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Day 12 Meditation (Psalm 131). Why does demanding answers from God lead to stress? How have unexplained events in your life made you angry? How do you actually go about calming and quieting your soul? What does it mean to “hope in the Lord”?

  • 1 month later...

One of the hardest things I have had to come to terms with is releasing "all" of my cares upon him, especially when it comes to losing a love one. In 2016, I breezed through it with my mother and 5 months later my aunt (both) in their 80's. However, May 30, 2020 we got news that my 29 year old grandson had passed away and I didn't have the answers for my son and daughter-in-law. My daugter-in-law was at first angry with God for taking their one and only son and my son was so broken and hurt, I and my other 3 children were struggling and asking God why. But Glory be to God through praying and releasing it all to Jesus in the mist of it all He gave me peace. I continually pray the peace scriptures over them and myself and God's word never comes back void but always accomplish the things in which it is sent. Being an evangelist myself, like Paul, in whatever state that I'm in I've learned how to be content. Through the good times and the bad times I have learned how to lean and depend on Jesus.



I think that demanding answers from God that leads to stress is us telling God what we want and what we think we need. God is going to give us an answer but it may not be what we want and that is even more stressful. There are plenty of unexplained evens in my life that has made me angry but I have learned to accept them by knowing when I get to heaven if it is still important I can ask God about it. To hope in the Lord is to be willing to know that the Lord will take care of the essential things in life and knowing that things are going to be much better in the next life.


LORD, I thank You that You are the Creator, You are the Sustainer of Life, You are the Giver of Gifts, You are the Healer of disease and illness, You are the Banker who manages all economies, You are Merciful, You are Gracious, You are Patient, You are the Alpha and the Omega....I thank You and claim Your forgiveness of my sin and I claim your Peace and Your Prosperity.   Amen.

Mark Marek


On 7/19/2020 at 12:33 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 12 Meditation (Psalm 131). Why does demanding answers from God lead to stress? How have unexplained events in your life made you angry?  How do you actually go about calming and quieting your soul? I don't believe I've ever "demanded" anything from God. I think if you kept demanding things from God, you will just end up frustrated and upset.  I'm still learning about the process of walking with Him and have just begun put all my worries upon God Almighty. If I don't understand something, I just ask for guidance. "LORD, can you lead me on this? God, do you think I should send that inquiry out or should I just wait upon you?"  

Yes I do have questions, and yes I sometimes try to figure things out in my mind but I realize that even doing this causes stress and I just let it go and remind myself that "The LORD will fight for you. You need only to be still." Once I remember this verse, I feel immediately comforted and protected.  

Right now, I'm upset that after almost 2 years of being illegally locked out of my home I have not been able to get any help from law enforcement and related housing agencies. I found myself getting short-tempered as the months passed but since finding God, I've been able to cope and manage my stress in a way that is quiet and therapeutic. Doing Bible studies is one way for me find refuge. Praying to God with my daily troubles, has been a lifesaver for me.  He is my protector and comforter at the same time! 

What does it mean to “hope in the Lord”? For me this means having faith in God Almighty-- and of course trust and hope. If we can believe that God will provide and deliver us, it also means we are trusting in Him.  Hoping in the LORD is knowing, believing and trusting. I'm lucky to have an abundance of all three.


I think that demanding answers from God will lead to stress because by being demanding we are not trusting in God. If we aren’t trusting God we are trusting our own abilities which is a recipe for stress and sometimes worse! Different situations in our lives need to be prayerfully brought to God and left with Him.This is easier said than done! But if we do this on a regular basis we will see God being faithful and answering prayer, not always as we would wish but in ways that so often , in retrospect we can see was the best way for us. And sometimes we don’t ever know why the Lord has permitted things to happen! This is where we learn to grow in trust. Trust is something that can take a long time to develop but wonderful when we can trust God with our lives and know deep down that all will be well eventually. 
Deuteronomy 29v29 The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.

 I don’t really get angry about unexpected things that happen. They often make me sad , worried or disappointed but not angry. But not matter how bad I feel once I take it to the Lord He lifts the sadness, worry or any other negative emotions I may have. The problem doesn’t go away but I know the Lord is with me as I walk through the dark valley! 

I find a quiet spot to be alone with the Lord, sometimes it may be at night in my bed! Wherever it is I pray and ask God’s help to bring me through the situation. If I am coming to spend time with Him and not in a crisis, I will spend time praising Him and meditating on a verse or piece of scripture. 
Sometimes I might sing a song of praise.,or worship.

 I hope in God for everything He has promised in His word. Forgiveness of sin, every day blessings , Grace to obey Him and do His will. I look forward with hope to spending eternity in His presence. 
No eye has seen, nor ear heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love . 1 Corinthians 2v9.


We can become stressed, impatient and even angry with God Our Father, if our demands and prayers are not answered.  David's answer "I have stilled and quietened my soul".   We are over anxious, show no humility and patience to wait on the Lord.  We want "to be fed right now"

Obedience to the Lord, praying with patience and waiting with humility for the Lord to answer our requests.  To trust rather than whine and demand.  

We read  throughout scriptures the people of God showed  trust and hope that God would never let them down.  "O Israel put you hope in the Lord.......(Ps.  131:3). The more we read the word, the more confident we become and ultimately learn to  'feed ourselves' as we mature in Christ.



On 7/19/2020 at 11:33 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 12 Meditation (Psalm 131). Why does demanding answers from God lead to stress? How have unexplained events in your life made you angry? How do you actually go about calming and quieting your soul? What does it mean to “hope in the Lord”?

The times that I have been demanding answers, I am already in a state of stress. I'm usually angry, frustrated or devastated with overwhelming sorrow & loss. When I approach the Lord with this kind of an unreasonable attitude, my expectation  is to get a response "right now!" When He takes a little longer than I think is necessary, I become more frustrated & stressed. Then I start to doubt if He even cares, or worse yet, if He even exists. This downward spiral continues and I am unable to see that perhaps He "has" answered my prayers...in His way...in His time.

Spending quiet time with the Lord in the morning before I look at emails, texts, "to-do" lists or the news helps me to focus on the most important thing in my life...my relationship with Jesus. Prayer, meditation and reading the Bible help me get to a quiet place. This is a process for me requiring self-discipline and practice. But God seeks persistence not perfection.

To hope in the Lord means believing & accepting that He is in charge of my life. It means having faith that things are just as they are suppose to be. It means trusting in His love, guidance and promises. I believe He has a purpose for my life on earth but eternal life with Him in heaven is my final destination.


On 7/19/2020 at 9:33 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 12 Meditation (Psalm 131). Why does demanding answers from God lead to stress? How have unexplained events in your life made you angry? How do you actually go about calming and quieting your soul? What does it mean to “hope in the Lord”?

1. Why does demanding answers from God lead to stress?

I don't recall ever demanding answers from God, but I whined and demanded "YOU SAID..." which is about the same thing or worse because I was implying that He lied or that He misled me! The stress was from assuming I understood what He was saying, because the need was urgent at the time. It took me a long time to understand that when He doesn't give a time frame for a promise, He intends to "keep me" until He's ready and until I've settled in to wait in patience, and to persevere in faith in the testing. I also had to learn that He is not at my "beck and call"...He's not only my all wise Father, He's my King!

2. How have unexplained events in your life made you angry?

Almost every promise He has given me has involved YEARS of waiting, and after 40+ years, I'm still waiting! At times in misery, I've been angry, because it seemed like He had forgotten me. (That was symptomatic of my childhood, from being ignored or abused and from not having needs met.) Every now and then I hear myself saying to Him "Here I am"....like he put me down someplace and forgot where He left me. My anger has been from  the disappointment  of "assuming" I knew the time frame, and from the years of waiting, expecting, watching and hoping, and even though at times He has restated the promises, it has felt like a "carrot being dangled" in front of me, and when it seems it's about to be fulfilled, the carrot gets moved further away. It's painful to see the years  going by, getting older, like being pregnant for 40 years....and no baby. 

But I shared in a previous post that I asked Him to develop patience and perseverance in me when I was a very new Christian. So the long waiting has been His gift of "working" those character traits into my spirit. 

3. How do you actually go about calming and quieting your soul?

I have to get alone by myself, and tell Him very honestly how I'm feeling, and usually cry which releases the "angst" and disappointment. I forgive Him (though He's perfect and loving and kind) it's for me , to release what's been stuck inside, blocking intimacy with Him. Then I apologize for being a bratty daughter and ask Him to forgive me and to extend more grace as I wait. Then I might ask "What would you say to me in this moment?" His response is almost always instant as He brings a scripture to my mind, and reassures me of His love and care. His presence quiets me. 

One that I "hear" often in those moments is "I will perfect that which concerns you" Psalm138:8 Another is Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I AM GOD."

I think the most important thing I've learned in the long waiting, is that what seemed impossible to live without, is no longer so important and He has become my all, my joy, my home, my life, and I'm at His "beck and call" as is intended as His child.

4. What does it mean to "hope in the Lord"?

It means to me, trust and reliance upon Him, and that He's the source of all my expectation,  my needs, my joy, both here in this life and my life eternally with Him in Heaven.


Day 12 Meditation (Psalm 131). 
Why does demanding answers from God lead to stress? 
How have unexplained events in your life made you angry? 
How do you actually go about calming and quieting your soul? 
What does it mean to "hope in the Lord"? 

It can lead to stress if we demand answers from the LORD, and like a naughty child, throw our toys out of the cot if we don’t get answers soon enough or to our liking. I have learnt that it is no good getting upset about certain events in my life. Most have been through my own disobedience or ignorance, or even not waiting on the Lord. Shooting myself in the foot. Some defy explanation and is not for my finite mind to understand. I rather leave it all to my Heavenly Father. I recognise my limitations and I’m not ashamed to say, "I don't know”. I find that an attitude of trust in the wisdom, love, and power of God brings about the calming and quieting of my soul. I fully trust the LORD with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding, and I try in to acknowledge Him in the things I do, knowing that He will make my paths straight (Prov 3:5-6). My hope in the Lord is based on these promises. He will take care of the future.  

On 7/19/2020 at 12:33 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 12 Meditation (Psalm 131). Why does demanding answers from God lead to stress? How have unexplained events in your life made you angry? How do you actually go about calming and quieting your soul? What does it mean to “hope in the Lord”?

a. Demanding answers from God lead to stress because we are not trusting in Him, we are looking at the circumstances, we are worrying  and trusting in ourselves.  When we obey the Word - Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:5 -6)   When We rest in God's leading and guiding, we can have the peace of God and no stress.   

b. Unexplained events in my life made me angry because they were of my own doing and because of wrong choices I made or think I had to make because I had no one to talk to and I did not know the Lord at the time.  But eventually I came to know the Lord and He turned things around and was there for me.  

c.  There are times when I am oppressed, but I breakthrough in crying out to the Lord  and saying what His Words says about me, I submit myself to God, resist the devil and put on the Armor of God and state that no weapon formed against me shall prosper.  I come into His presence with thanksgiving and praise and bless His name.  His Spirit is inside me and He gives me peace and rest.

d.  To Hope in the Lord  means that even though there may be trouble on every side, family, personal, job, relationships, marriage, sickness, there is Hope in the Lord.  He knows about every situation  and is  waiting for us to call upon Him and trust Him for the result.


Demanding answers from God can lead to stress when we expect God to answer our request in the way we want or we expect God to be at our beck and call just delivering goodies to us without us even asking what is  God's will for us in a particular situation. When God doesn't act in a particular time frame that we have set or we get no response to the problem, we can begin to feel stressed and unloved. There are many times in my life where unexplained events have angered me, but I found peace when I brought them in prayer before God as I always keep in the forefront of my mind the words " the Lord is my shepherd there is nothing I shall want. fFresh and green are the pastures where he gives me repose." I have learned to quiet my soul by singing songs of praise softly in my soul and by lifting my eyes to God from whence comes my help. I will usually go to my quiet spot and just relax in his presence. Sometimes I read scripture and rest in his word. To hope in the Lord means to trust him with everything and in every situation. To be confident that whether things are good or bad, God will find a way to bring his good out of it because he is always faithful to his promises. 


Why does demanding answers from God lead to stress?

I wondered what this was. For me, crying out to God and falling on my knees, or prostrate on the ground, exasperated for the answer I had been longing for. But then, yes it can lead to stress if I am are acting selfishly in anger for what I am seeking, no if I am are acting from a heartfelt desire for another that deserves a blessing.

How have unexplained events in your life made you angry?

My dad dying suddenly at my feet when I was 15 years old. He had just shared a joke with my sister in law, as was his way, turned to go out the door to the backyard as I came in, and collapsed.

Two years before I had been confirmed in the church and was a young lad who loved God. But after dad died I used to sit in church asking God, why? 

Yes, it had made me angry and I stopped going to church and seeking God.

15 years later I returned as did the Prodigal Son, thank God. 

How do you actually go about calming and quieting your soul?

It is a way of life, learning to walk with Christ and listening to the sweet still voice of the Holy Spirit. Some actions help, like now quietly studying His word, like going into my prayer "closet" (a gazebo in my backyard), like journalling my deepest thoughts and prayers, like praising God in worship (the best!), like admiring His beauty that surrounds us.

What does it mean to “hope in the Lord”?

Faith. Belief. Knowing.


On 7/19/2020 at 12:33 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 12 Meditation (Psalm 131). Why does demanding answers from God lead to stress? How have unexplained events in your life made you angry? How do you actually go about calming and quieting your soul? What does it mean to “hope in the Lord”?

Demanding answers from God leads to stress when they (the answers) do not come when we want them to.  

When I find myself going into stress mode, I close my eyes, breathe deep, and ask Him to help me.

To "hope in the Lord" means to quietly trust Him while waiting patiently on Him for His will to be done in and for us.


Why does demanding answers from God lead to stress?  

Demanding answers from God lead to stress because we are not trusting him.  We want our prayers answered right away.  

How have unexplained events in your life made you angry? How do you actually go about calming and quieting your soul?

Unexplained events in my life made me angry to the point of tears.  In my golden years I have become nothing but a big cry baby.  Thru my tears I pray to God for comfort, peace.  I have learned like the Apostle Paul says, " I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances" (Philippians 4:12). We can't stay on milk forever.  In some point in our lives we must grow up.  

What does it mean to “hope in the Lord”?

To put my trust in the Lord.  Be still and wait on God to move on your behalf.


I pray I have never tried to demand anything from God, but there is an aspect of this that the Lord showed to me within the last month that I will share. While sitting in church on a Sunday morning, I heard the Spirit of God speak to my heart, "You try to manipulate me with faith." I was completely humbled because with His statement He brought light and I saw plainly what I was doing. The week before I had heard a testimony that in these end times people were going to dream dreams about visitations with Jesus. I thought 'that is it, Jesus can come to my husband in a dream and give him the full scoop'! You see, I have great faith for my husband, but I am learning that God's timetable is not mine! I was so sure God wanted to give my husband a dream, I called CBN for prayer agreement and also solicited a girlfriend to pray! Haha, of course no dream came, but God in His mercy did give me deeper faith for my husband in Heb 4 and Gen 3 about His Rest. So because I am a woman and can be manipulative by my lower nature, Jesus showed me the error of my ways and His wonderful grace that never fails. ❤ thank you


Because God wants us to only know what is important for our growth, Sometimes He doesn't tell us why things happen or why He chose not to heal someone we know. He wants us to trust Him and recognize that His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.

I wondered why I had to go through it and why I was treated so badly, I felt hurt and betrayed by our former friends.

I spend time reading the word and praying ro Him. I tell Him all that's on my heart and try to leave it in His hands.

It means to trust in God and let Him take care of you, It meqans leaning on Him and drawing closer to Him.


Lack of trust in God..Faith and Fear can’t live in the Same body. I haven’t actually demand anything from God, I recall one time when I stood in the need of something ,instead of focusing on God  I took my eyes off Jesus and started looking at my problem that only God could fix and He did...God’s timing is Always on time.

i quieted my soul by praying,putting it in His Hand, Believing and Trusting In Him.  My hope  is In Jesus  even when I cant see my way through. I realize that God has the finally say so over the matter .My eyes can’t see the results.


Day 12 Meditation (Psalm 131). Why does demanding answers from God lead to stress? How have unexplained events in your life made you angry? How do you actually go about calming and quieting your soul? What does it mean to “hope in the Lord”?

Demanding answers actually makes a person anxious and stressed out because they are constantly wondering when they are going to get those answers in truth. The biggest unexplained event outside of my dad's death would be me ending up in the er after having constipation over 4 weeks long. I am still suffering from it and have to go in for a colonoscopy now since I have no answers yet. I am not really angry I have accepted the fact that this could be a detour and God could be teaching something right now. I would say for me I listen to Christian music and read my Bible, pray and speak to the Lord in prayer about what's going on in my life and let Him speak to me in return. To hope in the Lord is to wait in the Lord and believe in His promises. 


Day 12 Meditation (Psalm 131).

Q. Why does demanding answers from God lead to stress?

A. It leads to stress because the answers may not be forth coming from the Lord Who can chose to remain silent. 

Q. How have unexplained events in your life made you angry?

A. I cannot recall such.

Q. How do you actually go about calming and quieting your soul?

A. By praying and asking the Lord God Almighty to give me the grace to wait patienlty for the answers to come. So help me Lord God Almighty to trust you enough to wait for your response to my isuues.

Q. What does it mean to "hope in the Lord"?

A. To put one's trust on Him and to wait for Him to act at His own time.  Give the patience to wait upon you Lord

  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/19/2020 at 11:33 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 12 Meditation (Psalm 131). Why does demanding answers from God lead to stress? How have unexplained events in your life made you angry? How do you actually go about calming and quieting your soul? What does it mean to “hope in the Lord”?

Because we put ourselves in a position of control, not God. I am not smart or powerful enough to control anything in a helpful way.

When I didn't get my way, I became resentful and doubted God's goodness. This happened in a broken relationship.

Being honest w/ God @ how I feel. Praying for help to see things how He wants me to. Staying faithful in prayer, worship & study.

Hope by expecting God to bring me to a place of rest and trust in Him.


  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/19/2020 at 9:33 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 12 Meditation (Psalm 131). Why does demanding answers from God lead to stress? How have unexplained events in your life made you angry? How do you actually go about calming and quieting your soul? What does it mean to “hope in the Lord”?

Q - Why does demanding answers from God lead to stress? ANS - When you "demand" something, then the answer more than often will be withheld, at least until you calm down, take a deep breath, relax, be patient, and simply trust God for the answer.  When the answer initially doesn't come because of our "demands" then we even become more uptight because God doesn't respond to such demands.  

Q - How have unexplained events in your life made you angry? Ans - I don't think I've ever been "angry".  Certainly I've had a lot of questions and consternation.  More than often unexplained events causes me to look to God in prayer and look inward, to seek Him for the answers. 

Q. How do you actually go about calming and quieting your soul? ANS - I have a tough time doing that when faced with stressful situations.  I more than often fret and worry, get all worked up inside, and get tied up in knots.  I've really had to learn many times, over and over, to seek His face and just to trust the Lord, knowing that all things will work out for the good.  Spending quality time in prayer over the problem has been a real key.  And you know what - it always works out one way or the other, praise the Lord. 

Q - What does it mean to "hope in the Lord?" - It's all part of putting your faith in Him and trusting Him, fully confident that God hears you, and answers your prayers!

  • 2 years later...

Because He doesn't always explain Himself. It's normal to question why. But resting in the unanswered questions is a sign of spiritual maturity. I like being in control of situations and knowing and understanding what is going on. When I am not in control or don't understand, I have trouble living in my own skin. I just want to escape because I'm uncomfortable in the waiting. 

When God doesn't explain things to me and I'm left without closure, it sets me on edge. I wouldn't say I get angry with God, I just get extremely uncomfortable. 

I have to try to meditate on God's goodness and faithfulness, His kindness and mercy towards me. I have to think back to the times He came through for me, many times undeserved or not even asking Him for resolution. He just always seems to know. 

Hope in the Lord is confident expectation that He is who He says He is and will do what He has said He will do. 

  • 6 months later...
On 7/19/2020 at 12:33 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Day 12 Meditation (Psalm 131). Why does demanding answers from God lead to stress? How have unexplained events in your life made you angry? How do you actually go about calming and quieting your soul? What does it mean to “hope in the Lord”?

Because usually when you demand answers from God he won't answer and because he won't the stress begins.

Pain makes you ask why me, when there is no answer for the pain, when prayers are not answered.

Worship music clams me, losing myself in worship.

I know God loves me no matter what, Hope is looking and seeking God always and knowing he never leaves you alone.

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