Pastor Ralph Posted November 14, 2009 Report Posted November 14, 2009 Q2. What happened when the Israelites disobeyed God and intermarried with the Canaanites? Why do you think God commanded them not to intermarry? Was this racial or spiritual or both? Why are Christians to marry Quote
Commissioned Posted February 2, 2010 Report Posted February 2, 2010 Q2. What happened when the Israelites disobeyed God and intermarried with the Canaanites? Why do you think God commanded them not to intermarry? Was this racial or spiritual or both? Why are Christians to marry Quote
pickledilly Posted February 13, 2010 Report Posted February 13, 2010 When the Israelites intermarried with Canaanites, the people Yahweh had called out for Himself were no longer chastely set apart and consecrated to Him. They betrayed their vows to worship no other god but God Most High as they took the false gods of their wives into their homes, began to compromise, and then accepted these dead pagan objects of worship. Their faith was polluted. God had commanded them not to intermarry because He was to be their God and they were to be His people. I think this was a spiritual issue. This was "adultery" of God's people with other loves. The same is true for Christians. We are called out and consecrated to Christ with the command to be influence in the world but not united to it. Amos 3:3 warns that unless 2 people are in agreement they cannot walk together. You just can't journey through life together in harmony if you're headed in 2 different directions, one toward heaven and one toward hell! The purity of faith and steadfast commitment to Christ is undermined and compromised when a Christian unites with a nonbeliever. This situation makes it infinitely more difficult to grow in Christ and obediently live out your faith; it restricts opportunities to follow God-given desires and serve Him freely; it negatively impacts the way God expects parents to jointly represent Him to your children with the proper balance of love/respect (Ephesians 5:32-33) and creates a conflicted lineage. It reminds me of the rotten apple principle. A good apple can never restore a rotten one; on the contrary, the rotten apple always spreads decay to the good one. Such a disparate marriage can certainly be redeemed, but it is unwise to deliberately choose it to begin with. Quote
Vincent Paul DiMino Posted February 13, 2010 Report Posted February 13, 2010 Dilution.The example of Solomon,cited in the text,shows that even the "wisest of men" will have the Truth that is within him diluted,and eventually polluted,by giving attention to the world and it's ways.The temptation would have been too great for the Israelites to maintain purity and focus on their God of Truth and Love amidst the pagan revelry of their material partners.This would not be the "help" that God intended when he said: "It is not right that the man should be alone." Quote
Stan Posted February 13, 2010 Report Posted February 13, 2010 Q2. What happened when the Israelites disobeyed God and intermarried with the Canaanites? Why do you think God commanded them not to intermarry? Was this racial or spiritual or both? Why are Christians to marry Quote
Eudora Posted February 13, 2010 Report Posted February 13, 2010 Q2. What happened when the Israelites disobeyed God and intermarried with the Canaanites? Their hearts would be inclined towards evil and pagan god’s that their idolatrous neighbors worshiped. Why do you think God commanded them not to intermarry? Because the Hebrew nation were a people who lived under a covenant and all other nations did not live accordingly to this covenant and worshiped other gods that would turn the sons of Jacob, away from Yahowah God. Was this racial or spiritual or both? Spiritual. The Hebrew nation was under covenant with Yahowah God, the one true God. Their rights to the blessings were only good as long as they stayed cleaved unto the One true God. Why are Christians to marry "in the Lord"? Because we are still under the blessing of Abraham, given by the One true God. Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. Brethren, I speak after the manner of men; Though it be but a man's covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man disannulleth, or addeth thereto. Galatians 3:13-15 Yahushua redeemed us from that self-defeating, cursed life by absorbing it completely into himself. He became a curse, and at the same time dissolved the curse. And now, because of that, the air is cleared and we can see that Abraham's blessing is present and available for non-Jews, too. We are all able to receive Yahowah God's life, his Spirit, in and with us by believing—just the way Abraham received it. By faith. Quote
iam4-1god Posted February 14, 2010 Report Posted February 14, 2010 Q2. What happened when the Israelites disobeyed God and intermarried with the Canaanites? Why do you think God commanded them not to intermarry? Was this racial or spiritual or both? Why are Christians to marry Quote
Pearl Posted February 14, 2010 Report Posted February 14, 2010 When the Israelites disobeyed God and intermarried with the Cannaites, they were influenced by strange Gods and were no longer a holy people unto the Lord. Why do you think God commanded them not to intermarry? God commanded them not to intermarry because they would be influenced by gods other than the one true and living God who is none other than Jehovah Jirah, (our Provider). Was this racial or spiritual or both? This would create a spiritual problem, because the Israelites would no longer be the set apart people who were being prepared for the soon coming King, Jesus Christ. How would they know him, if the other gods had so much influence in their lives. Why are Christians to marry Quote
studybug52 Posted February 14, 2010 Report Posted February 14, 2010 Q2. What happened when the Israelites disobeyed God and intermarried with the Canaanites? Why do you think God commanded them not to intermarry? Was this racial or spiritual or both? Why are Christians to marry Quote
masika Posted February 14, 2010 Report Posted February 14, 2010 Q2. What happened when the Israelites disobeyed God and intermarried with the Canaanites? Why do you think God commanded them not to intermarry? Was this racial or spiritual or both? Why are Christians to marry "in the Lord"? When Israelites disobeyed God and intermarried the Canaanites they lost track of God Quote
hanks Posted February 15, 2010 Report Posted February 15, 2010 Q2. What happened when the Israelites disobeyed God and intermarried with the Canaanites? Why do you think God commanded them not to intermarry? Was this racial or spiritual or both? Why are Christians to marry "in the Lord"? They would be assimilated into a pagan culture, and the Jews would not have remained unique and separate as a nation for God. We are not to enter into marriage with unbelievers. These marriages are not committed in obedience to God. Initially faith might not be an issue but eventually it will and could even destroy the marriage, or perhaps the believer might have to compromise for the sake of unity. Quote
Craig Posted February 15, 2010 Report Posted February 15, 2010 Q2. What happened when the Israelites disobeyed God and intermarried with the Canaanites? Why do you think God commanded them not to intermarry? Was this racial or spiritual or both? Why are Christians to marry Quote
janel Posted February 15, 2010 Report Posted February 15, 2010 Q2 When the Israelites disobeyed God and intermarried with the Canaanites, and if their faith waiver, God's anger will burn against them and will quickly destroy them. God commanded them not to intermarry because God wanted to protect them from being influenced and not swayed away from God and to follow and serve other gods instead. For men, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. This was spiritual. Christians, as far as possible are to marry "in the Lord" so that neither one can influenced the other. Thus, the weak Christians will not be swayed away from God. As the sayings: "It takes two hands to clap" and "A family who prays together stays together." In this way, there is a common understanding and there will not be a conflict. Also together they can help, support and pray for one another to grow in the Lord. As one would say they are of the same wave level. Quote
Vincent Paul DiMino Posted February 15, 2010 Report Posted February 15, 2010 In Exodus,Leviticus,and Numbers,the command that there be one Law,both for the children of Israel,and the strangers that travel with them confirms that the purity needed to form a nation unto God, is one of spirit and not some directive of racial purity, for the purpose of genetics.God did not create the universe by applying man's understanding of it's (scientific) nature,nor does he make, for himself a people,by what man would call selective breeding.In Kings and Chronicles,it isn't genetics that poison God's chosen people and turn their hearts form the Truth;it's (sin) infidelity,greed,****,and coveting the apparent "blessings" of the pagan people around them. Quote
Elwood C O'Dell Posted February 15, 2010 Report Posted February 15, 2010 When the intermarriages started taking place the hearts of the Israelites were turned to other gods. God commanded them not to intermarry for this very reason. It was a spiritual issue not a racial issue. The same is the truth for Christians. This issue is spiritual, that of the possibility of being lead away from God. That is why the Word cautions Christians about being unequally yoked together with unbelievers. Quote
okno Posted February 15, 2010 Report Posted February 15, 2010 What happened when the Israelites disobeyed God and intermarried with the Canaanites? We can see many examples - e.g. the king Salomon. He intermarried with Canaanites, partially forgotten the right God and the nation was divided into two kingdoms, what was beginning of the end. Why do you think God commanded them not to intermarry? Was this racial or spiritual or both? To prevent the cult of more gods. This prohibition is surely spiritual. We know, today, the two basic commands: love the God and your neighbour as yourself. The prohibition could not be of racial sense. Why are Christians to marry Quote
JanMary Posted February 15, 2010 Report Posted February 15, 2010 Q2. What happened when the Israelites disobeyed God and intermarried with the Canaanites? They turned away from God, and followed after the idols of the Canaanites, incurring God's wrath. Why do you think God commanded them not to intermarry? God's plan was to preserve this race of people, the Israelites, and their faith in Him, to produce the Messiah promised in Genesis 3:15 Who would destroy Satan ultimately. The men tended to follow after their wives beliefs. Was this racial or spiritual or both? I believe it was keep them from becoming "diluted" from immersion into the cultures of other gods/idols around them. They were called to remain separate in order to keep the faith pure, and not a mixture, such as we see in Haiti today....voodoo is a mixure of beliefs from different backgrounds, which keep the people in bondage and from being open to the true Gospel. In Jesus' genealogy, there are "outsiders", like Rahab and others, but they came into the faith. Men also came into the faith, and were circumcised as believers. Why are Christians to marry "in the Lord"? Because fire and water don't mix! The fire of the Holy Spirit can be quenched by the constant "raining" and "railing" from opposition in an unequal marriage.....seeking peace will ultimately weaken or compromise a believer, or the marriage will end. Scripture teaches us not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. When I read that, I think of a strong Ox carrying one side of the yoke and a donkey or goat on the other side. All of the weight or load is carried by the Ox or believer, while the donkey or goat is not fitted to the work, and either becomes a "drag" on the Ox or is always trying to go the opposite way. Not the way to live a harmonious life in Christ! Quote
Lion of Grace Posted February 15, 2010 Report Posted February 15, 2010 When the Israelites disobeyed God and intermarried with the Canaanites they were tempted (and did) turn from the worship of the one true God. They also turned from a culture that was steeped in Mosaic law and given to them as God commanded them. In Exodus 34:15-16 God warns that an Israeite son that marries a foreign woman that "prostitutes hersef to foreign gods." will lead the husband to do the same. In Judges 3:6, the same is said of both Israelite sons and daughters given in marriage to foreign families. "They will serve their gods." In 1 Kings 11: 1-3 we re told how Solomon even was "led astray" by his foreign wives. But, are these implications saying that it was for spiritual reasons only that this was forbidden? I do believe it was to retain a pure worship only for the one true God, but the Jewish traditions then (and in Orthodox Jews today) also were through physical practices to remain separate and set apart. For example, circumcision, Levitical laws and even today practices such as the sharing of bread with another will differ with a Jew sharing with a Jew and a Jew with a Gentile, because of the conotations of being in closer fellowship/oneness with each other in community. A Jewish person with another Jew will break homemade bread, made from their own hands and ingredients, while breaking bread with a Gentile will be with bread purchased at a bakery, for the express purpose of the separation through it. The Jewish people knew they were chosen by God and they did have spiritual as well as physical ways to remain holy and set apart as given to them through the law. God did want his people to retain purity in living as well as in worshiping only Him. There were barbaric practices going on and all kinds of false gods as well as diseases he wanted to protect them from. He gave the law for their good and wanted them to remain away from those things that would harm them physically as well as spiritually. Christians today believe differently, because we know through Christ, who was a fulfillment of the law and the sacrifice for our sin as well as our righteousness and our salvation, that we don't need to be concerned about setting ourselves apart by the law. In which foods to eat or physical practices to keep, but we are still warned everything is permissable but not everything is good for us. We do know we should marry someone with a common belief in God and Jesus, who is filled by the Holy Spirit and remains in faith with us because that is good. I can say for myself, both my husband and I were "wild childs" when we met and married and then I was saved. That was a very hard time for us as I was so changed and my interests so different with a destructive lifestyle desirably left behind....that he didn't understand and tried to draw me back into ungodly living with him. But....thank God, God was stronger and drew my husband instead to us and sent me a good Christian friend who walked with me through and out of it because it was a very rough time! As a couple, we have now come to a new place together and grow every day in that and a new way to live. Quote
leihaynes Posted February 15, 2010 Report Posted February 15, 2010 Q2. What happened when the Israelites disobeyed God and intermarried with the Canaanites? Why do you think God commanded them not to intermarry? Was this racial or spiritual or both? Why are Christians to marry Quote
Delivered Posted February 15, 2010 Report Posted February 15, 2010 Q2. What happened when the Israelites disobeyed God and intermarried with the Canaanites? - Why do you think God commanded them not to intermarry? The Gentile people lead the disobedient Israelites away from the true God to worship their gods, turning their backs on the LORD. God in His wisdom warned His chosen people not to even make treaties with other nations, knowing that Israel would find themselves worshiping their gods and taking part in their sacrificial meals. Was this racial or spiritual or both? It was SPIRITUAL, a serious warning was given to God Quote
Seeking His Face Posted February 15, 2010 Report Posted February 15, 2010 Q2. What happened when the Israelites disobeyed God and intermarried with the Canaanites? Why do you think God commanded them not to intermarry? Was this racial or spiritual or both? Why are Christians to marry Quote
Patricia A Posted February 16, 2010 Report Posted February 16, 2010 Q2. What happened when the Israelites disobeyed God and intermarried with the Canaanites? The Israelites were led to serve other Gods. Why do you think God commanded them not to intermarry? "Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons, for they will turn your sons away from following me to serve other gods, and the LORD'S anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you." (Deuteronomy 7:3-4) Was this racial or spiritual or both? Intermarriage was never a racial issue, but a religious one. Why are Christians to marry "in the Lord"? So they will remain in the Lord and not be led astray. Quote
Greta Posted February 16, 2010 Report Posted February 16, 2010 When the Israelites intermarried with the Canaanites, they were tempted away from the Lord and started worshipping falce Gods. I think that God commanded them not to inter marry because He knew what would happen. If the outcome (known only to God) had been that the Canaanites would change and worship Him, I wonder if He would have allowed the inter mariage? The command was for spiritual reasons. Christians are commanded to marry 'In the Lord' so they will not be unevenly yolked together with an unbeliever. So that they will not be drawn back into the 'world' and turn away from the Lord. Love from Greta Quote
Eudora Posted February 17, 2010 Report Posted February 17, 2010 Q2. What happened when the Israelites disobeyed God and intermarried with the Canaanites? Why do you think God commanded them not to intermarry? Was this racial or spiritual or both? Why are Christians to marry Quote
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