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Q3. So-called Victimless Crime

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Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity?

Jesus was very up front about the difference in the worlds reality and God reality. Jesus repeatedly makes it clear that what they had been told by their religious tradition and leaders is, at best incomplete.--" You have heard that it was said... but I tell you the design of ths world is different than God's design. God is not fooled by the language we use or the front we display. Because we are completely transparent to God aor hearts are the reality.

( Matthew 5: 27-30 ) " You have heard that it was said, " Do not commit adultry.' But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultry with his or her heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. and if your right hand causes you to sin cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go to hell.pronography is a strong and effective helper in the destruction of many. It is not only men who connect with the power of and . If lustful looking is so grievous a sin, then those who dress and expose themselves with the desire to be looked at and lusted after... are not less but perhaps more guilty. In this matter it is only to often the case that men sin but women tempt them to do so-- ( A.W. Pink )

pronography is a tool that is used to reject Jesus' purpose'

pornrgraphy turns women into objects of exploitation-it demeans women. trains men to think of women as having no intrinsic value other than- the value is in their capacity to..

pronography enslaves us: ( John 8:8-34 ) Jesus replied, " I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. ( 2 peter 2: 19 ) '... a man ia a slave to whatever has mastered him."

Going to prostitutes is let Satan tempt your flesh into committing a sinful act of distruction to your body and soul. Once you have committed this act you have become enslaved to sin of addiction. Also there are deseases of all nature. which has begun to lead you down a path of destruction.

Who are the " victims" whom Satan deceives and pollutes through pronography?

The women who pose.

The men who view and become addicted despite their shame.

Thewives who suffer isolation, shame, and assult.

The children who are abused

The women who are raped and eve some murdered

The society that bears the cumulative pain of divorce, crime, disorder and rejection.

Victims? We are all victims.

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Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity?

1. *********** is so wrong because it is sin and it is against God's Word. It produces ****, which the Bible makes clear is sin. *********** entices people to do things that they normally would not think of doing.

2. For some, going to a prostitute is adultery and causes others to commit sin by ******* after someone. People can get a disease and give it to their wives or others. They lose money that they need on prostitutes.

3. The victims are women who might get raped; children who may be abused; innocent young women; cause divorces; and many other things. It just pays to be obedient to God's Word.

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Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity?

According the Matthew 5:28, Jesus said that if anyone looks at a woman/man lustfully has already committed adultery in his/her heart. This means any kind of pronography from a man or woman.

There is a lot wrong with going to prostitues for both men and women it is a sin and there will be punishment for this kind of sex. Look at what God told Moses to tell the Israelites in Leviticus 20:6,13.

Look at what God told Moses in Numbers 15:39, Moses told them not to prostitute themselves by going after the **** of the flesh of their own hearst and eyes, if they do then they will be sinning against God. The victims in this "victimless" activity is a person that do not know where they are with God. If they are living with God in their lives everyday there will not be enough room for lustful activities but room for praise and worship to God each and everyday.

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Pornogr*phy lowers or degrades the value that God sets on the relationship between the sexes. It lowers the beauty of a true Godly sexual experience to that of a simple animalistic lustful behavior. Pornogr*phy degrades all those involved in the action, especially the prostitute who offers up their body and the John who takes that which is not rightfully his. All those involved in this action are in some way a victim
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*********** increases the ****. Once **** is there--so is sin.

Going to prositues is also giving in to ****/sin.

Victims--the man--scarred for life

the women--scarred for life/sometimes losing their very lives

the wives having to deal with this sin & healing

the children of this marriage--who also might fall prey to *********** if it is around the house

society in general

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Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity?

Everything, It leads to all kinds of immorality and I can atest to that as fact. Anyone who says that they are uneffected by viewing *********** is either a liar or just to nieve to beaware of the damage they are doing to their selves.

Going to a prostitute cause all kinds of unseen damage from the harm you do to your self respect to the harm done to your family when they find out what you are doing. It harms the community where it take place because eventually other thing much worse start to happen there.

Everyone you know will be a victim, friends, family, people you associate with at work or other places. There areno one that will not come to harm if you support such a life stile.

Jesus says a husband is to leave mother and father and cling to his wife, you can't cling to a wife and hold a prostitute.

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Jesus was very up front about the difference in the worlds reality and God reality. Jesus repeatedly makes it clear that what they had been told by their religious tradition and leaders is, at best incomplete.--" You have heard that it was said... but I tell you the design of ths world is different than God's design. God is not fooled by the language we use or the front we display. Because we are completely transparent to God aor hearts are the reality.

( Matthew 5: 27-30 ) " You have heard that it was said, " Do not commit adultry.' But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultry with his or her heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. and if your right hand causes you to sin cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go to hell.pronography is a strong and effective helper in the destruction of many. It is not only men who connect with the power of and . If lustful looking is so grievous a sin, then those who dress and expose themselves with the desire to be looked at and lusted after... are not less but perhaps more guilty. In this matter it is only to often the case that men sin but women tempt them to do so-- ( A.W. Pink )

pronography is a tool that is used to reject Jesus' purpose'

pornrgraphy turns women into objects of exploitation-it demeans women. trains men to think of women as having no intrinsic value other than- the value is in their capacity to..

pronography enslaves us: ( John 8:8-34 ) Jesus replied, " I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. ( 2 peter 2: 19 ) '... a man ia a slave to whatever has mastered him."

Going to prostitutes is let Satan tempt your flesh into committing a sinful act of distruction to your body and soul. Once you have committed this act you have become enslaved to sin of addiction. Also there are deseases of all nature. which has begun to lead you down a path of destruction.

Who are the " victims" whom Satan deceives and pollutes through pronography?

The women who pose.

The men who view and become addicted despite their shame.

Thewives who suffer isolation, shame, and assult.

The children who are abused

The women who are raped and eve some murdered

The society that bears the cumulative pain of divorce, crime, disorder and rejection.

Victims? We are all victims.

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Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity?

Pornogr*phy makes God's gift of married sexual desire (intended to be a beautiful union between husband and wife), a common-place trap for men seeking sexual arousal by looking at women, other than his wife; it cheapens the women who pose; it harms children who have such easy access; it pulls everyone involved away from God and straight into satan's clutches. Going to prostitutes helps these women to continue on their wayward path; it is against God's intentions and opens all involved to the possibility of serious diseases. Victims of this activity are wives who are hurt and left behind momentarily, by their husbands, and then put at risk of disease, and the children who are born within these breached marriages are major victims of broken homes, and/or discord in their homes. Once it is introduced into a family's home, it becomes a banquet for satan to feast on from every angle.

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If even looking lustifully at another is adultry, then *********** is adultry. *********** and prostitution devalues human life and the sacredness of the gift of sex. Sex is the beautiful expression of oneness between a married couple and it is pure and an expression of commitment and a covenant of love between them. It is something not shared. It is for them alone in a special and pure relationship.

Poronography or prostitution is for none of that. Poronography and prostitution say sex is for multiple partners, and that human bodies are to be used as tools for illlicet pleasure. *********** especially says sex is for voyerism and it fills the mind that sees it, with fantasy that is so staged and air brushed over. It leads to thinking we can experience something more than we have or have something better and it just fills your mind with rot and it's addictive and it is from Satan and to be avoided at any cost! So many times it invites others into the marriage bed in the mind of the viewer and taints what God has given as a pure gift. It is a destroyer of marriages and wives who start to be viewed as not human, but something to be used for pleasure only. Both *********** and prostitution intice both young and old people who will follow into darkness and fall into it's deceptions for ungodly living. I pray for them. There are all kinds of abuses that come out of it. Deceptions that anyone, even children can be destroyed for selfish pleasure. I know this is one of Satan's number one ways to deceive minds and to promote people to fall into depraved thinking. To the extent of destroying lives and damaging minds of both perpetrators and victims.

I think everyone who has anything to do with *********** or prostitution are victim to satan's deceiving power. He reaches in to destroy everyone.

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A pornographer is a person that views the opposite sex as nothing more than an instrument of pleasure. To make matters worse, it is an addiction which means demon possession for those willing to believe in such. Addictions are unsatiable meaning that eventually you will destroy your relationship with your mate if that person is not likeminded and it will lead to increased sexual perversion and infidelity.

The enemy has used prostitution and sex against God since day one. Almost every pagan idol illustrated in the Old Testament represented a sexual intstrument and fertility which was worshipped for protection of and increased production of crops. Ritual prostitution was practiced in pagan temples and the acceptance of it by Israel at various times over the ages lead to God's punishments. To this day using a prostitute is a sin against your own body, which is the temple of God (1 Cor 6:15-20).

A person who has been used by a pornographer has been silently raped and forever changed as a result.

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Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with ***********? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity?

*********** is wrong because it corrupt mind and it will lead into sin.

Prostitution is wrong because it makes a mockery of God

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Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity?

1) We are cautioned about what we allow our eyes to look at....for what we see will draw the focus of our thoughts and emotions, which lead to our actions. Pornorgraphy is highly addictive....I read recently that because it seems like a "secret" sin, that even up to 25 percent of pastors are addicted to *********** on the web. Pornograpy enslaves the viewer leading to shame and defeat, from the barrage of lustful, adulterous thoughts. It demeans women, portraying them as sex objects to be used. It's an amazing tool of Satan to destroy lives and marriages.

2) Prostitution is fornication if the individual is single, and adultery if the individual is married. It is the breaking of God's commandment. ( I loved it when I realized as a young believer, that His commandments are given to PROTECT us from harm and enslavement...not to limit our pleasures.)

3) The victims are the prostitutes who are used, the individuals who use them, and in many cases, spouses of married "customers".

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Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity?

Whether a person studies pronogr@phy or God's word it is the diet of the soul. I was in a discussion with a teacher about whether or not abstanance or safe sex should be taught in school. I explained it to him this way. When I was eighteen I had to have 10 teeth pulled out. I had brushed everyday before going to bed so that was not the problem. The problem was the diet I had as a child, that was the cause of my rotting teeth. Same could be said for pronogr@phy. What is the better diet of the soul?

What is wrong with prostitution? Aside from all the STD's, the chance of an unwanted pregnancy, the lack of commitment between two people, it goes against God's word, the fact that it takes away from the family, or the fact that it reduces something beautiful between husband and wife to just an act of self-gratification, I see nothing wrong with it.


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Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity?

*********** turns us away from the "Light" of God therefore diminishing the possibility of being "light in the world". The more time we spend outside of the plan and purposes of God the less like his Son Jesus we can be.

We also must look at the affect this "worship" has on the home- our mates and children. An old friend often uses the quote "Garbage in, Garbage out." This is true even for a Christian man or woman, *********** leads us to settle for something less and thinking that is less than God's will for us.

Prostitution devalues the life of the prostitute and their body which is created in the image of and designed to be a temple for our God. The victim becomes the prostitute and us as we once again turn away from God and the plan he had for men and woman. We must realize our soul becomes victim when we live in enmity with God's will.

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Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity?

*********** is a tool used by satan to target a sinful nature. It is used against God through his people. It is morally wrong and it corrupts the soul. It is wrong even with a prostitute because it steals from ones moral value. It demoralizes women/wives, men/husbands, children, society, because it allows crime, divorce, disorder, rape, shame and addiction into the community. It affects everyone. The victims of this demoralization are the children of Christ, because it lows the view of women as sexual objects only, it lowers the moral values of all, it arrives at unrealistic expectations at home, and it isolates fulfilment between a husband and a wife.

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When David took that second look - he opened the door to the thoughts he was having and envolved many people. It also opened the door to further sins. What was a moment for one where a choice not to participate ends up corrupting many and alienating oneself from God.

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Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity?

*********** causes many problems to individuals and society as whole, which we can see in the arguments against *********** mentioned in this lesson. *********** can generate forbidden ****, that is, sexual desire that is fulfilled outside of marriage.

Prostitutes causes problem that we have forbidden ****, which is sexual desire that we fulfill outside of marriage. It causes many problems to individuals and society as whole. For Christian individuals that do, it make enter into sexual immorality and impurity, which those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God (Galatians 5:19-21)

The victims of this "victimless" activity are we all.

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Q3. (Matthew 5:28)

What is wrong with ***********?

If "looking on a woman to commit adultery with her in your heart" is Jesus' definition of the spirit of adultery, then *********** fits the description precisely.In viewing ***********, nakedness, and explicit sexual displays **** is not only given the opportunity to rise (thereby enticing since) but most often lustful passions and thoughts are triggered in the heart and mind. This is obviously sinful and clearly demonstrates that *********** is sinful. Add to this that oftentimes *********** involves viewing sexual intercourse between unmarried people, and or homosexual and lesbian activities, and we have a very clear case of it being sinful. Even if the *********** does not involve viewing sexual intercourse between two people, it involves the viewing of naked individuals which is properly reserved for a husband and a wife.

What is wrong with going to prostitutes?

God forbids involvement with prostitutes. "For the lips of an immoral woman drip honey, And her mouth is smoother than oil; But in the end she is bitter as wormwood, Sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death, Her steps lay hold of hell" (Proverbs 5:3-5).

Prostitution not only destroy marriages, families, and lives, but it destroys the spirit and soul in a way that leads to physical and spiritual death. God's desire is that we stay pure and use our bodies as tools for His use and glory (Romans 6:13). 1 Corinthians 6:13 says, "...But our bodies were not made for sexual immorality. They were made for the Lord, and the Lord cares about our bodies."

Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity?

Prostitution is listed among the crimes some refer to as victimless or consensual crimes, because no one present at the crime is unwilling, but research shows that may not be the true picture of prostitution.

In short, the victims of prostitution are mostly the prostitutes themselves. It just may be that they no longer have the ability left to "consent" to be a willing participant in their so-called victimless crime.

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Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity?

Ponography is totally wrong because it is clearly adultery and that is out of God's will.

Prostitution is adultery and adultery is against God's will.

No one is the victim, they are all the same because none says of them say no.

As they are all willing.

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It perverts the mind and takes away from God's natural intent for sexual desires. Prostitutes are immorally perverted individuals looking to make quick money to fulfill a man's lustful desire. This is not God's intention for sexual fulfillment. And, we are all victims of this degrading society. It is adultery in the eyes of God because it is outside the boundaries of marriage.

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Q3. (Matthew 5:28) What is wrong with pornogr*phy? What is wrong with going to prostitutes? Who are the victims of this "victimless" activity?

Pronogr*phy is sin . It is an addiction or a wave that drives us away from God . Would Jesus ever enter into such a heart filled with such sensous desires ? , is the question . We can go on justifying ourselves , but we cannot escape the wrath of God , who has created us as good, wholesome , beautiful human beings - but the way society is mis=treating and exploiting certain individuals is wrong

Even those who watch these things are to be blamed - it means our walk with God is not close enough - thats why Satan decives us with such temptations - and comes in between and creates thuis void or an illusion of self gratification albeit for some temporary moments

Our body is the temple of the Living God - how then can we go to pros*titues ?

The victims are all there all around us to see !!!!

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*********** is wrong because it exploits ones sin in **** - it aids people who are lustful to **** in their hearts. It leads to other sins and behaviours that God didn't intend for us - such as adultery, lying etc

Going to a prostitute is wrong because, for one, sex is meant for husband and wife and through it they become one - united. Not to mention the other things it can lead to for the prostitute i.e. drugs, alcohol etc.

The victims are:- women who pose, men who view, wives, children, women who are raped, society -> we all become victims of pornograpy and prostitution.

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