings by praying and remembering Gods forgiveness, but your mind is more stubborn than your heart, and the devil does love to dwell there.


Q4. (2 Corinthians 2:10-11) How does Satan take advantage of our unforgiveness? What are the symptoms in our own heart of unforgiveness? According to Matthew 6:14-15, how does holding unforgiveness hurt our spiritual lives? What would you have to do to really let go of your resentment and give it to God?

Satan uses our unforgiveness to make us angry and depressed and even to take revenge ourselves. When we have unforgiveness we replay the thoughts in our mind, which distracts us from God and wastes our energy, held over a long time these negative emotions can destroy us.

Unforgiveness hurts our spiritual lives by robbing us of peace and intimacy with God, because God has not forgiven us.

To let go of all resentment I have to choose to obey God and trust that he judges fairly, I also have to desire God more than anything.


Satan takes advantage of our unforgiveness by causing division and undermining relationships that should be unified in Christ. He loves to put a wedge between two people, then he loves to multiply that while others choose sides. I've seen it repeatedly in churches and the end result is loss of purpose because of the distraction. Oh how Satan must laugh when he sees our focus on our problems and hurts even to the point of causing church splits. How we take our eyes off of Jesus and where HE is leading!

I recently had a falling out with someone in the church and a kind Pastor reminded me to guard my relationships, saying that attacking our relationships are Satan's # 1 way to undermine the unity of the church and God's work through us. I took his words to heart. I'd not want to see Satan succeed. I forgave and moved on in the work I've been given to do. I wanted to keep my eyes on Christ and my purpose.

What are symptoms of a heart of unforgiveness? Bitterness. And if that takes root, we become self absorbed, angry, unreasonable, prideful and our hearts begin to harden. We lose joy and tenderness and we start to lose fellowship with God and others. We have to confess unforgiveness and be restored. His grace softens us again and we remember to give grace to others.

According to Matt. 6:14,15 If we forgive others, we will be forgiven, but if we choose to not forgive others, we also will not be forgiven. That's a pretty profound warning on unforgiveness and on guarding our hearts in choosing to forgive or not to forgive.

What will we have to do to let go of resentment and give it to God? Pray. I have to go to my room and honestly deal with my feelings before Him. I know God listens and doesn't judge me if I'm seeking to let go of something not good. Many times He reminds me of the huge amount of grace He has given to me and asks that I give a tiny portion of that to the person I'm having trouble forgiving. I ask Him for help by the power of the Holy Spirit and confess my resentments and anger and then hand the person over to Him for what is best. I bless that person and really reflect on the situation and what my part in the situation may have been. I ask for God to change my heart and mind and then let it go! I'm always amazed at the wall that comes down the next time I see the other person or my response to them! Afterwards, I can only say WOW! That was a God thing!

I'm so thankful for God's love and kindness and patience with us!


One of satan's devices or designs is to cheat the believer out of true forgiveness. He will try to divide us and the Church any way he can. People when they are unforgiving are first of all, not willing to forgive, and then forget. When one does not forgive, they cannot truly be living in the will of Jesus. They jeopardize their being forgiven, if needed. If you forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. If you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. What a horrible thought. I try and live a life without resentment, and if a situation arises, I immediately turn it over to Jesus, or I cannot be comfortable.

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