Pastor Ralph Posted October 7, 2009 Report Posted October 7, 2009 Q2. (1 John 2:28; 3:2-3) In what way does our expectation of Christ's Second Coming motivate us to purify ourselves from sin? How does purifying ourselves from sin relate to God's grace? Quote
Eudora Posted October 20, 2009 Report Posted October 20, 2009 Q2. (1 John 2:28; 3:2-3) In what way does our expectation of Christ's Second Coming motivate us to purify ourselves from sin? Romans 4:15 Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression. Sin, therefore is a violation of the Torah; a transgression against the law. Where there is no law, there is also no violation. Moral behavior is absolute, unless a statute makes a particular act illegal and punishable, there is no violation and the act goes unpunished. The blood that was spilled from Yahushua, which always was and forever will be a symbol a type to come, has now become the blood from His one death that is for all. The wages of sin is death. Yahushua Quote
pickledilly Posted October 24, 2009 Report Posted October 24, 2009 When Christ returns, there will be an evaluation of how well we have cooperated with the Holy Spirit to live in keeping with our repentance (Acts 26:20). The great gift of salvation is not meant to be a stagnant treasure that is tucked away for "safe-keeping" until it's time to face the Father. It is a life-altering change that is meant to be actively at work in transforming the nature of once-dead sinners into vibrant saints whose hearts and deeds mirror the nature of the Savior. He is not compatible with sin and will not accept it in His presence. God has proclaimed us holy, but we cannot perfect or perform it by human effort. He's at work to make us clean, whole, and free from sin's consequences - not just in eternity, but right here in this life. He expects us to embrace the purifying work of His Spirit and be His example to the world of His holiness. The grace of God is the power that accomplishes this purification, but we must take the practical steps to walk the talk in that power. When He reveals filth in our hearts/attitudes/behaviors, we have to agree and apply the Word in our daily lives. Christians should have an increasing repulsion toward sin and an increasing desire for this divine purity. If we ignore/neglect this part of our faith, I think it may be an instant of utter shamed grief to face Christ. He will be returning to receive His beautiful spotless unblemished Bride. If we're really longing for that moment, we will be longing to be ready. Quote
charisbarak Posted October 25, 2009 Report Posted October 25, 2009 We want to be totally ready--clean--for when He returns. God wishes us to repent of our evil-doings & welcomes us back to Himself with open arms when we confess. We have the responsibility of acknowledging that we have sinned, wish to repent and have nothing separating us from Jesus at all times. He just lavishes His love on us when we have that mindset. I don't like being separated from Him for very long. Quote
Brendamay Posted October 25, 2009 Report Posted October 25, 2009 If we want to be ready to return with Jesus, we must to be free from sin, We must Love God with all our heart and minds.We must love Our nieghbours as ourselves. Jesus Loved us so much that he died for us.I am so grateful that he did that for me.I could never ever repay him enough for his Grace and Love. Quote
BJB123 Posted October 26, 2009 Report Posted October 26, 2009 We should be ready when Christ returns. We need to repent daily and ask God for forgiveness. We need to be washed by the precious blood of Jesus. We need to walk in faith and victory each day. We need to be prepared for Jesus return. I thank God for His Grace that carry us through each day. Quote
JPS Posted October 26, 2009 Report Posted October 26, 2009 The Bible as we know and believe is God's Word and teaches us how He expects us to live. He tells us that he will return and we must be ready to go home with Him and be judged. He tells us we must be born again and when we are the Spirit lives in us and testifys to our spirit how we should live and be ready and He provides us grace in order to live what we are called to do b/c we cannot do it on our own..... Quote
JPS Posted October 26, 2009 Report Posted October 26, 2009 We know that there will be a second coming and no one knows when As Christians we need to prepare and be ready for his coming and live as He has called us to live. We may not be Here for the second coming but our second coming could be any second......we could be taken ( die) at any moment and we need to know that if we did die in the next minute we would be at home with the Lord.......SO UNTIL THEN WE NEED TO PREPARE AND SHARE SO OTHERS TOO WILL BE READY....HOLY SPIRIT HELP US!!!!!! Quote
Elwood C O'Dell Posted October 26, 2009 Report Posted October 26, 2009 Q2. (1 John 2:28; 3:2-3) In what way does our expectation of Christ's Second Coming motivate us to purify ourselves from sin? We need to make sure we are ready for His return which could happen at any moment. Making sure we are pure is the only way one will get into heaven when Jesus comes. How does purifying ourselves from sin relate to God's grace? God Quote
s8nfighter Posted October 26, 2009 Report Posted October 26, 2009 Q2. (1 John 2:28; 3:2-3) In what way does our expectation of Christ's Second Coming motivate us to purify ourselves from sin? How does purifying ourselves from sin relate to God's grace? I need to work this session back-wards, because I guess I am a back-wards guy. I grew up not going to church or knowing anything about the Lord or His way. By the time I was 17 I drank almost every day. By the time I was 18 I hated the thought that alcohol was a part of my life, I went to my first AA meeting at the age of 19. My life was like a roller-coaster ride from 17 on with it's good and bad, it's ups and down. Finally on the downhill slide it seemed like I was headed into a bottomless pit. That is when God called me three times. What looked like a pure coincidence,God placed me in another AA group. From there He led me to a bible teaching church. I was still drinking at this point. What happened next is what some would call a miracle. I was attending a communion service, I was hung over, and I was feeling so so guilty. Guilt was going to keep me from taking communion until I reached for the bible in front of me and opened it up. Not knowing a thing about where anything was in the bible I began to read. I read Jesus' words, I am the one who takes away the sins of the world. He didn't say except your's Darrell but all. When the Holy Spirit filled me I no longer felt guilt, or shame, I no longer blamed God for my weakness, but I began to thank Him for His Son and went up and took communion. This is the common thread you will find in Acts about being filled with the Holy Spirit; They all began to praise God. That was the end to my drinking. From that moment on I had no need to drink to cover the guilt. That is Satan's biggest weapon; guilt. I could not purify myself, AA could not purify me, nothing I do makes me pure thereby taking credit for the cross. I give that to Christ and I thank Him for that which I could not do. I learned this saying in AA. (Once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic.) But Jesus taught me this just like the woman who was caught in adultery, Jesus said, "You are healed. Now go and sin no more." You ask why I want to stay pure, my answer to this is the answer to Christ's question, "Who do you think loves me most, the one who's sins are little and frogiven or the one who's sins are great and forgiven?" And theses three remain, faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love. 1 Cor. 13 Darrell Quote
Lion of Grace Posted October 26, 2009 Report Posted October 26, 2009 I think Christ"s second coming motivates us to purify ourselves from sin, because we never know when He's coming! I often think during the day, "If God came right now, would I be ashamed, or would He be pleased at what He saw." Sometimes, I knew I could be doing better and other times I'm content. I desire to be doing good when He comes, because I love Him and desire to please Him. This makes me more aware of what Jesus taught us to do and how to live, so I want to be doing those things when He comes! Purifying ourselves from sin, relates to grace in astounding ways! I remember when I first realized all those "laws" were there to show me what was sin, because at the time, I had really lost all sense of right and wrong. My life was consummed with guilt when I first believed....but I had much to be guilty about! It was God's grace though, that first taught me to fear and then grace relieved those fears and guilt! Is that a song? : ) As I grew in the love and knowledge of Jesus, I experienced very deeply Who Jesus is and what He had done for a wretch like me. I lived that song!!! When one, who has been forgiven by grace the most horrendously lived life of sin, and experiences the love of God who says " Come as you are." and means it.....well, that only turns you to love Him more and as you begin to learn what He desires for you in living.....then you desire that also. I know for myself, when I become aware of areas of sin in my life, I am broken. I am so deeply sorry to hurt one who has been so good to me. In any way we sin, against ourselves or others, we sin against Him who has been nothing short of gracious love and acceptance and we should think of that often. Quote
open2itall Posted October 26, 2009 Report Posted October 26, 2009 In what way does our expectation of Christ's Second Coming motivate us to purify ourselves from sin? How awful it would be to shrink back in shame from Christ How wonderful it would be to run into His loving embrace How does purifying ourselves from sin relate to God's grace? We can slowly but surely purify ourselves because... through God Quote
vsdaddy4441 Posted October 26, 2009 Report Posted October 26, 2009 When I think that Jesus will return to this earth one day, it makes me realize how sinful I really am. He, the Pure One from the Father, lived on this earth and endured all the heartache yet without sin. I cannot even go one day without sin. I know that He will return and I am thankful for His grace that covers all my multitude of sins. His return causes me to want to do better because I know He loves me. I want Him to take me to that mansion He has prepared for me. Won't that be wonderful! Quote
swordwoman Posted October 26, 2009 Report Posted October 26, 2009 Q2. (1 John 2:28; 3:2-3) In what way does our expectation of Christ's Second Coming motivate us to purify ourselves from sin? How does purifying ourselves from sin relate to God's grace? We have this Hope in us...Christ in us, the Hope of Glory...!! me, that's motivation enough...!! God's grace and our love for Him in conjunction with our obedience to His commands (which is how we show Him we love Him)...create the "solution" on our end for purification...however, the Blood of Christ purifies us from all sin...known and unknown. Thank you Jesus...! Quote
hanks Posted October 26, 2009 Report Posted October 26, 2009 Q2. (1 John 2:28; 3:2-3) In what way does our expectation of Christ's Second Coming motivate us to purify ourselves from sin? How does purifying ourselves from sin relate to God's grace? It has long been recognized by Christians that the hope of the imminent return of Christ has a sanctifying influence in the life of the believer. We do not want to be doing anything that we would not want to be doing when Christ returns. We know we have been purified by God Quote
Delivered Posted October 26, 2009 Report Posted October 26, 2009 Q2. (1 John 2:28; 3:2-3) In what way does our expectation of Christ's Second Coming motivate us to purify ourselves from sin? I am motivated because I do believe Christ could come for me, His bride, at any time, my love for Him is another motivator, like any bride who is looking forward to her special day, the day when her bridegroom will present his bride to his father and friends, that motivates me, for I know His Father has great expectations on what kind of bride I am to be. I am making myself ready so my Bridegroom will be proud of me and not be ashamed. How does purifying ourselves from sin relate to God's grace? God Quote
Lionbait Posted October 26, 2009 Report Posted October 26, 2009 Q2. (1 John 2:28; 3:2-3) In what way does our expectation of Christ's Second Coming motivate us to purify ourselves from sin? How does purifying ourselves from sin relate to God's grace? My motivation comes from my salvation, I once was lost in the slave market of sin, no hope no rest, until I found my gracious Saviour Jesus Christ, He forgive me my past, my sin and He give to me hope, a new life. In me dwells the Holy spirit and I am directed away from sin, my purpose is to live a clean life for Jesus. What a day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see, to look upon His face the one who saved me by His Grace. Quote
Jen Posted October 26, 2009 Report Posted October 26, 2009 Q2. (1 John 2:28; 3:2-3) In what way does our expectation of Christ's Second Coming motivate us to purify ourselves from sin? How does purifying ourselves from sin relate to God's grace? From the moment I have known Jesus I have wanted to purify myself from sin and that was all the grace of God by the working of the Holy Spirit. Certainly I want to remain diligent to work all the harder, as we live in expectation of His second coming or our being called home, and to let God point out the hidden things which I don't see, to keep myself from getting slack in obvious sin and to be aware of the Spirit's promptings of things innocent of themselves but which can lead to terrible consequences. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 Quote
Patriciaa Posted October 26, 2009 Report Posted October 26, 2009 Q2. (1 John 2:28; 3:2-3) In what way does our expectation of Christ's Second Coming motivate us to purify ourselves from sin? How does purifying ourselves from sin relate to God's grace? What a joy and gift to be allowed to look forward to Christ's Second Coming. When we look forward to this Coming, we desire to serve and glorify Our Lord. In our weakness, we do sin but we must repent and strive to live more like Christ taught us to live. As children of God, saved by Jesus' salvation, we should be motivated to purify ourselves from sin. God's grace sends the Holy Spirit to live in our hearts and help us in our weakness to purify ourselves from sin and strive daily to glorify our Lord and Savior. Quote
Stan Posted October 26, 2009 Report Posted October 26, 2009 Q2. (1 John 2:28; 3:2-3) In what way does our expectation of Christ's Second Coming motivate us to purify ourselves from sin? How does purifying ourselves from sin relate to God's grace? It motivates us to be doing the work Jesus left for us to do, to love God with all our hearts,mind and Spirit and our neighbor as ourself. If we do these things repent when we fall short then the Father see us through Jesus and then we are pure and holy. We are purified when the Holy Spirit come onto our hearts and leads us in the things of God. God'd Grace saves us and His Holy Spirit makes us pure. Quote
csreeves Posted October 27, 2009 Report Posted October 27, 2009 Q2. (1 John 2:28; 3:2-3) In what way does our expectation of Christ's Second Coming motivate us to purify ourselves from sin? How does purifying ourselves from sin relate to God's grace? It gives me hope for today and hope for all tomorrows. I want to be ready when my Lord comes so I continually help others while repenting and rejoycing that Christ is Lord. Quote
JanMary Posted October 27, 2009 Report Posted October 27, 2009 oops....did something wrong in posting.... answer is below. Quote
JanMary Posted October 27, 2009 Report Posted October 27, 2009 Q2. (1 John 2:28; 3:2-3) In what way does our expectation of Christ's Second Coming motivate us to purify ourselves from sin? I want to be found serving Him, living a holy life free from willful sin or rebellion. To live any other way, even carelessly seems to take lightly the price He paid for me on the cross so that I am forgiven and will spend eternity with Him. Come quickly Lord Jesus, I long to see your beautiful face! How does purifying ourselves from sin relate to God's grace? My part of purifying myself is to take a searching and fearless moral inventory of my day, then to confess my sins and repent of them. Grace is God's part, which is extending to me the forgiveness I don't deserve, but which He freely gives because I am in Christ and am His child. Quote
jmlhopeful Posted October 27, 2009 Report Posted October 27, 2009 Q2. (1 John 2:28; 3:2-3) In what way does our expectation of Christ's Second Coming motivate us to purify ourselves from sin? How does purifying ourselves from sin relate to God's grace? The time of the Second coming is unknown. Quote
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