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The seal protects the individual from the wrath of God. God has at different times poured his wrath upon the earth. The Flood and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah are the two most prominent. In both cases, there were individuals who escaped this wrath. Those who have this seal will undoubtedly escape His wrath.

  • 2 weeks later...
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Before the judgments are unleashed, God prepares to seal 144,000 of His servants on their foreheads. Seals are signs of ownership or authority. God doesn't hang His people out to dry. He loves, protects and rewards them accordingly.

The mark will protect the 144,000 from judgment and the wrath of God.

  • 4 weeks later...
Q3. (Revelation 7:1-4) There's disagreement about exactly who the 144,000 represent. Let's not debate that, but look deeper. From 7:1-4 what do we learn about God? Read Ezekiel 9, then answer: What is this seal supposed to do for the 144,000? (Please wait to consider 14:1-5 until we get there, okay?)

We learn that God is all powerful and is willing to do what ever it takes to protect His people. He will move heaven and earth if thats what it takes because He loves us that much

The seal sets them apart and protects

  • 3 months later...

God ever loves and cares for His own. Ezekiel 9 demonstrates that God will mark or seal those who are His true servants, to save us from His final and great wrath.

  • 3 months later...

First and foremost i see that God is in control of the hole earth and he takes care of his own people.

this seal that God has put on the 12000 of each of the tribes of Isreal protects them from the judgement of God.


We learn that God is all-powerful, that he controls the wind and the rising of the sun. The seal on the forehead is supposed to give spiritual protection to the servants of God, but will not protect them from persection nor the effects of the destruction.

  • 2 months later...
God is sovereign and all-powerful. He keeps His promises and will protect His children. God will take care of His children (believers) and bring them home with Him.

Q3. (Revelation 7:1-4) There's disagreement about exactly who the 144,000 represent. Let's not debate that, but look deeper. From 7:1-4 what do we learn about God? Read Ezekiel 9, then answer: What is this seal supposed to do for the 144,000? (Please wait to consider 14:1-5 until we get there, okay?)

The 144,000 will be God

  • 4 months later...

Q3. (Revelation 7:1-4) There's disagreement about exactly who the 144,000 represent. Let's not debate that, but look deeper. From 7:1-4 what do we learn about God? Read Ezekiel 9, then answer: What is this seal supposed to do for the 144,000? (Please wait to consider 14:1-5 until we get there, okay?)

God is merciful God, he does what anyone to perish but all to come into repentance.

God has put mark or seal on His people.

  • 2 months later...

I, too, believe that the 144,000 are Jews, according to Rev. 7 heading, KJV. Those in the white robes are Gentiles, Rev. 7:9-17 KJV. My understanding is that the 144,000 Jews have the 'seal of protection by the Holy Spirit' during the first 3 1/2 years of the trib. and are on earth ministering to the lost. Souls will be won through their testimony during this time. Are these the same martyrs in white robes when the Fifth Seal was opened (Rev. 6:9-11)? Jan

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Q3. (Revelation 7:1-4) There's disagreement about exactly who the 144,000 represent. Let's not debate that, but look deeper. From 7:1-4 what do we learn about God? Read Ezekiel 9, then answer: What is this seal supposed to do for the 144,000? (Please wait to consider 14:1-5 until we get there, okay?)

The 144,000 represent the church and the seal is the mark God placed on the saved for the time of destruction. You will either have the seal or the mark of the beast.


I believe that the 144,000 will be teachers left upon the earth after the tribulation to teach those who were left behind. They will be Jews that will teach the jewish people that did not believe in Christ about Him.

  • 2 months later...
One view = 144,000 represents perfection - the perfect number of redeemed (12x12x1000)

God has the ultimate authority over ALL creation. God puts a seal on the foreheads of all that love and honour him and we (I count myself among those) will be protected and saved from God's wrath. I am reminded of the words at my baptism when I was "sealed with the sign of the cross and marked as Christ's own forever." Halleluia! How much greater will be the seal that God himself puts on me!

The words from Ezekiel, "They think that the Lord has abandoned the land and that he doesn't see." God does not abandon us - ever. With all the evil in the world today we need to be reminded of this fact. God has not forgotten his people.

Blessings, Marilyn

  • 2 months later...

Q3. (Revelation 7:1-4) There's disagreement about exactly who the 144,000 represent. Let's not debate that, but look deeper. From 7:1-4 what do we learn about God? Read Ezekiel 9, then answer:

I learned that God is Jehovah, the God of Israel (out of all the names God calls Himself, He uses the name

  • 2 months later...

We learn that God will not destroy the world and all its people without saving the righteous. The seal is meant to mark those who abhor the evil practices, and who are faithful to God and his commandments, and who repent of their failure to do so, and are still saved by God's grace because of Jesus' sacrifice on behalf of us all.

  • 1 month later...

Q3. (Revelation 7:1-4) There's disagreement about exactly who the 144,000 represent. Let's not debate that, but look deeper. From 7:1-4 what do we learn about God? Read Ezekiel 9, then answer: What is this seal supposed to do for the 144,000? (Please wait to consider 14:1-5 until we get there, okay?)

Revelations 7:1-4 says these [144,000] are the good God fearing citizens of Jerusalem. They will not be touched, as is written in Ezekiel 9.

Ezekiel 9 also tells/warns us to grieve and lament what is going on in the world around us. The song "Hear us from Heaven" is a pray that might work, ".. Lord heal our land... open the blind eyes, unlock the deaf ears,... we are crying out in desperation..."

Focus on the good and do what we can to glorify Him.

  • 4 months later...

Q3. (Revelation 7:1-4) There's disagreement about exactly who the 144,000 represent. Let's not debate that, but look deeper. From 7:1-4 what do we learn about God? Read Ezekiel 9, then answer: What is this seal supposed to do for the 144,000? (Please wait to consider 14:1-5 until we get there, okay?)

From Revelation 7:1-4 we learn that God protects His faithful servants by having them marked with the "mark of God," before judgment came to the earth. This seal also identified and included 144,000 Jews who were faithful in serving God.


Q3. (Revelation 7:1-4) There's disagreement about exactly who the 144,000 represent. Let's not debate that, but look deeper. From 7:1-4 what do we learn about God? Read Ezekiel 9, then answer: What is this seal supposed to do for the 144,000? (Please wait to consider 14:1-5 until we get there, okay?)

God is ultimately and always in control. The seal saved them from physical death.

  • 1 month later...

Q3. (Revelation 7:1-4)

There's disagreement about exactly who the 144,000 represent. Let's not debate that, but look deeper. From 7:1-4 what do we learn about God?

Read Ezekiel 9, then answer: What is this seal supposed to do for the 144,000?

(Please wait to consider 14:1-5 until we get there, okay?)

We learn that God is a loving God. Instead of His justified wrath we see His loving concern. Instead of destruction we see His protection. Our God is a patient God. The seal marks them as the ones that have been redeemed. They will not fall under the judgment that is reserved for the rest of the world. It is a seal of God

  • 4 months later...

Q3. (Revelation 7:1-4) There's disagreement about exactly who the 144,000 represent. Let's not debate that, but look deeper. From 7:1-4 what do we learn about God? Read Ezekiel 9, then answer: What is this seal supposed to do for the 144,000? (Please wait to consider 14:1-5 until we get there, okay?)

We learn that God will not let one of His people parish; He will always take the time needed to ensure His people are recognized and protected. When His angels are carrying out God's will, they can immediately recognize those who had fear and reverence towards God and long for His righteous justice. This seal will protect them when God's vengence is spread throughout the earth.


Q3. (Revelation 7:1-4) There's disagreement about exactly who the 144,000 represent. Let's not debate that, but look deeper. From 7:1-4 what do we learn about God? Read Ezekiel 9, then answer: What is this seal supposed to do for the 144,000? (Please wait to consider 14:1-5 until we get there, okay?)

That God is faithful and He will protect those that have remained faithful to Him. . .

This seal will both identify them that are believers and provide protection for them. .. .


  • 1 month later...

Q3. (Revelation 7:1-4) There's disagreement about exactly who the 144,000 represent. Let's not debate that, but look deeper. From 7:1-4 what do we learn about God? Read Ezekiel 9, then answer: What is this seal supposed to do for the 144,000? (Please wait to consider 14:1-5 until we get there, okay?)


1.What do we learn about God in Rev 7:1-4?

The Context of verse 1-4 is an answer to question in Rev 6:17-For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand.

God is true to His promise,that he will save those who believe in Him(John 3:16- For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.).

We see,that the four Angels standing in the four corner of the earth-As the protector of the believers who hold on to the end.Standing in the four Corners of the earth means they cover the earth strategically:

Isaiah 11:12-And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth

The four Angels are holding the four winds of the earth..(Rev 7:1-

  • 3 weeks later...

Q3. (Revelation 7:1-4) There's disagreement about exactly who the 144,000 represent. Let's not debate that, but look deeper. From 7:1-4 what do we learn about God? Read Ezekiel 9, then answer: What is this seal supposed to do for the 144,000? (Please wait to consider 14:1-5 until we get there, okay?)

We learn that God is the protector. He will not let His people suffer.

The 'Great Multitude" are already in Heaven at the time of the Lord's 2nd coming of the Lord's 2nd coming at the end of time.

This multitude comes from "all nations."

The seal is the way of identification, not between God and them, but between eachother.

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