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1) I personally will teach my children to keep God first in place. And know that He is the creator and had died for our sins to earn our eternal life for us. Thus, i will teach my children how Jesus love and serve others. I would expect my children to learn from examples that are shown in the Bible. I would teach them to live and walk by faith with his words. It is important to follow the 10 commandments as it helps us minimize our sins.

2) I would teach them - faithfulness, obedience, fair, moral issues, friendly, leadership and others.

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How I would use Psalm 51 to instruct my children.

When we have done wrong there is a need to repent. No sin is to great to be forgiven.

I would let them know even though we are forgiven, God doen not always erase the consequences. Try and make the right choices in life.

We not only sin against man, we sin against God.

Ask God to fill our heart with new thoughts and desires. Cleans us from within.

We have to reach out and forgive others.

God want our heart t o be right with Him.

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I would love these psalms to be one of the first my kids would learn and understand, the challenge would be for we the adults to live these in the obedience of these words, we still go back to psalm 1, where we are cautioned about even walking in the way of sinners!!

Relating to God and relating to man are the 2 most important guidelines given to us,

How do we relate to our neighbors, our families, our church community?

Be fair to your neighbor, don

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Do not lie.

Do good always.

Guard your heart. What you put into it is what will come out.

Do not speak falsely or maliciously about someone else.

Do good to your neighbor.

If you hear gossip and cannot dispprove it don't repeat it.

Look at what others do not at what they have.

If you make a vow fullfill it even if it hurts if possible. (Be careful not to make a wrong or foolish vow.)

Be charitable to others and do not take unfair advantage of someone in need.

Do not hurt or prejudice a righteous cause.

Matthew Henry says "Goodness and holiness are not only the way to happiness, they are happiness."

If you do wrong confess it. We have a merciful and forgiving God.

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26

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This would be good to read together and discuss. Talk about living a pure life, doing good things for others, telling the truth, not being greedy. Explain that if we do these things we will be close to God. I've always told my granddaughter that she was beautiful, but more important than that, she's beautiful on the inside because she loves Jesus.

This would teach morals, values, and a sense of honor.

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The Wisdom Psalms are meant to instruct us.How would you use this psalm in your family to instruct your children?What topics of right living does it cover?

first thing that it does teach us is how to walk blameless before the Lord,being righteous and walking always in the truth before the Lord.The second thing we can learn from the Psalm is to not gossip about others or bring slander to our family and friends in the world or in the Church.The third thing we should teach to our children is honor the Lord and to also love and pray for those who want to hurt you or see you down.To love our enemies as ourselves is what Jesus taught to his disciples in the Gospel accounts.Keeping one's word when we are going to do something like an event or other special things.The last but very important thing that we should teach our children is to not have love for money cause it can cause all kinds of evil in our lives and those around us.The right living that we are taught is that we are always to walk before the Lord in an upright and rightoeus living,walking and living the truth of God wherever we go.

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Q2. (Psalm 15) The Wisdom Psalms are meant to instruct us. How would you use this psalm in your family to instruct your children? What topics of right living does it cover?

Psalms 15 instructs us with a wisdom about who will dwell with God. It is very poetic yet complex structure. Yhis reminds me and shows me how to live down to the do's and dont's. Moral Integery, blameless, fairness, clear allegience and I try my best to intigrate all theses in my life, my humaness sometimes shows it ugly head, but I try.

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Q2. (Psalm 15) The Wisdom Psalms are meant to instruct us. How would you use this psalm in your family to instruct your children? What topics of right living does it cover?

We live among evil people whose standards and morals are eroding. Our standards for living should not come from our evil society but fro God. This is how I should also instruct my children on the upright living.

God calls His people to be morally upright, and, in this Psalm, He gives us ten (10) standards.

-Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right, speaking the truth from sincere hearts.

-Those who refuse to gossip or harm their neighbors or speak evil of their friends.

-Those who despise flagrant sinners, and honor the faithful followers of the Lord and keep their promises even when it hurts.

-Those who lend money without charging interest, and who cannot be bribed to lie about the innocent.

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Q2. (Psalm 15) The Wisdom Psalms are meant to instruct us. How would you use this psalm in your family to instruct your children? What topics of right living does it cover

This Psalms instructs me on what it looks like to be a righteous person. It tells me what I am required to do to dwell in God's presence, moral integrity, how treat to others, love those I don't like, keeping my word, and living without greed.

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Prov. 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it. As a rule children will reflect the life and principles manifested in their parents. One of the way that I instruct my children is to tell them to delight thenselves in the Lord, read and meditate on his word day and night, walk upright even those it may be difficult at times. Alway to speak the truth, no matter what, love their neighbors as themself and to do good. One of the best way to instruct my children is to model myself in a way that reflects righteous living.

The topic of right living that the Psalm cover Moral Integrity, Fairness to Neighbors, Clear Allegiance, Keeping one's word and Living without greed.

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Q2. (Psalm 15) The Wisdom Psalms are meant to instruct us. How would you use this psalm in your family to instruct your children? What topics of right living does it cover?

1. First of all I would try to live right in front of my children so that I would be an example of how to live and I would teach them right from wrong even if the world was telling them the opposite. I would also point to Proverbs where there are many lessons we should learn.

2. We should live a good life

Always tell the truth

Don't take part in gossiping

Love your neighbor and treat them right

Keep your word, if you promise to do or not to do something

Cheat someone out of their money

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:DTo instruct my children: That it is our goal to live in the house of our Lord for eternity. To walk beside Jesus not only here on earth but in the hereafter.
Though we are not perfect. We need to strive to be as Christ like as humanly possible. That where ever we are. God is there. So we are always in Gods dwelling place. To aim to do good in all things. We should only speak kind,loving words. Never speak ill of others or therir situation. To Love one another. For we are all members of Gods Holy Family. To say only the truth. To keep your word no matter what. To say only what you truly mean in your heart. Not to let money or anything become more important than God. To share what you have. To be willing to give up all material items. To save your grace and love, respect for our Heavenly Father. In all situatuions try to respond as Jesus would of. What topics of righteous living does it cover? All areas of rightreous living. Forgiveness,grace,fairness,honesty,love one another,truthfulness,trust, greediness,charity,respect,honor,selfworth. The list could go on and on.
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To begin with as A Grandmother and a Parent. I would do my best to be an example to my childr

Hi Tabatha, just wanted to say that I appreciate your response. It was very ineresting and insightful. God Bless Luv4Jesusanu

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To speak truthfully, this Psalm seems more works than grace. I would teach my children with the example of my life, surrendered to Jesus. The many times Jesus has been my saviour. The Spirit transforms my mind, conforming me to Christ Likeness, so much more than not charging interest. Do we really think we can make ourselves perfect before Holy God, he sees his son in me.

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Q2. (Psalm 15) The Wisdom Psalms are meant to instruct us. How would you use this psalm in your family to instruct your children? What topics of right living does it cover?

I will use this psalm to instruct myself first and if I have children someday I would like them to see these things in me.

God wants me to always tell the truth, what is really in my heart and not what I think others would like to hear. It is difficult for me as I often fear what others will think about me.

I also shouldn't gossip and be unkind to my neighbours and other people. I would like to learn to treat the people around me who " fear the Lord " as the psalm says as examples and respect them.

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I would if I had children (or young believers in the Lord) to instruct, would tell them (and myself) that, as believers in the Lord, we need to have a consistent lifestyle in what we believe and what we do in our lives as we try to be consistent in trying to live as God demands from His Word, and as in close intimacy with God as we possible can each day of our lives. The topics of right living covered in this Wisdom Psalm include: living in moral integrity in this very immoral world (by being blameless and righteous and in the truth of God

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  • 2 weeks later...
Q2. (Psalm 15) The Wisdom Psalms are meant to instruct us. How would you use this psalm in your family to instruct your children? What topics of right living does it cover?

Firstly, should teach them the importance of dwelling in the Lord's presence: from this stems all other aspects of ''right living'':

a)living an upright & blameless life & abiding by God's law.

b)love our neighbor as ourselves:respect them & not slander or gossip about them in our home

c)We need to stand up for what is right in the sight of God.

We must not be tolerant of evil or regularly associate with evil people. So, we must check the company we keep.

d) Must learn to keeping our word.Our ''yes must be yes''.

e) Learn to handle money in the right perspective: Surrender it to God & be a cheerful giver: to God(tithes)& to those in need.Learn not to be selfish & greedy.

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Q2. (Psalm 15) The Wisdom Psalms are meant to instruct us. How would you use this psalm in your family to instruct your children? What topics of right living does it cover?

I use this Psalm has a tool in instructing my children how to live before God and how to relate and treat others around them.

Topics include:

Walking blameless or righteous before God

Tell the truth and be sincere and don't lie to others

Don't slander or slur others

Do your neighbor no wrong

Honor those who fear God

Keep promises at any cost

Lend money at no interest

Don't accept brides

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This psalm covers many guidelines for living rightly before man and God. It talks of the lifestyle of a believer and what that means. Living as God commands us and doing all things through Him. The things covered in this psalm are that of what we all strive for and want (or at least should) - being law-abiding, loving your neighbour, standing firm in your allegiance to God, keeping your word, not being controlled by money... This is a strong basis for our Christian walk and we should all be striving for these areas to be strong in our lives - to stand out as examples in this world.

I believe that the strongest way that this psalm can be used to teach our children is by the living example we provide to our children. We can tell our children what it says in God's Word all day and night but if we don't live it then it will only be surface. We need to be loving and kind towards all people, help others in need, stand strong in our faith even when it is hard to do, always keep our word - don't make promises etc that we can't keep. We need to live as if Christ is with us at all times and when we do make mistakes (and we will) to admit them and seek forgiveness. We also need to pray with our children and for our children - for things that are important in their hearts and minds and never put down their worries.

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Q2. (Psalm 15) The Wisdom Psalms are meant to instruct us. How would you use this psalm in your family to instruct your children? What topics of right living does it cover?

The only way to use this Psalm to instruct your children is to live it. To your best ability.... we may fall short

in areas but admit it to your children and apologize to them for being a bad example at those times.

The teachings would include topics as .... Useing speach and tongue for good / not gossiping or hurting people with speach or lies

It would include making prayer and God important in life ... showing a prayer life and attending church and spiritual activities and or

fellowshiping with other christians

Keeping ones word,,, a promis or agreement is to be kept ,,, equaling good neighbor policy and truth between people

It would include how to handle money, lesson's of how not to be greeedy it is ok to have something you earn but not

to have an over abundance and not to make proud display of it. not to hurt or take advantage of people by lending

with lg. interest. lend to help them only asking the amt. lent back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (Psalm 15) The Wisdom Psalms are meant to instruct us. How would you use this psalm in your family to instruct your children? What topics of right living does it cover?

I will use this to teach my child, nephew, and nieces that if they dwell with God they will enter into His kingdom, and to do this they will have to know that they can not lie, steal, talk about people, they should walk upright, do the work of the Lord. A person who is vile will not get into the kingdom of GOD. Let them also know that if they fear GOD he will have honor with them.

The topic of right living it cover is that honesty is the best policy and a liar will burn in eternal fire.

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The topics of right living that are covered include walking blamelessly, doing right, and speaking the truth. As teachings for our children, these are very basic, easy to understand guidelines that can be expanded on with examples for them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This psalms is a great example to bring up our children:-

a) We can teach our children not to lie

B) Not to say bad things about their neighbours(freinds)

c) Not to do thing that are wrong and may upset God and in turn their parents.

d) Above all to let them know that God knows what goes on in their mind and heart and that he can read their thoughts.

It covers:-

One should walk in his footsteps- trying to be clean in his thoughts and in his deeds. To always speak the truth. He should not speak ill about his friends and neighbours nor he should do them any harm.He should hate the evil force but not those who love god. If he has promised someone then he should abide by it. He should use his money kindly and should not take bribe.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Q2. (Psalm 15) The Wisdom Psalms are meant to instruct us. How would you use this psalm in your family to instruct your children? What topics of right living does it cover?

By walking blamlessly and doing whats right and specking the truth in other words treat people how you want to be treated. If you do bad to a person you can't complain if they do it to you.

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