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Q1. (1 Timothy 2:1-4) Why does Paul emphasize salvation of

all mankind in this letter? What does this suggest about the practice of

evangelism in the Ephesus church?

Because God wants all men to be saved.

The church was only concerned about fellow Jews-they didn't care about the Gentiles.


Q1. (1 Timothy 2:1-4) Why does Paul emphasize salvation of all mankind in this letter? What does this suggest about the practice of evangelism in the Ephesus church?

Paul emphasized salvation for all mankind in this letter because the false teachers were misleading the people and pushing an exclusive Jewish salvation. It suggested that the Gentiles were being ignored. God's purpose in sending Jesus Christ to earth is that all mankind would be saved. Salvation for all!


Q1. (1 Timothy 2:1-4) Why does Paul emphasize salvation of

all mankind in this letter? What does this suggest about the practice of

evangelism in the Ephesus church?

Paul is writing to Timothy, his son in the faith and someone he has placed in a position of responsibility for what should be a growing church.

With the complication of false teaching, drawing people away, Paul is concerned that evangelism -- true evangelism that stresses the true gospel -- take place.

I find it interesting that prayer for government (for kings and all those in authority) would lead to a peaceful atmosphere for the purpose of reaching the lost.

Sometimes I think we don't realise just WHY we are to pray for government -- not for our own comfort and freedom exclusively -- it is also so that we can evangelise with effectiveness. (Humanly speaking, of course, understanding that God's sovereign grace and power lies in every effort at evangelism ;)


Q1. (1 Timothy 2:1-4) Why does Paul emphasize salvation of all mankind in this letter?

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Paul was just passing on the truth about God


Apparently the church at Ephesus had become more concerned with preaching and teaching (for the church members) than with reaching and teaching (the lost); just as many of our modern churches have. Ezekiel 18:32 "I don't want anyone to die," declares the Almighty LORD. "Change the way you think and act!"

God does not want anyone to die, Jew or Gentile, he wants the Word of God, the gospel message, to be preached to all nations.


Q1. (1 Timothy 2:1-4) Why does Paul emphasize salvation of all mankind in this letter? What does this suggest about the practice of evangelism in the Ephesus church?

The apostle produces a clear, convincing reason, that the duty of charity in praying for all men is pleasing to God, from his love extended to all, in his willing their salvation, and their knowledge and belief of the gospel, which is the only way of salvation. From hence our Savior


Q1. (1Timothy 2:1-4)

Why does Paul emphasize salvation of all mankind in this letter? What does this suggest about the practice of evangelism in the Ephesus church?


Q1. (1 Timothy 2:1-4) Why does Paul emphasize salvation of

all mankind in this letter? What does this suggest about the practice of

evangelism in the Ephesus church?

for God so Loved the world (=everyone) that He gave... - john 3:16

God's Salvation Plan is for one and all. however, man in the natural has a tendency towards exclusivity and self-preoccupation and self-promotion.

and so, we need constant reminders; do we not?

i totally agree with hausmouse that the prayers of the righteous avails much; for a conducive environment to preach the good news.

Q1. (1 Timothy 2:1-4) Why does Paul emphasize salvation of

all mankind in this letter? What does this suggest about the practice of

evangelism in the Ephesus church?

Paul emphasizes salvation of all mankind, because the people had became so engaged in preaching their own way, and praying for just the people of he church which left a bunch of people out. God does not want this. When we pray, we should pray for everyone.

Thais suggests that the evangelism of the church had become false. The people were teaching and praying for themselves only believing the myths that had generated. This is not the way it should be. They were not a true church of God.


While Jesus came as the Jewish Messiah it was their hardened hearts that opened the door for all nations, the Gentiles, to receive Him as such. This according to the Words of Isaiah and other prophets inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Jews at Ephesus who did accept Him as their Messiah were trying to keep those who came to Him under Jewish practices and Old Testament law. Paul wanted Timothy to remain true to his calling and evangelize to all at Ephesus with no regard to men's traditions.

Q1. (1 Timothy 2:1-4)

Why does Paul emphasize salvation of

all mankind in this letter?

Our Lord doesn't want any to perish. He wants ALL to be saved.

What does this suggest about the practice of

evangelism in the Ephesus church

It reads as if the church wasn't evangelizing?. Maybe, like many churches today, they were becoming internalized. Looking at themselves as the "favored" ones and everyone else as those condemed to hell. And not doing anything about reaching out to the lost.

God told us to tell the world about his grace and love. To preach the gospel of salvation through his sacrifice. How many of US are actually doing that. Not me, I'm sorry to say. I need to work on that.


Why does Paul emphasize salvation of all mankind in this letter? What does this suggest about the practice of evengelism in the Ephesian church?

To remind the church that should be looking out at the unsaved and drawing them in regardless of who they may be. This is an ongoing reminder to all the church as it is so easy to reach a point when we think we have made it, but of course, we never will. God longs for all to hear the gospel and be saved - we are commissioned in Matthew 28 to go and make disciples of all people.

Paul's admonishment to the Ephasian church suggests that they were only preaching to themselves, a dangerous place to get to because, if they are not careful, such a church will forget God and run with their own agenda.


Q1. (1 Timothy 2:1-4) Why does Paul emphasize salvation of

all mankind in this letter? What does this suggest about the practice of

evangelism in the Ephesus church?

Paul emphasized salvation of all mankind because scripture teaches that God is not willing that any should perish so He made a way for all who will to be saved. That includes all in authority (good and bad) and common people of every tribe, tongue and nation.

It suggests to me that they were not preaching salvation for all. Perhaps they were of the mind that salvation is an exclusive club open only to some.

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


The subject of salvation for all mankind is bought to the fore to correct an issue of false teaching in the church at Ephesus.They have strayed from the truth and are leaning toward old Jewish traditions and laws.The focus of preaching the gospel has been lost and Paul is reminding them of the original calling.


Q1. (1 Timothy 2:1-4) Why does Paul emphasize salvation of

all mankind in this letter?

Because wants all men to be saved that none shall perish.

What does this suggest about the practice of

evangelism in the Ephesus church?

That their not preaching the good news of salvation to everyone only a select group.

Q1. (1 Timothy 2:1-4) Why does Paul emphasize salvation of

all mankind in this letter? What does this suggest about the practice of

evangelism in the Ephesus church?

Paul emphasize salvation because that is what the Spirit of the Lord taught him. Paul knows that this is what God the Father wants, all to be given a chance to choose Him. This suggest that the people in Ephesus was not doing what God call them to do. They were only picking and choosing people of their on race and not going outside of there own culture to teach those who needed the word of God the most.


Q1. (1 Timothy 2:1-4) Why does Paul emphasize salvation of

all mankind in this letter? What does this suggest about the practice of

evangelism in the Ephesus church?

He is reminding Timothy and the church that first He,Paul, was sent to the Gentiles and this should have been very important to Timothy since he was the son of a Greek and therefore by Jewish law a Gentile. Paul was telling them that only God could chose those who were saved and He had chosen the Gentiles also. It suggest that the church was not making the Gentiles of the city a part of the church and not seeking them out or praying for those in need.

Q1. (1 Timothy 2:1-4) Why does Paul emphasize salvation of

all mankind in this letter? What does this suggest about the practice of

evangelism in the Ephesus church?

Paul emphasizes salvation of all mankind because everyone who believes in and accepts and professes Christ as Savior can be saved. His emphasis suggests that the Ephesus church was exhorting salvation exclusively among Jews.


Q1. (1 Timothy 2:1-4) Why does Paul emphasize salvation of all mankind in this letter? What does this suggest about the practice of evangelism in the Ephesus church?

He emphasises salvation in the context of praying for all people. I think he means that we are to be focussed not on ourselves and our own betterment, but on others and their needs, particularly for salvation. He is emphasising the need for Christians to pray for the wider world rather than just their own little bit of it, and in particular for opportunities to bring men into salvation. God desires all men to be saved, and that means work for us. That means a focus for churches. When we put God first then everything else falls into place. Love for our fellow man is the key to our lives of service to our Father.

It suggests the church needed to refocus on its purpose, namely evangelism, the calling of men to discipleship and then the discipling of them. Today we need to focus on finding those who will be saved, and teaching them how to follow in "The Way", to become strong, faithful disciples also engaged in finding others for Christ.

Q1. (1 Timothy 2:1-4) Why does Paul emphasize salvation of

all mankind in this letter? What does this suggest about the practice of

evangelism in the Ephesus church?

Paul emphasizes salvation of all mankind in this letter, because God desires for all men to come to the saving knowledge of Christ and His work on Calvary. God created hell for Satan and his followers but had to enlarge it for men. God desires for no one to go to hell.

I think the practice of evangelism in Ephesus was confused, the false teachers were teaching that salvation was only for the Jews and Paul and Timothy knew that it was for all mankind that would repent and accept Jesus as their personal Savior.


1. To show that salvation was available to everyone who would accept by faith despite their inheritance. The Ephesus had lost the focus and the desire God has for all men to be saved through Jesus Christ and the work He did on the cross, which served as ransom for all men.

Q1. (1 Timothy 2:1-4) Why does Paul emphasize salvation of

all mankind in this letter? What does this suggest about the practice of

evangelism in the Ephesus church?

Paul's emphasizing salvation of all mankind to the Ephesian Church because it is God's very purpose and desire that all men maybe saved.

This was written to remind the Ephesian church who tend to become "ethnocentric".


Q1. (1 Timothy 2:1-4) Why does Paul emphasize salvation of

all mankind in this letter? What does this suggest about the practice of

evangelism in the Ephesus church?

The apostle's first positive instruction to Timothy regarding his leadership of the

Ephesian church was that believers should offer prayer for all people. He gave this

directive to emphasize its importance, defend its value, and clarify its practice.

Prayer is a general word for communication and communion with God. It is used throughout Scripture for those who call on God -- seeking His presence, His provision, or His protection. Prayer is communicating a need to God. It is praising and thanking God. It is pouring out one's heart to the One who created it. It is seeking God's wisdom and involvement in all of life or in a specific situation.

Prayer is so important because it invites God into the situation we pray

about and it secures His working on behalf of those in need. Paul did not

deal with the reason God has incorporated prayer into His sovereign

control of the universe here. He assumed his readers understood this since

God has revealed this elsewhere in Scripture.


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