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Q1. Reconciliation

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Jesus gives the best explination of reconciliation in the "Parable of the Lost Son".

Look at the parable with these two statements in mind concerning the desire of the lost son to be filled with the pea pods. Food for pigs and empty (false doctrine). And when he could not be filled he returned to the waiting, loving arms of the Father who provided a feast.

There is only one way. That way was made possible only because of Christ and remains possible through the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives who directs us in our walk toward God our Father..


This is a great illustration of what Paul was trying to do here in Colossians. He's was reminding them of the truths they had been taught so that they weren't drawn away and if they were, he reminds them what they are running from in order to convince them to return. Thanks for your insight!wink.gif

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Q1. (Colossians 1:20-22).

What does "reconcile" mean?

What was our state before reconciliation? (verse 21)

Reconcile is to restore a right relationship. When sin entered the world, we became separated from God. To overcome our separation, we needed someone to provide reconciliation and thereby bring us back into fellowship with God. Jesus, by dying on the cross, took the punishment for our sin and reconciled us to God.

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Q1. (Colossians 1:20-22). What does "reconcile" mean? What was our state before reconciliation? (verse 21)

We are reconciled to God by the shedding of Jesus' blood on the cross. We have been declared innocent and without accusation as we have asked forgiveness of our sins and allowed the Holy Spirit to create in us a clean heart at our new birth. Also, we are continually being cleansed as we continue to strive to live in the light of God's truth. God sees us as righteous if we have the righteousness of Jesus covering us (if we are walking in the light and allowing the Holy Spirit to continue working in our hearts through faith and obedience) Before reconciliation, we lived as enemies of the cross (God's salvation) and were slaves to our our own sinful state and way of thinking, living, and acting.

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Q1. (Colossians 1:20-22). What does reconcile mean? What was our state before reconciliation? (verse 21)

What does reconcile mean? It means to make good again/restore something e.g a relationship which has been broken

What was our state before reconciliation? (verse 21) We were separated from God because of our sins and evil ways. Our sinful nature made us enemies with a Holy God. We had no hope because we have been cut off from God.

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To reconcile:

A finished state completely. To go from being enemies to being friends. I found it interesting that to be reconciled is to have a permanent state of things. Like being restored. When we restore anything, the old is stripped away and a new item is now there. Nothing like the old. So it is with us....when we become reconciled, we are new, permanent people, the old has gone and the new is here. What once seemed not salvageable is something made beautiful. God is pure and perfect and through Jesus' righteousness, we are reconciled and restored to be beautiful. We are no longer at odds with Him and enemies to Him, we are now family and friends, one with Him in His good and perfect will.

Before reconciliation, we were at odds with Him, still going our own way and not covered by Him, but on our own, ruled by darkness and not walking in the light of His Word. He is the Word, so we were not walking in the light of Jesus Himself.

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Q1. (Colossians 1:20-22). What does "reconcile" mean?

I like the Greek meaning Dr. Wilson quoted: The exchange of hostility for a friendly relationship; My Webster says: to bring back to harmony; to reconcile differences.

What was our state before reconciliation? (verse 21)

We were estranged and alienated from Him and were of hostile attitude of mind and our wicked activities. In other words, completely lost and on our way to hell for eternity.

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Reconcile means that a hostile enemy status has been exchanged for the peace and harmony of friendship. We were previously alienated from God by our attitude of enmity toward Him. Our mindset was belligerent rebellion. We lived evil lives doing evil things that violated His purity and holiness. We had no desire for Him or means to gain His favor. We were helplessly doomed to eternal separation from Him.

You are so correct in that we had no desire for Him. We were SO wordly! Look at who chose whom in John 15:16.

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Q1. (Colossians 1:20-22). What does "reconcile" mean?

Reconcile to me means, I am no longer and enemy to God, I am now His friend, reconciliation made complete through Gods Son.

What was our state before reconciliation?(Verse 21)

We Gentiles were formally separated from God, sin separated us from the commonwealth, the citizenship of Israel, our wicked deeds left us with no hope, strangers to the covenants of promise, without God.

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Reconcile means to make peace through Jesus blood which was shed on the cross. He forgave us and we became children of God.

Before we were reconciled we were sinful beings, enemies of God. Hostile and self centered and always going our own way and having evil thoughts.

Love Greta

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"Reconcile" means to exchange hostility for a friendly relationship.

Before we were reconciled,we were enemies of God because of our sin.

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Q1. (Colossians 1:20-22). What does "reconcile" mean? What was our state before reconciliation? (verse 21)

Colossians 1:20-22 - 20and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross. 21Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. 22But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation

What does "reconcile" mean? To reestablish a close relationship between; To settle or resolve; To bring (oneself) to accept; To make compatible or consistent; To reestablish a close relationship (per www.thefreedictionary.com)

What was our state before reconciliation? (verse 21) - We were alienated from God because of our sinfulness.

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